
One Piece: Celestial Corruption

In a world where darkness reigned supreme, Alaric emerged as a harbinger of malevolence, reborn as a Celestial Dragon. Gifted with the Succubus Physique, he devoured five devil fruits with a hunger that mirrored the depths of his depravity. Driven not by lust alone, but by a thirst for domination and cruelty, Alaric's every action dripped with malice. With each main character he vanquished, he reveled in the agony of his victims, his power growing with every drop of their blood. As he sailed the cursed seas, Alaric amassed not a harem, but a legion of enslaved souls, their wills shattered by his iron fist and twisted desires. In his wake, he left a trail of corruption and despair, his name whispered in terror by those who dared to defy him. For Alaric, ultimate pleasure lay not in ecstasy, but in the agony of others. And as he gazed upon the shattered world he ruled with an iron grip, he knew that his reign of darkness was just beginning.

FanficPhantom · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs


As the sun cast its golden rays upon the land, a gentle knock echoed through Alaric's chambers, signaling the completion of his gym according to his meticulous instructions. With a sense of eagerness, Alaric rose from his slumber, his mind already filled with thoughts of rigorous training and physical prowess.

Making his way to the adjacent castle, where his gym awaited, Alaric marveled at the sight before him. The gym was a testament to his dedication to physical excellence, equipped with state-of-the-art machines sourced from his previous world. Each piece of equipment had been meticulously crafted from a special metal, imbued with properties that rendered the weights superlative in their heaviness.

Although the metal used for the equipment corroded quickly, rendering them unsuitable for outdoor use, Alaric understood the necessity of their construction. Normal weights would prove to be laughably light for him, given his enhanced physical capabilities as a denizen of the One Piece world. Moreover, his lineage as a descendant of the Celestial Dragons only served to augment his already formidable strength.

Maids: Master the other sports equipment and fields that have been completed.

As Alaric stepped onto the football field, he was met with the surprising sight of the five elders already gathered there, their attention keenly fixed on the spherical object before them. Intrigued by their presence, Alaric approached, greeted by their expectant gazes.

"Alaric, enlighten us about this peculiar game," Shepherd said, his tone laced with curiosity as he gestured towards the football.

Alaric nodded, recognizing the opportunity to share his knowledge. "This game is known as football," he began, his voice carrying an air of authority. "The primary rule dictates that players cannot use their hands to touch the ball, except for the designated goalkeeper within the penalty area."

Saturn's brow furrowed slightly as he absorbed this new information. "And what of penalties and corner kicks?" he inquired, his gruff voice betraying a hint of fascination.

Alaric's lips curled into a knowing smile as he elaborated. "Penalties are awarded for fouls committed inside the penalty area," he explained, his words precise and informative. "As for corner kicks, they occur when the defending team kicks the ball out of play near their own goal."

Warcury's eyes sparkled with newfound interest as he absorbed Alaric's explanations. "Intriguing," he mused, his tone reflecting genuine curiosity.

By the time Alaric had finished elucidating the nuances of football, the elders' initial skepticism had transformed into genuine intrigue. They exchanged intrigued glances, silently acknowledging Alaric's expertise and the allure of this novel sport. With a newfound appreciation for football, they eagerly awaited the opportunity to test their skills on the field, inspired by Alaric's passion and expertise.

"Furthermore," Alaric continued, his voice resonating with pride, "I've devised several other games, each offering its own unique challenges and thrills." With a flourish, he presented his creations to the intrigued elders.

"Dodgeball," he announced, gesturing towards a vibrant array of balls lined up nearby, "requires agility and strategy as players dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge their way to victory."

As he moved on to demonstrate the intricacies of badminton and other games, the elders watched with rapt attention, marveling at Alaric's ingenuity and creativity.

Impressed by the diversity of Alaric's inventions, the elders eagerly awaited the next demonstration. With a confident stride, Alaric led the group to the gymnasium, where his most ambitious creation awaited their inspection.

"Ah, these contraptions may appear peculiar," Alaric began, a hint of excitement in his voice, "but each serves a distinct purpose in sculpting and strengthening different muscle groups."

Saturn, intrigued, stepped closer to one of the machines, eyeing it with curiosity. "And what, pray tell, is the purpose of this one?" He inquired, gesturing towards a particularly intricate apparatus.

With patience and precision, Alaric elucidated the function of each machine, detailing how it targeted specific muscle groups for optimal development.

Warcury, however, seemed skeptical. "Can't we achieve similar results with simpler equipment?" he queried, eyeing a set of dumbbells nearby.

Alaric shook his head, a knowing smile playing on his lips. "Not quite," he countered. "These machines offer targeted resistance that you simply can't replicate with basic weights. They'll help you achieve a more balanced physique, unlike the uneven development you often see in people who solely use traditional weights."

The elders exchanged sheepish glances, realizing the truth in Alaric's words. "Very well," Saturn conceded, nodding towards the machines. "Let's give them a try, shall we?" With newfound determination, they approached the equipment, ready to embark on a journey toward physical excellence under Alaric's guidance.

As each elder took their place on the lat pulldown machines, Alaric observed with a sense of satisfaction. He watched attentively as they followed his instructions, demonstrating the proper technique for engaging their back muscles.

Warcury, the first to give it a try, expressed genuine surprise. "I can feel the difference," he remarked, his tone tinged with admiration. "This is far more effective than I anticipated."

Encouraged by Warcury's feedback, the others eagerly took their turns on the machines. With each repetition, they could feel the targeted resistance working its magic, stimulating muscles they hadn't realized were underdeveloped.

Shepherd, after a particularly invigorating set, couldn't help but chime in. "Remarkable!" he exclaimed, wiping away a sheen of sweat from his brow. "I never imagined such precision in muscle targeting."

Alaric beamed with pride as he watched the elders embrace the new equipment with enthusiasm. It was a testament to his vision of promoting holistic health and fitness among the celestial dragons.

As the elders discussed the potential applications of the gym equipment and Alaric's sports inventions, Alaric listened intently, nodding in agreement with their assessment.

"Absolutely," Alaric affirmed, his voice resonating with determination. "Training our soldiers and God's knights with these methods will not only enhance their physical prowess but also their overall agility and coordination."

Warcury chimed in, his eyes reflecting a newfound sense of purpose. "Indeed, incorporating these techniques into their regimen will give our forces a significant edge on the battlefield."

The others nodded in unison, acknowledging the wisdom in Alaric's proposal. It was clear that they recognized the transformative potential of Alaric's innovations, not just for themselves but for the entire celestial dragon community.

Alaric's gaze shifted to the vast horizon beyond the castle walls as he outlined his strategy with unwavering conviction. "We can introduce this to the whole world," he began, his voice carrying a tone of determination that resonated in the room. "First, let's establish fields and courts on every island, accompanied by instructors to teach these sports. Then, we'll launch tournaments, drawing participants and spectators alike."

Saturn and Warcury exchanged impressed glances, recognizing the visionary nature of Alaric's plan. "A bold vision, indeed," Saturn remarked, nodding in agreement. "But a necessary one if we are to wield our influence beyond our current borders."

Warcury leaned forward, his eyes are bright with anticipation. "And with your creative prowess, Alaric, combined with our resources, we can not only make this vision a reality but also turn it into a profitable venture," he added, emphasizing the potential for financial gain.

Alaric's expression remained resolute as he continued, "By patenting these innovations, we ensure that the fruits of our labor remain ours to reap, allowing us to establish a foothold in industries beyond our traditional domains."

Alaric's proposal for patent distribution drew nods of approval from Saturn and Warcury, recognizing the wisdom in their grandson's equitable approach. The other three elders likewise accepted their allotted shares without objection, acknowledging the generosity of Alaric's offer.

Leading the group to another chamber, Alaric unveiled an array of meticulously crafted garments, each bearing his distinct touch of sophistication and style. As the five elders examined the clothing, their expressions shifted from curiosity to admiration.

Indeed, the craftsmanship was unparalleled, eliciting praise from the elders for its superior quality and design. Alaric's suggestion to capitalize on these creations by launching them worldwide resonated deeply with his audience, who recognized the lucrative potential inherent in such an endeavor.

With a shared vision of expanding their influence into the realm of fashion, the celestial dragons resolved to leverage their resources and connections to establish dominance in the clothing and footwear industry. United in purpose, they departed the chamber, their minds abuzz with plans for the future and the promise of prosperity that lay ahead.

In the hallowed chambers where the Five Elders convened, Alaric, the scion of the illustrious Topman and Jaygaracia families, laid bare his master plan for unparalleled dominance across diverse industries. His words resonated with an air of calculated confidence, each syllable pregnant with the weight of destiny.

"Aside from revolutionizing sports and fashion, I've delved into the realms of hospitality and gastronomy," Alaric declared, his voice resounding with authority. "I'm currently crafting innovative recipes and conceptualizing avant-garde establishments—hotels, pubs, restaurants—to solidify our grip on these sectors."

Amidst the reverent silence that followed, Nsujuro, his eyes gleaming with shrewd comprehension, interjected with a stern tone, "You, you impudent whelp, don't make me remind you again. Your schemes are bold, but they just might have the brilliance to reshape our world."

Saturn and Warcury, the venerable elders, nodded sagely, their expressions a blend of paternal pride and genuine admiration. "Indeed, grandson," they concurred, their voices rich with approval. "Your vision doesn't just promise success; it heralds the dawn of an era of absolute supremacy."

With each meticulously articulated detail, Alaric painted a portrait of a future where their family's dominance would be unassailable. He spoke of synergies and vertical integration, of leveraging their resources to forge an empire unrivaled in its scope and ambition.

In response, Saturn and Warcury, their brows furrowed in contemplation, exchanged knowing glances. "You've got gumption, kid," they remarked, a trace of amusement in their voices. "But damn if you ain't onto something truly monumental."

As the echoes of Alaric's vision reverberated through the chamber, the Five Elders found themselves united in a shared sense of anticipation. They glimpsed, in his audacious plans, the promise of a legacy that would transcend generations, propelling their lineage to unprecedented heights of prosperity and power.

In Alaric's mind, the prospect of untold wealth and influence was tantalizingly close. His meticulously crafted notebook containing the rules of the games served as the blueprint for a revolution in the world of sports, while the Five Elders' directive to establish a new area in the Mariejois brimmed with potential.

With the gears of progress set into motion, Alaric, accompanied by his loyal guards, embarked on a mission to educate the gods, knights, and CP personnel on the transformative power of physical fitness. As they delved into the intricacies of gym equipment and sports activities, Alaric elucidated the profound impact these tools could have on their bodies, enhancing not just strength and agility but also mental acuity and discipline.

Moreover, Alaric's foresight extended beyond mere instruction; he had devised a comprehensive gym training plan adaptable to individual needs and preferences. The flexibility of this regimen, coupled with its scientific precision, elicited looks of admiration from the assembled knights and agents. They recognized Alaric as not just a scion of noble lineage but also a visionary leader, capable of elevating their physical prowess to unprecedented levels.

Amidst the whirlwind of activity and learning, Alaric stood as a beacon of innovation and enlightenment, his presence imbued with an aura of authority and expertise.

Saint Garling, the esteemed Supreme Commander of the Gods Knight, arrived on the scene, his presence commanding respect and attention. With a demeanor befitting his lofty rank, he addressed Warcury and Saturn with a hint of admiration in his voice.

"I must admit, I didn't anticipate your grandson to possess such remarkable talent," Saint Garling remarked, his gaze shifting to Alaric. "His name is Alric, correct? How about I arrange a meeting with my granddaughter?"

Warcury and Saturn exchanged a knowing glance, acknowledging the potential implications of such a proposal. With a measured response, they conveyed the notion that Alaric was still in the formative stages of his youth, subtly hinting at the need for patience and prudence in matters of matchmaking.

Meanwhile, Nsujuro, who had been holding his breath in anticipation, finally exhaled with a sense of relief. The prospect of a union between Alaric and Saint Garling's granddaughter seemed to be met with cautious approval from all parties involved, marking the beginning of a delicate dance of alliances and aspirations within the corridors of power.

Saint Garling, intrigued by Alaric's talents and ambitious plans, joined in the exploration of sports and gym equipment. Impressed by what he saw, he approached Alaric with genuine admiration.

"Alaric, you truly are as talented as they say," Saint Garling remarked, a nostalgic twinkle in his eye. "Do you still remember me? We played together when you were just a little one."

Alaric's response was immediate and warm. "Of course, Saint Garling. How could I forget someone as influential as you?"

With a smile, Saint Garling continued, "Alaric, I've heard about your plans to revolutionize various industries and your generous offers to Mars, Nsujuro, and Shepherd. How about extending a similar opportunity to me? I can offer my assistance in many endeavors, and perhaps we can discuss a potential match with my granddaughter."

Alaric, ever diplomatic, responded with grace. "You should discuss these matters with my grandparents. They oversee many of the decisions concerning our family's enterprises."

Garling engaged in discussions with Saturn and Mercury about his potential share in Alaric's ventures. However, their response was not as receptive as he had hoped.

"What can you offer us that we don't already have?" Saturn questioned, his tone tinged with skepticism. "We have everything we want, and we're about to launch these initiatives ourselves."

Garling persisted, emphasizing his desire to contribute and secure wealth for his own family. "I can provide valuable assistance. I also seek to enrich my family's fortunes," he asserted.

Realizing the potential benefits of Garling's offer, he suggested, "I can deploy members of the Gods Knight to protect Alaric and assist him in refining his skills."

The proposition caught the attention of the five elders, who recognized the value of additional protection and support for Alaric's endeavors. After some deliberation, they agreed to allocate a 5% share to Garling in acknowledgment of his contributions and commitments.