
One Piece: Copying The Phoenix Fruit At The Beginning

Ron reincarnarted into the World of One Piece. His hometown was located in an island in the second half of Grand Line, known as the New World. When he was fourteen, some no-name pirate crew invaded his island and started indiscriminate killings. As the island was under the protection of Whitebeard Pirates, the Fourth Division Commander Thatch came along with his subordinates to eridicate the invading pirates. However, Thatch was too late as only Ron was alive by the time all the pirates were killed. Thatch decided to bring along Ron with them to join the Whitebeard Pirates Crew. Unfortunately, because of his unique circumstances, Ron was unable to train in order to be stronger. He hoped to be able to ontain a Zoan-type Devil Fruit to overcme his weakness and become a strong pillar for the Whitebeard Pirates. As fate would have it, Thatch found a Devil Fruit during their return journey but it was a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit. Not wanting to let down Thatch's good intentions, Ron ate the fruit. He found out that he had eaten the Copy-Copy Fruit and gained the power of copying the abilities of other Devil Fruit users. At the beginning, he copied the Phoenix Fruit of Marco, the First Division Commander of Whitebeard Pirates, to improve his shortcomings. The story unfolds as Ron journeys across the World of One Piece while becoming stronger, developing his Devil Fruit powers to the limit, and strengthen his allies. Can Ron overcome the obstacles that were responsible for the disbandment of Whitebeard Pirate Crew in the Canon One Piece World? =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= A/N: Please note that this FanFic is not mine. I am translating and editing it from a chinese fanfiction. You can find the MTL version on mtlnation. MTL Name: Navigation: The New King Of The Whitebeard Group, Copying The Phoenix At The Beginning. =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= A/N_2: Shameless P@treon and Coffee plug. I've an account on both platforms, patreon.com/ChaosWriter; https://www.buymeacoffee.com/chaoswriter You can read up to 20 chapters ahead of Webnovel. Your support would be appreciated, but don't feel pressured to join. I'll upload stuff outside it and not keeping it behind a paywall forever. If you are from a country that supports GPay, you may find the [Buy Me @ Coffee] app easier to use.

ChaosWriter · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

57. Commodore-level Opponent. Trying out an iconic move.

│3rd Person POV│

[Grand Line, New World, Beehive Island…]


After dispatching another enemy with a single strike, Ron let out a heavy breath.

Although positioned on the outskirts of the battlefield, he could still perceive the brutality of the ongoing fight.

The strength of the Ochoku Pirates' members proved formidable, far superior to groups like the Poisonous Wolf Pirates from the past.

Even the ordinary team members were displaying combat effectiveness at the Commander level.

Elite team members might even possess the strength of a Captain, nearing the level of a Commodore.

This resulted in Ron fighting for just over an hour, and despite eliminating only slightly more than twenty pirates, he was feeling a bit fatigued.

"Kid, go to hell!"

Suddenly, a vicious voice reached his ears.

Following the sound, a member of the Ochoku Pirates could be seen aiming a cutlass-type sword directly at Ron.

The assailant's aura was not weak, indicating a Captain-level strength.

"Kill me? In your dreams!" Ron asserted, tightening his grip on his sword and facing the attacker showing an ounce of hesitation.

'Flash Step! Sword Draw!'

In an instant, Ron's figure passed by the opponent and reappeared more than ten meters away from his initial position.

The next second, the Ochoku pirate collapsed to the ground, blood gushing out from a visible neck wound.

Though not instant death, he lay on the ground with wide-open eyes, unable to move or speak.

Meanwhile, Ron had already moved on, killing another person no longer induced any emotional fluctuations in him.

He continued to seek out his targets carefully.

He avoided direct duels with formidable opponents, instead opting for surprise attacks on the injured, utilizing the swiftness of Flash Steps and Sword Draw to execute them swiftly.

Over time, Ron's kill count increased.

Even though most of his victims were already wounded, the Elite members of the Ochoku Pirates gradually took notice of his presence.

"Damn it. Come here and follow me to kill this kid!" A Commodore-level pirate, unable to tolerate the situation any longer, rallied others after finishing a member of the Whitebeard Pirates.

This call to action garnered agreement from several Ochoku Pirates pirates.

After swiftly dealing with their opponents, five pirates of Captain-level strength followed the Commodore-level pirate toward Ron.

"Not good! Ron, be careful!" A member of the Fourth Division, noticing the impending danger to Ron, shouted a warning.

While individuals from other Divisions were less acquainted with Ron, those from the fourth division were keenly aware of his significance.

Consequently, they didn't want any harm from befalling him.

"Hmm?" Hearing the shout, Ron halted his steps.

Subconsciously, he started surveying his surrounding area and immediately spotted six figures approaching him while leaking huge killing intent.

He also discerned the strength of the strongest among them in no time.

"Commodore?" Ron's eyes gleamed with fighting spirit.

Unlike the pirates he had faced earlier, this was a Commodore-level pirate.

Facing such a strong opponent for the first time, he was filled with fighting spirit. He wanted to test something for some time and the perfect opportunity just presented itself.

Without hesitation, Ron charged forward to meet them head-on.

"You're dead, kid!"

Almost instantly, the leader lunged at Ron with a saber in his right hand.

The five individuals behind him were not to be outdone, brandishing swords, guns, and clubs, from various angles, leaving Ron with no room to dodge or avoid their attacks.

In the blink of an eye, their combined attacks closed in on Ron.

Sinister smiles adorned the pirates' faces, they were certain that Ron was about to meet his end.

"Not a bad idea!" Seeing this, Ron praised in a low voice.

He quickly sheathed his sword into the scabbard on his waist with a small smirk on his face.

Assuming the Tiger Hand sign from Naruto, he exhaled strongly.

In the next moment, Dark Blue Flames gushed out from his mouth, spraying out in a wide area in front of him.

"Blue Flames: Gōka Mekkyaku!"

In the blink of an eye, the flames engulfed the six attackers before they could even process what was happening.

Instantaneously, the surrounding area was bathed in a brilliant dark blue hue. People from far away were instantly attracted by the scene.


Screams echoed as the five Captain-level pirates succumbed to the fire without resistance, burned to death by the Dark Blue Flames.

The flame temperature of 600 degrees Celsius was such that it was nearly impossible for those without Devil Fruit powers, robust physiques, or Haki abilities to withstand it.

This included the Commodore-level pirate.

At this moment, the saber in his hand had completely melted, and his body also gave up some moments after the other five died.

He died without saying any final words.

"That is!"

"Phoenix Fire?"

"No, this is not Captain Marco's fire; I think Ron's flames are stronger."

"Oh my God, he is the one chosen as heir by the Captain, right?"

"Such terrifying flames and such fine control he has over them! He is certainly qualified to be stated as the future Whitebeard Pirates by Captain!"

At this moment, the onlookers were in an uproar. All eyes were focused on Ron, both from the Whitebeard Pirates and the Ochoku Pirates.

Except for the people in the Fourth Division, although individuals from other Divisions had noticed Ron's performance on the battlefield, they didn't pay much attention to him, assuming he was just an Elite member of another division.

However, they never expected that he would be Ron, the heir chosen by Whitebeard.

That incident was the cause of a worldwide sensation and he was even offered a bounty of 300 Million Berries by the Marines right from the start.

After a brief shock, the people from the Whitebeard Pirates became excited, shouting in happiness, "Ron!"

"Go, Ron!"

At this moment, Ron already had a certain status in their hearts.

Although this was only a small-scale fight, after Ron revealed his identity by displaying his Dark Blue Flames, everyone's sense of recognition and belonging to him increased.

It could even be clearly seen that the more powerful Elite members of the Whitebeard Pirate Group were beginning to approach this area.

Not that they wanted to babysit Ron, but they intended to guard against the stronger men of the Ochoku Pirates coming to attack him.

"Whitebeard's heir, Ron."

"Why is he here?"

"Damn bastard! Has this been pretending to be a wolf in sheep's clothing all along?"

"Brothers, come together and eliminate this kid with me."

Consequently, some members of the Ochoku Pirates were seething with murderous intent.

Although Ron's identity had initially surprised them, in just a moment, their most important thought was to kill Ron.

After all, Ron's identity was an extremely important matter for the opposite party.

Regardless of their strength, killing him would undoubtedly be a huge blow to the Whitebeard Pirates, and it was also an opportunity for them to become famous in the sea.


A/N: Power Stones and Review please. Also, don't forget to add this to your library!

Shameless P@treon & Coffee plug...;

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You can read up to 20 chapters ahead of Webnovel. Your support would be appreciated, but don't feel pressured to join. I'll upload stuff outside it and not keep it behind a paywall forever.