
One Piece : Comparison Broadcast

Just before the Summit War begin, A screen appear on the sky and the world stood still as everyone freeze In the sky, a huge screen suddenly appeared! This screen was divided into two parts, with a white border on the left and a red border on the right. Ding!! Relevant Participant have been retrieved... Ding! All participant can freely chat in the chat room and participate in the Comparison-Broadcast Quiz to win prizes! Prizes will be awarded to the top three participants that answer the quiz correctly! The prizes are diverse, including (but not limited to) Devil Fruits, physical abilities, swordsmanship abilities, Haki abilities, physical talents, physical attributes, magical items, resurrection items, etc. Please actively participate and strive to win the prizes! Note: During the Comparison-Broadcast period, the world will be enveloped in an energy confinement field, and all abilities and actions cannot be activated. Everyone does not need to worry about anything! The world is at peace at this moment... Gol·D·Roger: "Chat room? What's that? Hello, is anyone there...?"

GarudaTranslation · Anime & Comics
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235 Chs

Chapter 66: Straw Hats... Gangster Five!

Buggy: "Nani??? I'm willing to take the blame for Straw Hat!!?"

Monkey D. Luffy: "Ahahaha!!! Buggy, thank you"

Shanks: "Haha, Buggy! Look, you and Luffy are actually quite compatible!"

Edward Newgate: "Gurararara!!! The red-nosed boy is actually not bad in nature, it's just that he has gone astray"

Gol·D·Roger: "With Luffy over there, I feel that little Buggy still has a lot to do! I hope Luffy over there won't let little Buggy get off the ship!!! "

"Luffy boy! Let me bear the crime of killing Marine for you!!"

Buggy patted the chestnut breast, in high spirits!!!

Hmph! I, Buggy, am also responsible!!!

Seeing Buggy's tall appearance, Luffy's eyes suddenly lit up: "No! You don't need to carry it"


Buggy was feeling moved by himself, when he heard Luffy say this, he suddenly became angry...

He was suddenly furious: "Luffy boy, what do you mean?? We are already parting ways. Don't you even give me a chance to repay you!!! Even if I, Buggy, am not your partner, we have been together for so long!!! Don't you even have a little trust in me!!!"

"No no no"

Luffy's head is shaking like a rattle, he don't know what's going on in his head, and he's smiling so meanly

"Needless to say, I suddenly thought of a perfect solution! Hehe!!"

Speaking, Luffy waved his hand and pointed towards the front right: "Over there, there is no one in the wild port, let's pull the shipmiro over there!!"

The town where the sixteenth branch of Marine is located is called Miro Town.

After an hour

On the edge of Miro Town, five figures emerged from the forest


When seeing these five figures, the viewers all laughed and fell to the ground

Borsalino: "Pfft...!!! Hey, hey, these guys, do they want to be thieves???"

Gion: "This..., although they are going to deal with Marine, but I still have to say..., Red-border Luffy is really smart!!!"

Caribou: "In terms of temperament, they are more suitable as kidnappers than me!"

Nami: "How do I feel..., the Straw Hat Pirates over there are all going astray...

Franky: "Hahaha!!! I have to admit, this method is very good!!!"

Usopp: "The whole savage team!!!"

Nico Robin: "Fortunately, I haven't joined at this time, otherwise it would be embarrassing"

Shanks: "Hahaha!!! Luffy over there is so talented!!!"

"Hahaha!!! Usopp, your nose is sticking out!!

"Green algae head, you can't bring those three sword with you!"

"You still talk about me? You still smoke that cigarette!"

"Hey, hey, Buggy, can you be serious, don't people recognize you when you fly up???"

The five of Luffy are all wearing black cloth bags on their heads at this time, and they are covered with coir raincoats made of leaves, covering them from the neck down

The whole group of five thief!!

The five people checked each other, and made a second rectification of all the features that may reveal their identities

Luffy's hat is taken, Zoro's sword is tied to his leg, Sanji's smoke is gone, and Buggy simply hoops himself twice with a rope to prevent him from flying up accidentally...

Only Usopp's nose is the most troublesome, but Luffy still thought of a way to make a cover for Usopp's head with branches, and then put it on a black cloth bag...Work

Although this makes Usopp's head look bigger, it doesn't expose the iconic features.

"Perfect!!" After the inspection, Luffy gave himself a thumbs up without humility!!!

"By the way, I almost forgot! After entering the city, you are not allowed to use the fighting moves you are used to."

Luffy thought of something again, then stretched out his arms, grabbed a tree next to him, and dialed it directly, snapping into five segments

"Well, after entering the city, our weapon is this, and no one can have other attack methods."

Luffy distributed the sticks to five people, reminded.

Usopp's eyes lit up: "Yes, yes! Luffy you right! We all use wooden sticks to attack, so that it is even more impossible for others to know who we are!"

A group of people did not enter the city in a hurry, but waited outside the city until it was dark, and then slipped in quietly

"The moon is dark and the wind is high...well, good weather"

Luffy looked up at the moonless night, and waved his hand



In the dark night, there was a bang bang bang

When the entire Marine Base fell silent, the five of Luffy were already sitting in the interrogation room.

"You...you are so bold!!! I am Captain Nezumi, the base captain of the 16th branch of the Marine, are you going to declare war with the world government???

Captain Nezumi, who was pushed to the ground, looked at the several "thugs" around him in horror, and shouted nervously.


Usopp picked up the wooden stick and knocked a big bag on the mouse's head: "Be honest! Our boss asked you what to answer!!"

Luffy is sitting behind the interrogation table, like a pile of fallen leaves, although a little uncomfortable, but they have to bear it...

"We are the five King Kongs of the Wooden Stick Pirates. Listen, you stinky mouse. We have already found out about the evil you and the Arlong Pirates did. Now tell me obediently, your Marine How many people are your partner in crime!"

Luffy asked calmly.

Captain Nezumi immediately felt funny when he heard this

A group of thieves actually came to do the work of Marine Chief Inspector??? Stop joking!!!

Suddenly, Captain Nezumi chuckled: "Zhizhizhi Let's get straight to the point! I'll give you the money, can't I give the money? Just ask how much money you want But it can't be too much, or I'd rather die. "

"Okay! Kill him!"

Hearing this, Luffy waved his hand casually.

Bang bang bang bang bang!!!

Three or four wooden sticks crackle and beat down

The original mouse face with delicate features suddenly turned into a dry bean...

"Enough is enough, I'll give it! I'll give it! How much money do you want, I can give it all!!"

The people around are really ruthless, Captain Nezumi is really afraid that he will be beaten to death.


Usopp gave him another stick in the head!

"Damn it! Did our boss ask you for money? Tell me! Which Marine soldiers are in cahoots with you!" Usopp cursed.

Captain Nezumi is confused

What's the meaning???

Are these guys serious??

"Hey, hey! You are from the Marine supervision team???"

Captain Nezumi muttered to himself, but then he immediately shook his head: "Impossible! The Marine inspectorate team doesn't need a mask at all. "

Luffy waved his hand: "Keep beating!"

As Luffy expected, Captain Nezumi was a total softie, and he confessed quickly.

Of course, Luffy won't believe what he said.

maybe he sheltered some people who are important to him??

That night, Luffy interrogated hundreds of Marine soldiers from this branch, and compared the "Black Marine" list reported by each person, and finally distinguished the "Black Marine" from the real Marine.

Kong: "These bastards, do they think they are Marines!!!"

Sengoku: "Self-interrogated Marine, they committed a capital crime! Damn it! Just here I also make it clear to people all over the world, don't learn from the Luffy gang over there Otherwise, you will surely seek your own death!!!"

Shiki: "You two smelly and shameless dogs!!! Others are not fools, can't they see that what Red-border Luffy and his gang are doing is good for ordinary people???"

Rocks D. Xebec: "Damn it!!I, a big murderous pirate, can't stand it anymore! The scum in your Marine harms civilians, and you don't allow others to do harm to the Marine??? What kind of reasoning is this!! !"

Tsuru: "If everyone is as lawless as the red-border Luffy over there, executing Marine without permission, then the whole world will not be in chaos???"

Gol·D·Roger: "?? Tsuru old woman, what stupid things are you talking about! Open your eyes and see, is the Conami Island over there messed up??? Anyone who is not a fool can see it, over there The civilians have been truly saved!!"

Bello Beatty: "If Red-border Luffy doesn't attack these Marines, it's a real mess!"

Charlotte Linlin: "Have you not understood? Those old Marines mean that they can deal with disobedient civilians, but civilians must not touch them Marine Hahahaha!!!"

Gol·D·Roger: "Sengoku, you like to talk, don't you? Then I will talk too! People all over the world listen up! Everyone must learn from the red-border Luffy group over there, if anyone wants them to suppress your head, controlling your life and death, then l destroy them severely!!!"

Shiki: "Jie ha ha ha ha!!! Roger is right!"

Prison at the base of the sixteenth branch of Marine

"How to deal with these people?"

Zoro looked at the "Black Marines" who were imprisoned together and asked..

Luffy's voice is indifferent: "Kill! No one will be left alive!!"


"Don't..., we know we were wrong! We promise not to do it again!!! Don't kill us"

"It's Captain Nezumi who forced us!!!"

"We are Marine, if you kill us, you will face the arrest of the government of the world, you should think clearly!!!"

"Yeah, don't do stupid things! We're doing this for your own good...!!"

After hearing Luffy's order to kill them, the more than a hundred "black marines" all panicked in fright

They tried their best to beg for mercy

Zoro looked at Luffy, gestured for the wooden stick in his hand, and said with some embarrassment: "Still using this???"

Although wooden sticks can also kill people, but the efficiency is too low

"of course not!"

Luffy walked to the side, picked up the Marine guns piled in the corner, took out a few and threw them to the other four, and then picked up one himself, "Use this!!"

"Don't!!! Don't kill us...!!!"

Seeing five people pick up their guns, these "black Marines" begged for mercy

"When you helped Captain Nezumi and killed the civilians of the Conami Islands, didn't you think about today???"

"You don't want to die, do those innocent civilians want to die???"

"Since you have chosen this path, you must face the consequences that this path will bring to you!!!"


Da da da da da...!!!!

Five tongues of flame spurt out bullets at the same time, and there was a scream in the prison where "Black Marine" was locked

Rocks D. Xebec: "Hahahaha! Cool!!! This kid is really likable!!! He does things vigorously, without sloppy at all!!!"

Sengoku: "Bastards!!! These guys are doing something crazy!!! That's the life of more than a hundred Marine soldiers!!!"

Trafalgar Law: "The red-border Luffy over there is doing a great job!!! If Marine finds out these people, I'm afraid these people will still be at ease when the world government closes down!!"

Belo Betty: "Marine is nothing more than a lackey of the world's government. They make mistakes, and even if they are punished, they will be lightly punished!! And no matter how many innocent civilians die, they will not be fired at all!! !"

Sengoku: "Fart!!! Don't slander the entire Marine with a piece of rat shit!!! There are also many people who protect civilians in the Marine! Doesn't the Commodore Pudding Pudding have a good reputation???"

Monkey·D·Dragon: "You're right! But...., it's because Commodore Pudding Pudding is an upright Marine, so not only did Red-border Luffy not tease him, but he praised him, isn't it?? ?"

Monkey D Garp: "You bastard, what you said is right. My eldest grandson over there is actually right after all..."

Sengoku: "Garp!! Watch where you stand!!!"

Sakazuki: "No matter what, Marine maintains the peace of the sea. Even if there are some moths, Marine still represents justice!!! Whoever attacks Marine privately must be sentenced to death!!"

Rocks D. Xebec: "What is this called? Sakazuki's little bastard is so arrogant!!! Wait for me to revive, and watch me crush you to death!!"

Sakazuki: "Idiot!!! It's just trash that was eliminated in the old era, and dare to bark in front of me!!"

Rocks D. Xebec: "f**k you!!! Remember what you said!!! I can't spare you!!!"

Sakazuki: "Hehe! I'll wait and see!"


[More Chapter available at p@treon.com/goldengaruda

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