
one piece : DEATH

the rocks era pirate fan come here

Juman_Patra_1884 · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

the spear

Bang bang

Boom booM


It's been 3 years

He has been here in the island and scout half of the island

He has meet the king of the island a furious tiger several times but cannot kill it so he retreat

He has become strong in this year's and today he was going to fight to death with the tiger bastard

He came to fight

And was not the opponent of the tiger and was lucky enough to awaken overlord haki and stun the tiger and survive

And killed the tiger ruthlessly

He has many scars in his body

He has grown strong again

Scars are the love of men's after all

Have many scars but

The wolf bite scar on the left shoulder and the scar on the right face from the eye to the jaw


He didn't lost the eye but gote a scar

It was from a black leopard with green eyes scary and fast

But he was killed at last no animals are as scary as a psychopath human

Isn't it

Hehehe hehehe

Laughing crazy, murderer arua, killing intent flow out from him haha

He passout again his 8 years body can't hold on any longer

Whhhhh whhh

After a day ARAGON wake up

Observe the surrounding and sigh

He look at the tiger who almost killed him


He is not going to eat it after all this guy make him know what death is it's a kind of enemy or friend don't know

He has almost fought 2 years with him

The tiger won't let him go to the next half of the island

Now he can tour the whole island

It's was a large size island

He was the owner of the island after all he the strongest no in this no man land

He search the whole island for information or any treasure didn't find any thing

He was now going to the shore of the island

A saw a broken ship full of bones yes it's the ship at first we saw

He ran in front of the ship

After carefull observed there was no life here

In went into the ship broken parts and search suddenly he found a chest

A big treasure chest and a spear by side of the chest

He was interested in the spear somehow like it's calling him

His grab the spear


Black shadow like thing starting to came out of it

No not a thing it's like air

It's a demonic spear

ARAGON was pale his face gloomy

As if he has seen a ghost

But he knew he found a treasure


He laugh crazy like a demon

And roar

A mere spear dare to grabe me

And subconsciously release his conqueror haki buzzzzzzz


And the spear has also gone crazy at this time


A more intemedated shadow came out like demon from hell has been release

Yes it's the demon in the spear

A demonic spear

He gaspp

Haaa haaaa

And thought crazy how to submit it other wise he wil die

His body was like a skeleton now every ounce of the energy was sucked in by the spear

He thinks crazy and his murderer arua and the killing intent came out again

He didn't control it full release it

The environment dyes red and black

His face was pale again

In the face of death he combine his murderer arua and killing intent

Suddenly the whole environment was shaken the black demon like shadow of the spear slowly subdue visible to naked eye

His entire body energy was returned which was sucked

A bloody smile appear in his face with the scar it was like a demon from the hell has desend