
One Piece: Celestial Corruption

In a world where darkness reigned supreme, Alaric emerged as a harbinger of malevolence, reborn as a Celestial Dragon. Gifted with the Succubus Physique, he devoured five devil fruits with a hunger that mirrored the depths of his depravity. Driven not by lust alone, but by a thirst for domination and cruelty, Alaric's every action dripped with malice. With each main character he vanquished, he reveled in the agony of his victims, his power growing with every drop of their blood. As he sailed the cursed seas, Alaric amassed not a harem, but a legion of enslaved souls, their wills shattered by his iron fist and twisted desires. In his wake, he left a trail of corruption and despair, his name whispered in terror by those who dared to defy him. For Alaric, ultimate pleasure lay not in ecstasy, but in the agony of others. And as he gazed upon the shattered world he ruled with an iron grip, he knew that his reign of darkness was just beginning.

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9 Chs

Hot Spring

With their guidance imparted and destinies set in motion, Saint Saturn and Saint Warcury bid Alaric farewell, their expressions a mixture of pride and solemnity. "Go, Alaric," Saturn urged, his voice gentle yet firm. "Enjoy your two months of childhood."

Alaric nodded, a sense of determination burning bright within him. With a final glance at his grandfathers, he turned and departed, accompanied by the towering giantess and a retinue of guards.

As Alaric made his way back to his castle, his mind buzzed with thoughts of the challenges and adventures that lay ahead. Yet, beneath the weight of his destiny, there lingered a sense of longing for the simple joys of youth.

Meanwhile, Saturn and Warcury returned to the hallowed halls of the Five Elders, their minds already consumed with matters of state and the intricate web of political intrigue that surrounded them.

As they settled back into their duties, the weight of responsibility rested heavily on their shoulders. They knew that the fate of their world hung in the balance, and the actions of the chosen one would shape the course of history for generations to come.

In the solemn confines of the office, the three remaining elders engaged in a discussion tinged with curiosity and intrigue.

"Is it just me?" Shepherd ventured, his brow furrowed in contemplation, "Or does Alaric seem markedly different since being struck by lightning? He exudes maturity and emits a distinct aura that I find rather intriguing."

Nsujura and Mars exchanged a knowing glance, silently acknowledging Shepherd's observation. "Indeed," Nsujura murmured, his expression thoughtful. "There's a newfound depth to his demeanor that commands attention."

Saturn and Warcury entered the room at that moment, their presence commanding respect. Shepherd wasted no time in sharing his observation with them, prompting nods of agreement from the other two elders.

"Alaric has certainly matured," Saturn remarked, a hint of pride coloring his tone. "After all, he is our grandson."

The acknowledgment of Alaric's transformation elicited a subtle shift in the atmosphere of the room. While Nsujura's daughter served as his heir and Shepherd's son held a position in the God's Knights, both lacked the illustrious King's Haki that marked Alaric's newfound maturity.

Shepherd, ever the jocular presence among the elders, sought to alleviate the tension with a light-hearted jest. "Now, now, let's not get carried away," he chuckled. "There's no need to show off, Alaric."

Turning the conversation towards Alaric's choice of devil fruit, Shepherd inquired about the selection. To his surprise, Saturn and Warcury revealed that Alaric had declined to choose from their collection of top-tier devil fruits, opting instead to wait until he deemed it suitable.

The revelation left the other three elders momentarily speechless, their thoughts swirling with speculation about the depths of Alaric's strategic foresight and the potential implications of his decision.

As Alaric retreated to the sanctuary of his castle, weariness weighed heavily on his shoulders. The allure of his hot springs beckoned to him like a siren's song, promising respite from the trials of the day.

Without hesitation, Alaric made his way to the tranquil waters of the hot springs, the soothing heat enveloping him like a comforting embrace. As he reclined amidst the steamy depths, a sense of relaxation washed over him, easing the tensions that had accumulated throughout the day.

Yet, even amid his blissful repose, Alaric's mind remained alert, ever attuned to the possibilities afforded by his newfound powers. With a contemplative gaze, he pondered the depths of his system, musing over the intriguing ability to gain powers from females of maximum loyalty.

It was then that his gaze fell upon the towering figure of the giantess, who stood vigil beside him, her loyalty unwavering and steadfast. In her steadfast presence, Alaric sensed a unique opportunity—a chance to unlock new potential and broaden his arsenal of abilities.

With a determined gleam in his eye, Alaric resolved to explore the depths of the giantess's loyalty and unravel the secrets hidden within her unwavering devotion.

[Name: Tsunade]

[Loyalty: 20%]

[Bloodline: Giants]

[Skills: Mount[max]]




As Alaric contemplated his next move, a flicker of inspiration ignited within him. Despite the initial disappointment in Tsunade's allegiance, he saw an opportunity to foster a deeper connection between them.

"Come into the hot spring with me," Alaric commanded, his tone gentle yet authoritative.

Tsunade hesitated, uncertainty flickering in her eyes. But the celestial dragon's command was not to be ignored. With a mixture of apprehension and resignation, she complied, shedding her clothes as she prepared to enter the steamy waters of the hot spring.

With a graceful motion, Tsunade lowered herself into the depths of the hot spring, her massive form effortlessly accommodating the spacious pool. As the warm waters enveloped her, a sense of relaxation washed over her, easing the tension that had gripped her muscles.

With a gentle yet commanding tone, Alaric beckoned Tsunade to join him beside the tranquil waters of the hot spring. "Come, sit next to me," he urged, his voice carrying an undercurrent of reassurance.

Tsunade hesitated, her apprehension palpable as she warily approached Alaric's side. Each step she took seemed fraught with uncertainty, her movements hesitant as she navigated the unfamiliar terrain of their burgeoning companionship.

As Tsunade settled beside him, Alaric offered her a comforting smile, a silent gesture of camaraderie in the face of her lingering fears. With a reassuring nod, he gestured for her to relax, inviting her to share in the tranquility of their surroundings.

Despite her initial trepidation, Tsunade gradually began to unwind, the warmth of the hot spring soothing her troubled mind. 

[Loyalty: 30%]

With a contented smile gracing his features, Alaric sensed the newfound ease that had settled upon Tsunade. With a nod of satisfaction, he rose from the soothing embrace of the hot spring and made his way to his bed, exhaustion finally beginning to weigh on his weary frame.

As he settled into the plush comfort of his bed, Alaric's thoughts drifted to Tsunade, the giantess whose loyalty he had begun to earn. With a flick of his wrist, he summoned the maids, issuing a command that would signal a shift in Tsunade's role within the castle walls.

"Provide Tsunade with a new uniform," Alaric instructed, his voice firm yet compassionate. "From this day forth, she shall no longer serve as my mount. Instead, she shall be my bodyguard."

The maids hastened to fulfill Alaric's orders, scurrying to procure a suitable uniform for Tsunade. With each passing moment, the transformation of her role within the castle became more tangible, a testament to the trust and respect that Alaric had begun to bestow upon her.

[Loyalty: 45%]

As the maids attended to Tsunade's needs, Alaric closed his eyes, allowing the gentle embrace of sleep to envelop him. In the quiet solitude of his chambers, he found solace, knowing that he had taken another step towards solidifying his alliance with Tsunade and forging a bond that would withstand the trials that lay ahead. And as he drifted into slumber, a sense of peace settled over him, his dreams filled with visions of the future that awaited him and his newfound companion.

The next Day,

The morning sun cast its golden rays upon the opulent chambers of Alaric's castle as he rose from his slumber, the events of the previous day lingering in his thoughts. With a sense of anticipation, he reached for the newspaper, eager to glean any tidings of the world beyond his fortress walls.

As Alaric perused the headlines, his brow furrowed in mild disappointment. Despite the passing of time, there was still no mention of the Straw Hat Pirates, particularly their enigmatic captain, Luffy. It seemed that the journey of the infamous pirate crew had yet to commence, leaving Alaric to wonder about the implications of their delayed departure.

However, amidst the absence of news regarding the Straw Hats, one headline caught Alaric's attention—a report detailing the ongoing conflict between the formidable Yonko, Shanks, and the indomitable Big Mom. Though the specifics were scarce, Alaric sensed the weight of the clash between these two titans, recognizing its significance within the turbulent seas of the New World.

Setting aside the newspaper, Alaric took a moment to savor the fragrant aroma of his morning tea, the steaming cup a comforting presence in his hands. With a contemplative sip, he turned his focus inward, his thoughts shifting to matters closer to home.

"System, show me my status now," Alaric requested, his voice a quiet command infused with purpose.

As the system responded to his inquiry, a holographic display materialized before him, detailing his current status and abilities. With a keen eye, Alaric studied the information presented before him, each data point a testament to his growing power and potential.


[NAME: Saint Jaygarcia Alaric Topman]

[Identity: Heir of the Jaygarcia and Topman Families]

[Bloodline: Human]

[Physique: Succubus]

[Devil Fruit: Eternal Phoenix Fruit, Frostblaze Model]

[Max Loyalty: None]


Armament: Locked

Observation: Locked

King's: Beginner]

[System Storage: Skill Enhancement Card, Zoan Devil Fruit Enhancement Card]

As Alaric scrutinized the contents of his inventory, his gaze fell upon the devil fruit enhancement card nestled among his possessions. An idea began to form in his mind—a possibility to further unlock the potential of his fused devil fruit.

"System, can I awaken my fused devil fruit with this card?" Alaric inquired, his voice tinged with anticipation.

To his dismay, the system's response was less than favorable. "No, host. This card only works for a single devil fruit. Right now, you have two devil fruits fused. You would need two such cards to awaken them. Furthermore, you'll require a total of seven cards to awaken all seven devil fruits once fused."

Alaric's lips formed a thin line, a flicker of frustration evident in his expression. He had anticipated that the path to unlocking his devil fruit's true potential would be fraught with challenges, but he had hoped for a simpler solution.

"I knew it wouldn't be so easy," Alaric muttered under his breath. Reluctant to waste valuable resources, he decided against using the skill enhancement card for the time being, reserving it for when he faced a true obstacle on his journey.

Undeterred, Alaric pressed further, seeking clarification from the system. "If I use the devil fruit card now, will my devil fruit awaken at least 50%?"

However, the system's response dashed his hopes once more. "No, host. It will only awaken 40% if done one at a time."

Alaric couldn't help but feel a pang of frustration at the system's apparent stinginess. "You are being stingy," he remarked, his tone laced with exasperation.

The system's response was matter-of-fact, devoid of emotion. "There is a reason for that, host. When you pay for something all at once, you receive the full product. However, when you pay in installments, you may need to pay a little extra."

Alaric sighed, coming to terms with the reality of his situation. His proficiency in utilizing his devil fruit abilities remained stagnant, a stark reminder of the journey that lay ahead.

With a renewed sense of excitement, Alaric embraced the opportunity to revel in his remaining days of childhood. Eager to make the most of his time, he meticulously crafted a list of sports and activities to indulge in, drawing inspiration from the memories of his previous life.

As he sketched out plans for various sports, including basketball, football, volleyball, cricket, baseball, swimming, and badminton, Alaric's enthusiasm grew with each stroke of his pen. In addition to traditional sports, he envisioned introducing the inhabitants of his world to the wonders of gym machines—a concept foreign to their culture but one that held the promise of physical fitness and vitality.

Summoning the guards to his side, Alaric imparted detailed instructions on the construction of the gym machines and other sports equipment, despite their initial confusion. Their loyalty to their master spurred them into action, and within a remarkably short span of time, they returned with the first fruits of their labor—a basketball and hoop, along with a set of sports attire and footwear.

Alaric nodded in approval as he inspected the offerings, a satisfied smile gracing his lips. "Well done," he commended the guards, acknowledging their diligence and efficiency.

The guards, emboldened by their master's praise, assured him of their continued efforts to fulfill his desires. They conveyed his instructions to the artisans and craftsmen tasked with creating the remaining equipment, ensuring that every detail was meticulously attended to.

As the sole heir of two prestigious giant families, Alaric commanded a vast network of resources and personnel, each dedicated to fulfilling his wishes. With their unwavering loyalty at his disposal, he knew that his ambitions knew no bounds.

With a sense of anticipation building within him, Alaric eagerly awaited the completion of the sports equipment, eager to embark on a journey of athleticism and camaraderie. And as he looked towards the horizon, he envisioned a future filled with boundless possibilities, fueled by the joy of childhood and the promise of adventure.