
One piece: Dominion


Kaushik_15 · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

The passing of a Legend

[Decim: master congratulations on defeating Blackbeard and his crew you shall receive

Gabu Gabu no Mi (Glug Glug fruit)

Shima Shima no Mi - This devil fruit grants the user the ability to become anything on an island. A superior version of pica's fruit

Deka Deka no Mi - This devil fruit increases the size of the user's body, making them a giant with immense strength and durability.

Wapu Wapu no Mi - This devil fruit grants the user the ability to warp.

Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Kyubi no Kitsune - This devil fruit allows the user to transform into a nine-tailed fox, giving them enhanced speed, strength, and agility.

Riki Riki no Mi - This devil fruit allows the user to pump their strength.

Shiku Shiku no Mi - This devil fruit grants the user the ability to create and manipulate diseases.

Uma Uma no Mi, Model: Pegasus - This devil fruit allows the user to transform into a pegasus, giving them the power of flight and increased speed and maneuverability.

Yami Yami no Mi - This devil fruit is one of the most powerful in the world, allowing the user to absorb and control darkness itself. It grants them the ability to negate the powers of other devil fruit users and even create black holes.]

John " Nice!"


As they sailed back on the Moby Dick, the atmosphere was heavy with grief and sadness. Whitebeard had given his life to protect his "sons" and all his crew members were mourning the loss of their beloved captain. John, who had been fighting alongside the Whitebeard Pirates, was heartbroken at the sight of his mentor and friend lying lifeless on the deck of the ship.

As the crew gathered around Whitebeard, Ace knelt down beside him and held his hand, tears streaming down his face. Whitebeard opened his eyes and looked at Ace with a soft smile. "Ace... my boy... you're going to be a great pirate," he said weakly.

Ace nodded, his voice choked with emotion. "I'll make you proud, pops," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Whitebeard's eyes then turned to the rest of the crew, and he spoke to them with a voice that was still commanding despite his weakened state. "My sons... my family... I am proud of all of you. You have fought bravely and with honor. I have no regrets. I have lived a full life, and I am content knowing that I am leaving behind a family that I love and am proud of."

The crew listened in silence, their heads bowed in respect and sadness.

Whitebeard then looked at Ace again. "Ace, my boy... I am making you the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates. You have proven yourself worthy of this responsibility."

Ace looked up at him, his eyes wide with surprise. "Pops... are you sure? I don't know if I can-"

Whitebeard cut him off with a wave of his hand. "I am sure. You are strong and brave, and you have the heart of a true pirate. You will lead the crew with honor and justice, just as I have."

Ace nodded, tears still streaming down his face. "I won't let you down, pops. I promise."

Whitebeard closed his eyes again and sighed deeply. "I know you won't, my boy."

The crew then gathered around Ace, offering their support and loyalty to their new captain. John stepped forward and put a hand on Ace's shoulder. "Congratulations, Ace," he said, his voice filled with emotion. "You'll make a great captain."

Ace smiled weakly at him, grateful for the support of his friend. "Thanks, John. I'll do my best."

The rest of the crew then raised their voices in a resounding cheer, their spirits lifted by the sight of their new captain and the knowledge that they were still a family, even in the face of tragedy.

As the Moby Dick sailed away from Marineford, the Whitebeard Pirates vowed to continue their journey and to carry on the legacy of their beloved captain. They knew that the road ahead would be filled with danger and uncertainty, but they were determined to face it together, as a family.

And after the cheers died down Whitebeard closed his eyes peacefully.

They Held a grand funeral for him.


John" guys our bounties just came in"

John - Captain (Bounty: 5 billion berries)

Muichiro - Combatant (Bounty: 3.5 billion berries)

Gabimaru - Ninja (Bounty: 2.5 billion berries)

Grace - Navigator (Bounty:1.25 billion berries)

Edward Elric - Shipwright (Bounty: 2 billion berries)

Alphonse Elric - Combatant (Bounty: 1.9 billion berries)

Erina Nakiri - Cook (Bounty: 1.5 billion berries)

Tsunade - Doctor (Bounty: 1.5 billion berries)

Eustass Kid - Helmsman (Bounty: 2 billion berries)

Killer - Combatant (Bounty: 1.7 billion berries)

Muzan - Musician (Bounty: 1.8 billion berries)

Upon learning their bounties, each member of John's crew has a different reaction.

John, the captain of the crew, simply nods his head, as he expected such high bounties given their notorious reputation.

Muichiro, the combatant, smirks and says, "I knew I was worth more than Gabimaru." He then proceeds to tease Gabimaru about having a lower bounty.

Gabimaru, the ninja, simply shrugs and says, "Bounty or no bounty, I'll still do my job."

Grace, the navigator, is surprised by her bounty but maintains her calm demeanor.

Edward Elric, the shipwright, grins and says, "Looks like I'm worth more than my little brother." Alphonse Elric, the combatant, rolls his eyes but can't help but smile.

Erina Nakiri, the cook, is taken aback by her high bounty and blushes slightly.

Tsunade, the doctor, simply chuckles and says, "I guess my medical skills are worth quite a bit."

Eustass Kid, the helmsman, smirks and says, "I knew I was worth every berry."

Killer, the combatant, nods his head in approval, happy to be recognized for his strength.

Muzan, the musician, simply nods his head and continues playing his instrument, seemingly unphased by the high bounty on his head.


After the crew's celebration, John calls Tsunade to his quarters. Tsunade arrives, wondering what John wants to talk to her about.

"Captain, what can I do for you?" she asks.

"First of all, I want to thank you for your excellent work as our doctor. Your skills have saved us many times. And I have something for you that I think will help you even more," John says.

He pulls out a devil fruit from a nearby chest and presents it to Tsunade.

"This is the Shiku Shiku no Mi. It grants the user the ability to create and manipulate diseases. I thought it would be a useful tool for a doctor like you," John explains.

Tsunade looks at the devil fruit in awe. She has heard of the Shiku Shiku no Mi before but never thought she would ever have the chance to obtain it.

"Captain, this is an incredible gift. Thank you so much," Tsunade says, taking the devil fruit from John.

John smiles. "I have faith in you, Tsunade. I know you will use this power for the good of the crew."

Tsunade nods. "I won't let you down, Captain."

With that, Tsunade leaves John's quarters, eager to start experimenting with her new devil fruit power.


John looks at Erina in surprise as she explains how a random fruit had transformed into the Gura Gura no Mi. He quickly realizes the significance of this and hurries to gather his crew.

As John takes a bite out of the Gura Gura no Mi, the very air around him seems to vibrate and crack. He can feel the power of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit coursing through his veins, filling him with an almost overwhelming surge of energy.

At the same time, he also consumes the Yami Yami no Mi, which imbues him with the power of darkness. The two Devil Fruits merge within him, their energies swirling and merging into something new and terrifying.

The ship lurches beneath his feet as John tests out his new powers, sending shockwaves rippling out in all directions. The crew watches in awe and some trepidation as John unleashes his full might, cracking the very foundations of the nearby islands and sending a small tidal wave surging through the sea.

Muichiro, who has already mastered his own logia powers, watches John with interest. He can sense the raw power that John now wields and knows that they will need to train hard if they hope to control it.

"Looks like you've got your work cut out for you, Captain I knew you were special enough to eat two fruits" he says with a grin.

John nods, a fierce determination in his eyes. He knows that with great power comes great responsibility, and he is determined to master his new abilities and use them for the good of his crew and all those they encounter on their journey.

As the ship sails onward into the unknown, the crew can feel the weight of destiny pressing down upon them. With John at the helm and the full might of the Tremor-Tremor and Darkness Fruits at his command, they are ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead.


John then enter the shop.

John " Decim give me books about modern shipbuilding."

Decim " yes master they will cost you 1000 sp."

Decim" now your balance is 1 million 997 thousand sp."


After coming out of the shop he immediately gives the Book to Edward and Heads to meet up with Ace and Luffy.