
One Piece: Becoming the strongest pirate (COMPLETED)

An ordinary person from earth gets transmigrated into One Piece world. He wakes up in an uninhabited unknown island in east blue. Follow his struggle as he tries to survive in this cruel world and become the strongest pirate. (MC is not Ace) Disclaimer: I do not own one piece or any of its characters and I also do not own the cover image.

Captain_Erebus · Anime & Comics
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145 Chs

Heated battle

The battle had already started as the two oppositions clashed with each other, the Ashen pirates lead by 'Demon' Ashen and the king's underlings and his pirates lead by Misagi.

When Diana arrived, she sought to engage with the enemy at once, using her marksmanship skills to suppress them from a distance while giving Calvin the chance to escape the encirclement, she was also being supported by Ken.



She was flawlessly head shooting them one after the other which created chaos among their ranks and broke their formation.

"DAMN IT!! THEY HAVE A SNIPER!" One of the pirates pointed out.

"WE SHOULD DEAL WITH HER FIRST!" The captain of the guards gave orders to his men to disperse, forming a new group that went after Diana.

Calvin quickly took the chance and retreated back to assess the situation before engaging again, but to his annoyance someone already managed to catch up to him.

A slim figure wearing a green jumpsuit was approaching him from behind, he is one of Misagi crew members "I'm impressed!...you're quite fast!" The man had a cocky attitude on him, but he didn't appear to be your average joe either "As a sign of my respect let me introduce myself to you. My name is Wasp Callahan, pleased to meet you" he said looking down at Calvin.

Misagi in his men didn't consider Ashen pirates as a big threat since they were rookies with no experience who just entered the grand line they were obviously inferior to them.

"You again?" Calvin didn't bother to have a conversation and immediately jumped at him using Soru, and as he got in his attack range, he threw a quick punch while using Tekkai to harden his fist before the impact.

*SWOOSH* As Calvin's fist was about to clash with the Wasp, he swiftly disappeared and reappeared again behind him "But you're not fast enough" He said as he kicked his back with a high-speed causing a devastating blow, but thanks to Calvin's quick reaction he managed to harden his body with Tekkai at the last second and minimized the damage.

"hoho, you even managed to block my attack, as excepted from the super rookies"

"You punk… Don't get cocky!" Calvin noticed that the enemy possessed an incredible speed which he can't match even when using Soru "This is going to be bothersome…"

While Calvin was thinking of a way to deal with him, Wasp disappeared again leaving behind him a strong gush of wind.

"!!..." Calvin tried to guess where he would appear, but he failed horribly and Wasp punished him for that, by sending him crashing into a pillar with high kick.

"*COUGH-COUGH*…damn it!" Calvin coughed blood from his mouth as he slowly got on his feet in pain "If it weren't for the training, I've been doing with Ashen I would have taken a lot more damage!".

"You're tougher than you look" Wasp showed up beside him again like he was teleporting.

At this point Calvin had to start considering another strategy, since it's impossible for him to match Wasp speed, he needs something else to counter it.


"SURROUND HIM!!" As the two of them were immersed in battle, the other pirates and soldiers finally managed to organize themselves after Ken and Diana's attacks and they split up into two groups, the first one went after Diana and the second one came after Calvin.

"Hmph…BRING IT ON!!" Calvin shouter as the battle was resumed once again.

(First Person POV),

Misagi and I were facing each other in the air without making any moves, I was going to get serious from now on, but I still have no idea how I can fight this guy effectively.

Without Haki or a seastone weapon it will be a stalemate between us as no one can physically hurt the other.

"Your friends are doing pretty well down there" Misagi is floating in the air with his weapon imbued in thunder.

"You should be worrying about your crew mates instead" I started fist swinging my outstretched hand around me, summoning flames and amassing it around my body in preparation for my attack "ENKAI!".

After I gathered enough flames, I use Geppo to raise my height.

When Misagi saw that, he held his hand out behind his back and released a burst of wind that was strong enough to push him toward me and close the distance between us in a split second "BOREAS!".

"HIBASHIRA!" I shot the flames that I collected downward aiming it at the soldiers and the pirates below us, Misagi saw that and tried to stop my attack. Using his long polearm saber, he threw a downward swing that split my fire in half.

*BOOOOM* He was able to avoid any damage, but he couldn't completely stop the attack, and the flame blast managed to hit the people on the ground.

"AAAARRRGHHHHH!!..." They were some screams heard down there and the blast created a large smoke that obscured the vision, without a rest I moved back and launched another attack. This time I gathered the fire inside my mouth before I breathed it out into a huge, conical blast toward Misagi.

*BOOOM* The blast cause a serious damage to the place, and the fire to burned down a few people, but the target of the attack Misagi, wasn't hurt at all as he used his clouds as barrier to extinguish the fire.

"That power you possess is pretty dangerous!" Misagi aimed his weapon at my direction and released the thunder that was imbued in it towards me "RAKURAI!!".

"It's useless!" I threw a fire bolt to counter the attack.

*BAAAAM!!!!* The two attacks caused an explosion as they canceled each other.

"...We are both a logia users it will end up in a stalemate"

"You won't know until you try"

(Third Person POV)

"What the hell?!!" the king was observing the fight from the background with the signs of panic on his face.


The king turned his head as he heard the voice of his trusted advisor calling him.

"William, what are you doing here?! I told you to take my family to safety!" The king squalled at him in tension.

"Your highness it's dangerous out here!" William said while gesturing to the guards "Her highness is in safety and she's waiting for you".

"I can't leave, I need to witness this fight with my own eyes!" he quickly turned his eyes back to the battlefield.

"Your Highn-" William was interrupted before he finished his sentence.

"ENOUGH!!" The king vented his anger at him while he kept observing the fight.

"As you wish but I will stay with you in case something happens"

"Do what you want"
