
One Piece: Brave Frontier (To Be Rebooted)

"Where am I? Why am I in this blank void of nothingness?" all around me all I could see was darkness everywhere. "And who am I? I can't remember anything...." "Why your nobody, well at least for now your nobody." I turn myself to see a man, what I assume to be man covered in a gray cloak covering everything but his white gloved hands that were holding an weird looking book with characters and pictures all over it "What do you mean by that exactly?" "Why your dead of course, and everything that made you, you has been stripped from you." I was shocked at what I heard but the he said, "Then again you weren't really anybody back in your past life, no lover, no close family left, you were all alone in the end, that's pretty sad if you think about it, but the only reason were talking is what you did after your death, and why your about to receive your reward from what you did." Now lets see how this story will go. I do not own any of the Characters from either One Piece or Brave Frontier. All rights are reserved to their respective creators. Just as a heads up I upload more on Weds. and Thurs. because I'm off work those days and I might be able to upload on other days but just don't always expect there to be an upload on those days Also I don't own the picture used for the new front cover of the book, all rights are reserved to its original creator. Update 1/4/22- Also I say if you can get passed the first 7 chapters the story gets better and more tolerable for people to read

OneMoreScore · Anime & Comics
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151 Chs

A Warrior’s Death

Not long after we arrived at a clearing where a giant sword that looked like it was damaged was embedded in the ground with a horned helmet right next to it.

Jarul was kneeling next to it running his hand over the blade and placing his hand on the helmet.

"…. Brother…. Don't worry we will be meeting again soon…." He says sadly before he hefts his blade over his shoulder.

He was no longer weakened with age as his hunched back was gone where he could stand at his true height once again, him being called the Mountain isn't wrong, back in his day he truly was a mountain of a man.

He then put his blade into the ground, "Come now youngling, show this old man the fight he has been wishing for." He says as he releases his aura covering the area in his might.

Me and Hancock were unaffected by his attack as it was just something coming from his pure mountainous strength, not conquers haki, the weaker ones of us were affected though but they were strong enough at least to not fall unconscious from it.

I then manifested my blade and pointed it at him, "Sure, I'll give you the time of your life!"

He just grinned and pulled out his blade and readied it, "Then bring it on Brat!"

*I guess I should give this old guy the best fight he'll ever have.*

We then both lunged at eachother and swung our blades at eachother causing them to clash and collide with each other.

"BOJAJAJAJA! This is the most fun I've had in years!" He says as we move closer to the woods nearby as we were cutting the trees down in our wake.

"TAKE THIS KID!!!" He says as he grabs some of the falling trees and begins to chuck them at me.

Most of them I deftly dodge but some I needed to cut in half just to get them out of my way.

I then activated my flames and decided to retaliate by sending out flame blades towards the old giant.

But he didn't live this long without picking up some skills of his own after all as he easily cut my flame blades in two just as easily as I cut through the trees he sent at me.

"Come on kid! I know you can do better!" He says as he gets even more serious as he sends gale force wind blades from his sword towards to me.

I just grin and to show I'm getting serious I dawn my flaming dragon armor and unfurl my fire wings as I rapidly increased my speed, but slowing down just enough so he could keep up.

"That's the spirit kid!" He says as the clashes between our hits are causing the ground to break apart that both of us start to activate our armament haki so we can go at each other even harder.

He manages to get a lucky hit sending me into the ground making a crater in the process.

He just grins and goes to stomp me into the ground but I just stop him with pure strength as I stand up and hold off his foot before I lift him up and sending him rolling away.

He then gets back up before he readies his blade once more before he takes on a sullen look.

"I think we've both been playing around long enough kid…. My next attack I'm going all out and I won't take any less from you…" he says as he pulls back his blade as it starts to blacken with haki flowing through it before it took a pure black sheen.

"Fine old man…. Let's settle this!" I do the same with mine taking on a more molten lava look to my blade.

After we both ready ourselves we strike.



When our blades collided the area was blinded by a pure white light that everyone had to shield there eyes from the intensity of it all.

When the light faded and the dust finally settled two men stood with there blades in final stance.

There was absolute silence before we both did a sudden turn and stabbed.

But in the end I was faster as my blade pierced his chest before the flames of my blade came out his back making him fall on his back with blood coming out his mouth.

*cough cough* "You got me real good kid… best fight I've had since I retired…."

"…. For an old man…. You fought like a true warrior should…"

"Heh…. Thanks kid….. be careful kid…. There's something evil that lurks in there blood…."

"The world nobles?"

"Yes…. They maybe diluted with time… but there's something deeply wrong with them…. The look on my grandfather's face when he mentioned that war…. He always said….. 'they are monsters… wearing the flesh humans…' *cough cough*" he started to cough up more and more blood.

"Kid…. Hand me my axe…." He says as he points to the axe Loki had gifted him, I nod and grab the giant ax and heft it over my shoulder and handed it to the dying man

And he brought it up close he started to sing a song...

My mother told me

Someday I will buy

Galley with good oars

Sail to distant shores

Stand up on the prow

Noble barque I steer

Steady course to the haven

Hew many foe-men

My *cough* mother told me

Someday..... I will buy.....

Galley with good *cough* oars

Sail..... to distant shores

Stand up *cough cough* on the prow

Noble barque..... I... steer

Steady..... course to... the haven

Hew.... many.... foe..... men...

The light began to fade from his eyes as he closed them for the last time, then the rest of us decided to sing the last verse for the hero of the giants.

My mother told me

Someday I will buy

Galley with good oars

Sail to distant shores

Stand up on the prow

Noble barque I steer

Steady course to the haven

Hew many foe-men

I then let my blade fade away from his body and not long later, Loki, Gerd and Hajrudin came and saw that Jarul had his warriors death he always wanted with a smile on his face.

Both Gerd and Hajrudin were saddened by Jaruls death but Loki came up to me and bowed his head.

"Thank you Firebrand, you have him the end he really wanted, now we must prepare his final journey…" he says before long his squad of royal guards come and lift his body up and start to bring him away from here while Loki personally takes his Helmet and sword and places it with his brother in arms Jorul's grave.

All of us then begin to follow the procession that leads all the way docks where a galley just for him was waiting.

They then placed him on his ship, "My brothers and sisters today a hero has fallen… but he died the way he truely wished… a death befitting a warriors such as himself…. So let's set him off with the song for hero's…."

He says before he turns as the ship begins to pick up the wind and slowly drift out to sea.

Ships on vigor of the waves are skimming

Barren summits to the verdant plains

Each horizon is a new beginning

Rise and reign

Far from the fjords and the ice cold currents

Ravens soar over new frontiers

Songs and sagas of a fate determined

Shields and spears

Vows of favour or the thrill of plunder

Pull together for the clan and kin

Clank of hammers and the crash of thunder

Pound within


The echoes of eternity


Valhalla calling me


To pluck the strings of destiny


Valhalla calling me

Valhalla calling me

*His ship has the sight of the setting sun as the back drop on his final voyage.*

Sails a' swaying on the crimson rivers

Blood and glory in the fighting fields

Shields a' shatter into splintered timbers

Iron and steel

Fires are rising and the bells are ringing

Glory, take us into Odin's halls

Golden glimmer and the sound of singing Asgard's call


The echoes of eternity


Valhalla calling me


To pluck the strings of destiny


Valhalla calling me

Valhalla calling me

*With his ship getting far enough away the royal guards pull out there bows covered in pitch and flame before they take aim and fir it upon his ship sending it aflame off into the distance.*

Wind and the waves will carry me

Wind and the waves will set me free

Wind and the waves will carry me

Wind and the waves will set me free


The echoes of eternity


Valhalla calling me


To pluck the strings of destiny


Valhalla calling me

Valhalla calling me

Finally in the distance his ship could no longer handle the flames and sank into the depths below.

"… May you and your brother truly find peace my old friend." (Loki) he then turns to look at us.

"I hope you would grant me the honor of inviting you with everyone else to celebrate in remembrance of Jarul and the life he lived up till now"

"It would be my pleasure to join you and your people in your festivities it's the least I could do for the old man himself."

"Good, when the moon is high in the sky we will begin our celebration!" He says as he raises his hand and the rest of the giants cheer as well.

"FOR JARUL!" (Loki)

"FOR JARUL!!!!!!!" (Everyone else)



After the sun had fully set and the moon had come up everyone was celebrating around the bonfire that was set up in the middle of the village with large quantities of food and even larger quantities of alcohol

I was currently drinking large quantities of alcohol though it was just a normal mug for the giants but they knew it was huge for me as they cheered me on as I drank it all.

"….. Is he always like this at parties?" (Tanya)

"Only when it's big celebrations like this he will get into it and enjoy himself." (Hancock)

"WOOOOOHOOOO!!!!" I say as I chuck the barrel sized mug away, everyone cheers along with me.

I just grin as I grab another mug and start to pour it down my throat with the crowd cheering even louder.

It was a night full of cheer and laughter as we all drank to Jarul on his journey to the land where hero's belong.



The next morning I was unceremoniously kicked awake.

"Get up! It's time we do what we came here for!" Tanya says as she keeps kicking me to wake me up.

Waking up both drunk and irritated that I was being kicked around I use my flames to spin myself around kicking her away from me before I vault myself off the ground and take a boxers stance.

Well that is before I grab my stomach and feel like I'm about to hurl from both spinning myself and getting up way to fast while drunk.

But I just hold it back and any that got in my mouth I just swallowed it back down.

I could honestly never get drunk by just heating up my body to make it pass through my body extremely quickly, but unlike some people I like the feeling of being drunk, I don't like the hangover afterwards but I'd absolutely hate it if I could never get drunk.

"Yes, yes soldier girl I guess it's enough fun and games for you so it's time we just get this show on the road." I say as I super heat myself rapidly getting the alcohol out of my system.

I was unfortunately the only one to get flat out wasted was me, so everyone was just waiting around the outside the edge of the village.

"You feeling better kid?" (Owen)

"…. You really can drink a lot Cap." (Gem)

"Lucky everyone stopped me or else I would have drawn on your face." (Mikita)

"Ahh good thing they stopped you then." I say as I clench and unclench my hand in front of her, when she sees that she instantly grabs her ass and begins to rush off towards the mountains where the Polyglyph is located. I just shake my head and grin, "Let's get going and see what's this one has in store for us…"

My mother told me, By Perly I Lotry

Valhalla Calling, By Miracle of Sound

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