
One Piece: Desperate

Transmigrated into a familiar world, in a desperate situation. No cheats, no system, not even a guarantee to survival. How will Max deal with all of this while trying to fulfil his ambitions? JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.gg/M9hghrm **Disclaimers**  -All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s).

HolyJoker · Anime & Comics
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149 Chs

Chapter 62: Crush

A/N: Chapters in advance in Patreòn

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(30+ chapters in advance)

DISCORD: https://discord.gg/M9hghrm

Chapter 62: Crush

They looked surprised, and I took advantage of that shock. In an instant I was in front of Enel, he smirked.

"Stupid mortal," he insulted me.

That all changed though once my clawed hand turned dark just before the point of impact and impaled him straight through the chest.


His eyes widened in shock and he looked at me. "H -How?.."

"Dumbass," was all I said before using my other hand to grab his head and rip it off like he was a toy.

Enel's headless body turned to normal and I threw it off like trash. "That was goss," it probably looked like I just swallowed a lemon as I tried to wipe the blood off my hand. "Should have done a decapitation instead."

"Max?" Asked Luffy curiously, seemingly knowing who I am even in my Awakened form. "What are you doing here?"

"I heard that the drinks here were good, so I thought maybe giving it a try would be worth it," my joke flew right over Luffy and he nodded.

I could see it in his eyes that he trusted my explanation. Right… he was dumb, I about forgot that.

"You should try a melon drink, also the coconuts are super hard," Luffy explained the different foods on the island and with hand gestures tried to describe what they looked like.

"Okay?" I nodded along, having no idea what he was talking about. He really was Garp's grandson, it showed in how he explained things.

"Usopp tried to bite into one of them and broke his tooth, then Conis came around. She was super nice…" his explanation went on as he talked about the people and tried to explain the situation. "Then the guards who can shoot these clouds like poof and then baam I beat them to the ground..."

After that, I just zoned him out and agreed with everything he said, listening to him would kill my brain cells. I had no idea who or what he was even talking about. Couldn't it be a little more clear?


As I and Luffy were going down he kept talking to me and somehow the conversion went to how he once tried to count every straw in his hat. How did it go there? I have no idea. But now I was very glad I hadn't decided to join the Strawhats. How do the other members of his crew even handle him? I thought Negan talked a lot of bull, but this guy is on another level. 

On the ground, we saw Nami, Zoro, Robin, and the rest waving at us. 

"Luffy you are okay!" Nami yelled out, glad her captain wasn't dead.

"Boss-man, I missed you!" Negan came out of the forest with a giant bag over his shoulder and tears in his eyes. 

"We were apart for less than ten minutes," I uttered with a fed-up look on my face. Having Luffy drill me on, made my nerves on edge.

"And it felt like an eternity!" he cried out. He had no idea it felt the same when I was with Luffy too. "Do you know how hard I had to control myself to not completely bash these pirates' heads in?"

I nodded, "Yeah I know, I too had to stop myself from bashing in a pirate's head too."

Robin chuckled, "Sorry for the trouble our captain caused you, mister 'Technically Legal' Marine."

"Do I know you?" I asked, hiding that I understood her better than she understood herself. "Though you seem kinda familiar."

"Nico Robin," she introduced herself, her smile… was quite malicious. "And I hate marines like you."

"Oh… okay…" I answered awkwardly. It was a little out of character for her to say something like that. The Robin I knew always held her feelings close to her heart, especially the hatred. "So, wanna go on a date?"

"I would rather die," she replied without missing a beat. 

Nami pouted. "Hump! Do you ask every girl you meet on a date?"

Oh right, we went on a date in Drum Island, kinda forgot about that whole ordeal. "Yeah, it clears my head and improves the relationship with the person. Robin seems to hate me, so I asked her out."

*yawn* Zoro laid down on the ground and went to sleep. Luffy took a piece of grass and poked him on the nose, annoying the swordsman. Negan joined the Strawhat Captain and started annoying Zoro as a team.

"You wanna join my crew?" Luffy asked Negan, and the latter shook his head in refusal and pointed at a bug and then at Zoro's nose. 

But I looked back at the girls and saw the angry visages of Nami and Robin. Apparently asking them both on a date was a bad thing. So to fix the situation, I smiled and sat down. "Okay, let's talk about our problems."

The girl's reactions were weird, and what better way to fix things than by talking them out. Problems don't go away by punching them, also pinching pretty faces like Nami and Robin would be a shame. 


[Nami POV]

Seeing Max's smiling face made my heart jump a beat. He was so dense, he thinks that he knows everything so he never took into account people's feelings.

I could see it, he probably thought of me as some girl who wanted his money. But… that date we had in Drum Kingdom, it was annoying, but when we met again in Jaya… it was so strange. My heart beat faster and a feeling of excitement grew in me. 

What was it that made him attractive? I have no idea. Was it the way he spoke words that made someone feel strange? Or maybe it was the subtle hints he sends through his sentences that showed how much he cared.

Ugh!! I hate it! This feeling, why does it have to be this guy? Who did I feel jealous when he asked out Robin?!

"You are annoying," I blurted out without thinking. Damn, I didn't mean to say that. And by Max's expression he didn't expect that either.

This is so embarrassing, I felt heat rushing towards my cheeks. Before he could see my flushed face, I got up and walked away.

"Hey, Nami! Wait a second~" he called out to me. But I ignored it, my face was still a little red.

From the corner of my eye, I noticed Robin smiling like a vixen while Max chased after me. So that's why she was acting so weird before, she didn't want to make it seem like she wanted Max in any way. This was the same as her giving me a thumbs up.

C'mon Robin! I am not ready yet! What do I even say to him? Should I apologize for being condescending or not calling him with the Transponder Snail?

"Nami, sorry about that," he apologized, following me into the forest. "I didn't take your feelings into account and sometimes I can be very insensitive."

Having him pay so much to date in Drum Kingdom and not try anything during the date showed that he didn't want me just as someone who was after my body. He truly wanted to build a connection. 

"Yeah, it's just…" I stopped, before I said something that could come back to bite me. "Nothing…"

"Oh~ is that so~" he said playfully, the change in his tone wasn't missed by me and I could tell that he realized something. "Well, if you-"


Suddenly the sound of a transponder snail ringing interrupted him from what he was about to say. Max put his hand in his pocket and pulled out the transponder snail that was ringing. "Hello, I am Bear D. Max, who's calling?"

"You superior," an authoritative voice came from the other side. "Rear Admiral Max, you have been summoned to Marineford."

Max's face went from playful to unreadable. "Fleet Admiral Sengoku, what did I do to have the honor of getting a call from you?"
