
One piece: Breaking the plot, let's see who saves you.

Everyone always talks about saving ace and killing momonosuke. Of those two things I only agree with one. Now that I'm here, it would be a shame to do what travelers always do. So. Let's break the plot and see who saves the boy from the fate of my hands. Let the world be in chaos. Mugen awoke in the body of a poor guy whose neck had been twisted by hands that suddenly appeared all over his body. The power of friendship and adventure while playing house, may they go to hell. A second generation that everyone looks out for and saves his ass every time he's in trouble (luffy). Let's see if they can still take you by the hand as if they were taking care of a child on the pirate king's way, when I'm here. (This is a fanfic translated from Spanish to English. There will be many grammatical errors. It will be like reading an MTL novel.)

Sunkenrock · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

chapter 4

Mrs. Bakkin had no plans to stay any longer and set out on her way, but Ace was not willing.

Following in Mrs. Bakkin's footsteps Ace began to pester her by talking non-stop.

"Come on, please, just tell me, what is it costing you."

"Perhaps you are the former wife of father who abandoned her."

"The big man is his son, isn't he."

"Then he is also a brother."

Ace now just wanted to know the supposedly dark story he had discovered about his father so he could joke with his brothers about it.

Now Ace's attention was down another path, one that many have fallen off of.

As usual, that path he was embarking on and becoming interested in, was one where there were many accidents along the way. 

Usually this activity is only practiced by older and middle-aged people, some were experts, while others not so much.

The path Ace was following was addictive. Very addictive. But exciting, so much so that he had a big smile on his excited face.

Ace didn't know, he didn't know what to call that feeling of curiosity that welled up from inside him.

However, mugen understood what happened and frankly he didn't expect to find that, you could call it addiction in this place.

They were called by different names in mugen's previous life, in different countries it had names.

Cahuín, copucha, chisme, chicle, chismorreo, gossip. 

The people who practiced this art were experts in certain fields and developed various techniques that allowed them to go unnoticed when they practiced what they learned on different occasions.

It was passed from generation to generation, or sometimes it was like a virus that spread to children when they saw their mothers who did it almost daily.

It is not known when it appeared, but it is speculated that this fact had been around before and that it appeared at some point naturally and then was developed over the years by older middle-aged ladies.

Those who practiced this art have developed various techniques that make them look like ninjas, with practice comes the master, in many cases there have been accidents while doing it.

But that doesn't matter, it only matters if he found out about the neighbor's gossip or not, to then discuss it with the family at dinner in the evening and expose the secrets they have learned from each other.

Mugen looked at him from behind and pulled down the brim of his hat and closed his eyes, moved his head from side to side and sighed.

"Ace has fallen."

He remembered that his mother several times did the same thing when she turned off the lights in the house to listen carefully to what they were saying in the streets.

Anyway, there are several techniques developed by the ladies that he didn't bother to list because it would take a while to count them all.

That as he knows, that's obvious, that addiction is like an infectious disease that attaches itself to the body once you observe someone close by practicing it daily.

Dismissing the thoughts from his mind, mugen looked at Ace and then at Weevil who was finishing eating what was in his mouth.

"Weevil come closer, I want to tell you something."

"Hey, what's up little brother." Weevil obediently crouched down to Mugen's height and looked at him with an innocent and curious look to know what his brother wanted.

Some time later, Weevil suddenly let out a cry to the sky, in his tone contained sadness and an anger he could not control.

Ahhhhhh, mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy!!!!!

His eyes were red and on the verge of tears.

Mugen smiled and jumped away from Weevil.

The people in the vicinity fled in panic as they watched the large man explode in anger.

From Weevil's body came a strong wind and his momentum increased in an unprecedented way.

"No, no, no, no, no, you're not taking my mommy."

Weevil jumped and the ground where he was standing sank due to the power he used in his legs to propel himself.

He lunged at Ace and shook his bisento with force.

Ace's eyes widened from the sudden attack and acted quickly, he pushed away Mrs. Bakkin as he narrowly dodged the cut.

Weevil's bisento produced a terrible gash of air that, wherever it passed, the earth and houses split in half leaving a deep ravine in the ground.

"Hey big man what are you doing, that was dangerous!"

"You're not taking my mommy, you bad boy thief peddler, I'll cut you to pieces."

Weevil was in a state of madness and again lunged at Ace waving his bisento.

Ace jumped back and forth dodging the attacks.

More than a few unfortunate people were torn in two by Weevil's indiscriminate attack. 

In a short time the streets were being ruined by deep cuts and blood stained the ground.

Mrs. Bakkin got up from the ground and her eyebrows furrowed in disgust, angry at the sight her eyes were seeing, she started yelling at Weevil to calm down. "Hey Weevil boy, what are you doing, you better stop or else I'll..."

She didn't finish her words, mugen appeared behind her and covered her mouth with his hands.

Mrs. Bakkin looked up and mugen smiled slightly at her.

Mrs. Bakkin struggled to free herself from Mugen's hands, but how could that be possible, currently Mugen's strength is several times stronger than Weevil, so much so that he can already defeat him instantly.

Even he himself does not know how strong he is at the moment.

Mugen gathered strength in his legs and jumped several meters in the sky, his body landed lightly on the roof of a two-story building, he dropped his hands and left Mrs. Bakkin.

"Damn Mugen boy, what do you think you're doing, this wasn't part of the deal, what are you trying to do." Mrs. Bakkin distanced herself as soon as she was free. She looked at Mugen with a dangerous look and asked in a deep and serious voice.

"Okay, well, that's true, this is not within the deal, but, that boy showing up neither." Let's just say I'm improvised. Mugen didn't look at Mrs. Bakkin and focused on what was going on with Ace and Weevil.

Wood and pieces of broken houses were flying through the sky, earth was breaking and dust was blown by the gusts of wind caused by Weevil's strength.

Ace jumped like a monkey from side to side dodging for his life the fierce slashing attacks.

"What did you say to Weevil?" Mrs. Bakkin asked.

Mugen retracted his gaze and settled on the little old lady.

"I said, what did you say to make Weevil react in such a violent way, I haven't seen him like that for a long time, what magic did you use in your words to cast a spell on my dear son."

"Wow. This surprises me, apparently you still have some emotion left inside you. That which you hate most in humans according to you. That disgusting emotion you made so much fun of on previous occasions when you slaughtered villages and towns."

Mugen took off his hat and combed his hair back, smacking his lips he spoke enviously.

"Love. What a strange feeling, I wish I would never experience it again in my life. On previous occasions, you, always called Weevil using the word 'stupid' before the name, now you used the 'dear' after calling him son."

Mugen pulled his hat down leaving shadows to his eyes, Mrs. Bakkin backed away slowly and sweat was pouring down her face.

Only she knows how dangerous Mugen is when he gets an idea.

Only she knows how ruthless and decisive he was just to get to the result he imagined.

Laughing strangely, Mrs. Bakkin said. "I can't say for certain what happened with you before I met you. But always, from the moment you woke up that time and I looked straight into your eyes, I knew you were a troubled fellow."

Mrs. Bakkin reached toward the other end of the roof and feeling a little safer with the distance, she loosened up a little more with her words. "And please can you stop using that tone when you talk, it sounded like you were envious when you spoke, but let's face it, you just act and don't feel anything."

Mrs. Bakkin smiled, "Or I'm wrong. You said it yourself, you wouldn't like to feel it again, and I'd like to agree with you on that, I wouldn't like it either, however, by having those feelings, only by feeling it can we still call ourselves human, because without them."

"They are monsters."

Mrs. Bakkin didn't finish with the words and mugen completed them.

The two were silent as they listened to Weevil's shattering in the distance.

Finally Mrs. Bakkin couldn't stand the silence and asked again. "Why are you doing this mugen boy, what the fuck did you come up with after seeing that boy, what's so special about him, do you even know who he is, who is behind him, did you even see the mark on his back."

Mrs. Bakkin tapped her cane on the roof tiles and shook her head. "I don't know what you're trying to do, but I don't want to get involved this time, no, wait, hehehe damn it, so that's what you want to do, you crazy bastard."

Mugen just listened, didn't interrupt and let Mrs. Bakkin think calmly.

Mrs. Bakkin calmed down and after organizing her words said. "You want to attract attention from him, don't you, from the strongest man in the world, from White Beard. Hehehe it turns out you still have that habit."

The marines led by smoker and tashigi were running through the streets when they heard the violent movement coming from not far away from them.

"Who are they, what's going on, what's all the fuss about." Smoker looked angry, all his attention focused on the flying houses and wood flying through the sky.

"Mr. Smoker, do you think they are the straw hat crew?" Tashigi asked, he adjusted his glasses and his expression was serious, he pressed his katana tightly against his chest.

"No, they are not that kind of people, besides we still have to confirm if their target is this country, another point is that none of them have the power to blow huge house into the sky, otherwise we would have had a hard time when they came to loguetown."

Tashigi straightened up and when he looked into the distance he nodded his head. "Them, I don't think they have the power for something like that either, it's only been a few days since they entered grand line, it's impossible for their strength to have grown to this point."

Smoker watched as waves of people fled from the direction they were looking, stretching out an arm, he stopped a passerby and asked in a deep voice. "Hey you, tell me why they're running, what's in that direction and why all the commotion."

The man was startled by the nearby smoker's face and trembling replied. "They are pirates, pirates fighting, the big childish man suddenly got angry for some reason and started smashing everything in his path, many people died."


Smoker's face filled with anger and he let go of the person, the poor guy just got up and ran for his life.

Damn pirates, they dare to fight right under my nose, who think they are human life!

Tashigi straightened her glasses and said angrily at what she heard. "Mr. smoker we should catch those pirates."

"Because you still ask, come on."


The two ran forward dodging people, a line of marines followed them from behind.

"Mister zero." The door opened and a lady dressed in black stepped into the dark room. "Apparently some pirates are causing trouble again, what will you do."

"Hmp" with a crocodile snort she turned and looked at Nico Robin. "You know who they are, don't they know this is my territory, well that doesn't matter, where is it, I'll take a little trip and do one last performance before everything is ready."

"You will go yourself, this is a surprise." Nico Robin had a slight sly smile, he left some documents on the table and reported. "The address is a bit far, but with your skill it won't take much."

"What's this." Crocodile looked at the documents.

"This is what you asked for, with portraits and descriptions."

"Oh that, I'd already forgotten, this I'll leave to you, the rest I'm not interested in."

"As you command."