
One Piece: Character System

Kyle Viktor died full of regrets and guilt. Fortunately, destiny pitied and reincarnated him in his favorite anime. 'One Piece' With the Character System by his side, would he finally achieve something or once again die full of regrets? NOTE!! -Rewritten -no harem - wish fulfillment story

CryingGucci · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 11

"Hermes!" Kyle's desperate cry pierced the night,

However, Sabo, unswayed by the distress in Kyle's voice, continued his relentless assault.

Castiel, responding to the continued threat, faced the Revolutionary's Chief of Staff head-on, Dozens of bones emerged across his arms, and in an instant, the bones launched themselves at incredible speed toward Sabo.

"Arrow Rain!"

Sabo's instincts kicked in, his body moving gracefully as he anticipated the deadly rain of bone arrows. Time seemed to slow as he gracefully sidestepped, ducked, and weaved through the deadly barrage.

The arrow whizzed past him, not even a single managed to touch a piece of his cloth.

As the Chief of Staff of the most wanted group in the world, Sabo is a master of Haki, and this peat is only made possible because of his Observation Haki.

Closing the distance with determined strides, Sabo's fist clenched with raw power, ready to unleash another devastating blow aimed squarely at Castiel's gut.

But Castiel saw the impending strike and knew he had to act swiftly. With a surge of concentration, and in a blink, his torso became encased in a protective armor of bones.

Sabo's fist surged forward, mere inches from colliding against Castiel's bone armor, when a sudden streak of white lightning sliced through the tension-filled air, halting the impending collision.

With a swift and decisive motion, Kyle intercepted Sabo's punch, his grip firm as he seized the latter's punching arm in a vice-like hold.

"We are not enemies!" Kyle's voice cut through the charged atmosphere, stopping the ongoing fight.

Caught in Kyle's grip, Sabo froze, surprise flickered across his face, his eyes widening in astonishment at the sheer speed at which Kyle intercepted his strike.

With a grimace of agony contorting his face, Kyle released his grip on Sabo's arm.

The strain of maintaining his Godspeed ability became unbearable, as he deactivated the powerful augmentation, a wave of excruciating pain surged through his body, seizing every muscle.

Collapsing to the ground with a resounding thud, Kyle crumpled, his face meeting the earth with a forceful impact.

With Kyle's sudden collapse, Castiel sprang into action, positioning himself as a protective barrier between his fallen captain and Sabo.

His gaze remained fixed on Sabo, a silent warning that any further aggression would be met with staunch resistance.

Yet, to Castiel's relief, Sabo showed no signs of further hostility. The yellow-haired revolutionary stood motionless, his gaze shifting from Kyle's fallen form to Castiel's determined stance. 

In Castiel's unwavering gaze, Sabo detected a loyalty transcending mere allegiance. 

As Sabo observed the bone-man's steadfast defense of Kyle, a wave of introspection washed over him. In that fleeting moment of contemplation, he couldn't help but think;

'Maybe they aren't bad'

Yet, even with such thought, Sabo remains doubtful of the three, not immediately believing Kyle's word.

"How do you know me? What do you mean about not being an enemy?" Sabo's voice cut through the lingering tension, his words laced with curiosity and a hint of skepticism.

"I'm very interested in the Revolutionary Army!" From his prone position on the ground, Kyle responded.


"I'm from Ohara!" The words escaped Kyle's lips with a sense of conviction, each syllable resonating with a carefully crafted story that he had meticulously pieced together in his mind.

Ohara is a name whispered with reverence and sorrow in the annals of history. Once renowned for its scholarly pursuits and ancient wisdom, the island had been a beacon of enlightenment in a world shrouded in darkness.

But Ohara's fate had been sealed by the merciless hand of the Marines, who had unleashed the devastating power of the Buster Call upon its shores. In a cataclysmic display of force, the island of scholars had been reduced to rubble, its once-proud civilization plunged into the depths of the sea.

The mere mention of the island caught Sabo off guard for the reason the Revolutionary Army exists is because of the wrongdoing that befalls the innocents just like the scholars in Ohara.

Knowing that his mere statement is not enough to fully gain Sabo's trust, Kyle continues narrating his 'backstory'.

In a family of three, Kyle's roots traced back to the ancient island of knowledge, where his father had carved out a modest reputation among his peers, not the best but not the worst.

Fearing the wrath of the Marines and the impending doom that awaited their homeland, Kyle's family made the difficult decision to abandon their roots and seek sanctuary in the safety of obscurity. His whole family relocated to a small village a few years before the island's destruction.

For years, they lived in relative peace, their past a distant memory buried beneath the tranquility of their new life. But fate, it seemed, had other plans in store. In a cruel twist of destiny, the Marines uncovered the truth of their origins, tracing their lineage back to the forbidden island of Ohara.

In a swift and merciless act of retribution, Kyle's family was torn from him, their lives extinguished by the same forces they had sought to escape. Left as the sole survivor of his lineage, Kyle was thrust into a world of grief and solitude,

It was this tragic past that led him to the peaceful shores of East Blue, a distant refuge where the echoes of his family's demise could fade into the gentle rhythm of the sea.

As he recounted the story of his origins, Kyle's words resonated with a sincerity that was both compelling and convincing.

And as Kyle spun his web of lies, even Castiel found himself drawn in by the compelling narrative. 

It was so believable that Sabo completely believed Kyle's lies as sorrow and grief were evident in the latter's expression.

In the aftermath of his masterful fabrication, Kyle couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at the success of his ruse. The fact that both Sabo and Castiel had fallen for his carefully constructed backstory was a testament to his skill as a storyteller, a talent he hadn't realized he possessed until now.

'Damn, I didn't know I'm talented at lying,' Kyle thought to himself, a hint of amusement coloring his thoughts.

This is a skill developed by lying to his parents just so he could hang out with his friends.