
One piece: Dominion


Kaushik_15 · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Dawn island

John immediately ran inside the room Rouge was in in his hands were the pill and the potion he then saw Rouge hugging a baby Ace.

Rouge "John come meet your brother Gol D. Ace."

John" One moment Mom first drink this and eat this pill it will make you feel better."

John then takes Ace from Rouge and hands her the Potion and the Pill

she first takes the Potion and then chews down on the pill.

John instantly saw that her face gained some color from its pale state.

John was happy to see that he could at least help Rouge.

Garp" Now that it is over, let's go to Dawn Island where you can be safe pack your things and we shall set sail in three days."

John walked around the island he had been on for a year, he would surely miss it.

John" In the future, I should find something that can move the whole island."

And after three days they set sail to Dawn Island.


As soon as the group arrived on Dawn Island with baby Ace, they were greeted by a group of curious and friendly villagers. Everyone was delighted to see a new baby, and they all gathered around to coo and admire the little one.

John, who was already a bit of a troublemaker, saw this as an opportunity to have some fun. He picked up Ace and started pretending to juggle him, much to the horror of the villagers. Garp quickly stepped in and scolded John, telling him to be more careful with the baby.

But John wasn't deterred. He decided to put on a show for the villagers, using Ace as a prop. He started doing all sorts of silly tricks, like balancing Ace on his nose and pretending to use him as a puppet.

Rouge, who was always the more level-headed of the group, was getting a bit worried about John's antics. She gently reminded him that Ace was just a baby and needed to be treated with care.

Eventually, Garp managed to persuade John to hand over Ace and let the poor baby rest. The villagers breathed a sigh of relief as Garp cradled Ace in his arms, looking down at him with a proud and loving smile.

As they walked away from the crowd, Rouge turned to John and scolded him for his foolish behavior. But John just shrugged and said, "Hey, I'm just trying to keep things interesting around here." And with a mischievous grin, he darted off into the distance, leaving Rouge to care for the baby. Garp then yells " Just you wait brat I will give you a taste of my fist later."

Garp then dropped of Rouge in a medium sized House. He then went to Dadan's place.

Garp marched up to Dadan's house, his chest puffed out and his chin held high. Dadan raised an eyebrow as she saw the imposing figure of the Marine Vice Admiral standing in front of her.

"What do you want, Garp-san?" Dadan asked, her tone was so low showing that se was afraid.

"I've got a job for you," Garp said, his voice gruff.

Dadan folded her arms across her chest. "I'm not interested in your jobs. I've got enough problems without adding yours to the mix."

Garp then intimidatingly says" Huh! what did you say?"

Dadan" Nothing."

Garp just grinned at her. "This one's easy. All you have to do is take care of Rouge's family."

Dadan's eyes widened in surprise. "What? Why do they need taking care of?"

Garp leaned in conspiratorially. " Just do it don't ask me any questions."

Dadan's eyes narrowed suspiciously. "And why should I believe you?"

"Because I'm Vice Admiral Garp!" he said, pounding his chest. "I'm a man of my word, and I promised Rouge that I'd take care of her family."

Dadan rolled her eyes. "Fine, I'll take care of them. But don't expect me to do it for free."

Garp grinned. "Don't worry, I'll make sure the Marines compensate you by not hunting you that is."

And with that, Garp turned and marched off, leaving Dadan to deal with the unexpected addition to her list of things.


side story:

Once upon a time, Corcus, the village doctor, was in desperate need of a rare bird to make a special medicine. He had heard that Oden, a renowned hunter, was in the village and decided to ask him for help.

Corcus approached Oden and explained the situation to him. Oden, who was always up for a challenge, agreed to help. Corcus told Oden that the bird he needed was called the "Rainbow Parrot" and it was known for its vibrant, colorful feathers that were essential in making the medicine.

Excited to embark on this quest, Oden asked Corcus about the bird's location. Corcus replied that it was in the forest, near a waterfall, but warned Oden that it was a tricky bird to catch. It was quick and agile, and its colorful feathers made it hard to spot in the dense forest.

Undeterred, Oden set out into the forest, determined to catch the Rainbow Parrot. He spent hours walking through the dense forest, scanning the trees for any signs of the bird. As the sun began to set, Oden still had no luck and was feeling discouraged.

Just as he was about to give up, he saw a flash of rainbow-colored feathers out of the corner of his eye. He quickly took aim with his bow and arrow, but the bird was too fast for him. It dodged and weaved through the trees, taunting Oden with its cackling bird call.

Oden chased the bird for what felt like hours, but he couldn't catch it. He was tired, hungry, and covered in mud. Just as he was about to call it quits, the bird landed on a nearby tree branch and began to preen its feathers.

Taking this opportunity, Oden quietly approached the bird, trying not to scare it away. He reached out to grab the bird, but it jumped off the branch and flew away. Oden was left with nothing but a fistful of feathers.

Disappointed, Oden returned to the village empty-handed. Corcus was waiting for him and asked how the hunt went. Oden sheepishly handed him the feathers and explained what happened.

Corcus burst out laughing and said, "Oden, my friend, you were chasing a bird that was playing with you all along. That wasn't the Rainbow Parrot! That was just a regular parrot with painted feathers that I used to play a trick on you!"

Oden's face turned red with embarrassment, but soon he too began to laugh at the absurdity of the situation. From then on, Oden made sure to double-check any information he received from Corcus before going on a hunt.