
Chapter 69 Multiple Fruit Abilities, Golden Lion Shiki's Territory!

Marine, who was defeated in Cocoa West Village, returned to the base with the dead body of the mouse.

The base adjutant was shocked to see his superior being killed by pirates.

He quickly asked what happened.

"You said the one who killed Colonel Mouse was called Sander?"

After listening to Marine's narration, the base adjutant narrowed his eyes and felt that the name was a little familiar.

Suddenly, his face changed and he began to search on the desk.

After a moment, he took out a bounty and asked Marine:

"Is it this person?"

"It's this person. He broke Colonel Mouse's neck in one go."

Marine looked at the photo and said affirmatively.

Then, he glanced at the bounty with a string of zeros below and trembled all over.

2.439 billion Baileys?!!

They had seen such a big pirate before.

"Damn, how could Sander appear in East Blue?"

The adjutant panicked.

This is a vicious pirate who can defeat Marine Admiral!

He quickly picked up the Den Den Mushi and reported to the headquarters.

He did not exaggerate and say how hateful Sander was, but reported the facts to the headquarters.

He really did not dare to tell a lie.

What if Sander knew about his slander?

It was not safe to hide in the branch base.

The headquarters soon received a reply.

They only said that they knew and asked him not to act rashly, and then appointed him as the head of the branch base, promoted him from lieutenant colonel to colonel, and replaced Colonel Mouse.

In this way, he did nothing but his superior died, and he was promoted to the highest leader of the branch.

Ten thousand meters high.

A ship was floating in the air.

"Captain, do you really want Nami to control the ship?"

Robin held the hull and said to Sander.

"This is not a good way to drive it. Although I am not skilled, it will be fine after practice."

Sander sat on the chair, and his body swayed rhythmically with the shaking Thor.


Robin smiled helplessly.

In a blink of an eye, three days had passed since Nami boarded the ship.

During these three days, Nami was finally able to barely start the Thor with the Thunder Fruit ability.

After a while, the ship stabilized, and Nami came to the deck from the cabin.

She looked a little depressed.

"Captain 003, why do we have to fly so high? Isn't it better to float on the sea?"

Nami glanced down and asked with a trembling fear.

"Looking for someone, when you find someone, you can float in the sea or fly in the sky in the future."

Sander said lightly.

He must get the Lion Fruit of Golden Lion.

Although Yixiao's Heavy Fruit can also make large objects float in the air in a weightless state.

But it requires the ability user to constantly use the fruit ability.

Lion Fruit is different.

Objects touched by the Lion Fruit ability user can float in the air permanently without consuming physical strength. Unless the ability user is defeated, unconscious or dead, the ability will be lifted.

"Who would be in such a high place."

Nami was a little puzzled.

"Golden Lion Shiki, the captain of the Sky Pirates, is a great pirate of the same era as Roger, Whitebeard, and Newgate."

Sander answered. "He is a floating man who ate the Lion Fruit, and can make the entire island float in the sky." "The entire island floats in the sky?!!"

Nami widened her eyes, feeling incredible. "Captain, are you looking for Golden Lion to recruit him?" "Such a legendary pirate should not surrender easily, right?"

Robin asked curiously. "Of course not." "I am very interested in his Lion Fruit ability."

Sander said lightly.

Interested in Lion Fruit? Robin thought of the Thunder Fruit that Nami ate. "Captain, what's the matter with the Thunder Fruit that Nami ate?"

Robin asked after hesitating for a while.

Yixiao's ears moved, and his expression became serious.

They wanted to ask before.

But because there were villagers from Kokoa West Village around, they were afraid that Sander's secret would be known to others, so they never asked. "What's going on? Is there anything wrong with the Thunder Fruit I ate?"

Nami was a little puzzled.

"Devil Fruit is a secret treasure of the sea, and the same Devil Fruit will not appear."

"But now, the captain is a Thunder Fruit user, and you, Nami, are also a Thunder Fruit user."

Robin explained to Nami.


"Captain, there will be no problem with the Devil Fruit I ate, right?"

Nami suddenly became a little worried.

"Haha, no problem, you ate the authentic Devil Fruit, there will be no problem, don't worry."

Sander smiled and comforted Nami.

He looked at the three people with a serious face and said:

"I have never eaten Devil Fruit, I just have the Devil Fruit ability."


Sander picked up the cup on the table and said something shocking.

"I have more than one Devil Fruit ability!"

He thought and used the Momo Fruit ability.

The water cup in his hand immediately became 5 times larger in the surprised eyes of everyone.

"The cup has become bigger, so amazing!"

Nami opened her mouth with an incredible look on her face.

"Can gold also become bigger?"

Nami, who didn't know much about Devil Fruit, first thought of making the valuable gold bigger.

This way, one piece of gold can be used as several pieces.

Robin and Yixiao's faces changed completely, and they looked at Sander in shock.

No one can eat a second Devil Fruit and have a second Devil Fruit ability, which is recognized by the sea.

But now, Sander actually showed a second ability!

Making the cup bigger, this is obviously not the ability of Thunder Fruit!

"It's amazing, Captain!"

Yixiao wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and sighed.

Robin was stunned.

She felt that her cognition was challenged.

It's okay for two Demon fruit powers of the same ability to appear at the same time.

How can someone have two Devil Fruit abilities at the same time?!!

And, how strong is the captain who can have multiple fruit abilities?!!

"Don't be so surprised, Robin!"

"The world is big, and there are countless strange things."

"The World government is still researching artificial Devil Fruit.

"Except Logia Devil Fruit, Zoan and Paramecia can also make it."

"I have multiple fruit abilities, it's not something special."

Sander smiled and told the secret of artificial Devil Fruit.

Vegapunk used bloodline factors to make Zoan Devil Fruit.

Momonosuke, who must die, ate what Vegapunk made.

Paramecia needs to use the "green blood" made by the bloodline factors of the ability users to obtain the corresponding abilities.

"Has the World Government been able to do this? Artificial Devil Fruit, it's simply unimaginable."

Robin said in a deep voice.

"My ability has nothing to do with the World Government. It can be regarded as a special ability."

"This time I look for the Golden Lion to get the ability of the Lion Fruit.

There is nothing to hide. Sander is not weak now.

Even if the whole world knows his specialness, what can they do to him?

Wait until he gets the ability of the Lion Fruit.

No one can do anything to him.

His island is not staying in one place and not moving.

Even if Im has the ability to strike at a large range over a long distance, he still can't do anything to him!

"Then we will use the island floating in the air as our base camp."

"Sky Island is too small and has too little land."

Sander continued.

"A kingdom built in the sky? Beyond imagination!"

Robin and Yixiao quickly accepted that Sander could possess multiple fruit abilities.

No matter how incredible it was, it was not bad for them.

The stronger Sander was, the more beneficial it would be for the Thunder God Pirates.

After floating for more than half a month at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

Sander finally found the Golden Lion's island.

"Wow! There really is an island that can float in the air!"

Looking at the huge island floating in the air, Nami exclaimed.

This shocking scene, if you don't see it with your own eyes, you don't understand how incredible it is.

"Finally found it."

Sander breathed a sigh of relief.

If they can't find it again, the supplies on their ship will be exhausted, and they need to go down to find an island to replenish supplies.

Sander immediately took over the driving authority of the Thunder God.

Let the Thunder God move towards the Golden Lion's island at a very fast speed.

"Is this the Golden Lion's island?" Robin said as he sat on the side of the ship.

The Thor floated over the Golden Lion's island.

There was an endless forest under his feet, and there was even a sea not far away.

After descending a little, Sander and the others could clearly see that huge creatures were fighting in the forest.

There were also countless animal bones nearby.

"What's wrong with these animals?"

"Not only are they huge in size and have strange abilities, but they are also fierce and brutal. When they meet, they fight to the death without mercy!"

Robin murmured as he watched the creatures fighting in the forest.

"This island is very strange. There is a plant called 'IQ' growing on it. Animals that eat it will become ferocious and will evolve different special abilities according to the environment, such as fire-breathing and electric discharge."

Sander explained.

"IQ? There is actually such a plant in the world. It's amazing." Robin said in surprise.

Even though she was very knowledgeable, she had never heard of such a plant.

Nami also looked at the animals fighting below with a look of novelty.

Born in East Blue, she was curious about everything even though she had not sailed far.

" Golden Lion has been hiding here for years to study 'IQ'. He plans to create more brutal and powerful animals with special abilities after the research is completed.'

"Then release these animals into the sea to destroy the world."

"To achieve the purpose of revenge on the World government and Marine."

Sander continued.

"Destroy the world?"

Robin was horrified.

She also saw the fighting power of the animals below.

No ordinary island village could resist one.

If a large number of evolved animals were released on various islands, the residents on the islands would suffer a devastating blow.

"Another ambitious person who wants to destroy the world."

Yixiao clenched his bamboo sword after hearing this.

He hated to see civilians being harmed the most.

And everything Golden Lion wanted to do would cause the death of a large number of civilians.

"There are still people living here?"

Suddenly, Robin discovered the existence of the village below.

"Will they not be attacked by these beasts?"

"There is a kind of tree on this island that can emit a smell that makes beasts unwilling to approach."

"Look, there is a circle of trees planted around the village. "

Sander pointed down and said.

"It's amazing."

Nami said.

"But the smell of this tree is poisonous. Once people smell it too much, they will get sick, and green Madara will grow on their bodies, and the parts where Madara grow will become stiff.

"Until the whole body is covered with Madara spots, they will die."

"And to cure this disease, IQ is required."

Sander continued.

The civilians living on the island are not ordinary humans.

They have wings on their arms and can fly.

In this respect, they are more like Sky Islanders than Sky Islanders.

The wings behind the Sky Islanders are for decoration and have no function at all.

"Golden Lion should control all IQs if he wants to study IQs?"

Robin asked.

"Of course, the IQs on the island are collected by Golden Lion for research.'

"Only a small part is not under his control."

Sander said lightly.

Nami said: "Doesn't that mean that many residents on the island will die without treatment?"

"Of course, compared with his ambition, Golden Lion doesn't care about the lives of these people."

"It's as cruel as a dragon. "

Nami thought of Arlong, who brutally ruled their village.

She immediately sympathized with the civilians under her feet.

These people, like the villagers of Cocoa West Village, lived under oppression.

And just as Nades and others were browsing the island.

The monitoring Den Den Mushi placed by Golden Lion on the island discovered them.

"How come there is a ship flying on the island?"

In the monitoring room, one of Golden Lion's subordinates screamed.

"The ship is flying? Could it be Boss Shiki?"

"Impossible, the pirate flag on this ship is not from the Flying Pirates at all. '

"Go and report to Boss Shiki!"

Soon, Golden Lion learned that a flying ship had arrived in his territory.

He looked at the pirate flag flying on the Thor, and his eyes fixed.

"What an interesting guy is here!"


Golden Lion, who had been hiding for more than ten years, was not completely ignorant of what was happening on the sea. .