
Chapter 70 The Legendary Pirate Vs Shiki!


Golden Lion had a ship's rudder on his head, his golden hair hanging down to the ground, and two swords under his feet, Sakura Ten and Muku, jingled on the floor.

"How did this guy find this place?"


"Haha~ Hahahaha..."

Golden Lion took the cigar out of his mouth and exhaled a puff of smoke.

"Puff puff puff..." A sound of footsteps like farting came.

Golden Lion turned his head and looked at the person who made the footsteps, and said very dissatisfiedly:

"Dr. Indigo, can't you find a way to solve your footsteps?"

Indigo didn't say anything.

He made a few movements to Shiki like a mime actor.

Golden Lion Shiki looked at Indigo for a long time but didn't understand what Indigo wanted to say.

"Hey, what do you want to say?"

"This person may be here to steal IQ. "Indigo said.

Golden Lion's eyes popped out: "So you can talk!"

A gorilla in a pink coat on the side saw this scene and clapped his hands happily.

Golden Lion turned to look at the gorilla: "Huh? Old, old lady?"

"He looks like a gorilla no matter how you look at him!" Indigo slapped Shiki on the forehead and shouted.

The three of them played weird for a while.

Shiki then said seriously: "How does he know IQ?"

" Sander doesn't know IQ, but once he knows that IQ exists, he will definitely compete with us for it.

Indigo said.


Shiki was a little puzzled.

"He escaped from Impel down just like you."

"The difference is that you attacked Naval Headquarters, but he was caught by Marine and taken to Impel down without doing anything."

"He is more determined to take revenge on World Government than us!"

"Once IQ's research yields further results, it will surely yield a large number of ferocious and powerful animals. Sander will definitely not let go of this power."

Indigo said in a deep voice.

No one knows the value of IQ better than him.


Shiki laughed after hearing this.

"Then can't we work together?"

" Sander can beat Marine, the kid who plays with ice, so he is also very powerful.

"With his help, it will be easier to overthrow the World Government.

He once invited Whitebeard to overthrow the world with him.

It's a pity that he was rejected.

Although he didn't think Sander was as powerful as Whitebeard.

But Golden Lion still recognized his status as the top powerhouse in the sea.

The most important thing is that he is still young.

He has great potential.

Indigo didn't say anything after hearing this, pointed to the sky, put his hands together, tilted his head and put them on the side of his cheek.

"You said I was daydreaming?"

Shiki said.

"Huh? You actually understood it?!!"

"A powerhouse under 20 years old, do you think he will submit to you, an old thing who hasn't shown up for more than ten years?"

Indigo said.


"That's right, because there are not many people who still remember me on the sea.

Shiki laughed nonchalantly.

"Anyway, we have to go and see what this guy wants to do. "

After saying that, Golden Lion stepped on Sakura Shimuku and walked out of his palace, then floated to where the Thor was.

Indigo and the gorilla watched quietly in front of the monitoring screen.

On the Thor.

Sander, who was explaining the basic situation of the island to Nami Robin and others, suddenly turned his head and looked in one direction.

"Here it comes."

He stood on the side of the ship and looked in one direction.

"Nami, the Thor is in your hands."

"Yixiao, protect them."

"Understood, Captain!"

Nami immediately took over the control of the Thor.

Yixiao also stood up with a bamboo sword.

"Captain, how do you plan to get the power of the Golden Lion Lion Fruit?"

Robin was a little curious.

Sander can get the power of the Thunder Fruit without eating the Devil Fruit.

Then, getting the power of Lion Fruit definitely didn't come from eating Devil Fruit.

So how did he get it?

Not only Robin was curious, Nami and Yixiao were also curious.

Maybe this time, they would get to know a little bit of the captain's secrets.

"Of course, fight!"

Sander said with a smile.

He clenched his fists, his eyes excited.

This time, he would fight a protracted battle with Golden Lion Shiki.

When he gets the power of Lion Fruit, he would stop.

I hope Golden Lion is not completely old and can fight with him for a while longer.

Not only the power of Lion Fruit.

Sander also wants the swordsmanship of Golden Lion's great swordsman.

[Derivation of Golden Lion Shiki's great swordsmanship, the time of promotion is 364 days and 23 hours. ]

[Derivation of Golden Lion Lion Fruit ability, 5 years of time. ]

On the derivation panel, the derivation of fruit ability has been replaced by Lion Fruit.

The derivation of swordsmanship has also changed from Yixiao's to Shiki's.

After this battle, he can not only get the power of Lion Fruit, but also become a great swordsman!


Robin was confused.

At this moment, a yellow figure appeared in the distant sky.

"Is this Golden Lion? The legendary pirate who is on par with Roger the Pirate King?"

"Can Sander defeat him?"

Nami looked at Golden Lion with her mouth open, her eyes full of worry.

"Don't worry Nami." Robin smiled and rubbed Nami's head, "Sander is also one of the top powers in the sea, and he has more than one ability of Thunder Fruit."

Robin looked at Sander's back with confidence.

This mysterious captain has not said how many fruit abilities he has so far.

"By the way, this battle may take a long time. You can also walk around the island when you are free. Don't worry about me."

Thinking that this battle may last for several days and nights, Sander reminded.

As soon as the voice fell, Golden Lion came in front of them.


"Sander, how did you find this place?"

Golden Lion glanced at the Thor, then looked at Sander and smiled.

"Coincidence. "

Sander replied with a smile.

"It seems that you, who have been hiding for more than ten years, have not forgotten to pay attention to the things on the sea. You actually know me!"

"Golden Lion!"

Sander thought Golden Lion was indifferent to worldly affairs and was only thinking about studying IQ to destroy the world.


"The guy who escaped from Impel down like me."

"How could I not know him?"

"I just didn't expect that someone would still remember me."

Shiki laughed.

"So Sander, are you interested in subverting the World government with me?"

"As long as you and I join forces, those so-called sea emperors on the sea are not worth mentioning."

"The whole world will be ours!"

Golden Lion Shiki invited Sander.

"Do you want to be my subordinate? Golden Lion!"

Sander said with a smile.

The smile on Golden Lion's face faded, staring at Sander and said:

"Coward, Roger is not qualified to say such things."

"Don't think that you can be above me just because you defeated Marine, the kid who plays with ice.

"We are not old yet!"

"Really? But, an old and toothless lion is not qualified to be my boss!"

Sander sneered without hesitation.

To be honest, he looked down on Golden Lion.

Hiding in the dark and sneaking around, he wasted a Lion Fruit with the same strength as that BUG.

He used to be on par with Roger, but now he is hiding in the dark like a clown.

It's no different from Crocodile and Gekko Moria.

It's just that he is stronger than these two.


Hearing Sander's words, Golden Lion knew that today would not end peacefully.

He glared at him.

"It seems that you are here to challenge me!"

"Just relying on the partners you recruited?"

"A blind man and a little kid!"

"Don't joke!"

"Pirates are not a game of playing house!"

As soon as the voice fell, an invisible momentum burst out from Golden Lion's body.

Conqueror's Haki!

How could a legendary pirate who could compete with Pirate King Roger and stand shoulder to shoulder with Whitebeard not have Conqueror's Haki?

The violent momentum pressed towards the Thor.

It enveloped everyone on the Thor.

Robin and Nami were pale, standing on the deck and swaying.

This was when Golden Lion did not deliberately target them.

Sander frowned when he noticed the discomfort of Robin and Nami.

"Shiki, attacking a newcomer, is this the spirit of your legendary pirate?"

As he spoke, the Conqueror's in his body rose up and began to fight against Shiki's Conqueror's.


"I just want to test the quality of your partner!"

"It seems that you have recruited a good partner!"

Golden Lion took a look at the calm smile and laughed.

Then he put away the Conqueror's Haki that enveloped the others.

Focus on fighting Sander.

Nami and Robin breathed a sigh of relief.

Just now they seemed to be at the bottom of the sea, unable to breathe, and their entire backs were soaked with sweat.

It was so scary!!

As expected of the legendary pirates!

Two invisible auras collided in mid-air.

The air waves surged, and the white clouds were blown away.

The terrifying power seemed to tear the space apart.

The mast on the Thor cracked with a click.

"Is this the strength of the captain and the Golden Lion?"

"Just the aura is so terrifying!"

Robin protected Nami behind her, wide-eyed and said.

She knew Conqueror's Haki.

But this kind of aura that can affect reality is the first time she has seen it.

"What a terrifying aura!"

He smiled and looked at Sander and the others with his knife, his clothes fluttering in the air waves.


"Sander kid, your Conqueror's Haki is not bad!"

Golden Lion said with a strange smile.

"You're not bad, Golden Lion!"

Sander crossed his arms and looked at Golden Lion in the air. ..... "I've changed my mind.

Let's work together and be equals!"

Golden Lion's eyes became more cautious and he invited Sander again.

Such a spirit.

It's enough to be equal to him! "I'm not interested in being equal to you!" "There's no ship in the new era that can carry an old guy like you!" "Swish!"

Armament Haki wrapped around his arms, Sander jumped up, and came to Golden Lion in a flash.

He punched without hesitation! Golden Lion raised the knife on his leg to block. "Dang!"

The crisp sound of metal colliding sounded.

The terrifying force directly made Golden Lion retreat more than ten meters. "Asshole!"

Golden Lion was completely angry. "Let me see what qualifications you have to say such big words! ! " "Old things should stay in coffins!"

Sander didn't give him any face.

He rushed directly to Golden Lion on Moonwalk. "It's time to fight!"

" Nami, drive the Thor farther away, we'll watch from a distance!"

Robin said on the Thor.

Nami nodded quickly and let the Thor drift away.

The golden-haired Golden Lion was too powerful, and her aura alone made her tremble.

She wished she could get farther away.

Seeing the Thor moving away.

Sander no longer had any scruples.

"Come on Golden Lion, let me see why you can be on par with Roger Whitebeard!"

Sander yelled.


"I'll let you know what a real pirate is!"

"Slash Wave!"

Golden Lion floated in the air, tied up Qianmu Ku's feet and kicked out two huge flying slashes.

The flying slashes attacked Sander in a cross shape.

"Good timing!"

Sander's eyes were excited.

The fist wrapped with Armament Haki slammed into Slash Wave.


Two slash waves were like tangible giant swords, smashed by Sander's fist!

"Golden Lion, is this all you have?"

"You disappoint me!"

Sander taunted, and turned into lightning.

Lightning flash!

The next second, Sander appeared above Golden Lion.

"Two hundred million volts, thunder fist!"

The fist condensed with lightning hammered Golden Lion without hesitation.

The violent power was shocking.

Golden Lion reacted quickly.

Sakura Shimuku wrapped around Armament Haki, raised her leg and collided with Sander's fist.


After a short collision.

Golden Lion was knocked to the ground.

"Is this the captain's strength?"

Nami looked at Sander in shock.

"Will I be this strong in the future?"

Looking at Sander's thunder fist, Nami looked forward to it.

Until now.

Her Thunder Fruit can only use 10 million volts.

And Sander raised his hand to use 200 million volts.

This is a powerful force that is currently out of her reach.

"Sander's Thunder Fist is not just the power of lightning!"

"There are also powerful physical skills and Ultimate Armament Haki."

"Nami, if you want to reach this level, you still need to practice hard."

Yixiao, who was paying attention to the battlefield, explained after hearing this.

Two hundred million volts of lightning is enough to make a name for yourself on the sea.

But Sander's Thunder Fist.

It is already a power that many strong men can only look at but cannot reach.

"I will practice hard!"

Nami nodded and said.

She has experienced the despair and helplessness of having no power.

Now that she has the opportunity, she must study hard.

"Don't work too hard."

"Leave the battle to me and the captain."

"You are a navigator, it is enough to protect yourself in front of the cadres of other pirate groups."

Yixiao's face is full of kindness.

Facing the kind-hearted Nami who is only in her teens.

He is always so tolerant.

In the Thunder God Pirates, he is like an elder.

On the battlefield.

Like the Golden Lion falling below, it stops.

Sander also landed on the ground.

The Thunder Fruit can make him float for a short time.

But if he wants to fight with the Lion Fruit in the air, this flying ability is a bit stretched.

He can fight more happily on the ground!


" Sander, I admit your strength!"

"But you are still far from defeating me!"

Golden Lion looked at Sander on the ground and laughed.

A thunder fist could not cause much injury to Golden Lion.

At this time, Golden Lion's fighting spirit rose.

He hasn't had a real battle for more than ten years.

The sea almost forgot him completely!

Sander looked at Golden Lion with a fighting spirit.

He could easily withstand his thunder fist.

He is indeed worthy of being able to compete with Roger!

This reminded him of a joke in his previous life.

'In the movie version, Pirate King Roger has to eat a big slap from King Luffy!

At this time, Golden Lion waved his hands and the ability of Lion Fruit was exerted.

"Lion Majesty: Earth Coiling!".