
One Piece : Comparison Broadcast

Just before the Summit War begin, A screen appear on the sky and the world stood still as everyone freeze In the sky, a huge screen suddenly appeared! This screen was divided into two parts, with a white border on the left and a red border on the right. Ding!! Relevant Participant have been retrieved... Ding! All participant can freely chat in the chat room and participate in the Comparison-Broadcast Quiz to win prizes! Prizes will be awarded to the top three participants that answer the quiz correctly! The prizes are diverse, including (but not limited to) Devil Fruits, physical abilities, swordsmanship abilities, Haki abilities, physical talents, physical attributes, magical items, resurrection items, etc. Please actively participate and strive to win the prizes! Note: During the Comparison-Broadcast period, the world will be enveloped in an energy confinement field, and all abilities and actions cannot be activated. Everyone does not need to worry about anything! The world is at peace at this moment... Gol·D·Roger: "Chat room? What's that? Hello, is anyone there...?"

GarudaTranslation · Anime & Comics
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222 Chs

Chapter 71 Sorry...Merry!

When they arrived at the entrance of Reverse's Mountain, although the process was a bit thrilling, they finally entered successfully without any danger!!!

The Going Merry up the river that reverses the mountain!!

However, after crossing the Reverse Mountain, when sprinting towards the Grand Line, a huge island whale blocked the path to the Grand Line

Merry went down the river, facing this "giant mountain" and bumped into it!!!

Portgas·D·Ace: "No way!! Is it so difficult for Luffy to enter the Grand Line?"

Capone Bege: "I was going to talk about this too..... thrilling tour of the Calm Belt, and this huge mountain blocking the waterway..... I didn't encounter anything Ah"

Basil Hawkins: "Indeed, my ship entered the Grand Line very smoothly, so there is so much trouble"

Jewelry Bonney: "I just want to know; how did the Straw Hat Pirates survive this time!!!"

Nami: "Haha! Thanks to our clever Captain Luffy..."


Seeing that the Merry was about to smash into the body of the island whale, the main gun of the Merry was fired!!!

The shell fell on the huge island whale, as if it was tickling, but this powerful reverse thrust made the Merry, which was galloping, stop abruptly!

But the next second...


Accompanied by a crisp snapping sound, the head of the Merry snapped!!!

It was hung on the deck of the Merry with a click...

Yasopp: "It actually stopped like this... Luffy is such a clever little ghost

Shanks: "Ahaha!!! To be honest, if I am in that situation and I don't have the strength to beat the island whale, then I can only cover my eyes, what the hell? ..."

Lucky Roo: "Pfft hahaha Who said that Luffy here is an idiot!! Luffy...he's smart since he was a kid!!"

Basil Hawkins: "The first second of entering the Grand Line, the bow broke off, which is not a good sign..."

Killer: "So the ship of the Straw Hat Pirates did sink into the sea, right???"

Jewelry Bonney: "Yes, I remember the pirate ship they docked at the Sabaody Archipelago was not this one, it was bigger than this one!!"

Usopp: "Merry..., is it that the was is doomed not to go sail with us from the moment we first entered the Grand Line?"

Although the Merry was gifted to Luffy by Kaya, Usopp's "love" for this ship is definitely the most in the entire Straw Hat Pirates!!!

Before the Straw Hat Pirates recruited Franky, all the repair work was done by Usopp...

If they have to say it, the Merry has been with the Straw Hat Pirates all the way, it's like everyone's child, but Usopp does all shit and diaper changes...

There is no doubt that Usopp poured too much into this ship

Vinsmoke Sanji: "Looking back at this scene now, I'm really sad...!!! Just now on the Calm Belt, the Merry fell from such a high place. I didn't think about it before. Now think about it, That's a lot of damage to the Merry!"

Nami: "yeah....., we didn't take good care of Mei...."

Afterwards, the whale Laboon opened its mouth and sucked the Merry into its stomach

Crocus Appears

Afterwards, everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates met ms Wednesday and mr9. There was some friction between the two sides, and the two became captives of the Straw Hat Pirates

Crocus told the Straw Hat Pirates about the past of the whale Laboon, and everyone understood why the whale Laboon wanted to hit the mountain with his head...

Crocus: "Hey..., those cowards... who abandoned Laboon, are you here now?"

Even as a person in the video, Crocus was still very moved when he saw this scene again

Tashigi: "Those pirates are assholes, they failed this island whale!!!"

Brook: "Hey hey hey!! Don't say that!!! They are not trying to disappoint Laboon, nor are they cowards!!!"

Tashigi: "Leave Laboon behind and sail away, isn't that a coward?"

Franky: "No! As a matter of fact..., after the Rumbar Pirates entered the Grand Line, when they arrived at the sea area of the Devil's Triangle, all the crew members were killed by other pirates!"

Crocus: "How do you know???"

Gekko Maria: "Oh hehe No way!! Since you said that all the crew members of the Rumba Pirates were killed, how did you know about this? That happened 50 years ago. …

Brook: "Because I'm a crew member of the Rumbar Pirates!!"

Gol·D·Roger: "Nani??? Didn't you just say that everyone in the Rumba Pirates is dead??"

Nico Robin: "It is true that they are all dead. But Brook is a person that eat the soul soul fruit, and has a chance to revive himself."

Brook: "Yes, after I died, my soul came out of the underworld. When my soul came out of the underworld and was about to return to my body, I was lost in the devil's triangle for a year. When I found my body, my body had already turned into a skeleton, so the resurrection is now This is what it looks like..."

Crocus: "Ah...? Is that so...?"

Monkey D. Luffy: "Yeah, Uncle Crocus! That's the way it is."

Crocus: "This..., I'm so sorry!!! I'll go and explain to Laboon right away, and tell him that he has a partner!"

Brook: "If you can, tell Laboon for me that when Luffy and I circle the Grand Line, we'll come back and play with him again.

Luffy: "By the way, there is also my agreement with Laboon! Tell it, when I come back, I will fight him again!!"

Crocus: "Ahahaha!!! I'm going to tell Laboon right now!!!"

While Zoro, Sanji, Nami, and Usopp are still lamenting about Laboon's tragic experience, Luffy has already appeared at the mainmast of the Merry...

He hugged the main mast of the Merry with both hands, and swung it upward!!


Vigorously miracle!!

Sure enough..., the main mast of the Merry was broken off by Luffy abruptly!!!


Luffy carried the main mast and rushed directly onto Laboon's body, then followed the body surface all the way up, and came to the top of Laboon's head!!

Luffy pushed hard, and the main mast was inserted into a wound on Laboon's head, and blood splattered immediately!!!


Laboon howled in pain, then attacked Luffy angrily.

Luffy is also attacking Laboon with a left fist and a right fist!!

Finally, with a bang, Luffy was photographed by Laboon and flew onto the mountain wall.

"Bastard!!! What are you doing!!! That's the mainmast of our ship!!!"

"Why destroy our ship!"

"What are you doing fighting with Laboon!!"

The partners of the Straw Hat Pirates didn't understand Luffy's way of doing this, and they all questioned hysterically.

However, Luffy did not answer them, but stared at Laboon with eyes full of fighting spirit: "I'll punch you, you hit me, we're fighting!!!!

"Laboon, am I strong?"

"You and I haven't decided yet, so we must fight again!!"

"Although your companion is dead, your opponent is still there, that is me...!!"

"I'll come back to see you after we circle the Grand Line, and then we'll have a good fight!!!"

Luffy stands arrogantly with both legs, and gestures with the thumb of his right hand towards him, looking awesome


Laboon can understand human speech, he shook his head excitedly, and gladly accepted Luffy's challenge!!!

Afterwards, the Straw Hat Pirates left Twin Cape with ms Wednesday and mr9 and continued their course

Laboon happily sees them off

Crocus stood on the shore and murmured: "They... are the pirates we have been waiting for a long time...? What a boy with extraordinary spirit...! Right... Roger?"

Gol·D·Roger: "Huh? Crocus, did you recognize my hat back then?"

Crocus: "Nonsense! Can I still not recognize the captain's hat??? But I really have to thank Luffy, since then, Laboon has stopped banging his head on the mountain"

Monkey D. Luffy: "Ahahaha! I haven't seen Laboon for a long time, but I miss him"

Marco: "Straw Hat Luffy, it's really nice of you to help Laboon!!"

Monkey D. Luffy: "Ahaha!! It's just a little effort"

Marco: "However, you overlooked one thing!!! While helping Laboon, you hurt your other partner!

Monkey D. Luffy: "Huh!?"

Hearing this, Luffy was stunned. Thinking about it carefully, he didn't seem to have hurt any of Zoro, Usopp, Sanji and Nami...

Roronoa Zoro: "No? At least it didn't hurt me. Luffy got into a fight with Sanji there, and they were kicked into the sea by Nami..."

Vinsmoke Sanji: "Stupid, that's Nami-chan's love kick! I like it! But even though Luffy and I fight, it doesn't count as Luffy hurting me!"

Usopp: "What he said.....is....Merry"

There is a cry in Usopp's voice!!!

Because Marco said "partner"

And in Usopp's heart, he has always regarded Merry as a partner!!!

Marco: "Yes! Don't talk about the crew, just the captain...! As the captain of a pirate ship, the ship is your second life! It is also one of your most trustworthy partners!! If someone wants to sabotage your ship, you should fight that person with your life!!! But you..., Straw Hat Luffy, what did you just do???"

Trafalgar Law: "The Straw Hats, you really shouldn't have broken the Merry's mast with your own hands.....Look at the head of the red straw hat over there, when he got the Merry, he swore to protect her forever, and then the Merry also gave a legendary response!! A ship spirit was born!! This is an existence that all the crew members have only heard of in legends!"

Trafalgar Law: "If you think about it carefully...the reason why the Merry here has not yet produced a ship spirit on the side of twin cape Mr. Straw Hat, is it not because of you?

Law actually likes Luffy very much, but it is precisely because he likes it that he directly pointed out Luffy's mistakes

Marshall · D · Teach: "Straw hat Luffy, don't listen to them!!! A boat is just a means of transportation, if it breaks down, just replace it. It's so goddamn stupid!!!"

Franky: "No!!! I used to think so too! I think the meaning of the existence of the ship is to transport people from one port to another port, and the ship is to fulfill this purpose. But I change my mind when I saw Merry ship spirit"

On the warship of Impel down

When Luffy listened to the debate in the chat room, his eyes once again fell on the Merry in the video...

In his mind, the scene when he just got the Merry

At that time, he had just officially owned the first real ship, and he was very happy!!!

He really didn't do what Red-border Luffy did when he first saw the Merry and swore to protect her...

He was...

Really just treat the Merry as a means of transportation

But that scene just now...

He snapped off the mainmast of the Merry, and when he went to the whale...

Presumably little Merry must be very sad


Luffy slapped herself hard

Buggy and Ivankov next to me were so scared!!!

Buggy's eyes widened: "Hey! Straw Hat, what are you doing?"

Crocodile said coldly: "Is there even a question? Can't you see that he is blaming himself for the ship?"


Luffy's eyes are red

He remembered during the battle of Enies Lobby, and the Merry, which could no longer sail, dragged its body and entered the bombing area of Buster Call without hesitation!!!

When the Straw Hat Pirates had no way out, personally pick them up and leave...

It can be said...

Their lives are saved by Merry

Without Merry, the story of the Straw Hat Pirates ends at Enies Lobby!

Luffy slapped himself again!


Buggy rubbed his heart, "Hey, hey, Straw Hat Boy, let's talk about something, can you be normal? It's scary..."

Tears bursting from Luffy's eyes

He abused Merry many times, and Merry save him

Thinking about what he did to Merry, and thinking about how much the red-border Luffy protect Merry over there, Luffy regretted it

He remembered what Red-border Luffy said in the video earlier...

I practice with all my might, so that I don't want to turn into those victim one day

I practice with all my might, just because I don't want to see the things I want to protect destroyed and be powerless one day

It would be great if he also understood this truth earlier!!!

It would be great if he also started to practice early!!!

If he could have the strength of red-border Luffy when he was 14 years old when he went to sea at the age of 17, the ending of the Merry might not be like this



Monkey D. Luffy: "Sorry...., Merry!!!"

Luffy's regretful voice sounded in the chat room


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