
One Piece: Boundary Master (English ver.)

==== SYNOPSIS: A young man is suddenly found himself in the world of One Piece with rejuvenated body and his memories still intact. Then, using his knowledge of One Piece series, as well as the power of Devil Fruitruit to manipulate Boundaries, he will begin his new life and adventure. ==== ==== ==== ==== AUTHOR'S NOTE/WARNING: - Back to Basics: There are no System-like-thing in this fan-fic! So there are none of cheat-like method for characters to get stronger or develop outside of common sense! - Simple MC: The MC is a simple and relaxed person (and a bit cunning maybe). He just wants to enjoy his new life in the One Piece world but with a bit dreams of having a crystal palace/harem and ambition to reach the top of the world! - Light Story: Not too intricate plot but still not really bad. Don't hope too much for many dramatic or hot-blooded scenes! This fan-fic is better enjoyed just as a light and relaxing read/interlude, so don't take it too serious! - Wish Fulfillments: This is the first fan-fiction I created! And this fan-fic is actually just a wish-fulfillments of mine! - Flaws: Surely there are some/lots of flaws in this fan-fiction, so don't expect too much it's a great masterpiece! ====

rtlps_360 · Anime & Comics
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131 Chs

Chapter 11 - Leaving Groundhog Town


Back to the restaurant....

Lepus then dragged out the corpses of the bandits, then called Brisa and asked her to get a rope to tie Bowdo.


After tying up Bowdo, Lepus returned to the restaurant and asked to the people.

"Anyone know the nearest Marine outpost from this town?"

Hearing the question, a restaurant customer answered Lepus.

"I-I know. The nearest Marine outpost is in port city, Hedgehog."

"Okay. Then, anyone willing to take me there?"

Lepus asked again.

The customer again replied.

"I'm a merchant. I'm going there to supply goods tomorrow afternoon. I can give you a ride."

"Oh? Very well. Thank you, Uncle."

"Yes. You're welcome."

Lepus asked again.

"Also, can someone handle the burial of these bandits's corpses?"

"Ah... I'll take care of it too."

The merchant uncle answered again.

After closing the restaurant early to clean up the blood marks and other stuffs, Lepus and Brisa went to Aunt Nora and Uncle Hector.

"Aunt Nora, Uncle Hector, we're here to say goodbye."

Aunt Nora was quite surprised by Lepus's statement.

"Goodbye? Why? Lepus-kun, are you leaving?"

"That's right, Auntie. We want to explore this wide world. Thank you very much for your attention during this two years. Uncle also. Thank you very much."

Aunt Nora asked again.

"Brisa-chan is going too?"

"Of course I'll take Brisa too."

"Isn't it dangerous?"

"It's okay, auntie. We can take care of ourselves."


Brisa nodded.

"I see...."

Aunt Nora looked a little disappointed, but then she smiled.

"Fine then. You guys take care of yourself. You can come back here any time you want."

"Right. You can come back here any time. Think of it as your own home."

Uncle Hector also said smiling.

"Thank you, Uncle, Auntie."

The next day....

Midday at the restaurant. Lepus excused himself and told all the restaurant patrons that he and Brisa will leaving.

"Everyone, thank you very much for all this time."

The customers were surprised and gave different responses.

"Eehhh!! Lepus-kun will leave!? Hah~.... I will certainly be sad later."

A female customer asked in a surprised then a sad tone.

"Right.... This restaurant would probably be lonely without you two."

"Brisa-chan, please don't go!"

"Ahh.... I can't see Brisa-chan's cuteness anymore."


Approaching the time of departure, Lepus and Brisa boarded the merchant's carriage which was preparing to leave.

As the carriage started its departure, Lepus and Brisa waved and said goodbye

"Thanks everyone! We're leaving! See you later!"

People waved and said goodbye to them too.

"See you later!"

"See you again!"

"Take care of yourselves!"

"Brisa-chan, take care of yourself!"
