
One Piece: Biggest Scum in Marine History

At the Marine internal hearing, Marine executives conducted serious questioning on Marine's "scum" and North Blue Admiral Darren. "You have inappropriate relationships with royal princesses and noble ladies from many countries in the North Blue?" "I care about the people." Marine senior management:...... "Then how do you explain the ridiculously high pay for soldiers in the North Blue Marine you lead?" "Otherwise, relying on the salary from the headquarters, you will let others work for you?" Marine senior management: (ーー゛) "Why does the North Blue fleet possess Germa technology?" "Military-civilian cooperation, Germa 66 was inspired by my justice." Marine senior management: ( ̄o ̄) "How do you explain the unnatural deaths of Celestial Dragons in North Blue?" "Oh, it was a shipwreck... It's so unfortunate and I'm personally deeply sorry." Marine senior management: (‧_‧?) "Last question, how would you describe yourself?" Hearing this, Darren, who was the highest officer of Marine North Blue at the time, bit his cigar and smiled calmly: "I smoke, I drink, I'm greedy, I'm lustful, I fight for power, I cheat, I do everything, but I'm a good Marine." Marine senior executive:? ? ? Garp: The fucking old man can't take it anymore, Sengoku, don't stop me, I'm going to beat this kid up! ! Well, this is the story of a rebellious, depraved Marine scum.

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102 Chs

Chapter 26

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Chapter 26: Marine's Biggest Problem

Flying Squirrel's words struck Gion and Kake's hearts like invisible sledgehammers, leaving their faces increasingly pale. They had never imagined that the bustling island with its dense crowds and flourishing trade was once the den of sin and lawlessness described by Flying Squirrel. What confounded them even more was that the tranquil prosperity they now beheld was sustained by Darren, who single-handedly managed two major mafia families. This revelation shook the very foundation of their education and beliefs.


"But...but don't the mafia families' earnings come from extorting the civilians?" Gion asked, his face reflecting his confusion.

"Yes, that's usually the case," Flying Squirrel candidly confirmed. "But compared to the risk of daily shootings, friends and family being killed in gang fights, children picking up bad habits from the harsh environment and joining gangs or becoming pirates... Compared to living in constant fear, too scared to conduct business, unemployed, bankrupt... civilians prefer to pay a certain protection fee to the mafia for a relatively peaceful and stable life. That's the reality." 

Gion, with legs trembling, took two steps back and shook her head, saying, "But, but... if we Marines take action and eliminate all the mafia families, wouldn't the civilians be free from paying protection fees? Wouldn't their lives improve? Why must we tolerate the existence of these mafia families?"

Flying Squirrel sighed once more, a sound he had repeated countless times. "That's where Rear Admiral Darren's brilliance lies," he explained slowly. "If we eradicate the mafia completely, the result will be like what happened with Rear Admiral Sakazuki. In less than half a year, perhaps even a few months, new mafia families would spring up, battling for control and causing more intense violence. The civilians would be the ones to suffer."

"Maintaining two mafia families allows us to divide the territory. It keeps them cautious and hostile towards each other, preventing deception against us Marines. It's also easier to intimidate and manage them. These families, for their own profit, defend their territory against pirates and other threats, accomplishing an indirect protection of the civilians. The more prosperous the civilians, the higher the fees they can extract." 

"And with Rear Admiral Darren's influence, they wouldn't dare to go too far. They understand that everything they have comes from him."

Gion felt as if struck by lightning. The concept of protecting civilians with the help of the mafia and pirates was foreign to him. "But...if we Marines can obviously do more..."

"No," Flying Squirrel interjected, shaking his head with resolve. "The Marines can't do much more. We are a military force under the World Government, with law enforcement powers but no rights to govern or settle. No matter what happens, whether it's pirates looting, gang vendettas, or mafia turf wars, we Marines often can only investigate after the fact or provide temporary solutions."

Marine forces are not allowed to station troops in independent countries and islands, so they cannot permanently protect the local civilians.

"This is the biggest problem with the Marine," said one officer.

"By supporting the Mafia, Rear Admiral Darren has been able to achieve a degree of 'governance' and 'protection' in the local area. This protects the lives of civilians to some extent," another officer explained.

"This path is unprecedented, but at least for now, it seems to be effective."

"The most important thing is that Rear Admiral Darren can stay informed on various situations and concentrate most of his efforts on dealing with truly dangerous pirates."

"Major Gion, Major Kaki, do you understand now?" Flying Squirrel asked, looking at them with a serious tone.

If Marines had the right to garrison troops, then there would be no need for such complicated methods; they would just station forces locally for protection.

But the system does not permit this.

After all, if the Marines could station troops everywhere, they wouldn't be an independent military organization, but rather a warlord.

This is something the World Government and major kingdoms would never allow.

"I know both of you hold a high and firm belief in justice, which Rear Admiral Darren and I respect greatly."

"Yes, you heard right. I am well acquainted with Rear Admiral Darren. Despite seeming bohemian, he doesn't seem to have much disdain for you."

Seeing skepticism on Gion's faces, he added in explanation:

"Otherwise, you wouldn't have discovered these things. Believe me, with Rear Admiral Darren's skills, if he wanted to conceal them, you wouldn't find anything."

After hearing this, Gion and Kaki were silent.

"You two have some reservations about our North Blue Marine's procedures, but in the end, this is North Blue. The headquarters' methods don't work here," Flying Squirrel said slowly.

"In terms of results, this is the best era North Blue has ever seen." His face showed a sense of pride.

Seeing the islands and towns under Marine jurisdiction becoming peaceful and prosperous was a source of immense pride. It was the best reward for his service—even if the methods used were not entirely honorable.

"It's not convenient for Rear Admiral Darren to explain these things to you, and he doesn't care to," Flying Squirrel continued.

"For him, the opinions and comments of others are insignificant. He follows his own rules."

"But I want you to know that Rear Admiral Darren is not the scoundrel you think he is."

Gion bit her red lip and said softly, "But taking money from the mafia is always wrong..."

Flying Squirrel smiled, "It's not ideal to collect money, but the North Blue Marines are really in need of funds."

"And most importantly, Rear Admiral Darren follows a principle..." he winked, "once he takes the money, he does the work."