
One Piece: Becoming the strongest pirate (COMPLETED)

An ordinary person from earth gets transmigrated into One Piece world. He wakes up in an uninhabited unknown island in east blue. Follow his struggle as he tries to survive in this cruel world and become the strongest pirate. (MC is not Ace) Disclaimer: I do not own one piece or any of its characters and I also do not own the cover image.

Captain_Erebus · Anime & Comics
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145 Chs

Let me ride on your ship!

Half of Ashen's main crew came to Wano alongside him, as he still needed to leave some of them back to protect the territory and keep the recreantly freed prisoner in check, since Big Mom's children are quite dangerous to leave with normal people.

The ones that stayed back are, Ian, Diana, Amber and Yamamoto while the rest followed him to Wano. It also helped that Shiki accompanied him since he can cover that shortage if anything were to go wrong, or unexpected event that's why Ashen didn't let him fight.

Onigashima, Outside The Skull Dome…Kaido and Ashen's Battle,

"Celestial Flames…Heavenly Punches!" Ashen used his awakened power to raise multiple giant, dense flame fists from the ground imbuing them with Haki before he pummeled down Kaido from different angles.

Without give him the chance to recover, Ashen used Inferno Jet Step to lung at Kaido and with a swift motion, he slashed Kaido's chest, but this time Kaido managed to avoid getting injured by infusing his entire body with Conqueror's Haki. Though he still got internal injuries from Ashen's Ryou.

"Worororo! Not bad, I couldn't imagine that old fart Shiki teaming up with a weakling!" Kaido said with a big smile creeping his face "I'm having fun right now…*Lightning*…Raimei Hakke!"

*SWOOOSH* In an instant Kaido closed the distance between him and Ashen and delivered strong blow that sent Ashen crashing into a boulder. Kaido's new hybrid form gave more power, speed and stamina.

"Worororo!...Kosanze Ragnaraku!" Without giving Ashen a break, Kaido immediately struck attacked him again. He grasped his Kanabō with two-handed, he jumped into the air and quickly spined his weapon above his head as he imbued it with Conqueror's Haki, making it exude black lightning. He then, while descending, swinged his club down with great force, smashing Ashen's head into the ground.

"AGHH! FUCK!..." Ashen quickly got on his feet again and jumped back, the last attack was a direct hit, and his head was bleeding even more. So far, the battle between the two is a close call with none having the upper hand on the other.

Ashen kept his distance before he summoned his flames, compressing them into the tip of his sword before he sent multiple fast compressed fire beams towards Kaido.

<Death Beam>

*BOOOM*-*BOOOM* Upon contact the beams caused massive explosions, although they didn't cause any damage to Kaido but they served as a distraction from Ashen's next attack.

Using Inferno Jet Steps Ashen charged at Kaido at a blinding speed, and using his most powerful sword attack, he coated his weapon Advanced Armament Haki and infused it with Conqueror's Haki while channeling his flames into it.

"Celestial Cleave!!"

His weapon left a trail of lightning before he slashed Kaido diagonally, the Haki taking the form of a radiant sphere, as it expanded, the shockwave of the attacked rippled through the air, causing the ground to shake. The black and red lightning emanating from the sphere streak outward, crackling and arcing across the surrounding area, further intensifying the spectacle before it finally exploded.

"AAGHHH!!" Kaido screamed from pain as he got crush down underneath the pill of debris.

"Hehe, get fucked" Ashen muttered to himself with a sinister grin as wiped the blood from his face.

Kaido didn't waste time lying on the ground and quickly got up and attacked Ashen again, this time he used a projectile attack. He generated crescent-shaped air blades that flew towards Ashen by swinging his Kanabō with enough force.

"Worororo!...Demolishing Wind!"

Unfortunately for Kaido the wind blades went right through Ashen's body, as they weren't coated with Haki "Hey, did I hit your head too hard or what?"

Fortunately for Ashen, Kaido's lightning nor his fire nor his wind can affect his logia body unless they are used with Haki.

"Hmph…don't be a smartass"

Next to Ashen and Kaido's battlefield, Queen and Moria were fight, tough the battle wasn't looking too good for Moria. The former already turned to his beast form and his strong durability that his Zoan fruit grants him is giving Moria a hard time.

"Moooriaa! You poor thing, did you really think you could defeat Kaido-sama with your petty power?" Queen said mocking Moria before he let out a loud laugh "Muhahahaha! Take this and go to sleep, you delusional freak!"

Queen declared as he fired a laser beam from his mouth while in his beast form.

"Black Coffee!!"


<Doppelman: Kagemusha>

Seeing the upcoming attack Moria quickly created a dark silhouette using his own shadow before he swapped location with it.

After he coated his sword with Haki and tried to slash Queen, but unfortunately his body was too tough and couldn't do a lot of damage. The latter took the opportunely to strike him down with his tail.

"*CRASH*--*COUGH*--…damn it!" Moria threw a mouthful of blood as he crashed on the ground.

While the battle between the Beasts Pirates and the Ashen Pirates was raging outside of the Skull Dome in Onigashima. A small kid no more than 12 is seen running around the castle hallways making her way to the outside while followed by a dozen men.

The kid was taller than normal, wearing a hannya mask, which has a blue wig with an extremely long and wild mane attached to the top and a long blue goatee attached to the bottom, and a kimono that has long white sleeves.

"--He's getting away!"


"Catch him!"

"Damn it! You guys are so persistent!" Yamato cursed loudly, the shackles attached to her wrists gave up her position as she ran away from Kaido's men, making her way outside the Skull Dome – Kaido's castle.

Hearing a strong and infamous pirate arriving at Wano and fighting her father, Yamato couldn't contain her excitement as she remembered the first encounter between Oden and Whitebeard in Wano that she read in Oden's personal diary.

"Finally, the exist!" The moment she jumped outside, she was greeted by a rush of air, caused by the shockwaves nearby. The clash between the two emperors of the sea was a sight to behold, the bodies of unconscious weak individual filled the entire area, and the ground was shattered by the sheer force of their attacks.

The first person she noticed was a figure flying in the air wrapped in fire. The flames that danced around him were no ordinary fire, for they possessed an ethereal quality, a mesmerizing blend of bluish-purple hues that seemed to defy the very laws of nature. These celestial flames radiated a luminescence that illuminated the sky, casting an otherworldly glow upon the figure.

Before him was her father whom she recognizes very well, standing tall and strong in his human-beast form, he had an intimidating aura around him.

With each of their clash, she felt shivers in her body.

While mid-air, Ashen infused his fist with Armament and Conqueror's Haki and then delivered a massively powerful punch with shockwaves that encompassed a large radius, that seemed to crush down even her father.


"Amazing!" Yamato looked amazed.

Soon after that, Kaido retaliated and the battle between the two continued for a few more minutes before it came to halt, and Yamato finally took the chance to show up.

"Huh Yamato? What the hell are you doing here?!" Kaido looked shocked at Yamato's appearance, since he made sure to lock her away before went out to fight Ashen "Those useless shits, I'll make sure to punish them later"

'Yamato? She looks very young—no, more importantly why the hell is she here, is she trying to get herself killed or something?' Ashen though in his head as he observed her in curiosity.

"Don't tell me you're still on that nonsense?" Kaido asked glaring at her.

"It's not nonsense, I told you before…I want to become Kozuki Oden!" She declared loudly, her face wasn't visible because of the mask, but you could easily guess by her tone of voice that she was not afraid of Kaido at all.

"Enough with that bullshit, you're not getting anywhere" Kaido shouted at Yamato as his forehead veins bulged in anger "Stop playing around if you don't want to get hurt brat" he proceeded to smash the ground with his weapon, causing a massive shockwave that sent Yamato flying a few meters back.

"Lol, good parenting!" Ashen remark looking amused at their interaction.

"Mind your own business demon" Kaido replied with a growl.

Yamato wasn't intimidated by Kaido at all and quickly got on her feet again and changed her attention to Ashen this time.

"I saw you fighting father just now, you're very strong…you're also a pirate right?..." Yamato asked Ashen in excitement "Then let me ride on your ship, I also want to explore the world just like Oden!"

"Huh?!" x2

[Kaido's Daughter – Self-Proclaimed Kozuki Oden]
