
One Piece: Devil Fruit? Ninjutsu, Boy.

[Following the boat is not an invincible article]“Navy, this battle is undoubtedly your victory!”“But within five years, I, Lot, will start another war!”“A war that sweeps the world, changes the world, overthrows the world government, a war that kills all the pigs sitting on the red earth continent!!”“Look forward to it! Marines! Look forward to that day! Let’s see! Which is my pain more, or your belief in loyally protecting the Lord!!”At the top of the war, under surveillance phone bugs, in front of the whole world, the vice-captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, wrapped in a golden tail beast suit, and awakening the Samsara Eye, Lott declared war on the world.The Celestial Dragons who were executed in front of the whole world, the purple giants who were far higher than the giant clan, the meteorites that covered the sky and the sun.At this moment, the navy who were still complacent about the death of the legendary whitebeard generation realized that they——Created a more terrifying monster! ! !The World Conference broke out in the Holy Land, Onigashima fought against the Straw Hat Pirates and became the Twin Emperors, and Egghead Island was broadcast live all over the world to encircle and suppress the Five Old Stars. The era of great pirates has gone wild! !….This book is also called: “My Pain Is Above Yours” “Anecdotes about the Vice-Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates and Princesses from Various Countries”Slow heat is not invincible flow

Md_King_9028 · Anime & Comics
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106 Chs

Chapter 24


The other two also chuckled.

But suddenly, Nami suddenly noticed that there was only one bag of treasure on the ship, which was the bag she brought.

And the bag she gave Lot was not on the deck!


Nami quickly walked into the cabin door.

The cabin of the small fishing boat is so small that you can see everything inside


Everywhere she looked was daily necessities and food. Nami, who had made a decision in her heart, lowered her head, making it difficult to see her expression. She turned around and came to Lot in almost as fast as teleporting. She grabbed the latter's hand. Collar asked calmly:"Where is the bag of treasure I gave you?"

"ah? You said that bag of things, I left it in the town."

Rotter said indifferently

"Keep…Stay in that town?"At first, Nami thought she heard wrongly. When she saw Lot nodded again, the anger in her heart finally couldn't be suppressed anymore. Her calm face turned into a fierce look like a female devil in just a blink of an eye. She His face came up close and he stared into Lot's eyes:"That's nearly five million Baileys!! You stayed in that town so easily?!!"

"Yes, I basically visited their town. The damage was very serious. It would definitely cost a lot of money to rebuild. After thinking about it, I left the bag of things there."

Rotte's tone was still very casual, as if what was thrown there was just fifty cents. He looked at Luffy and Zoro:"What do you two think?"

"no problem!"

"I do not mind"

"Take a look."Rotte shrugged and looked back at Nami. Then he noticed that their faces were too close. When he turned back, he felt that his lips almost touched the other's moist and plump lips.

The girl's unique orange fragrance flowed into his nostrils, and it seemed that when he just spoke, he also felt a little moisture on his face.


Lot took a step back without leaving a trace.


Nami also instantly noticed that the posture between the two was a bit ambiguous. She suppressed her shame and let go of Lot's collar. After taking a deep breath, she waited until the emotional fluctuations in her heart calmed down completely before threatening Lot:

"Next time, see if I don't kill you!!"

In fact, after knowing the purpose of Lott leaving the bag of money there, most of her anger was gone.

"Uh-huh!! Guaranteed there won't be a next time!"

Rotte nodded repeatedly. Although Nami couldn't do anything to her no matter how angry she was, girls should be coaxed. It was not his style to make girls angry.

After a moment


The small fishing boat suddenly became quiet. Nami leaned on the hull and looked around.

Luffy's face was covered with a straw hat and he didn't know what he was doing. He might be sleeping or simply lying there, but Zoro had already fallen asleep soundly, with bubbles blowing out of his nostrils.

Lott, on the other hand, was sitting with his legs crossed and his hands in front of his abdomen, not knowing what he was doing.

Taking a closer look, Lot is actually quite handsome. Although we have known each other for a long time, when we meet again, I always feel that he is much more handsome than before, and his temperament has suddenly become more determined than before, which was casual and lazy. I just don't know what it is like. I don't know why my whole body is covered in bandages, I don't know why I suddenly became a pirate, and I don't know what happened to everyone on Green Island.

No, I must talk to Mei Kongzi next time I go to Green Island and ask her to scold this guy Lot! Let's see if we can persuade this guy to come back.

You're so good, why don't you give up the stable life of a fisherman and become a pirate?

Thinking of this, Nami felt a little happy.

She remembered that Lot was very afraid of Sister Mei Kongzi. He would do whatever the latter said, and the two of them got along like real siblings.

Maybe Sister Mei Kongzi can really make this stupid prodigal son come back.


The cry of seagulls came from overhead, and the breeze blew on her face, making Nami feel a little sleepy.

Pushing many thoughts out of her mind, she planned to take a rest first.

Raise 100 million as soon as possible, and then she will be completely liberated and can happily go to Green Island….

With this idea in mind, the girl slowly fell asleep


The next few days were an extremely boring voyage. As the only girl on the ship, the cabin was given to Nami. The remaining three men rested on the deck and would not enter the cabin unless it rained. Hiding inside.

This restrained living space made finding a big boat a top priority.

However, the few people who had been eager to meet other pirate groups so that they could snatch the treasure did not see anyone along the way. Instead, they came across a small island full of trees.

It was Luffy and Nami who landed on the island. When they came back, they didn't bring back anything useful.

It just means that there was a strange uncle up there who ran into some problems, and Luffy helped him solve them.

Leaving the island full of trees, the small fishing boat once again sailed alone on the empty sea.

Fortunately, this time, because of Nami's control, the food on the ship was allocated in portions every day. Under the pressure of the former, even Luffy did not dare to eat secretly at night.

Therefore, everyone did not encounter a food crisis and spent a few days in peace.

Finally, at noon one day, Luffy, who was almost bored to death, lay on the edge of the ship and saw the outline of an island.

"Nami! Is that island the village you mentioned?"

Luffy shouted excitedly


Nami stood up, squinted her eyes for a while, then nodded and affirmed:"That should be it. If we are lucky, we should be able to change to a bigger ship."

After receiving the affirmative answer, Luffy immediately started shouting.

This caused Sauron to wake up from his sleep, and Lot also broke away from the state of cultivation, and released several other clones who were practicing the seals.

The perspective shifts to the island.

On a cliff, a young man, no more than twenty years old, with an unusually long nose and round eyes, was standing with his hands on his hips, head raised and chest raised, facing the sea. bursts of laughter from time to time

"Do you know what the captain is doing?"

Behind him, under the shadow of a big tree, a boy curiously asked another boy

"I must be imagining the joy of sailing on the sea, and I don't know when the captain will actually take the three of us out to sea together."

The boy in question glanced and replied, and then asked the last boy with a pot-covered hair, with a small tuft of hair standing on top of his head, like an onion:

"Am I right? onion"


The boy in question did not answer. He was observing the sea and vaguely saw the outline of a ship.

"Look, is that a ship?"

"seems like it…"

"Wake up the captain! I don't know if they are pirates or just ordinary tourists!"

The three boys hurriedly ran out of the shadow of the big tree and ran towards the man they called the captain.