
One Piece : Comparison Broadcast

Just before the Summit War begin, A screen appear on the sky and the world stood still as everyone freeze In the sky, a huge screen suddenly appeared! This screen was divided into two parts, with a white border on the left and a red border on the right. Ding!! Relevant Participant have been retrieved... Ding! All participant can freely chat in the chat room and participate in the Comparison-Broadcast Quiz to win prizes! Prizes will be awarded to the top three participants that answer the quiz correctly! The prizes are diverse, including (but not limited to) Devil Fruits, physical abilities, swordsmanship abilities, Haki abilities, physical talents, physical attributes, magical items, resurrection items, etc. Please actively participate and strive to win the prizes! Note: During the Comparison-Broadcast period, the world will be enveloped in an energy confinement field, and all abilities and actions cannot be activated. Everyone does not need to worry about anything! The world is at peace at this moment... Gol·D·Roger: "Chat room? What's that? Hello, is anyone there...?"

GarudaTranslation · Anime & Comics
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222 Chs

Chapter 81 Do Bad Things and Feel Superior? Kill! Kill Them All!

Laboon stopped hitting the Red Line

It recalls the day when he parted from the Rumbar Pirates, every partner came over and told him to take care of himself, eat well, and sleep well

But now..., is it eating well? Sleeping well? Did it take good care of itself???

Huge round eyes look at Luffy, Laboon is a little dazed

"Your name is Laboon! That smelly old man told me about you, but he didn't go out to sea with the Rumbat Pirates, how could he know about the Rumbar Pirates???"

"Listen, I feel that you are very similar to my friend! But you..., not as good as my friend trusts to me!!!"

"If you also trust your friends, you should eat well, sleep well, and take good care of yourself, so that when your friends return, they will be happy!!!"

Laboon obviously understood, his body sank a bit, and he stopped hitting the mountain.

"Great, since you are willing to listen to me, let's make an agreement!!"

"I happen to be going around the Grand Line. Along the way, I will help you find out about the Rumbar Pirates. Whether or not I find any news about them, I will eventually come back to see you and bring you the news!!!"

"And you! You have to learn from my friends, take care of yourself, don't let yourself get hurt!! Waiting for the return of your friends with the best self"

"If you accept this promise, pat my hand with your tail!"

Speaking, Luffy stretched his right arm and inflated his fist at the same time, turning into a fist as big as a hot air balloon

"AngAngAng" Laboon tossed and plunged into the sea, its tail flicked over, and Luffy's fist gave a high five"!!!

This scene made Crocus look stupid

How many years since Laboon started banging his head on the mountain, Crocus has been persuading, and nothing works!!!

But he never expected that it took Luffy less than half an hour to convince Laboon to stop self-harming completely.

Several years of hard work are not as good as others' half an hour of performance...

In such a comparison, Crocus feels like a waste

"Roger..., it seems that this is the pirate we are waiting for, right...?"

Looking at Luffy playing with Laboon, Crocus muttered to himself

Afterwards, Crocus gave Luffy his log pose, and Luffy and his party left Cape Twins and continued on their way.

The screen with the red border gradually dimmed..

Nami: "He...he really can persuade Laboon..."

Vinsmoke Sanji: "This story is so well told...!! Successfully saved that whale"

Brook: "Although the story is made up, for me, this is exactly what our Rumbar Pirates really thought at the time!!! Before dying, we were still worrying about whether Laboon had a good meal, and whether he Sleep well..., everyone can't go back and watch it, everyone pins their hopes on me!!"

For others, the story is also moving

But for Brook, it's all about the inner thoughts of their Rumbar Pirates

Monkey D. Luffy: "How did I come up with this method over there... It's much better than my method!"

People can grow up, and so does Luffy

Although he is a little idiot, but once he experience something, he will always grow up!!!

The comparison of the Merry in the screen touched Luffy a lot. …

Especially now that the ship spirit on the Merry has been revived, Luffy's state of mind has changed a lot

He began to realize that sometimes his nonsense should be restrained

It's like persuading Laboon about this matter

Although what he did on a whim effectively prevented Laboon from self-harming, he ignored the feelings of the Merry...

If he hadn't watched the comparison video now, he afraid he would never realize the damage he caused to the Merry in this lifetime

not long

The screen with white borders gradually lights up...

The Straw Hat Pirates and their party left Cape Twin

First arrived at Whiskey Hill, Zoro vs. Baroque Work Agency.

The Straw Hat Pirates learned the true identity of Princess Vivi and decided to help her.

Afterwards, their ship came to Little Garden and met the giants Dorry and Broggy.

After fighting the agent of Baroque Works, successfully defeated the other party, and then left Little Garden.

On the way, Nami developed a fever, and the group headed to Drum Island, to find a doctor

With the help of the witch doctor, Nami's situation gradually improved

When leaving Drum Island, the Straw Hat Pirates kidnapped Chopper and successfully recruited a new partner!

Everything is like what the Straw Hat Pirates experienced

The screen with the red border slowly lit up...

Luffy and his team arrived at the next island, Whiskey Island, relying on the log pose given by Crocus

"Long live the warriors of the sea!!"

"Welcome to 'Welcome Town' Whiskey Hill!!"

"Welcome to our town!"

"Welcome to the Grand Line!"

Just arrived at the port of Whiskey Hill, Luffy and his party were warmly welcomed

"Huh? There are so many people..., they are all welcoming us???"

Usopp widened his eyes and said in surprise.

Sanji frowned: "What's the situation..."

"what happens?" Nami ran out of the cabin and asked curiously.

Then, she was pleasantly surprised: "Are the people in this place so enthusiastic?"

However, Luffy smiled lightly: "Of course not....., they should have malicious intentions"

Vinsmoke Sanji: "Nani??? Is Luffy over there so intuitive?"

Roronoa Zoro: "How do you tell?"

Usopp: "Hey, hey! The me over there is the same as I was back then, quite proud of myself"

Nami: "No way! So you know those people have bad intentions?"

Hearing this, Nami's excited expression immediately disappeared, and she looked at Luffy in doubt: "Ah? Why do you say that?"

Luffy explained: "At first glance, they are enthusiastic town residents, but there is no town where all the residents are armed, and all of them are hidden very well. From the surface, they are completely unarmed."

Luffy's Observation Haki has noticed the weapons on these people, even the guy who looks like a nun and the guy who looks like a child are wearing guns!

Hearing what Luffy said, the people on the ship immediately put away their excitement

"Welcome, this is Whiskey Peak, and I am cactus jack, the town mayor here!"

"I know you may be surprised!! But Whiskey Peak is a town where winemaking and music are very developed, and our tradition here is hospitality!"

"The fine wine we are proud of is as inexhaustible as the sea water. Tonight, we will use your adventure stories as a delicacy. Please allow us to hold a banquet to welcome you!!"

The "mayor" of Whiskey Hill, cactus jack, bowed politely to the Merry

Monkey D. Luffy: "Huh? This mayor is different from the one we met at that time"

Nefeltari Vivi: "Ah, Luffy, because at that time we hadn't sneaked into the baroque work "

Nami: "Haha! Luffy is an idiot the doesn't remember"

Facing the kind invitation from cactus jack, Luffy pick at his nostrils and said lightly: "Not buying it!"

Sudden silence of the air—

Everyone present was stunned!!!

They have already tricked countless pirates into their own traps with this kind of warm welcome, but they have never been caught

Where did this strange man come from???

The corner of cactus jack 's mouth twitched: "Eh..., this hero of the sea, we sincerely welcome you to come as our guests.."

"No way! We have more than 100 million Berry on board. Drinking alcohol may cause trouble! Thank you for your kindness, we will just stop here for a few days. We will leave immediately when the log pose records the magnetic field."

Luffy intentionally reveals his wealth

The reason why he only say 100 million Berry is because if he say too much, I think the other party will not only not believe it, but will think that he is bragging...

Hearing Luffy burst out this number, all the eyes of the people on the pier have lit up!!!

The corners of cactus jack mouth suddenly turned crooked, and his original enthusiasm disappeared immediately!!

Since they don't want be trap, just attack directly!

Swipe, brush, brush!!!

As cactus jack drew out his gun, nearly a hundred people on the pier all drew out their weapons!!

Seeing this, Luffy bent down, leaned on the railing, and rested his chin with one hand: "Excuse me..., what does this mean???"

"Hmph! Boy!! Let your people disembark immediately to avoid suffering!!!"

cactus jack stopped pretending and pointed a gun at Luffy

"I got it!!! You are bounty hunters from Baroque Works, right?" At this moment, Zoro suddenly remembered something!!

When he was working as a bounty hunter, Baroque Works once invited him

cactus jack looked sideways slightly: "Oh? You have some knowledge!!!"

Zoro continued: "Since you are bounty hunters, it's easy to say! We are not pirates, so we are not your target"

"Ha ha ha ha!!!" People on the pier burst into laughter

cactus jack cracked the corners of his mouth: "Boy!! Don't get me wrong! It doesn't matter whether you are a pirate hunter or not, what matters is that you have 100 million Berry on your ship..."

"so you just want to steal money?" Nami also asked

Hearing this, cactus jack looked at Nami, and his face immediately revealed a lustful look. He licked his tongue: "If we want to grab money, we also want to grab people too!! Especially a pretty woman like you, It must be grabbed, hahahaha!!!"


The crowd also erupted into a lewd smirk

"Bastards! You are looking for death!!" Hearing that the guy below was molesting Nami with words, Sanji was furious!!!

"Stop talking nonsense!! Since you don't want to be caught without a fight, prepare to die!!"

Facing the temptation of money + beauty, cactus jack can't wait!!

He waved his hand and ordered to fire!!


As soon as his voice fell, an indescribable terror erupted!!!

Everyone on the dock instantly fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth

Luffy stepped on the railing with one foot, and sighed: "These guys..., have done bad things and have a sense of superiority on them..., throw them all into the sea to feed the fish,Save them from cheating other people"

"Leave it to me!"

Nami raised her chin slightly, poured a glass of water forward, then she held her left index finger with her right hand, and the Smooth Smooth Fruit ability was activated

A thin layer of water film appeared on the ground of the pier, and then divided into countless small water droplets, which quickly came under the bodies of those bounty hunters

As if it was as smooth as silk, the bodies of these people immediately bared out

Puff puff puff

There are hundreds of people, all of them fell into the sea in a blink of an eye

Nami: "Over there, I didn't hesitate to do this kind of thing..."

Seeing Nami on the side of Red-border Luffy mercilessly throwing hundreds of people into the sea by, Nami was a little surprised!!

After all

It is said to be thrown into the sea, but in fact it is the end of their lives!!

Monkey D. Luffy: "I gave the order over there; did you just kill them all?"

Nefeltari Vivi: Fortunately, I haven't joined the Baroque Work Club at this time. If I happen to be here, wouldn't I be drowned together...

Nico Robin: "Don't think too much! Luffy and Nami over there are doing nothing wrong. If Luffy and his party over there fall into the hands of these guys, the end will definitely not be much better"

Trafalgar Law: "Yeah!! This world is like this... If you want to kill people and get money, then you must be mentally prepared to be counter-killed at any time!!"

Eustass Kid: "Are you all struggling with this?? Killing people..., kill as much as you want!!! In this era, the weak have no right to speak!!"

Tsuru: "Garp, the red-border Luffy over there is not merciless in killing people, full of uncontrollability!!"

Sakazuki: "Such a person will eventually become a criminal against justice!!"

Shiki: "What??? In the eyes of you idiots Marine, is it true that only obedient civilians are normal people? Anyone who has a little bit of resistance will be damned???"

Gol·D·Roger: "Hahaha!!! Marines are idiots, don't bother with them!"

After solving these Baroque workers, Luffy and his party stayed in Whiskey Hill for three days to replenish some supplies.

Wait until the log pose record is full of the magnetic field, then leave Whiskey Hill

{More chapter available on P@treon.com/goldengaruda}