
One Piece: Blood Unleashed [Revamped - in the synopsis]

The new rework of this story is called: » One Piece: Crimson Tides » However I will leave this story for those who might want to read this old version. Hence ... focus your support on the new project and I await your comments and reviews. OLD SYNOPSIS: A warlord, someone who brought only nightmarish visions for his enemy in an era where life and death were just at a flicker distance. The warlord was one who stood above the rest, but even with this grace, he slowly descended, falling abruptly in life, losing his power, reputation, and prestige. In his decadence, he, who was abandoned by life, woke himself in a mysterious realm, some people would call Limbo, a realm, between the realm of death, Tartarus, and the realm of the living. A place where all damned souls, unredeemable who lost faith in God, were gathered. ‘Vlad, oh great leader, after so many years of fighting the enemy, you have fallen so low that even God doesn’t want embrace to you and let you to his realm.’ Yet, salvation came in a more sinister way, having only one choice to escape this prison of souls, accept his gift or remain forevermore trapped into this realm, where souls can’t escape. With only one choice, he shook the hands of the devil and journeyed out into the unknown, freed of his soul constraints, in a new world out of the world governors' jurisdictions. In such a new realm, world, his starts would be unlike what he experienced in his first life, but not far away from what he lived through. Nevertheless, every struggle he would experience would make him stronger, slowly climbing the ladder of the world's power structure until he would acclaim the title no one since that past world era had.

Morpheus146 · Anime & Comics
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179 Chs

Coffee and Cake for the Lady

Vol. 3 - Chapter 10 - Coffee and Cake for the Lady




With those slavers dropping down, it created a small commotion with people who checked on their bodies, but when the black-clothed agents and the white-clothed agent arrived at the scene, they dispersed the crowd, taking care of the slavers body.

"Mistress has improved a lot in her Finger Gun Technique that it even turned scarry. Look at their expressions, they died without even knowing what hit them. You better don't anger her, got it? I don't wish to have to deal with her. I'll rather deal with other bastards compared to the lady."

"Sir, should we take care of that bastard who left his dogs roaming in Sabaody Archipelago freely acting like owning this place and announce the elders of this incident?"

The white-clothed man looked at the black-clothed man who asked him that, and shaking his head, he ordered one among the black-clothed agents to take those dead bodies and destroy them while taking the rest of agents with him, in keeping an eye on Mary.

'Do you think it is easy to deal with Donquixote House? Especially that rabid dog who is protected by the elders? Don't joke with me. Lady Mary would probably wish for me to keep quiet and not annoy her with having to respond to the Elders' call and also being nagged by the master.'

He moved forward, trying to find Mary, but he simply couldn't find her in this sea of people, not even his Haki helped him, and could only sigh, and walk to a patisserie shop inside the Sabaody Park, taking the rest of the agents who weren't tasked with any menial cleaning. Getting inside in a refined and mannered way, he looked at the menu and saw something new.




[Chocolate Cake]

"Excuse me, young lady? I have some questions. What is Coffee and Chocolate Cake? I have never heard of such an item or cake."

The young lady serving customers walked toward the white-clothed man, and smiling respectfully to the group of World Government Agents, she responded respectfully.

"Well, this is something new even for me, sir, but from my experience trying those items, I can tell you that they are delicious. I don't know the details of the materials, but it comes in the shape of some black-brown powder, and the place of origin is West Blue. The Republic of Fiorenze is the place of origin for the black-brown powder."

"I see, then I will take for everyone at the table this 'Coffee' and also a 'Chocolate Cake'" ordered the white-clothed man, not caring about the high price of those items, with the [Coffee] selling in this shop with 3,500 𝔅 and the [Chocolate Cake] selling with a high cost of 6,500 𝔅.

From such a price, he could only expect a great product, so being guided by curiosity, he placed this order for all the agents at the table.

"Sir, that would be a total of 60,000 𝔅." said the young lady after calculating the prices of the cakes and coffee combined with the entire group, and not long after she said that she received 6 banknotes of 10,000 𝔅 which were on pristine condition as if they were freshly made.



Mary and Philip began their fun after getting their track lost, trying all sorts of activities offered by the park, from carousels, extensive Zoo's, to horror-themed tracks and all kinds of fun activities for the siblings, going as far as trying the largest roller coaster known to the world being inside Sabaody Park.

When Mary put her crimson eyes on the roller coaster, she looked at little Philip while pointing at the already moving roller coaster where people were screaming their lungs in fear and excitement.

"Little brother, next one is this one. I always heard from the journals I read that this roller coaster is the biggest one. Not even the one in Bollywood could overshadow this one."

"Sister, this one looks scary. I don't wish to ride it. What if something happens to me?"

Mary gazed calmly at her little brother, and while ruffling his red hair, she began encouraging him, telling him some half-lies just to boost his confidence.

"Come on, little Philip, would you be able to boost those fools at home that you rode the biggest and scariest roller coaster? The others can't even get to do this because of their arrogance not wanting to throw that garbage suit at the trash. Could you imagine what the atmosphere would be if we had been wearing that garbage?"

"They would be scared of us and run from the park, leaving only the two of us and the guards." responded Philip to his elder sister, a sad truth he was aware of and was starting to get more aware the more he spent his time like normal people.

"So you made up your mind? Little brother, this is something we do only once. If you want more rides, I can solve it."

"Fine, but if something embarrassing happens to me, it will be your fault, sister."

Mary giggled, ruffling Philip's hair before they walked to get in line with the rest of the people, which was a first for the young boy. He turned his head to look at his sister, asking her with an awkward tone.

"Big sister, is it normal to wait in line?"

"Hm, like how it should be humane. I learned from my descents alone that actually waiting in line and afterward experiencing the activity or event you've been waiting for would boost the feeling you receive by a lot. It will get by fast."

It didn't take long for the siblings' turn to arrive and embark on the roller coaster, but before that, the one checking the tickets and allowing people inside looked at Mary for a brief moment before asking her with his gaze away.

"Lady, do you have a ticket? Or do you wish to buy it up-front? The price is 10.000 𝔅 for a person."

"I'll buy it up-front for two. Thank you." said Mary pulling from her delicate and stylish handbag 4 banknotes of 5.000 𝔅 before the watcher allowed her to embark with the rest of the people.

When she got to take a seat, she noticed that only two seats were remaining, but none being side by side, intending to keep Philip by her side and protect him in case of something unthinkable happening.

"Well, little Philip, we will have to sit separately. Don't make a scene, and if the kid beside you talks with you, reply back, don't be an arrogant little brat. Talking with them will open your eyes and heart."

"I understand sister, don't worry." responded Philip, as he went to free spot beside a young boy of similar age as him while Mary went in the front seat of the roller coaster, seated beside an old-aged man.

"Greetings, young lady. If you by chance get annoyed by me overreacting when the coaster starts, my apologies."

"It is fine. Likewise." chuckled Mary when turning to look at the man.

On the other hand, Philip, too, was greeted by the boy beside him, who asked him if he ever got on the roller coaster.

"Have you ever been on such a thing?"

Hearing this boy, Philip could sense from his voice that he was scared and trying to also keep his calm, he replied to him.

"No, it is my first too, but we'll see the light of tomorrow. My elder sister is here with us, so nothing bad would happen to us."

"I don't know what you mean by that, but if I puke on you, please don't be angry." said the boy before he started screaming when he felt the roller coaster moving.

Philip, too looked around himself, seeing himself ascending to the sky in a relatively slow manner, yet even that speed and atmosphere, composed of all people screaming in excitement or fear, took a toll on him.

Then with the roller coaster finishing climbing up and starting descending at a fast speed, he screamed, panicked with the two boys grabbing each other shoulders, while Mary, who was at the forefront, had a big smile on her face enjoying the wind blowing her silky long crimson hair that danced in the wind.

"Hahh, this feeling is so nice! All the money was worth."

"AHHHH, young lady, it is coming, watch out!" said the old-aged man who comically puked outside the roller coaster, but because of the high speed it moved, some moved to the ones behind him, and when some were about to hit Mary her crimson eyes shined a bit, before seconds later a red aura enveloped her, repelling the puke, hitting the face of the old man as a response.

*Chuckle* "What a mess. Old man, you started a chain reaction. You should be ashamed for someone your age to do such an embarrassing thing."

"Argh, not my fault, little girl. This old man just wants to enjoy his last years before kicking the bucket."

Mary, who heard that, gazed at the old man before making a small sigh to herself understand what he meant, but not focusing much on it, she returned back enjoying her time in the roller-coaster.

After 5-10 minutes of high-intensity fun, the roller coaster returned to its base, and everyone got out from the coaster, holding their months and dashing to find a spot to puke.

Mary, who turned to look for her brother, saw him talk with excitement to a boy the same age as him, surprising her. She even saw Philip walk with the boy in her direction.

"Big sister, let me introduce you to Yan. He is quite fun, do you mind if I spend my time with him? He told me he knows some interesting games in the Park."

"Sure, have fun, you will find me at the shop's sector. Here, let me give you some pocket money so you and your friend can play." responded Mary with a smile on her face nodding her head at the young boy who Philip brought, before taking from her hand-bag about 20.000 𝔅 that she gave her brother.

"Have fun, Philip, Yan."

"Thanks, big sister." / "Thank you, miss."



After the two boys went to their fun, Mary walked casually to the shop sector, and when she arrived there, she stopped in front of a patisserie, the exact one the World Government Agents were gathered, drinking something from some small cups and eating a cake.

She chose to enter inside, and when the white-clothed man noticed her entering, he stopped doing anything else, yet, Mary signaled him to be at ease, which he obeyed without question.

Getting on a distanced table, far away from the agents, she took in her hands the menu, and after studying it for some minutes, with the serving girl arriving beside her, she inquired about something on the menu.

"I haven't heard of [Coffee] and that [Chocolate Cake]. Do you recommend it to me?"

"Yes, my lady. The taste is divine. From the chef who is baking those cakes, there's a limited number of cakes he can make, and also a limited amount of coffee he can brew because of how limited the black-brown powder is."

"I see, please one of each. I better taste it before your shop remains without this black-brown powder." said Mary, giving the serving girl 2 banknotes of 5.000 𝔅 and after some waiting, where she could see the agents trying to hide their smiles.

'If those guys are smiling, it should be something good.' thought Mary, before not long, she was presented with a small cup of black liquid that contained some white liquid inside in a shape while on the plate was a black cake.

"What is the white liquid?"

"This is milk, my lady. The chef, when hearing that this serving is for a girl, combined some milk to cut the bitter taste of the liquid freshly brewed from the black-brown powder." explained the server girl, and when Mary pointed at the cake, she didn't know how to respond because she didn't have knowledge about the cooking recipe.

"Ohh, then don't worry. You can retreat and thank the chef for his gesture."

With the server girl withdrawing from her table, Mary took the cup with her finger, as if it was similar to tea, and took a small sip, which resulted in her taking another one, this time bigger.

She didn't know when she finished the cup of coffee, but her smile, which could smite any man, was visible on her face.

"My, my, my. How can a drink taste so nice?? Now, let's taste the cake."

Taking a small bite using her fork, she was left speechless by the sweet and balanced taste of the cake.

"Hah, this is really great. What is this black-brown powder to give such a unique bitter-sweet taste? I have to investigate and find the place of origin." mentioned Mary to herself, enjoying the cake thoroughly.




On another side of the world, while Mary tasted for her first time the products of the chocolate beans from the native lands of South Blue under the Kaysang Kingdom, right on its motherland, Sagletius, the nobleman and noble ladies who had their first visit inside Sol since Vlad and his men reconstructed the place from scratch.

The first impression given to them was something that could equal or even outshine their district, Serene.

In their journey following Bolt, the lower nobles could see the orderly placed buildings and the maintained stone roads that were so leveled you could walk barefooted, and not a single rock could enter your foot. This visit, besides them trying to keep it official, couldn't be stopped from being turned into a tourist visit containing sightseeing.

From the Sol University to the Hospital, Grand Market, which had a turnover looking like a Turkish Grand Bazaar, the shops offering an extensive range of services on the principal streets which were crossed by a large number of citizens wearing clean clothes with a unique style about them.

Their sightseeing had to be put to a stop when they got to the Administrative Palace, which shocked the nobles, not expecting to see such a building which was giving off power from its construction, and when they stepped foot inside, once again they got overwhelmed by a large number of people moving around, carrying paper and boxes.

"Sorry, but only one person might follow me to the Mayor. Lady Katerine?" said Bolt before targeting Katerine to walk forward with him to the upper floors of the building.

"We understand, General Bolt. We shall remain in the lobby and not bother anyone." told the nobles, not creating a fuss, at last understanding that they, the nobles of Serene District, were just a small forge compared to the factory set ablaze by the hard-working people of Sol and its surroundings.

Katerine walked up with Bolt's group and got to the council room. Even by stepping on the third floor of the building, she could hear the loud voice of an old man.

"Little Faust, what have I told you! Drinking is not good for your mind! Repeat after me!

"Drinking is not good for your mind."

"Then why have I found you buttnaked on that table?"

"Old man, let's forget what you have seen. I am quite thirsty like I turned into a dried fish from all that hard liquor."



Bolt didn't linger too much outside, entering inside, followed by Katerine and the soldiers, and the noblewoman could see that inside the large room was chaos and a total mess. With people trying to clean around, while an old man wearing casual clothes was scolding a young man with blond hair who had a pair of underwear and a buttoned shirt.

"Ahhh, a lady, move old Patrick. I need to find my pants."

"Stupid kid, go in the corner at the windows. How and why the heck you throw your pants there, I will not even bother trying to find."

"There they are. Thanks, pops."

Faust dashed toward the window, and entering fastly in the trousers, covering his opened spots, before he turned to look at the newcomers.

"Brother Bolt, if you are here for old Aldenis, he is not here. He went to Dawn to discuss the reconstruction of their city."

"What about his Majesty or Highness?"

"Hhhhm, I think, right, right, His Highness visited us last night, but since last night we haven't seen him. He should be relaxing at his mansion." replied Faust giving Katerine a smile before he walked to help clean the Council Room for the meeting.

Patrick watched with interest Bolt and the newcomers, walking to a couch where he relaxed, starting some small talk with Bolt, asking him about the nobles he captured.

"They are in the dungeons. Don't worry, their treatment is decent. Once His Highness settles down on the way to deal with them, they will be released."

"I see. Well, I am fine either way. I don't care about the nobility of this country since I was exiled. At best, you could say I have some remaining acquaintances, and that's all. My family is on Picodras waiting for me to return."

"Good for you, old man. You at least have a place to call home."

"Heh, come on lad, aren't you home right now? Isn't His Highness and Black Army your family?"

Bolt could only smile for a bit and agree with old Patrick before telling Faust and the other guys that he would visit Aldenis at night or tomorrow, later taking his group of soldiers and Katerine and walking out of the Council Room.

"Lady Katerine, luck wasn't in your path today, but you can always apply for an audience with His Majesty or His Highness after things settle down and talk with him what problem your group of nobles has encountered thus far. I am sure he will understand everything."

The noblewoman smiled bitterly, but understanding the current situation and the fact the higher-ups of Sol were starting their work in dealing with the aftermath of the Civil War, she followed Bolt outside, gathering her group, and after some talk with the Black Army General, she split up, taking the group of nobles in visiting locations of Sol.

Both sides said their farewell, and after the nobles took distance, Flex asked Bolt with a curious tone.

"We missed the old man. Should we deal with organizing the prisoners according to their offense, making things easy for Vlad to judge them?

"Don't bother. Since I got some break, I'd rather enjoy it. You guys can disperse too and relax until the following two days when the Council Meeting will be staged."

As Bolt said that, he switched his gaze on Maisha, the tanned woman from Tamuin and Valen beside her, telling her in a welcoming voice.

"Young lady, I hope you get used to the way of living inside Kaysang. I heard from my boys that Rain Islands have a more dated tradition and way of life, which might conflict with your conceptions. I really wish to see for myself those new places discovered by those sea dogs, but now more responsibility pilled on my head."

"That's because you wished for it." commented Bors in a casual manner which made Bolt gaze sharply at him.

"What? Do you want to have a go with me? I warn you, I am the future legit general of the Black Army. You have been promoted because the Boss is just too lazy to deal with all the headaches of managing the army."

"Little shit, we'll meet soon to fight it off. I will not teach you a lesson here. Soon, you will understand why I am a General and why you are just a little officer."

"We'll see. Once I learn from the boss, no one will be my opponent."

"Sure, little wolf. If you can survive that sadist. We'll sing hymns to you and your prowess." said Flex, jabbing at Bors for being too overconfident in his abilities.

Nevertheless, Bors just scoffed at the soldiers, and getting Kane and Morlocc with him, they moved in another direction, being the first to split up the group, followed by Argash and Yanosh, later, Valen and Maisha, leaving only Bolt, Flex, and his brothers the last to walk in their direction.

"Flex, Levon, Yetty, let's go to the tavern and get something to drink. It is on me."

"Hehe, that's like it, boss. Let us tell you about our adventure inside those backwaters."

"Indeed, boss, those natives got such beauties that I can't even think who to choose." commented Yetty to Bolt as they walked toward Sol's periphery while the brothers began talking about their journey to Rain Islands, letting Bolt image in his head some exotic girls, similar to Maisha or even better.

With this new chapter, I bring news to you, I finished writing on my second story first Vol, and now I turned back my attention on writing on Blood Unleashed.



As for what happens in this chapter? Some spotlight for a possible new intriguing character. The more I think in my head about her concept, the more I like Mary and the flair she brings with her. A celestial woman who could be a badass? That's something new, I guess.



Returning back to Kaysang, we will start progressing with the plot of the story, setting up the events for Vol 3.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter, and yea, share the news about my story. I am back and ready to rock and roll.

Morpheus146creators' thoughts