
One Piece: Basilisk to the top

Nakamura D Kurai wakes up in the world of one piece, all this is fine and it would be fun but, he is a D, he can no longer live in peace and quiet, he has to become the strongest because his life is at stake, and in a future not only his life will be at stake, but that of his nakamas as well, what will happen when a reincarnated man who is apparently born without qualities has to take care of himself and his nakamas?...

ImH1R0 · Anime & Comics
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I was in nothing, I didn't feel my body and I don't know how long I've been like this, it may be hours, days, weeks... The only thing I know is that it's uncomfortable, the feeling of being trapped in this place without knowing why I'm here, what The last thing I remember is that I was walking in the street and a truck was approaching… Shit, I just died…

I saw a kind of light, I don't know how I see it if I don't even have a body, but I know it's there, it's a strange sensation, I'm getting closer to the light and I start to hear noises and screams of what seems to be a woman.

When I leave the void everything becomes strange, more than when I was in the void, I hear everything too loud, I guess it's because in the void I get used to absolute silence.

I could tell that the voices spoke in a strange language, although I understand it perfectly, I think it's Japanese, I'm used to hearing it because in my old life I always watched anime when I had time, and if I wasn't watching anime I read some fanfic.

When I look at my hands I notice that they are much smaller, as if they were those of a baby... Damn... I'm reborn...

I tried to open my eyes and noticed that everything was blurry, although little by little I began to see better, when I could see a little better I noticed that I was being grabbed by a woman with black hair and blue eyes, she had a really beautiful face and I couldn't explain how she looked so good even when she had just had a child and seemed to be dying of exhaustion.

Listen to what he was saying to me since in all this moment I did not pay attention to any of the words he said to me since I was thinking about this whole situation.

''Son... Your name is Nakamura D Kurai... I know that just your name will make your life difficult, but always remember that your mother will be with you...'' When I heard those words I felt conflicted, on the one hand I felt distressed because my name meant that I was in one piece, and that meant danger, on the other hand I felt a little happy to at least have a mother who loved me.

After this beautiful moment I felt that my whole body felt heavy and dizzy, I understood that the tiredness was taking effect and without noticing it I fell asleep in the arms of my new mother.