
One Piece: Character System

Kyle Viktor died full of regrets and guilt. Fortunately, destiny pitied and reincarnated him in his favorite anime. 'One Piece' With the Character System by his side, would he finally achieve something or once again die full of regrets? NOTE!! -Rewritten -no harem - wish fulfillment story

CryingGucci · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 7

Hearing Castiel's nonchalant remark about the life of their fallen comrade, a wave of rage swept through the remaining Fishmen. It was as if a primal instinct had been ignited, a collective fury that transformed them into relentless beasts driven by the desire to avenge their fallen kin.

With wild eyes and bared teeth, the Fishmen charged forward, a chaotic symphony of enraged roars filling the air.

Unfortunately, the Fishmen proved to be no match for Castiel's prowess. In a cruel and efficient display of combat skill, each swing of his bone sticks was precise, calculated, and deadly.

One by one, the Fishmen fell victim to Castiel's merciless onslaught. Some met their end with a swift and precise stab. Others faced a more brutal fate, slashed by the weapon in Castiel's hands.

His movements were almost dance-like, a ghastly ballet of violence that left a trail of fallen adversaries in his wake.

The reality of their defeat sank in as Castiel stood among the fallen, his bone sticks stained with the blood of those who had dared to challenge him.

In the aftermath, the air hung heavy with the scent of defeat and despair. Castiel, seemingly untouched by the brutality he had just unleashed, surveyed the scene with an impassive gaze. The nonchalant demeanor remained, a stark contrast to the chaos that had unfolded.




As the golden rays of dawn began to filter through the windows of the modest cabin inside Arlong Park, Kyle stirred from his deep slumber. 

Blinking groggily, Kyle glanced around the dimly lit room, his memories slowly piecing together the events of the previous day. The fight... the victory... and the spectacular 'still' world.

With a soft groan, Kyle pushed himself into a sitting position, 

"Morning," came Castiel's voice from across the room, a hint of amusement lacing his words. The sight of his steadfast friend brought a small smile to Kyle's lips.

"Good morning Buzzie" Kyle replied playfully, although his voice was still rough from exhaustion. "How long was I out?"

Castiel chuckled softly, laughing at the funny nickname his captain called him "A whole day and night, still quite short given how wrecked your body is"

"Well I guess I'm just that great, right Hahahaha" 

"If you say so, Hahahaha"

"So, how did it feel?" Castiel's question cut through the air, catching Kyle off guard but drawing a grin from him nonetheless.

Kyle raised an eyebrow, feigning innocence. "How did what feel?"

The playfulness hidden in Kyle's face couldn't go unnoticed by Castiel as he chuckled, shaking his head in mock exasperation. "Godspeed, I mean" 

"Oh, it was amazing," Kyle admitted, a grin spreading across his face. "Godspeed is... well, it's like nothing I've ever experienced before. It's like every fiber of your being is charged with electricity, and for that moment, you feel unstoppable."

Castiel nodded in understanding, a knowing smile playing on his lips. "It must be amazing then," he replied, admiration evident in his voice. "You look cool out there"

Kyle's grin widened at the praise, a warm flush of pride suffusing his cheeks. "Thanks, Cas. But I couldn't have done it without you by my side."

"Of course, you wouldn't," Castiel quipped with a smirk, "who would protect your ass when you're unconscious after only a second of using Godspeed?"

Kyle threw his head back, roaring with laughter at the good-natured ribbing. "HAHAHAHAHA, right. Thanks, Cas," he replied between chuckles,

At that moment, laughter rang out inside, echoing in every part of the room.

A heavy silence descended upon the cabin as Kyle's mood shifted, his previous levity giving way to a somber introspection. He looks down at his hands,

"Arlong... is he dead?"

"...Yes" Castiel hesitated at first but chose to tell the truth as Kyle remained silent.

Although witnessing death was nothing new for Kyle, having seen Castiel take a life before, there was a profound difference in being the one to deliver the fatal blow. The weight of the responsibility caused by his impulsive actions pressed down upon him. 

Yet, amidst the guilt, Kyle knew this was something he must go through, for this was only the first among the many more he would kill in the future.

Castiel, ever perceptive, noticed the turmoil swirling within the depths of Kyle's mind as his captain stirred from the depths of slumber.

However, Castiel understood that this was a battle his captain must face alone. The lines etched on Kyle's face, the subtle shifts in his gaze – all revealed the internal struggle playing out within him.

Silently, Castiel maintained a respectful distance, leaving Kyle alone with his thoughts.

Not being a native of this world, Kyle still carries the values and morals of a modern human.

No matter how much he tries to hide it with the persona he is trying to create, he is nothing more than a broken depressed teen boy, given a power without fully understanding the consequences of his actions.


'Control what you can control, and let go of what you can't' echoed the wisdom of the famous emperor Marcus Aurelius in Kyle's mind. As he lay in the cabin, surrounded by the aftermath of the intense battle, Kyle took a deep breath, drawing strength from the ancient words that resonated with timeless truth.

Kyle absorbed the essence of those words, seeking solace in the realization that not every aspect of life, or in this case, battle, could be meticulously controlled.

Kyle exhaled. The creases on his forehead softened, and a newfound calm settled over him.

he couldn't control who would live or die in the chaotic dance of battle. However, a newfound understanding dawned upon him: what he could control was whom to fight and when to engage in a fight.

The words echoed within him, a mantra that shifted his perspective.

With newfound clarity, Kyle rose from the makeshift bed. As he stepped back into the world outside the cabin, the weight of the recent battle seemed less burdensome.

As Kyle stepped outside the cabin, he was met with a scene that warmed his heart and lifted the weight from his shoulders.

it was the sight of the residents of Cocoyasi Village. Their faces were etched with a mixture of curiosity and gratitude, their eyes alight with a newfound sense of hope and liberation.

The men, women, and children who had suffered under the oppressive rule of Arlong for far too long. Yet now, their expressions were transformed, their spirits uplifted by the defeat of their tyrannical oppressor.

Although saving them from Arlong wasn't his intention, Kyle couldn't help but feel a sense of joy facing the appreciation of the residents.