
One Piece : Comparison Broadcast

Just before the Summit War begin, A screen appear on the sky and the world stood still as everyone freeze In the sky, a huge screen suddenly appeared! This screen was divided into two parts, with a white border on the left and a red border on the right. Ding!! Relevant Participant have been retrieved... Ding! All participant can freely chat in the chat room and participate in the Comparison-Broadcast Quiz to win prizes! Prizes will be awarded to the top three participants that answer the quiz correctly! The prizes are diverse, including (but not limited to) Devil Fruits, physical abilities, swordsmanship abilities, Haki abilities, physical talents, physical attributes, magical items, resurrection items, etc. Please actively participate and strive to win the prizes! Note: During the Comparison-Broadcast period, the world will be enveloped in an energy confinement field, and all abilities and actions cannot be activated. Everyone does not need to worry about anything! The world is at peace at this moment... Gol·D·Roger: "Chat room? What's that? Hello, is anyone there...?"

GarudaTranslation · Anime & Comics
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235 Chs

Chapter 219 The Power Of The Tailed Beast!

With Whitebeard dealing with Borsalino, Roger has no one to stall him!!

Immediately rushed towards the execution platform

"Don't even think about it!!!"

Sakazuki's face was angry, his arm turned into billowing lava, and he was to launch a big attack in Roger's direction!!!!

"Who are you ignoring???" Crocodile's voice appeared in Sakazuki's ear

Akainu obviously fighting with him, but this guy is going to attack others!!!

How arrogant can Sakazuki be.

"Sandstorm·Desert Spear!!——"

Crocodile pressed down on the ground with one hand, and a large amount of yellow sand emerged from the ground in an instant!!!

Like countless springs gushing out of the ground suddenly, forming a series of tumbling sand rivers

Eight strands of sand rushed out of the ground, forming eight desert spears, which instantly penetrated into Sakazuki's body from all directions

Sakazuki was furious when Crocodile interrupted his attack!!!

On his body, lava surged and flowed, condensing into a solid lava armor!!!

When Crocodile's eight desert spears hit Sakazuki's body, it was like poking on solid steel, and it was instantly shattered!!!

"Idiot, do you think you can compete with me just because you get the Magnet Style reward from the viewing system? My Lava Style is not comparable to your Magnet Style!!!" With an angry growl, Sakazuki suddenly burst into lava!!!

The figure rises rapidly and deforms!!!

behind him

A lava tail stretched out!!!

Then came the second, third, and fourth!!!

When the four lava tails fully emerge, Sakazuki's shape has changed into a flaming ape!!

After getting rewards the system, why does Sakazuki have more self-confidence???

It is because when he got the Lava Style rewarded by the viewing system, he also got the power of the Four Tails Sun Wukong bound to the Lava Style!!

After a little understanding, Sakazuki will understand how powerful the tail beast is!!!

To be a careerist with the ambition of "absolute justice", after gaining strong support, he will only strengthen his belief!!!

Sakazuki clasped his palms together, and then yanked to both sides

A thick cylinder of lava was pulled out by him!!!

"Lava Style·Golden Cudgel!!——"

Sakazuki picked up the golden cudgel with both hands, jumped into the air!!!

"See the power of another world!!——" Sakazuki slammed down on Crocodile hard!!

From his point of view, this blow will definitely smash Crocodile to pieces

"The tailed beast..."

Looking up at Sakazuki falling from the sky, Crocodile whispered softly

Then, yellow sand burst out of his body crazily!!!

The body shape is also constantly rising and changing!!

In a blink of an eye, it transformed into a tanuki with mysterious lines all over its body!!

"The power of the tailed beast, You are not the only one that have it!!"

Crocodile sneered, and countless yellow sand gathered from all directions in an instant, "It condensed into a large yellow sand eggshell around his body!!!"

"Let me use this strongest shield to appraise your great power"

" Absolute Defense!!——"

Crocodile looked at Sakazuki in the gap, eyes full of contempt and disdain

When he was rewarded by the movie viewing system, he also got the power of the bound One Tail!!!

Although there is a difference in strength between the tailed beasts, the gap will not be so large

The One Tail, which is famous for its defense, although its offensive ability is relatively weak, its defensive power is definitely an advantage...!!

Seeing the form of a tailed beast on Crocodile, Sakazuki immediately understood that Crocodile's form at this time is also a tailed beast!!!

He was taken aback for a moment, but then he thought it

Since the Lava Style reward can bind the power of a tailed beast, why can't Crocodile's Magnet Style bind the power of a tailed beast???

"Hmph!! With the strength of One Tail, you dare to be arrogant in front of Four Tails!! Who gave you the confidence!!!"

With a cold snort, Sakazuki smashed the lava cudgel in his hand!!


When the golden cudgel hit the absolutely defensive yellow sand eggshell, an earth-shattering bang resounded throughout the Marine Headquarters!!!

grounds vibrated violently!!!

In the Marine family town behind Marineford, all the windows on the buildings were shattered by it at this moment!!!

Sabaody Archipelago


Even at a relatively long distance, this terrifying sound was transmitted to Sabaody Archipelago in an instant!!!

It's as if someone detonated millions of shells on the sea not far away at the same time

It's deafening!!!

"OMG!!! Admiral Akainu and crocodiles?? Why did one turn into an ape and the other turn into a tanuki???"

"It's horrible!! This should be related to the rewards they get from the viewing system"

"It's just a collision, but the sound of the collision directly crossed the sea and sky so far, and reached here!!!"

"Look, the live broadcast on the top of the soap bubble is gone, probably those few live den den mushi were killed by the blow just now

"Fortunately, there is the viewing system, otherwise we wouldn't even have to watch it now!!"

"It's terrible!!! Is this the battle of the strong after receiving the reward??? I feel that if I was on the scene, I would become cannon fodder in an instant!!"

Marine Headquarters, there are so many Marine

After the strong confrontation, the ground where Crocodile was on exploded instantly, and fell several meters deep!!!

Around his body, the absolute defense composed of yellow sand was cracked by Sakazuki's hard attack!!!

However, Crocodile is still well protected.....

Of course, Crocodile can stop Sakazuki's blow, but the ground can't stop it...

So under the attack of Sakazuki, he was directly blasted below the surface

"idiot!!" Seeing that Crocodile disappeared from his eyes, Sakazuki was going to attack Roger

But at this moment, on the piece of ground where Crocodile disappeared, all the original gravel and tiles turned into sand!!!

The billowing yellow sand emerged from the ground, and instantly condensed into a new arc shape!!!

"Damn it!! The ground quality of Marine Headquarters is too bad, it caused me to go underground!!!"

Crocodile, who still maintained a complete tailed beast state, dusted off his body and said with some displeasure.

"Bastard!!! You're so on!!!"

Seeing Crocodile chasing after him again, the anger in Sakazuki's heart...

"You have to work harder!! You are only a little bit close to breaking through my defense" Crocodile took a puff of his cigar unhurriedly, and turned towards Sakazuki with a very proper expression, "Now..., it's time for me to take the initiative to attack!!"

As he spoke, Crocodile suddenly opened his mouth, and a large amount of Chakra energy burst out from his mouth!!!

The chakra energy is quickly condensed and fused

In the blink of an eye, a purple energy ball came

"Asshole!!! You are an asshole!!!"

Suddenly seeing Crocodile make a Tailed Beast Bomb, Sakazuki is almost cursing!!!

This is Marine Headquarters after all!!!

When this Tailed Beast Bomb blows up, Marineford will be affected on a large scale

But right now, since Crocodile has released the Tailed Beast Bomb, he can only use a reciprocal attack

Otherwise, he will suffer a big loss!!

"Damn bastard!! I will kill you!!!" Sakazuki roared, and then opened his mouth

A purple Tailed Beast Bomb was instantly condensed!!!

"Why are you pretending to care for your comrades? If you have the ability, do condense Tailed Beast Bomb, and face me" With a disdainful taunt, Crocodile attack

The terrifying Tailed Beast Bomb rushed towards Sakazuki immediately!!!


Although Sakazuki will consider Marine's casualties, but not too much...

In contrast, his own safety is the most important!!!


He also attack, Tailed Beast Bomb rush towards Crocodile!!!



The purple mushroom cloud reaches the sky....!!


[More Chapter and More Update Weakly at p@treon.com/goldengaruda]
