
One Piece: Cursed and From Another World

Imagine going to bed only to thrown into your favorite Anime World. Well, this is what happened to this unfortunate young man. He was tasked to help a certain someone become the Pirate King if he wanted to return home.

Drive_Night326 · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Redmane: The Fortress

(3rd Person View)

To the west of the City, several miles from it laid a Fortress that was heavily guarded. Like Jinbei had told Starrk, the Fortress was meant to hold prisoners that the Redmane Kingdom captured either on the island or at sea.

From the entrance of the Fortress, there was a road that ran across a massive field that spread out for miles. This was meant to be a way to keep people from sneaking up on the Fortress. The guards would constantly scout the area with telescopes and binoculars to see who would try to approach the fortress through the fields.

The only way to approach the place without being seen as a threat would be through the road. Even so, the guards have placed several checkpoints on it to make sure the ones that approach wouldn't be a threat.

The only way one would even attempt to sneak into the place would be through the sewer lines that come out of the Fortress.

And that is where Jinbei and Starrk were; at one of the entrances to the sewer system.

They stood in front of a massive pipe that was closed off by iron bars, only the water and sewage were running through and out. Starrk watched the sewer water fall out to a ditch that ran outwards. He didn't want to know where the water would go and pollute.

He looked at Jinbei, "Seriously?" He asked

Jinbei nodded, "I am afraid so." He said

"Shouldn't we call my guys?" Starrk asked the Warlord

JInbei shook his head, "It is best if we do this by ourselves." He said, "The fewer the better."

Starrk sighed, "I guess." He said, "So I guess whatever the trouble was that you got yourself into, Nico Robin is involved?"

Jinbei walked towards the iron bars, "It is a long story." He said, "I wouldn't say she is involved directly, she so happens to be here at the same time. But her interference is a big deal."

Jinbei grabbed two of the bars and with a heavy grunt, he bent them apart, creating an opening large enough for the two of them. Jinbei then gestured at Starrk to follow him as the Fishman walked through the bars.

"What is going on anyway?" Starrk asked as he stepped through, "The old man said you told him of something big. Does it have to do with the Festival?"

Jinbei nodded, "Something like that." He said, "I am sure you know by now that the weapon you obtained is special."

Starrk raised an eyebrow, "You know of that?"

Jinbei looked at him, "The old man told me of it."

"Yea well, I know it's different to what you normally see these days." He said, "Rayleigh told me that the Redmane Kingdom has access to the same type of weaponry."

Jinbei nodded, "It does." He said, "I came to this island in search of answers regarding said weaponry."

As they talked, they walked by the side of the pipe, there was a small brick platform that worked as a way for workers to walk through. Starrk walked behind Jinbei as they did so.

"And?" Starrk said

"I didn't receive much information." He said, "Listen Starrk, this Kingdom is feared by the World Government, not only because of the weapons they wield, but because of its legacy. It is a warrior kingdom that has opposed the Government many times in the past. The only reason they still stand is because the Warriors it bore were strong enough to protect it."

Starrk nodded, "I see."

"The King is throwing a Festival. I don't know much about it in detail, but from what I hear, he's willing to reward a portion of that weaponry to the winners of the festival." Jinbei continued, "It is obvious that this has gotten the attention of other nations and Pirate crews all over the Grandline."

Starrk nodded again, "Okay, but what's the deal with this?" He asked regarding the fortress, "Why is Nico Robin infiltrating this place and why are you adamant about helping her out? Don't get me wrong, I'll help her out, I don't mind."

Jinbei stopped and turned to look at Starrk, "All I know is that the Government sent cipher pol to the island to investigate the whereabouts of the weaponry." He said, "The agents they sent were caught and the majority of them were executed. Only one of them was left and imprisoned here."

Starrk gave him a serious look, "And Robin snuck in to get information from him." He said, "I guess that makes sense. But only if the agent learned something."

Jinbei nodded, "It shouldn't come as a surprise if Nico Robin is working for some organization that wants information on those weapons." He said, "That being said, she is incredibly valuable to anyone that gets their hands on her. I want to help her out of this place and rescue my fellow fishmen that I got caught up in this mess."

Starrk looked at him, "Okay." He said

"Not only would I rescue them, but helping Nico Robin would be beneficial for us." He said, "Especially for the Old Man. Having her as an ally would be ideal, especially considering she can read poneglyphs."

Starrk scoffed, "I doubt the old man would find any use for her. You should know he doesn't care about that." He said, "But I suppose if we help her out, she could tell us what she learned about the weapons."

Before they could say anything else, there was a loud rumbling that shook the pipe they were in.

Jinbei and Starrk looked toward the front.

"What the hell was that?" Starrk said as he placed his hand on the handle of his sword

Jinbei readied a stance, "I don't know." He said, "Prepare yourself for battle!"


Above ground, inside the Fortress, armored guards were patrolling the halls. They walked inside a massive room that contained prisoner cells.

The guards walked towards one of the cells and one of them began to bang on the metal bars.

"Hey! Wake your ass up!" He bellowed

Inside the cell, there was a man that was beaten to a pulp. He wore a black suit which indicated that he was a government agent.

The man grumbled as he opened his eyes and looked at the guards.

"W-what?" He managed

The guard glared at him, "You have only a few hours to decide." He said, "Either you cough up what information you learned or we feed you to our Lions. The choice is yours."

Before the man could respond, the guards walked away.

The man, whose face was covered by bruises and blood, merely turned to look to his left.

"Did you hear that?" He whispered

On the wall to his left, there was an ear that protruded from the wall, listening.

"Please, help me out of here, and I'll tell you everything I know." He said quietly, "You don't know the dangers of this place.....shit got even more intense ever since that guy showed up.....They called him the prince or something....."

"He's Fucking Insane."