
One Piece: Brave Frontier (To Be Rebooted)

"Where am I? Why am I in this blank void of nothingness?" all around me all I could see was darkness everywhere. "And who am I? I can't remember anything...." "Why your nobody, well at least for now your nobody." I turn myself to see a man, what I assume to be man covered in a gray cloak covering everything but his white gloved hands that were holding an weird looking book with characters and pictures all over it "What do you mean by that exactly?" "Why your dead of course, and everything that made you, you has been stripped from you." I was shocked at what I heard but the he said, "Then again you weren't really anybody back in your past life, no lover, no close family left, you were all alone in the end, that's pretty sad if you think about it, but the only reason were talking is what you did after your death, and why your about to receive your reward from what you did." Now lets see how this story will go. I do not own any of the Characters from either One Piece or Brave Frontier. All rights are reserved to their respective creators. Just as a heads up I upload more on Weds. and Thurs. because I'm off work those days and I might be able to upload on other days but just don't always expect there to be an upload on those days Also I don't own the picture used for the new front cover of the book, all rights are reserved to its original creator. Update 1/4/22- Also I say if you can get passed the first 7 chapters the story gets better and more tolerable for people to read

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Envoy’s of God: Second Half

Robin & Theo's group.

At the same time as Kuda's group was dealing with there Enemies there group was having issues fighting off their enemies.

"Ha Ha Ha! You cant withstand my cloud balls now can you!" Satori said as he used his cloud balls to send random things at the groups, some dangerous but others not so much and the other two who seem to be his younger brothers were using eachother to spin around and send flaming attacks and sometimes noxious gas towards the group.

"Robin! Take care of those spinning guys! I'll handle the cloud ball guy!" Theo says as he brandishes a scalpel between each finger of his and throws them like daggers hitting the cloud balls the specifically are dangerous and takes them down by making them release there payload of either, explosives, blades, poisonous gas and dangerous animals.

"The name is Satori Beak Face! And how the hell do you which ones have the dangerous things in them or not?!" Satori says surprised he's attacking all the balls that have only dangerous items and ignoring the dud cloud balls that have nothing dangerous in them.

"I'm a doctor Satori, of course I can automatically sense of there are any dangerous objects coming towards me, my friends or my patients!" He says as he keeps breaking the cloud balls.

On the other side of the battlefield Robin was having a hard time dealing with these twins while also trying to keep Nami and Nojiko safe.

"Nami! Nojiko! Go into the ruins and hide!" She says as she makes large arms to block the flame attack from the twins in the process.

Both Nami and Nojiko nod and run for the ruins to hide, the twins try attacking the kids but are protected again by Robin but she's slowly getting injured in the process, but because of Theo's leadership skill she's taking less damage than she would have normally taken by now, but it doesn't mean it doesn't hurt.

But with the kids away and safe for now, now she can go all out while not having to be on the guard the entire time she can now go on the offensive, making huge hands to slap around the brothers and making them ping pong around the trees that they were nearby.

But not wanting to give up they picked themselves up and used there special move where they spin around rapidly and release both flames and gas towards Robin.

"Take this! Explosive Fire Tornado!" (Hotori & Kotori)

And it actually works causing Robin to have to use her Devil fruit powers to make a large hands to block for her, but the blast was strong enough to send her flying back and smashing into a tree.

"ROBIN!!!" (Theo, Nami & Nojiko)

"Yahooo! *high 5* That's how it's done!" The twins say as they laugh in glee as they dance and prance around like idiots feeling they won.

"HAHAHA!!! That's my brothers for you! Making me so proud!" Satori says as he laughs in glee as well from his brothers winning there fight.

This for the first time in a long while, at least since his fight with Hogback that Theo had actually seriously gotten pissed off.

"... You know as a doctor I have to be calm and collected at all times... But that's a different story when I'm extremely mad!" He says as a miasma begins to billow out from him and the world darkens around him as he begins to prepare his attack.

But suddenly as he was about to unleash his Ultimate Brave Burst on the three brothers, a giant hand appears from out of no where punching the twin brothers through several trees knocking them both out cold, with Robin coming out from the dust and smoke grabbing her head and cracking her neck before spitting out a bit of blood and wiping the rest off her lips.

"Don't assume I'm out of this fight that easily." She says as she crosses her arms while looking up at the older brother of the three along with Theo.

"Yeah! Go Robin! Teach those Beach balls a lesson!" Nami & Nojiko shout and cheer at Robin's return and success against the twins.

"Hotori! Kotori! GRRRR you hurt my brothers! Now I'm mad!" He shouts as he starts to make more Cloud balls that are filled with all kinds of dangerous things, blades, explosives and all kinds of dangerous things and connecting them into one long string of cloud balls with one big one being covered by a dragons head.

"I call this my Ball Dragon Attack!!!" He says as he begins to puppet it around and sending it towards both Theo and Robin.

"I won't let you Ultimate Brave Burst! Plague Rite Exorcism!!!" He says as he unleashes a massive wave of dark energy straight to Satori and his ball dragon that sends it flying back into him and exploding on impact with him sending him through dozens of trees deep into the forest.

"Ugh." Theo then falls to his knees after using a move like that took the wind out of him.

Robin comes over and lifts him up.

"I'm fine just… those types of moves are extremely powerful but extremely taxing on the body, and I'm not that athletic so I can only do that in one fight before I'd need a rest….." he says as he tries to catch his breath.

Suddenly they see a massive explosion of fire in the distance.

"Looks like Captain handled his group of enemies as well." Robin says with a smile before turning towards the ruins of this ancient city.

"The Polyglyph must be in this city let's go find it." She says as the rest nod and follow after her.


Earlier, Vargas's group

"Perona your with me, Baby 5 back up Owen, you two deal with dread locks will deal with baldy over here." I say as I manifest my blade and point it at him.

"The name is Ohm! And I'm not bald! It's shaved it's a hairstyle!" He says as he launches at me with his sword which I easily block.

"Bald is bald no matter how you word it baldy."

"GRRRRAAHH!!!" He shouts in anger as he starts to slash at me with attacks that are so fast that they are hard to keep track with the naked eye.

(A/N since Ohm's so young at this point in time, him being 19 instead of 27 at the series start, he hasn't developed his somewhat stoic personality yet as he's still a hot blooded teen.)

But that's if you were a normal person to me they are just somewhat fast sword slashes but then he does something odd he backs away from me but his blade ends up extending taking on a more of a blade whip type form that not only increases his range and speed, but this only slightly makes this harder for me.

"Don't worry big Bro! Let me help out!" Perona says being rather active for once as she sends her hollow ghosts at Ohm, but he's just to quick as he can sense the innate danger of letting those ghosts hit him that he now has to dodge both my sword attacks and Peronas ghosts as well.

While we were more or less just playing around with Ohm, Owen and Baby 5 were fighting off Gedatsu and his purple mucky looking cloud attacks.

Gedatsu actually was hitting his marks, well on Baby 5 mostly as she was shooting at him but she didn't really have the speed to dodge his swampy cloud attacks that were acting like mud and quick sand on her.

But Owen was helping her out by using his flames to evaporate the clouds cause after all they still were made up of some water so of course he could get it off her faster than Gedatsu could put it back on.

But Gedatsu knew if he let the old man get near him he was screwed so he kept his distance and kept lobbing his swamp clouds and also leaving swamp traps around him to keep them from getting close to him.

*Fools! You will never be able to get past me and my swamp clouds!* he says in his head, though he thinks he said that out loud for everyone to hear, but all everyone saw was him looking constipated.

"Gedatsu! You need to say what your thinking you idiot!" Ohm says to his 'comrade' as he kept dodging all the attacks still sent at him barely thanks to his proficient use of his Mantra.

"...How Careless!" (Gedatsu)

*... This guy is an idiot isn't he?*

Clearing his throat, "Fools! You will never be able to get past me and my swamp clouds!" He says then uses his jet dials to launch himself into the air and lob even more swamp clouds at them.

But Baby 5 could see a weak point on him so pulling out her rifle, she took aim and took the shot hitting his jet dials making him spiral out of control and sending him flying off into the distance and even falling off the island of Skypeia to the Blue Sea below.

"Tch, good riddance *whistle* Holy!" Ohm shouts and re-summons his dog to join the battle and take over for the disappearance of Gedatsu.

*Bark!* a giant dog appears and under the command of Ohm continues where Gedatsu left off and fights both Owen and Baby 5.

Back to us now, we were still giving Ohm a hard time but because of his proficient skill in his Mantra we were having a hard time giving him a decisive blow to take him out.

He was still constantly on the defensive all the time but he was able to just barely defend himself from our attacks by not full on defending but more like deflecting my attacks as he knew that I would over power him if he full on defended from my attacks.

Perona was getting frustrated so she did something I didn't think she'd do she made one giant ghost to attack him but I was caught in the crossfire, unfortunately making both of us depressed.

But since this happened way back when I first met Perona I have a bit more resistance to her depression attack so I was able to recover faster than him, so I decided to take him down in a more…. Dramatic kind of way.

After I recovered I jumped up into the air and charged my blade, "Super Brave Burst! Sacred Sunshine!" I then do a forward spin as I come smashing down on top of Ohm causing a massive explosion, barely missing him, but still doing severe damage sending him and his dog flying, him slamming into a collapsed wall and soon after his dog slamming on top of him with both of them knocked out cold and too injured to be an issue any longer.

"… You needed to be that dramatic kid?" (Owen)

"What? It adds style to my moves after all."

"I thought it was cool!" (Perona)

"M-me too…" (Baby 5)

"See? The girls liked it, thanks Perona, Baby 5"

"Hmph… completely unnecessary you could have taken him out much earlier if you didn't keep playing around with him." Owen says as he crosses his arms and heads off towards the big beanstalk that we were going to originally.

I just look at the girls and shrug as we all follow after the grumpy old man.


Back at Zala's group.

Kuda takes a bucket of water and dumps it over Shura's head, "Rise and shine sunshine." He says as he lifts up the delirious Shura and holds him up by his collar.

"Now I'm gonna ask you questions, and your gonna answer, unless you want to end up like your friend over here." He says as he shows Shura Yama's dead body.

Scared Shura just looks back at him and nods his head, "What do you want?"

"Simple, where is the treasure? We've heard the stories there's a hoard of treasure somewhere on this sky island, question is where is it?" He says as he holds his blade to Shuras throat.

"I-I don't know w-what your talking about! All the valuable's are owned by our god Enel! Besides what's near his throne I know of no other treasure."

"Then where is your god?"



Before he could finish and sensing what Gem was about to do Kuda pushed Shura away before his exploded from Gem's explosive bullets.

"Hmph, what a waste of time." He says as he puts his BB gun away.

"Well then… Looks like we're going to that beanstalk as well because it seems what Vargas said was right that his throne is probably up that beanstalk, so let's go there as well I guess." (Zala)

Everyone just kind of shrugs and goes back the way they came going for the giant beanstalk in the distance.


In the middle of the ruins near the beanstalk, me and Robins group met up again.

!!! "Robin! Your hurt!" I say as I go and see a ragged Robin that has several cuts and bruises on her.

"Aww aren't you sweet, but it's not gonna get you that date any sooner you know." She says with a rather cheeky smile as she can see right through my thoughts.

"I dunno what your talking about, I'm just worried about you is all." I say as I check over her injuries and helping bandage her up, though it's pretty basic not at Theo's level of healing.

Theo and Owen just looked at each other and massaged there faces in exasperation at my antics.

"Captain, the compass is acting weird now." Nami said handing back my compass as it was spinning round and round, but when I aim it it upwards it points straight down.

"It's….. under us?" I say as we look at the ruins, and near the beanstalk we realize that it goes down even further.

"Well the plan is the same, will go up and deal with this god, you guys head on down the beanstalk and find the Polyglyph."

"Yes Captain!" And with that we parted ways, with them going towards the beanstalk to climb it down.

I just smile, "I think we should go up the fast way old man, Baby 5! Hop on my back!" I say as I kneel down and show her my back.

She nervously and shyly got on my back and stood up with her clinging onto me like a koala as she snuggled up to me closely with a small smile on her face.

Owen just shook his head and started to carry a rather peeved Perona as we both used our fire powers to shoot straight up into the clouds right to Enel's Shrine.

"….. Interesting, Well Fire Man let's see if you have what it tastes to be a true Fire God!" (Enel)