
One Piece: Copying The Phoenix Fruit At The Beginning

Ron reincarnarted into the World of One Piece. His hometown was located in an island in the second half of Grand Line, known as the New World. When he was fourteen, some no-name pirate crew invaded his island and started indiscriminate killings. As the island was under the protection of Whitebeard Pirates, the Fourth Division Commander Thatch came along with his subordinates to eridicate the invading pirates. However, Thatch was too late as only Ron was alive by the time all the pirates were killed. Thatch decided to bring along Ron with them to join the Whitebeard Pirates Crew. Unfortunately, because of his unique circumstances, Ron was unable to train in order to be stronger. He hoped to be able to ontain a Zoan-type Devil Fruit to overcme his weakness and become a strong pillar for the Whitebeard Pirates. As fate would have it, Thatch found a Devil Fruit during their return journey but it was a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit. Not wanting to let down Thatch's good intentions, Ron ate the fruit. He found out that he had eaten the Copy-Copy Fruit and gained the power of copying the abilities of other Devil Fruit users. At the beginning, he copied the Phoenix Fruit of Marco, the First Division Commander of Whitebeard Pirates, to improve his shortcomings. The story unfolds as Ron journeys across the World of One Piece while becoming stronger, developing his Devil Fruit powers to the limit, and strengthen his allies. Can Ron overcome the obstacles that were responsible for the disbandment of Whitebeard Pirate Crew in the Canon One Piece World? =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= A/N: Please note that this FanFic is not mine. I am translating and editing it from a chinese fanfiction. You can find the MTL version on mtlnation. MTL Name: Navigation: The New King Of The Whitebeard Group, Copying The Phoenix At The Beginning. =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= A/N_2: Shameless P@treon and Coffee plug. I've an account on both platforms, patreon.com/ChaosWriter; https://www.buymeacoffee.com/chaoswriter You can read up to 20 chapters ahead of Webnovel. Your support would be appreciated, but don't feel pressured to join. I'll upload stuff outside it and not keeping it behind a paywall forever. If you are from a country that supports GPay, you may find the [Buy Me @ Coffee] app easier to use.

ChaosWriter · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs

10. First Kill. Poisonous Ed Self Destructed.

│3rd Person POV│

[Grand Line, New World, Partridge Island Shore…]

Hearing this, all the members of the Poison Wolf Pirate Group looked over fiercely.

Now that things have progressed to such a state, they realize their chances of surviving this battle were nil.

The two divisions of the Whitebeard Pirates are too powerful for them to handle.

Especially Division Commander Thatch and Vice-Commander Ace.

The former effortlessly blocked their Captain Poison wolf, he even seemed to be at an advantage.

Not to mention Ace being a Logia-type Devil Fruit user, was capable of spreading large-scale destruction continuously.

In addition to keeping Ed in check, he was also attacking members of the Poisonous Wolf Pirates, burning them to death without even leaving their bodies intact.

He was facing zero resistance from the small grunts.

Either way, death was inevitable, so it was better to also drag down the doctors of Whitebeard pirates with them.

Once the doctors of the Whitebeard Pirates are annihilated, it will be too late to treat the seriously injured guys on the ground who would also join them in hell then.

"Brothers, come together!"

"Annihilate those doctors from the Whitebeard Pirates!"

"We'll die no matter what! So let's take down their life line with us!"


In an instant, the remaining members of the Poison Wolf Pirates frantically began to approach the area where Ron and others were.

Because it was a desperate fight, this group of guys was not afraid of death at this moment, and directly caused the members of the fourth team and the second team who had the advantage, and even the huge numerical advantage, to be forced back a certain distance.

Taking this opportunity, the guys from the Poison Wolf Pirates also accelerated their speed and headed straight for Ron and others.

Now that these guys became unafraid of death, they managed to push back the members of the Fourth and Second Divisions, despite their massive advantage and numerical superiority.

Seizing this opportunity, the Poison Wolf Pirates accelerated their speed even further, directly advancing toward Ron and others in a mad haze.

"Stop them!"

"Protect the doctors!"

Seeing this scene, the members of the Second and Fourth Divisions became angry.

Medical team! This was the greatest foundation of the two divisions. Even the death of one doctor would be a huge loss to their divisions.

Thinking of this, everyone's eyes turned red, and they also began to frantically attack the members of the Poison Wolf Pirates, throwing caution to the wind.

However, although they were desperate, they were still a step slower.

This created a situation where slightly more than twenty members of the Poison Wolf Pirates successfully entered the area where Ron and others were treating the injured.

"Hold them off!"

"You guys retreat quickly!"

"Evacuate this place!"

The combatants responsible for guarding the medical team swiftly responded and engaged the crazed attackers.

After telling the medical team to retreat, they quickly took out their weapons and started fighting, determined to stop the members of the Poison Wolf Pirates from attacking Ron and others.

"Quickly withdraw everyone!"

At the same time, the doctors on the scene retreated without any delay. Although being a member of the Whitebeard Pirates, they did have certain combat capabilities, it was not that high.

Moreover, a doctor's first job was to treat others' illnesses or injuries and save people. One of them dying may lead to more deaths in the future.

"This situation is really crazy. Is the fight between pirates always this intense?"

Within the crowd of doctors was Ron, retreating alongside them. However, most of his attention was focused on the battlefield.

As a reincarnator, this was the first time he was witnessing such a large-scale battle with his eyes.

Even though his hometown was invaded, the number of invading pirates was not more than thirty. As there were not any combatants in his hometown, they were slaughtered without any resistance.

Even when Thatch came with his people to rescue, they also effortlessly eradicated the invading pirates. There was no fight.

"Die, kid!!"

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded in Ron's ears.

Following the sound, it could be seen that at some point, a member of the Poison Wolf Pirates had rushed over.

Although he was covered in blood, he didn't look the least bit scared at his impending death.

At this moment, while holding a longsword in his hands, a cold and ruthless expression on his face, he was looking at Ron like a predator looking at its prey.

"Not good!"

"Ron, get out of the way!"


This scene directly changed the expressions of everyone from Whitebeard Pirates.

Everyone knew Ron's situation. He had just recently been adopted by Whitebeard as his son.

If he died here, then Whitebeard would be furious and disappointed with the Second and Fourth Divisions for being unable to protect him.

"Kill me!? Don't utter such words easily without the ability to back it up." Ron mumbled while keeping his cool.

He really had no intention of getting involved just now.

But since someone was after his life, he couldn't just lie down and let them kill him.

Ron had seen that this guy was pretty strong, at least stronger than his current self.

If it were a solo fight with both of them at their peak, even with the power of Devil Fruit, Ron doubted he would be able to win.

But the situation was different. This guy was seriously injured and was obviously in an extremely miserable state.

He was simply overestimating his capabilities if he was thinking that he could kill Ron while being in such a weak state.

'Flash Step!'

As he called out in his mind, Ron's figure instantly disappeared from his previous position, successfully evading the man's strike.

By the time he realized that he had missed, Ron had already picked up a sword littered on the battlefield.

'Flash Step!'

With another execution of the technique, Ron suddenly appeared behind the man like a ghost.

Immediately afterward, a cold light flashed, and under Ron's control, the sword directly penetrated the heart of the Poison Wolf Pirates member from his back.


Blood spurted out, and Ron's arms were dyed red instantly.

At this point, Ron couldn't help but let out a sigh and furrowed his brows.

The smell of blood on his arms was making him very uncomfortable, reminding him of the massacre that took place in his hometown a few months ago.

Ron exerted tremendous effort to not empty his stomach on the spot and surveyed his surroundings.

Taking some deep breaths, he soon calmed down.

He muttered to himself, "It's difficult to master the strength to step over ants without crushing them to death.

"I won't deliberately start a fight with anyone. However, in this world where the strong can decide how the weak should live, I have to be strong enough to live as I want to!"

His resolution to become stronger became even more potent after experiencing taking a human life with his own hands.


"Ron killed that guy instead of the other way around!"

At the same time, everyone around them looked at this scene with their mouths wide open and disbelieving expressions on their faces.

Some members of the Poison Wolf Pirates are no exception either.

After all, Ron looked only fourteen or fifteen years old, and he was among the doctors who should have very low combat powers according to the norm. How could he have such power? And so fierce too, killing his attacker in a single attack.

"Well done Ron!"

"Yeah Ron, well done!"


The combatants breathed a sigh of relief at this moment.

While they were shouting one after another, the movements of their hands did not stop, and they continued to kill those members of the Poison Wolf Pirates who were fighting to the death.


For a while, screams of dying Poisonous Wolf Pirates resonated throughout the area.

Their plan to kill the medical staff completely failed.

"Fire Fist Ace, you are dead!"

Suddenly, an angry voice roared.

Following the sound, it could be seen that Ed could no longer hold on. His whole body was charred black, and he was obviously seriously injured.

Facing his imminent death, Ed gritted his teeth and declared, "If you want to kill me, then you all should be buried with me!



A/N: With this chapter, this FanFic now have 10 chapters posted on Webnovel. So, it would be appreciated if you guys give a review. Thanks!!


Shameless P@treon plug. I've got one;

👉 patreon(dot)com/ChaosWriter; [use '.' instead of '(dot)'.]

You can read up to 20 chapters ahead of Webnovel. Your support would be appreciated, but don't feel pressured to join. I'll upload stuff outside it and not keeping it behind a paywall forever.