
One Piece: Celestial Corruption

In a world where darkness reigned supreme, Alaric emerged as a harbinger of malevolence, reborn as a Celestial Dragon. Gifted with the Succubus Physique, he devoured five devil fruits with a hunger that mirrored the depths of his depravity. Driven not by lust alone, but by a thirst for domination and cruelty, Alaric's every action dripped with malice. With each main character he vanquished, he reveled in the agony of his victims, his power growing with every drop of their blood. As he sailed the cursed seas, Alaric amassed not a harem, but a legion of enslaved souls, their wills shattered by his iron fist and twisted desires. In his wake, he left a trail of corruption and despair, his name whispered in terror by those who dared to defy him. For Alaric, ultimate pleasure lay not in ecstasy, but in the agony of others. And as he gazed upon the shattered world he ruled with an iron grip, he knew that his reign of darkness was just beginning.

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9 Chs

Reborn As Celestial Dragon

Mary Geoise,

In the opulent chambers of Mary Geoise, where the celestial dragons reigned supreme amidst the splendor of their grandeur, an unexpected disturbance shattered the tranquil ambiance. At the epicenter of this sudden commotion lay Saint Alaric, a mere eight-year-old celestial dragon, yet burdened with a name that echoed through the annals of celestial history: Saint Jaygarcia Alaric Topman.

Born into the esteemed lineage of the Jaygarcia and Topman families, Saint Alaric was the embodiment of celestial prestige, the cherished offspring of the revered Saint Saturn and Saint Warcury. However, tragedy had marred his young life; his parents had met their untimely demise in the infamous God Valley Incident, leaving him orphaned and adrift in a world of power and politics beyond his years.

As whispers of concern swept through the opulent halls, the elite of Mary Geoise were thrust into a frenzy of activity. Servants hurried to summon aid, their usually composed demeanor betraying their sense of urgency. Even the most esteemed doctors, renowned for their mastery of celestial medicine, were summoned with haste to attend to the fallen scion.

In the rarefied air of Mary Geoise, where perfection was not merely expected but demanded, any deviation from the immaculate facade of celestial superiority was cause for alarm. And as Saint Alaric lay unconscious, the very foundations of celestial society trembled with uncertainty, casting a shadow over the gilded halls of the celestial elite.

In the esteemed halls of Mary Geoise, where the lineage of celestial dragons held sway over all, Saint Saturn and Saint Warcury, both grandfathers of the beloved Saint Alaric, stood vigil over their cherished grandson. When the doctor's dire prognosis fell upon their ears, a storm of emotions surged through them. Alaric, the sole heir to the prestigious Jaygarcia and Topman families, lay in a coma—a fate unthinkable for the scion of such illustrious bloodlines.

"How dare you speak of our grandson in such a manner?" Saint Saturn's voice reverberated with righteous fury, shaking the very foundation of the chamber.

Warcury's usually steady hands trembled with barely contained rage. "He bears the blood of both our lineages! He will awaken; mark my words."

Sensing the rising tension, the venerable Saint Mars and Saint Shepherd, known for their wisdom and calming influence, stepped forward to temper the tempest. "Patience, dear brothers." Saint Mars' voice was a soothing balm amidst the storm. "Alaric is resilient. He will emerge from this trial unscathed."

Meanwhile, Saint Nusjuro, the sagacious elder with a keen eye for strategy, remained silent, his thoughts hidden behind a mask of serenity. Within his heart, however, he harbored plans to accept Alaric as his disciple on the boy's upcoming ninth birthday. Yet, now, with uncertainty clouding the future, his intentions hung in the balance.

Amid uncertainty and turmoil, the celestial elders stood united in their vigil over their beloved Saint Alaric, praying for his swift recovery and the restoration of celestial harmony.

We apologize for any dissatisfaction. Here's a refined version:

A rift tore open the celestial sky above Mary Geoise, crackling with raw energy as a thunderous bolt struck Saint Alaric. In that electrifying instant, a new soul surged into his being, enveloping him in a cocoon of vivid purple light.

Amidst the tumult, the Five Elders hastened to Alaric's side, their expressions a mix of concern and wonder. Yet, as the celestial prince slowly rose, his eyes now aglow with newfound vitality, a collective sigh of relief escaped their lips. Alaric was awake.

In the wake of the lightning strike, Alaric's awakening was accompanied by a remarkable transformation. Infused with the memories and essence of an earthly playboy named Alaric, he now possessed a charisma that radiated like a beacon.

As the Five Elders observed this extraordinary development, a sense of jubilation swept through their ranks. For in the rebirth of Saint Alaric lay the promise of a new era, one infused with boundless potential and unforeseen possibilities.

But the revelation did not end there. As Alaric's consciousness expanded, so too did his latent power. With a surge of determination, he unleashed his King Haki, his aura pulsating with authority and command.

At that moment, amidst the awe and excitement, a future brimming with hope and anticipation unfolded before the eyes of the celestial elite. And as Saint Alaric embraced his newfound destiny, the celestial world trembled with anticipation, poised on the brink of an epoch-defining transformation.

As Saint Alaric gradually regained consciousness, Saint Saturn and Saint Warcury hastened to his side, their faces etched with concern swiftly replaced by wide grins of delight. 

"Boy, you've done it!" Saint Saturn exclaimed, his voice brimming with pride and admiration. "You've awakened your king's, Haki!"

Warcury joined in the jubilation, his laughter echoing through the chamber. "Indeed, grandson, you've made us proud!"

The remaining members of the Five Elders, overcome with joy at Alaric's awakening, joined in the celebration. Their smiles mirrored the radiant glow of Alaric's newfound power, a testament to the hope and optimism that now filled the room.

Alaric said with a big smile "Grandpa's, I am fine now. Feeling better than ever."

At that moment, amidst the laughter and camaraderie, the celestial elite embraced the dawn of a new era. Saint Alaric, with his awakening king Haki, heralded the promise of greatness and glory yet to come. And as they basked in the warmth of his achievement, the celestial world seemed to shimmer with boundless possibilities.

As Saint Alaric basked in the faux adoration of his esteemed elders, Saint Warcury's voice cut through the jubilant atmosphere with a note of caution. "Grandson, you should rest for now. Your awakening has been quite an eventful one."

Alaric nodded obediently, his eyes betraying a hint of amusement beneath their facade of innocence.

With Alaric settled, the Five Elders convened to discuss the peculiar events that had unfolded—the sudden appearance of the portal, the lightning strike, and Alaric's miraculous awakening.

Saint Saturn, ever the voice of reason, silenced the murmurs of speculation with a decisive statement. "Regardless of the origin of the portal or the lightning, what matters is that Alaric has awakened his king Haki. That alone is cause for celebration."

He gestured towards the other descendants of celestial families, who lay scattered around the chamber, their forms limp and unconscious. "Look at them," he continued, his tone tinged with disdain. "Weaklings, all of them. Fainting at the mere manifestation of Alaric's power. Pathetic."

Saint Warcury nodded in agreement, his expression reflecting a mixture of pride and contempt. "Indeed, grandson," he addressed Alaric directly. "You have proven yourself to be a true celestial dragon, strong where others are weak. You are the hope of our lineage."

With those words, the discussion concluded, leaving the Five Elders to contemplate the significance of Alaric's awakening. For at that moment, amidst the whispers of intrigue and the shadows of doubt, one truth remained undeniable—Alaric, with his newfound power, had emerged as a force to be reckoned with in the celestial world.

As the discussion among the celestial elders drew to a close, a troupe of maids, adorned in resplendent attire, appeared to escort Saint Alaric to his opulent palace.

As Saint Alaric prepared to depart for his palace, a contingent of bodyguards arrived, escorting a towering female giant slave. With muscles rippling beneath her taut skin, she kneeled before Alaric, her eyes downcast in submission.

Alaric, seated regally upon a magnificent throne mounted on the giantess's broad back, surveyed his surroundings with an air of quiet authority. With a gesture, he signaled for the procession to begin.

As they set off, the giantess moved with powerful grace, her colossal form carrying Alaric through the opulent halls and bustling corridors of Mary Geoise. A heavy chain encircled her neck, its other end clasped firmly in Alaric's grasp—a stark reminder of his absolute dominion over her life.

The sight of Alaric, perched atop his throne upon the giantess's back, struck fear into the hearts of those who beheld it. In that moment, he exuded an aura of absolute power and control, a potent symbol of his authority over all who served him.

With each step, the giantess crawled forward obediently, her movements a testament to the iron will that compelled her. As they made their way to the palace, Alaric's gaze remained fixed ahead, his thoughts consumed by the boundless possibilities that lay before him.

As Saint Alaric stepped into the grandeur of his palace, he was greeted by a sight of unparalleled opulence. The vast halls echoed with the hushed whispers of maids, servants, and vigilant bodyguards. Lush gardens sprawled beyond, and the shimmering expanse of swimming pools beckoned with promise.

Entering his private chambers, Alaric commanded all but the giantess to leave, a directive issued by none other than Saint Saturn himself. As the room cleared, the giantess remained a silent sentinel, bound to Alaric's side by celestial decree.

Ignoring the imposing presence of the giantess, Alaric proceeded to immerse himself in a hot spring within his chambers. Steam rose in tendrils around him as he luxuriated in the soothing warmth, the cares of the world melting away with each passing moment.

Meanwhile, the giantess, clad in ragged attire that marked her as little more than a mere servant, stood stoically beside the hot spring. Despite her towering stature, she appeared diminished in the presence of Saint Alaric, her gaze fixed upon him with unwavering loyalty.

As Alaric bathed in blissful solitude, enveloped by the tranquil embrace of the hot spring, the giantess remained ever vigilant, a silent guardian standing watch over her master's sanctuary. And in that moment of serenity, amidst the grandeur of his palace, Saint Alaric knew that he was truly in command of his destiny.


[Downloading System....99%]

[100%..Download completed]

[Host, you will receive a lottery every time you kill an important character and you can draw one ability from a female character who has 100% loyalty to you.]

[Distributing Novice Gift Pack]

[Host receives:

1. Succubus Physique

2. Skill Enhancement card 

3. Devil Fruit Awakening Card


[The abilities of a succubus physique will grant maximum cuteness and maximum attraction to opposite genders, combined with the unique trait of giving the host the ability to eat a total of 7 Devil Fruits.]

[Skill Enhancement Card: Host can enhance any one of his skills]

[Devil Fruit Awakening Card: Host can awaken any Devil Fruit.]

As Saint Alaric luxuriated in the soothing warmth of his private hot spring, a sense of exhilaration surged through him. With the revelation of his abilities, a triumphant smile graced his lips.

"The world will soon be in my fist," he declared with a gleam of anticipation in his eyes, his voice ringing with confidence and ambition.

With each devil fruit he could consume and every ability he could acquire through the system, Alaric's power and influence would only grow stronger. The prospect of wielding such immense authority filled him with a heady sense of exhilaration as visions of conquest and dominance danced through his mind.

As he basked in the glory of his newfound potential, Alaric's resolve hardened. He was no longer just a celestial prince; he was a force to be reckoned with—a ruler destined to reshape the very fabric of the world according to his will.

With a sense of purpose burning brightly within him, Saint Alaric emerged from the hot spring, his mind set on the path that lay before him.