
One Piece: Build The Strongest Beast Pirates

patreon.com/FanfictionTranslation ====================== Barbarossa Kaishu transmigrates to one piece and becomes the older brother of Kaidou of the Beasts while possessing a stronger physique talent! After the Battle of the Gods Valley, the Strongest Assistant system was activated. It can continuously improve the loyalty of the crew members while letting their Zoan-type devil fruit evolve. Sengoku: Why all of the Beasts Pirates are Mythical Zoan Devil Fruit Users?! Five Elders: Damn it! How can the Beasts Pirates be scarier than Rocks Pirates? Garp: My iron fist can't even break Kaishu's defense at all! Imu: How can there be such a terrible monster? Why even Uranus can't kill Kaishu!!

0StolenDream0 · Anime & Comics
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284 Chs

Nami Joins The Golden Crow Pirates

Advance 150 chapters are available at my, patreoñ.com/FanfictionTranslation



There was a gunshot, and Jason was shot through the forehead and fell straight onto the deck.

"Throw this trash away."

Ainz coldly put away the gun and faced the crew, who were inexplicably in awe.


Several crew members responded in succession; they lifted Jason's body, walked to the edge of the deck, and threw it into the sea.

Suddenly, the entire ship was silent, and no one dared to speak.

Especially Nami, seeing Jason die in front of her, her pupils shrank with fear, and she didn't dare to take a breath.

Only Yamato frowned slightly, looking a little unbearable.

Compared to Ainz, Yamato's personality is relatively gentle.

However, she would not disobey her brother for the sake of a crew member.

After all, Ainz is the captain of the Golden Crow Pirates' ship!!

Ainz seemed to have done something trivial, then he looked at Nami and said with a smile:

"From now on, you will be my navigator!"


Nami looked at Ainz in surprise.

"Are you kidding me?"

The meaning of Ainz's words is very simple, that is, let this girl named Nami become the exclusive navigator of the Golden Crow Pirates!

This is completely different from Jason's status.

This is equivalent to making her the core cadre of the Golden Crow Pirates.

It can definitely be said that she can reach the sky in one step!

"Do you think I'm joking?" Ainz said calmly.

"What is this little girl capable of? Is she worthy of being our navigator?"

Yamato looked at Nami with suspicious eyes. You know, on a pirate ship, the navigator's judgment often determines the fate of a ship!

Sometimes, the most difficult opponent to deal with on the sea is not a Marine or a pirate.

But the changeable bad weather, strange ocean currents, and route!

The sea is the easiest place to get lost. Many islands have abnormal magnetic fields, so it is up to navigators to find the best navigation route!

Although Nami's judgment was correct just now,

But this is East Blue, after all. A navigator who was born and raised in East Blue may know the weather in East Blue better.

But Grand Line is different.

The weather in that sea area can only be described as weird and unpredictable.

"Hey! Stop looking down on others!"

When Nami saw Yamato's suspicious look, she became angry and forgot about their identity as pirates!

"I believe her." Ainz grinned.

At this moment, Yamato saw Kaishu's shadow in Ainz.

"Wait a minute, I didn't promise to be your navigator, don't make your own decision!"

Nami yelled angrily. Is no one gonna ask her opinion?

At this moment, everyone looks at Nami like she is an idiot.

"What are you looking at?" Nami felt a little strange when they look at her.

"Big brother, why don't you think about it again? Her IQ is not very high!"

Yamato advised in a serious manner, and the other crew members nodded in agreement.


Nami's forehead has a cross-popping vein.

If the enemy were not strong and we were weak, she would have beaten these bastards to death!

"Do you have the right to object now?" Ainz said mockingly.

"Do you wanna really die that badly?"

Ainz 's tone made Nami tense up. She felt that the air around her had dropped to a freezing point.

It was so cold that it stung!

"I... I already joined the Arlong Pirates. Arlong will not agree! And I can't leave; otherwise, my village will be destroyed!"

Nami said tremblingly. When she mentioned Arlong, her eyes were filled with hatred and desolation.

"If you became my navigator, let alone just one Fish-men, I can wipe out the entire clan for you!"

Ainz said calmly; he really didn't take a group of salted fish seriously.

As for the fish-men island, it is now under protection by the Beasts Pirates…

Ainz and Yamato were ignorant.

The worst that can happen is that you get beaten up by your own father... It's not a shame!!

"You… can you deal with Arlong?" Nami asked in surprise.

"Little girl, who are you looking down on? They're just rotten fish and shrimps."

Yamato glared at Nami unhappily.

How could a mere fish-men deserve to be compared with them?

"Fish... men are... born with several times the power of humans! How can humans be opponents?"

Nami has lived in Arlong's shadow since she was a child, so she has a deep-seated fear of the fish-men…

"Who told you that I'm a human?"

"Don't talk so much, I'll help you deal with those Fishmen, and you will be my navigator!"

Ainz looked at Nami and smiled confidently.

I don't know why, but seeing Ainz's confident face, Nami suddenly wasn't afraid anymore. After pondering for a while, Nami nodded heavily.

"Okay! As long as you can save my village, I promise you!"

"Then show the way, my navigator!"

Ainz smiled; as a navigator, he thought Nami was very good!

This is not just trust in Nami but Ainz's confidence in his own vision!

"Steer to ten o'clock!"

Nami quickly adapted to her role.

Although Yamato doesn't know why Ainz values ​​this girl so much.

But, since her big brother has decided, she will not object!

Cocoyasi Village was once a peaceful and beautiful village, but now it is brutally ruled by the Arlong Pirates!

The Arlong Pirates are not only powerful but also control more than twenty nearby villages.

Moreover, he's in collusion with Captain Nezumi of the 16th branch; it can be said that it is black and white in East Blue!

Arlong Park was established, and humans were treated as slaves to drive the Fishmen into thinking they were superior to others.

Arlong Park has a waterway that leads directly to the sea, and the ships of the Golden Crow Pirates can go directly there.

Suddenly, the water surface surged, and a huge sea beast blocked the pirate ship.


Nami's pupils dilated, and she looked at this sea beast in fear!

"They even brought sea beasts from the Grand Line."

Ainz glanced at it and said lightly.

"What a big cow! How does it taste?"

The moment Yamato saw Momoo, her stomach growled, and her eyes immediately focused on the sea beast.

"It looks like it would taste good if grilled."

Momoo, a sea beast, started to look a little panicked, and his originally fierce expression turned into a cute one.