
One piece Death Vice Captain

Synopsis: In an accident, Tatsuki crosses over to the world of the King of Thieves and obtains the Death God system. He must help Luffy realize his last dream before he can return to the real world again...    The main plot, there will be a lot of new adventures.    Already have nearly a million words old book "Pirates of the gods Naruto system" can solve the book drought.    The company's main goal is to provide a comprehensive .

Yamada_Kun_8760 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 5: Alvida and the barrel

  East Blue Sea, a pirate ship in an island port.

  A freckle-faced, old and fat woman carrying a wolf tooth stick was patrolling the deck, and all the crew members were silent when they saw her.

  She is [iron rod] Alvida, the captain of this pirate ship, with a bounty of 5 million Bailey.

  In the eyes of the crew, this old woman apparently reached menopause, grumpy and temperamental, one word wolf tooth stick directly smashed over, really enough for people to drink a pot. So the crew is afraid of her.

  He looked at a somewhat dirty deck, then touched the edge of the boat railing, touching a handful of dust.

  Then, her fierce eyes could not help but glance at the boatman in charge of hygiene on.

  The boatman was creeped out by such a look from him: "Yes... Sorry! Miss alvida! I... We've already cleaned it very carefully, and we'll clean it again right away, please... Please give us a chance!"

  Alvida didn't even listen to all the nonsense he was saying, and raised the wolfsbane and smashed it directly at her face.

  "Please don't do that, I'll die... Ugh!"

  A short, slightly fat teenager with round glasses next to her saw the scene and was in a cold sweat of fear.

  "Kobi, who is the most beautiful person in the Blue sea?" Arrieta asked coldly, carrying a wolf tooth stick.

  Kebbi scratched his head, cold sweat: "When... Of course it's you, Miss Arrieta..."

  "So, this lady hates dirty things, how can I allow a dirty ship when I have such a good look? Don't you guys think so?" Then, his ugly and cold gaze looked at Kobii, "If you did not have a relatively rich knowledge of the sea, I could not have kept you alive until now!"

  Kobi fell to his knees at once: "Yes... Yes, thanks to Miss Alvida for not killing me!"

  "And other than that, you are useless! Clean my shoes now!"

  She kicked Kobi hard and held her foot out in front of him. Kebi only had to obediently comply.

  "Also, you must clean this place spotlessly, otherwise, this iron bar in my lady's hand will not agree!"

  "Yes... Yes!"


  Perhaps they were all frightened by Alvida, immediately put into the sweeping, afraid of negligence, who did not notice that an inconspicuous small boat is coming this way.

  "Huh? There is actually a pirate ship here." Tatsuki stroked his chin and pondered for a moment, "Go over and take a look, you shouldn't encounter any powerful characters here, anyway, it's a pirate, so maybe you can even grab something."

  Tatsuki thought and slowly approached it...

  Pirate ship.

  In the cabin, Kobii did not know from finding a wooden barrel, the barrel is heavy, do not know what is contained inside. He frowned tightly, do not know what to do with, thinking for a moment, he thought this should talk to Alvida, so push it towards the deck ...

  Apparently Alvida's menopause has reached an advanced stage, when the pirates have not yet finished cleaning up, he held up the wolf tooth stick suddenly appeared on deck again: "I ask you, who is the most beautiful person in the East Blue sea?"

  Its once again sudden ugly mouth took the crowd by surprise: "Arrieta, of course it's Miss Alvida!"

  Alvida still did not seem satisfied with the words, lifting the collar of one of the people, a fierce face asked: "Yes, but look at your face seems a little reluctant look, what? Do you want to disobey me?"

  This pirate's forehead was covered with cold sweat: "No... No such thing!"

  "Miss Alvida is the most beautiful and ladylike in the East Blue sea!"

  "Haha, obviously an ugly old woman can actually scare you all into this!"

  Just when the crowd was still vying to patronize the captain and praise her beauty, a discordant voice came out.


  "Holy shit, don't want to die, right? Who actually dares to say that about the captain?"

  The crowd looked left and right, and there was a young man with a sword standing next to the mast.

  This man was none other than Tatsuki.

  "Holy shit, who is this?"

  "I haven't even seen him before."

  "Idiot, he's not even one of us, how did he get up here?"

  "Arrest him!"

  As the crowd looked at Tatsuki and talked about it, almost no one noticed that at this time Arrieta's face went from white to red, from red to purple.

  "Ugly? Old woman? Who are you talking to?" Arrieta's face was gloomy and creepy, staring at Tatsuki with a deadly stare.

  Seeing this appearance of Alvida, all the crew members were silent, not even daring to breathe a breath.

  At this time, Tatsuki is not this ship's people, or how Tatsuki sneak on this ship, these are no longer important.

  Alvida hates to be called ugly and old (like Bucky hates to be called red-nosed), and if someone mentions these two words in front of her, the only way to end up dead or worse than dead.


Are there any other women here besides you? Ugly is ugly, be brave enough to admit it. Oh yes, in addition to the two points of old and ugly, you are also very fat, if you want to lose weight, I can teach you." Tatsuki as if he did not even know his situation at this time, not only with a smile on his face, but also with a strong teasing in his tone.

  "I will chop you into meat paste! Throw you into the sea and feed you to the fish!"

  Alvida is already angry can't use words to describe, she hysterically roared running over to kill.

  Tatsuki still smiled unchanged, to its move had expected, raised his sword to meet.

  At this time, Kobi happened to push the barrel over, wanting to ask the captain what should be done with it, but, a careless, the barrel at once off, rolled towards this side.

  At this time, Alvida is crazy impact to Tatsuki, the barrel came over, and immediately dropped her dog.

  Kobi saw the situation, scared body sweat hair up: "Yes... Sorry, Miss Alvida I really did not... I really didn't mean to... Please forgive me!"

  Just said by Tatsuki like that, and tossed down by Kobi like this, its current mood is indescribable, his eyes have been like a she-wolf who has been hungry for three days and nights to get up from the deck.

  Suddenly, "touch" a loud, the barrel suddenly like a magic trick collapsed, a teenager with a straw hat with both fists raised in the second high drink: "wah ha ha, actually saved, I thought I was going to die in the sea it!

  The figure that suddenly emerged from the barrel not only startled the crowd, but also made Alvida fall down again.

  "Wh... What the hell?!"

  "Is it a human or a ghost?"

  The pirates have been completely concerned about Alvida who have been Fallen three times, all eyes focused on the Straw Hat boy.

  Straw hat boy picking his nostrils: "Who are you guys?"

  The crowd's head became big, teeth became sharp, said in unison: "This should we ask you right!"

  Such an entrance did come as a bit of a surprise.

  Tatsuki was startled at first, and then the corners of his mouth curved a little obscure arc: Monkey D. Luffy, I did not expect to meet you here.