
One piece Death Vice Captain

Synopsis: In an accident, Tatsuki crosses over to the world of the King of Thieves and obtains the Death God system. He must help Luffy realize his last dream before he can return to the real world again...    The main plot, there will be a lot of new adventures.    Already have nearly a million words old book "Pirates of the gods Naruto system" can solve the book drought.    The company's main goal is to provide a comprehensive .

Yamada_Kun_8760 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 3 Devil Man?

  Tatsuki's body was in a bit of a mess, and the blood on the shallow fight hadn't completely dried up. Just as he found a small boat to prepare to leave the island, the naval squad from the town of Shields had also arrived.

  A naval ensign with an eight-character beard led 20 to 30 naval men to surround him.

  "Who are you? What are you doing here?" A midshipman questioned Tatsuki.

  What should Tatsuki say?

  That I just crossed over yesterday?

  I am a resident of this place, the pirates are all dead already, I went somewhere else to escape?

  The blood stains on the shallow fight that had not dried were already too much for him to defend.

  "You murderous devil! Be good and put down your weapon, you are under arrest!" The eight-letter bearded lieutenant said with a "righteous" face.

  Tatsuki: "I have the blood of pirates on this knife."

  "Who's going to believe your bullshit, cut the crap! Come with us!"

  As soon as the ensign's words fell, the naval men all lifted their muskets and loaded their bullets.

  At that, Tatsuki, who was still a bit apprehensive, laughed: "You guys are indiscriminate, in that case, there's no need to be polite with you!"

  Anyway, sooner or later is to be a pirate, with this group of naval nonsense is also more talk is useless.

  Shoot the man first, capture the thief first. Without any further ado, Tatsuki carried his sword straight towards the eight-letter beard and rushed over.

  The navy with muskets at this time does not deny, not dare to shoot, because at this time Tatsuki is very close to the lieutenant, their marksmanship and not so accurate, shooting will certainly be accidental.

  Asahi's sword blade fell head-on, the lieutenant also pulled out the sword blade at his waist to block, "Brothers, this guy must be the pirate who slaughtered the villagers! Follow me and catch him!"

  When the soldiers heard the words, they put away their muskets and came around with their swords at their waists.

  The current situation can only be a quick battle, Tatsuki's right hand shallow fight has not moved, the left hand fingertips gathered a faint halo:.

  "One of the broken path - punch!"

  White light appeared, as if a sharp spear pierced into the chest of the lieutenant, this blow directly pierced the lungs of the lieutenant, the lieutenant felt incomparably difficult to breathe, only the incoming air without the outgoing air, and died.

  Seeing the officer killed in action, all the soldiers were stunned.

  Tatsuki did not want to give them half a chance, handed up his sword and cut down several more navy.

  System prompt: "Kill the enemy, experience value +4, congratulate your death level up to Lv.2, experience value: 3/20."

  Kill these few navy, just reached the bottleneck of upgrading, Tatsuki ushered in the first upgrade in life.

  And the navy side, there were not many people, the death of the head of the small captain. The people are naturally disorganized, and the East China Sea Navy is not as tough as the headquarters and G branch of the Navy, see this kid so powerful, the remaining dozen people do not dare to go forward to fight.

  We are just getting a salary to feed our wives and children, why bother to fight for someone you don't know?

  The Navy, these people are just civilians in uniform, and Tatsuki is not a poor pursuit of people, see the remaining people of the Battle 5 level, and did not kill them again.

  Tatsuki put away the shallow fight and headed for the pier...

  In this vast sea on top of a small wooden boat forward, the current Tatsuki can be said to be confused. And even a chart in his hand, but even if there is, he may not be able to accurately find the location - he is also a road-geek, although not as serious as Lolo Noah Solon, but sometimes look at the sun can still distinguish between east and west, north and south.

  According to their main task, the first order of business is to find Luffy the two missing.

 monkey D. Luffy, this person's character extremely of which two, the heart has no city, silly nonsense, IQ is often not online. To assist how a master to become the king of the pirates, Tatsuki felt full of black lines.

  However, people in the original is, after all, the aura of the protagonist, become the king of pirates or the probable event. What's more, Tatsuki also very much want to live to the end, to see for themselves what the treasure left by Roger in the end.

  Because do not recognize the road, he can only go forward by feeling, after all, the East Blue Sea is not as dangerous as the New World, where it is easy to meet a pirate is a bounty of more than 100 million. Compared with the New World, the East China Sea can be said to be a peaceful and happy paradise.

  Sheilds Town, Navy Branch 153. The remnants of the squad of a dozen naval forces returned to the base in disarray.

  "What are you guys saying? A swordsman brat actually killed your officer and escaped alive right under your noses?"

  Looking at these people, Morgan angrily reprimanded.

  Seeing the colonel's anger, a dozen navy men were horrified.

  The squad's second-in-command, the sergeant, sweat seeped from his forehead: "Sir... He didn't know what he used to kill Ensign X in an instant, we didn't have the strength to fight back."

  "Yes, Colonel, that kid is really evil, we..."


So that's why you guys fled back like bereaved dogs?" The more Monka said, the more irritable he became, "As a soldier, I am really ashamed of you, I don't need useless men like you, just shoot yourselves!"

  Morgan's eyes were as cold as his tone when he gave this order, and he didn't seem to be joking.

  He was originally a famous in Shields Town, treating life like grass, but only respecting fame and power.

  At this point, the adjutant beside him spoke up: "Colonel Lord, don't be angry, that kid slaughtered the whole village and killed Ensign X. We must first classify him as a major criminal, issue a reward for him, and advertise the East China Sea."

  Morgan pondered for a moment, "You have a point, pull these people down and ask for the kid's appearance first, and then punish them severely!"

  "Yes, sir!"

  Two days later.

  After traveling aimlessly, Chen Qi finally saw an inhabited island.

  Now he just wanted to have a good meal.

  Perhaps because of coming to the world of pirates, the physique has also been enhanced, if it was in the real world, may have been starving eyes.

  The sound of "gurgling" protest from the stomach, before the boat came close to the shore, Tatsuki jumped on it and dashed to the island...

  "Boss, a curry and egg fried rice, a large one! No, a huge one!"

  "Got it, wait a minute."

  Tatsuki, of course, did not have a word on him, so a great plan sprang up in his mind - to eat bully meals (on this point, Ace should have the most say).

  Who cares about him so much, filling the stomach is the most important.

  However, Tatsuki did not notice that from the time he just walked into the restaurant, many people's eyes were focused on him and did not move away from the beginning.

  "Hey, he can't be the one on the reward order, right..."

  "Magic... Magician? You don't say, it really looks like it."

  At this time, in an inconspicuous corner of the restaurant, a swordsman carrying three swords also watched Tatsuki.