
One Piece: Boundary Master (English ver.)

==== SYNOPSIS: A young man is suddenly found himself in the world of One Piece with rejuvenated body and his memories still intact. Then, using his knowledge of One Piece series, as well as the power of Devil Fruitruit to manipulate Boundaries, he will begin his new life and adventure. ==== ==== ==== ==== AUTHOR'S NOTE/WARNING: - Back to Basics: There are no System-like-thing in this fan-fic! So there are none of cheat-like method for characters to get stronger or develop outside of common sense! - Simple MC: The MC is a simple and relaxed person (and a bit cunning maybe). He just wants to enjoy his new life in the One Piece world but with a bit dreams of having a crystal palace/harem and ambition to reach the top of the world! - Light Story: Not too intricate plot but still not really bad. Don't hope too much for many dramatic or hot-blooded scenes! This fan-fic is better enjoyed just as a light and relaxing read/interlude, so don't take it too serious! - Wish Fulfillments: This is the first fan-fiction I created! And this fan-fic is actually just a wish-fulfillments of mine! - Flaws: Surely there are some/lots of flaws in this fan-fiction, so don't expect too much it's a great masterpiece! ====

rtlps_360 · Anime & Comics
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131 Chs

Chapter 38 - Brisa vs Kuina


The next day, Lepus with Brisa and Muret came to the dojo.

Then, Lepus faced Koushirou and spoke to him.

"Koushirou-san, is Kuina here?"


"Yes. We are here to challenge Kuina to a duel."

"A duel? Lepus-kun?"

"No. Not me. But this girl. Her name is Brisa."

Lepus pointed to Brisa.

"Hm? This young lady is?"

Koushirou quite surprised looking at Brisa who's clearly just about 12-13 years old little girl dressed with a maid uniform.

"Hmm.... Alright. I'll call Kuina."

And then went inside to call Kuina.

Before long, Koushirou and Kuina returned to the veranda.

Seeing that Kuina was already here, Lepus introduced Brisa.

"Kuina, this is Brisa. She's the one who will fight you."

Kuina just nodded slightly.

Seeing as Brisa who was also a girl of her ages and her stature didn't seem much more than her, Kuina considered her a fair enough opponent. Koushirou also thought the same.

Then preparations for the duel were made.

They will duel in the practice yard of the dojo and wield bamboo swords.

Koushirou would be the referee for this duel.

Since this duel was being held in the practice grounds, the Dojo disciples postponed their training to make a space and watch the duel.

After everything was ready, Kuina and Brisa headed towards the center of the courtyard with each holding a bamboo sword.

Seeing that the two were already in position, Koushirou gave a signal.

"Get ready! .... Start!"

Hearing the signal for the start of the duel, Kuina and Brisa didn't immediately charge forward, but instead observed each other.

Before long, Kuina raised her bamboo sword and charged forward!!


Seeing Kuina's attack coming, Brisa kept her calm and observing Kuina. Then, when closed enough, she easily dodged her attack!

Brisa can dodge Kuina's attacks easily because she uses Kenbunshoku Haki!

While Lepus practices Haki on an uninhabited island for a year, Lepus also teaches and trains Brisa too! Even though Brisa's Haki still below to Lepus, but against ordinary fighter she definitely won't have any trouble!

Seeing that Brisa was able to easily and quickly dodge her attack, Kuina was quite surprised!

She realized that her opponent this time was not as simple as she imagined. Even so, she attacked again and swung her bamboo sword.


But Brisa still easily dodged her attack.

Kuina didn't give up, she continued swinging her sword to attack again and again.

"Haaahhhh!!! Hyaahhh! ...."

But Brisa always could evade quickly and her attacks still can't hit at all!

Seeing Kuina who continued to attack relentlessly, Brisa finally no longer just dodged.

After evading Kuina's attack, Brisa then swung her own bamboo sword to strike deflecting Kuina's bamboo sword and then quickly stabbed towards Kuina's neck!
