
One Piece: Brave Frontier (To Be Rebooted)

"Where am I? Why am I in this blank void of nothingness?" all around me all I could see was darkness everywhere. "And who am I? I can't remember anything...." "Why your nobody, well at least for now your nobody." I turn myself to see a man, what I assume to be man covered in a gray cloak covering everything but his white gloved hands that were holding an weird looking book with characters and pictures all over it "What do you mean by that exactly?" "Why your dead of course, and everything that made you, you has been stripped from you." I was shocked at what I heard but the he said, "Then again you weren't really anybody back in your past life, no lover, no close family left, you were all alone in the end, that's pretty sad if you think about it, but the only reason were talking is what you did after your death, and why your about to receive your reward from what you did." Now lets see how this story will go. I do not own any of the Characters from either One Piece or Brave Frontier. All rights are reserved to their respective creators. Just as a heads up I upload more on Weds. and Thurs. because I'm off work those days and I might be able to upload on other days but just don't always expect there to be an upload on those days Also I don't own the picture used for the new front cover of the book, all rights are reserved to its original creator. Update 1/4/22- Also I say if you can get passed the first 7 chapters the story gets better and more tolerable for people to read

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Monster Fleet- East Blue (Long Chapter)

While Owen (Fisher) was off having fun with Ace and helping him make his crew i on the other hand was having a bit of a dilemma.

"I need to start forming a fleet…. It can't just be just be the Monster Pirate and the Firebrand Pirates that are apart of my fleet I need more people that I can either gain complete loyalty from or well entice them with what ever they desire but I need more well…"

"You need meat shields that you don't honestly care what happens to them so long as they are useful?" Lilith says as she places a fresh cup of coffee in front of me.

"Right as it stands I only have 2 Pirate crews and both I'm the captain of, I mean technically the Kuja pirates are a part of my fleet due to marriage, but unless things get drastic they won't be official members anytime soon." I say before standing up and taking my coffee while looking out the window where I see my crew doing there own things, notably was Yamato still training with Albedo while Black Maria was sitting off to the side and just playing on her instrument.

"I mean I don't need a fleet of my own…. But besides Shanks all the other emperors have fleets of there own, though unlike my main crew members and if I'm paid to do it I won't be training anyone with the frontier even if there a part of my fleet unless I have there absolute loyalty, point is that I'm an emperor so I should have my own fleet and to get that I need some other pirate crews under my banner…"

"So really you just want a fleet to feel like your filling the role of an emperor then?" Shalltear says while giving me a smirk.

I just look down at my coffee before I down it all in one go, "Yes so I'm gonna make a call to send out a message to all the major pirate crews not under any pirate banner across all the seas, offering them the chance to join my fleet, my Monster Fleet." I say as I open up my arms wide as I have this thought, and it seems the system agrees with me.

System- Grand Goal Quest: Monster Fleet Start!

Objective: find some of the current best pirate crews from all 4 seas, and both sides of the grand line, some crews maybe new and are just starting out but they have high potential, you must look for those that have substance to them and have some real strength whether physically or in other ways.

Rewards- 5 rainbow crystal units and 1 random rare item.

"Hmmm I guess it's not very hard to build a fleet but it's more time consuming than anything if just based on what the rewards are showing me are, well with that in mind I guess I should start out somewhere, but I need to make a call and have a certain interview with a bird headed fellow…"



"OHH! This is the scoop I have been waiting for! A personal interview with THE Blood Eagle himself! It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Morgan's says as he shakes my hand.

"Not at all Morgan's, you want to have an interview, and I require your help in sending out a message to any and all pirate crews across the seas not under the banner of an emperor such as myself."

"Of course I would be glad to help, but first the interview, so to start off with where exactly are you from?"

"And origin story about me? Well I come from a moving island that traveled all around the East and South Blue and through the Paradise side of the Grandline, though the island never has an exact path so unless you find it by accident or have a vivre card you'll never find it."

"A moving island you say? Well I have heard stranger things so it's not impossible after all, now I have a burning question I must ask, why do you have such a vehement hatred for the world government and the Celestial Dragons?"

"…. I came from a, what would you call it? A warrior tribal society, my people were all either natural Fire users or in some shape or form immune to the effects of fire, making it impossible for us to be burned or anything like that, well somehow the WG found out about our tribe, wanted to study us and see if they can learn from our genetic code how to make the marines fire resistant as well… so they came, we tried to fight back but there were to many… most of us died….. my family included with the only people close to me that were captured at the time being Vargas and Owen…. And the 3 of us are the only known survivors of that massacre….. then they tortured and experimented on us until we broke free and escaped there facility…. With that the old me died and Eagle was born…"

"I am deeply sorry to here of that tragedy that you went through, that is why you have such I deep seated hatred for the marines and the Celestial Dragons as well."

"Yeah… can we talk about some more normal things now?…. Remembering that has left me in a bit of a bad mood…"

"Of course, now let me see what else I should ask you…."



"Well that is all I needed to ask, thank you for this interview, and don't worry I swear on my name that all the things you said I can't publish I will not, and in return I will send a message to every interested pirates across the seas in joining your fleet, as well as the locations where they can meet up with your men."

"That's good, though set them out as the meetings being one part of the world at a time, and have it sent out not just to the pirate crews but any famous or infamous groups as well, good example would be mercenaries."

"Easy it will be done, now which part are you sending the call out to first?"

"Send my message to East Blue, that any who are interested are to meet my men in Lougetown." I say with a grin on my face.



Somewhere in the East Blue.

The Spade Pirates have finally found land after there two day long journey by the flame propelled striker and were currently in a bar eating and drinking.

"Ahhh that hits the spot! Nothing like real food and alcohol after a long journey guys!" Ace says with a big grin on his face.

"You said it kid! Man I missed drinking alcohol." Fisher says as he drinks down his mug.

Deuce just smiles and nods as well, they were just eating cooked fish nonstop having real food for once is good for a change.

"Hey did you hear?" (Guy1)

"What?" (Guy2)

"There's a rumor going around that the Monster is forming a fleet, and that he's looking for crews here in East Blue!" (Guy1)

"What you mean the 5th emperor? The one who caused the Shabody Massacre all those years ago?" (Guy2)

"Yes him! They say he's looking all around the seas to find some of the best crews out there and pull them under his wing!" (Guy1)

"Please, even if that is true why wouldn't he look for people in the Grandline where all the crews there are clearly stronger than the ones out here?" (Guy3)

"I dunno man, it's just a rumor as far as I know, but if it is true think of all the benefits getting into a deal with him and his crew would be like…" (Guy1)

"Yeah and you'd be painting a massive target on your back if you even think about it, now stop talking and finish your food, we have to get back to work soon…" (Guy3)

As those guys were talking the Spade Pirates over heard that conversation, "What do you think kid?" (Fisher)

"About that? I could care less, I'd rather go off and face him personally myself and take him down once and for all, not just him but all of the emperors as well." Ace says between bites of his meal.

"As you are now? Hate to break it to you kiddo but against them they could squish us all like bugs, especially the monster because you have no clue where he'll pop up as he can be anyone and anywhere." (Fisher)

"And I'm not saying I'm strong enough right now Uncle Fisher, but I will someday I will be strong enough and go out there and take them all down." He says with absolute confidence in his voice.

"I'm sure you will kid but first things first we need a real ship and start finding a real crew of our own, we can't just keep going on with just the 3 of us and King here."

"Hmmm your right, after we're done here let's go find some people to join us and a easy way to make money so we can buy ourselves a ship, that don't work then we can just steal one for ourselves."

Everyone nods in agreement at that and after finishing there food set off to get themselves a ship and maybe some crew members as well.



"Captain! We just got some mail from a news bird!" Says a crew mate to there captain.

"Hmm what do we have here, 'You are here by invited by the Monster of the seas himself to become apart of his fleet, should you come to Lougetown and head to the designated area you will meet some of the members of both the monsters crew and those already apart of his fleet, should you join and become apart of the newly formed Monster Grand Fleet, you will receive many benefits such as Money, Power, Women, Adventure, anything you so desire that is within reason it will be yours, but the catch is that he only wants the best from each of the Seas with at most only 2 to maybe 3 crews becoming a part of the Monster Grand Fleet, so if you don't come you'll miss this once in a lifetime chance as even if he recruits again later down the line, those that fail today will never gain admittance into the Monster Grand Fleet.'... Hmmmm this does sound interesting, and if there's a chance at getting money and power involved then I'm really intrested after all!" The Captain says with a grin.

"So where are we going to next Captain?"

"Hehe Men! It's time that the Buggy Pirates set sail for Lougetown!" Says the leader of this band of misfits, none other than the man himself Buggy the Clown.



In a different location of the East Blue.

"So the Monster is assembling his fleet Huh? And is only looking for the best of the best from all the seas? Well as I am obviously one of if not the most beautiful woman in the world I obviously deserve to be a part of this fleet of his!" The rather heavyset woman says after reading letter she has received to the rest of her crew.

"But Captain! There's gonna be plenty of competition and we have just started out less than a year ago… you think will be able to stand up against the other established crews of the rest of the East Blue?" But as soon as he finishes saying that he gets slammed with a mace and sent flying off the ship straight into the sea. "So what if were brand new! This is the perfect chance for us to show not only east blue but the rest of the world the power of the Alvida Pirates are all about!!!" She says as she shouts to

The rest of the men who all either willing or otherwise cheer back.

*A-and maybe I'll be able to meet that hottie Vargas as well!!! After all he's the only known person to be connected to the monster and not suffer the repercussions for knowing it, he's the true main reason, besides money and fame, that I became a pirate just so I could meet him some day!!!* she thinks to herself as she grins rather evilly and begins to laugh scarily that freaks out the rest of her crew.

*SHIVER* "Ugh… I just got the chills for some reason…." I say while I'm relaxing inside my Lava bath, so whatever I'm feeling right now probably isn't good…..

"I'm hoping I'm just getting sick..... otherwise I'm gonna meet something unpleasant aren't I?" I say to myself before sinking deeper into the lava to heat myself up the best I can.

A few days later, Lougetown.

Me (Vargas), Zeek and Czorag were waiting for the Captains of the many pirate crews to show up.

"Cap- I mean Vargas, you sure this is a good idea doing this here in Lougetown? Isn't this like a big area that the marines patrol?" (Zeek)

"I'm a Warlord Zeek, even if this is something they hate they can't do anything, after all I help clean up the seas in the grand line and stopped Crocodile way back when that they owe me big time, so long as all those pirates that come here don't get noticed and caught they will ignore what I'm doing, it's up to them to get away afterwards, if they can't even do that then there not worth our time in the end, that's the real test they have to take, get here talk to me and join our fleet and get away without getting caught." I say as I lean back in my chair.

"But it seems those pirates are getting caught by marines in the seas nearby since I'm not surprised they figured out about this deal going on, after all if Morgan's is payed enough he will gladly say things I didn't forbid him from telling to unwanted parties if he can get a quick buck out of it."

"Well oss the un is onna set soon, if none show up hen what?"

"Then there aren't any good crews in East Blue to recruit currently, which would suck but it's not something we can't try again at a later date."

About an hour later someone finally showed up, it was a man who appeared to look like a clown, he was a bit worse for wear and well pissed as he walked up to my table and slammed his fists onto the table.

"You Flashy bastard! Why didn't you tell us that there would be marines surrounding the seas around Lougetown?!?" (Buggy)

"Oh I don't know, what you think this info wouldn't get out to people that would love to ruin the Monsters fun? But hey you made it here, and since your the first I'll be the first to welcome you to the Monster Grand Fleet, your crew will be the 2nd pirate crew to join the fleet after mine of course." I say with a smirk as I light my fingers aflame and light myself a cigar.

"Wait…. Aren't you one of the Warlords of the Sea, Firebrand Vargas?" Buggy says surprised as he didn't realize it was me in his anger, but now he has a better look at me he's a bit nervous as he knows I'm clearly much stronger than him after all.

"In the flesh, and since you made it here I want to ask what is it that you desire more than anything? Because if it's within reason I can give it to you now."

"W-well I uh… I like, no I love treasure, you name it so long as I can get rich off of it that will make me happy!" Buggy starts out a bit nervous but when it comes to talking about money he gets very enthusiastic about it.

"Alright so I'll give you 2 choices and you can only choose one alright?" I say as I nod to Czorag who goes to the next room over and brings out a large chest and kicks it open to show Buggy a very large sum of precious gems and gold as well.

"First is obviously this chest full of gold and precious jewels as your reward, or I can give you this." I say as I place a map in front of him, "Or I can give you the location to the ship wreck of the original Flying Dutchman, owned by none other than the first ever Pirate King himself Davie D. Jones, and if you find it all the treasure you find is yours, which is much more than this right here, but the choice is up to-" but before I could finish he instantly took the treasure map and gently folded it up and put it inside his shirt.

"That is good enough reason for me! Whatever Eagle needs here in the East Blue I will help, so long as we're all making money will have a good relationship!" Buggy says with an rather evil looking grin, but with his clown face it came off as more funny than anything.

But as I was about to wrap things up a... Woman? Or rather a rather extremely thickset woman came crashing into the meeting place.

It actually scares Buggy a bit at seeing this rather massive woman, "What's this Flashy Gorilla doing he-" but before he could finished he was slammed with a iron mace and crashed right into the wall.

(A/N His devil fruit only mainly reacts to cutting so if caught off guard he can be hit like this.)

"WHO ARE YOU CALLING A GORILLA!!!! You better get you eyes checked because I, Alvida, am one if not the most beautiful woman in the world!" She says in a rather matter of fact tone.

*Thats a load of Bullshit.* everyone besides me thinks because I actually have something that shows women's overall beauty potential.

Example, Hancock is called one of the worlds most beautiful woman and here beauty potential is at 850 of her possible max of 999 as the level doesn't go any higher than that, but for an average woman it's max cap is at 100, Alvida's potential beauty is at a surprising 750 but it's currently sitting at a solid 12 which basically means that she's gonna have a hard time finding a guy for her own unless she loses weight and cleans herself up.

(A/N I know I don't talk about this much anymore as I've kinda dropped the whole leveling thing on skills for the most part but because of how high leave his Casanova skill is he can determine the beauty values and the potential beauty values in women, he's also seen Big Ma's beauty potential which is the same as Hancock's but as she currently is, she sits at a solid….. 7, that's like the only people that will sleep with her have to be forced to because not enough money would make them want to be with her as she is now.)

I then begin to stroke my chin, *her getting here shows she has potential in many different departments, and her being vain like this I could use this to my advantage.*

"Of course, of course, but as you are some men just can't see it, to me your a diamond in the rough my dear." I say as I turn around and wink to my guys so they know what's up.

"But what if I said I had a way to make you shine like I true diamond should, and make you even more beautiful than you are now?" I say with a grin that to her looks like I just came down for the heavens just for her.

*SHIVER* I get the chills again and realize that this lady here has feelings for me, which currently makes me a bit uncomfortable, now don't get me wrong I have nothing against rather thickset women it just well..... I don't like the feeling of being crushed while we do it, luckily I have just the thing that can fix this.

"So if I give you something that will make you even more beautiful will you be willing to join the Monster Grand Fleet?"

"I'll do anything for you Vargas!!" She says in a very passionate way, I just hold back my instincts to say something rude and just smile before going under the desk and summoning a devil fruit inside a box.

"This thing right here will help you become even more beautiful than you already are, though don't open it until your in a place all alone, we wouldn't want you to accidentally blind your crew with your sudden overwhelming beauty now do we?"

"Of course! I'll listen to whatever you say Mr. Vargas! You have the full support of the Alvida Pirates from this day forth!" She says both happily at the gift from her idol and also becoming a part of a group that her idol is apart of.

"Right, well looks like that only your tow crews made it here, so both of you are the only ones of East Blue to join the Monster Grand Fleet, now the last part of this test, you guys got to figure a way out of and away from Lougetown."

By this point Buggy has picked himself up and shaken off the dust while giving Alvida a Death Glare, "What your not gonna help us out? Aren't we a part of the same fleet after all?"

"I'm a Watlord remember? I work for the government, the only reason they don't get in the way of this meeting is because of all the things I have done for them that they ignore this meeting, but they have free rein to attack any pirate crew that gets to close to Lougetown, now you have to just get away and the benefits of being apart of this fleet will come rolling in, but I'll be a bit nice, Zeek, Czorag, you two feel like helping out our new members?"

"Sure why not? I haven't gotten to fight for quite awhile outside training, plus I get to take down marines so of course I will." Zeek says as he goes and stands with Buggy.

"Ure my uns were etting a bit rusty." Czorag says as he stands by Alvida.

"Well there you have some help and lucky you there official members of the monster pirates themselves so they should be able to get you out of here, as well as show you the night of the Monster Pirates."

"Well I sure hope so, let's go then, I just hope my ship hasn't been found yet!" Buggy says as he runs out the door with Zeek following close behind.

"W-will we see each other sometime soon?" Alvida says in a somewhat bashful way, that if not for her looks would have been rather cute.

"Well so long as you get out of this then yes we will, so good luck Alvida." I say with a smile on my face.

Her face blushes hard before she storms off at speeds that's surprising for a woman of her size, Czorag just looks at me and shrugs while he chases after her.

"Hehe she's a fan clearly, man it's nice being famous because it's not hard to manipulate my fans into becoming loyal followers if need be." I say to myself before using a potable gate and taking it back to F. Haven.



The next day, my office.

With the help of Zeek and Czorag both Buggy's pirates and Alvida's Pirates were able to get away with there help making them official meme bets of my Monster Grand Fleet, as I was currently thinking what to do next my Mushi began to ring as I went to answer it.

"Who's calling?"

"Someone who would be willing to form an alliance."

"Oh? Someone is going out of there way to want to form an alliance with me? But you should introduce yourself first right?"

"Of course, the name is Judge, King of the Germa Kingdom and leader of the mercenary group Germa 66, I've heard that your wanting to form a Grand Fleet of your own and I'm willing to let my Kingdom fall under your banner under one condition…" (Judge)

"Which is?"

"Help me conquer the North Blue." (Judge)