
One Piece: Bai Ye Deputy Captain of the Straw Hats

Bai Ye, hailing from the mystical Wudang Mountains, is a skilled cultivator. He finds himself in the world of One Piece through the power of an enigmatic book. This twist of fate intertwines his path with that of the charismatic Luffy, the aspiring Pirate King. With his unique cultivation techniques, Bai Ye becomes Luffy's trusted deputy captain. Together, they embark on thrilling adventures, braving the seas to find the legendary treasure, One Piece.

PapaSmurf0700 · Anime & Comics
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181 Chs

Chapter 38 Brawl in the restaurant

Author: Xiao Yifeng

Translator: PapaSmurf0700

"Do you really wish to prepare meals for these individuals?" Bai Ye's question hung in the air.

Sanji, pulled to his feet by Bai Ye, remained silent, his head bowed. He understood all too well that Bai Ye's question dug deeper than the surface, probing his steadfast convictions.

Both Sanji and Zeff, shaped by their past struggles with hunger, held a deep respect for food and a profound empathy for the hungry. Their creation, the Baratie, was a beacon on the ocean, ensuring no one at sea would suffer the pangs of hunger.

Bai Ye held immense respect for their commitment to offering free meals to those in need. He recognized he had no ground to criticize their humanitarian mission.

However, he knew that sometimes, food wasn't the ultimate answer.

With a gentle pat on Sanji's shoulder, Bai Ye advised, "Observe closely, ponder deeply."

With that, he stepped forward to face Krieg and Gin, while Zeff and the other chefs seemed inclined to fulfill the Krieg Pirates' massive order.

"Feeding such delectable food to vermin seems quite wasteful," Bai Ye commented with an odd emphasis on 'food.' "Why not sell all the meals to us instead?" he proposed to Zeff, turning to face the elder chef.

"ASSHOLE!!" Krieg exploded in rage, brandishing his musket and unleashing a furious barrage at Bai Ye, "You think you can steal MY FOOD?!"


As the smoke from the gunfire cleared, Bai Ye emerged, enveloped in a golden aura, unharmed and resolute.

"What?!" Krieg gasped in disbelief, confronted by a man who seemed unscathed by bullets. A flicker of recognition passed through him, thoughts of another, a man known for his eagle eyes.

Before further thoughts could form, Bai Ye's voice cut through, "The Navy's already been alerted; now, we simply wait."

Brushing imaginary dust off himself, Bai Ye grinned, "So, how about you two lowlifes calm down? Life in a cell might be tough, but at least you won't face hunger."

His words flowed with ease, the suggestion seeming entirely reasonable in his tone. Yet, they ignited Krieg's fury, who, without assessing his adversary's capabilities, lunged forward in his golden armor, fists encased with diamonds.

"Jail?" Krieg bellowed, charging at Bai Ye. "Do you have any idea who I am? I am the overlord of the East Blue, Captain Krieg!!"

His diamond-clad fist, aiming for Bai Ye, was suddenly intercepted.

Gomu Gomu no Pistol!

From nowhere, an elongated arm shot forward, striking Krieg's unguarded face.


Propelled by the force, Krieg found himself ejected from the restaurant, landing on the combat platform outside.

Without pause, Luffy bolted after him, declaring, "I won't allow harm to my friends or this restaurant; I'll send you flying!"

"Captain!" Gin, alarmed, drew his weapon, aiming for Luffy, only to be intercepted by Sanji, leading to a fierce clash.

The battle escalated so swiftly that many were slow to react until the action spilled onto the external deck.

In the end, Luffy triumphed over Krieg. Sanji's duel with Gin also reached its conclusion. One couldn't help but admire Sanji's formidable kicking technique. It was unclear whether Sanji's decision to fight was due to his newfound understanding of Bai Ye's intentions.

Nevertheless, the crisis had been diffused, almost as quietly as it had erupted.


By now, several naval warships were conspicuously late. Leading them was Double Ironfist Fullbody, whom Sanji had previously bested in a brawl. He arrived, anticipating Bai Ye's presence.

Luffy, spotting the warship, exclaimed in alarm, "WHAT! The navy's here! Bai Ye, we've gotta run!" Preparing to gather his crew, Luffy was all set for a hasty retreat.

But then...

Golden Light Curse - Forced Calm Fist!


"Seriously, Luffy," Bai Ye sighed, "try to hold your horses next time. Let's size up the situation before making moves, okay?"

Rubbing his head, Luffy mumbled an apologetic, "Sorry..."

This dynamic puzzled Sanji. Something about this pirate crew didn't quite add up. How could anyone, let alone Bai Ye, beat captain?

Zoro, connecting the dots, turned to Bai Ye. "Wait, you didn't summon these navy guys again, did you?"

Receiving a nod of confirmation, Zoro massaged his forehead in exasperation. First, it was the navy from branch 153, and now this? A collaboration with a navy headquarters captain? He wondered, half-serious, if Bai Ye might just trick Luffy into enlisting with the navy next.

Nami and Usopp, having witnessed Bai Ye's prior dealings with the navy back in Syrup Village, caught on quick. They filled in an astounded Sanji on the details.

Meanwhile, Bai Ye, unperturbed, strolled up to Fullbody, greeting him as if they were old friends. Fullbody was elated; as a headquarters captain, apprehending a notorious pirate like Krieg would certainly be a feather in his cap.

Assistance from pirates? He scoffed internally at the notion. They were merely a couple of helpful passersby, not pirates.

Fullbody, visions of future glory in his mind, was about to command his men to secure the Krieg Pirates when suddenly, a peculiar breeze stirred.

The wind was gentle, yet carried the unmistakable whisper of a sword slicing through the air.

In a breathless moment, under the astonished gazes of all present, Krieg's already battered ship was cleanly cleaved in two!

What was more astonishing was the evident smoothness of the cut, suggesting the massive vessel had been severed by a single, precise stroke of a blade!

Then, they noticed a peculiar sight: a coffin-shaped boat, adorned with candles emitting an eerie green glow akin to ghostly fireflies in the daylight, was approaching. On it stood a figure — tall, lean, muscular, with upward-pointing black hair, beard, mustache, and sideburns. His attire was a striking mix of black and red, complemented by a golden cross-shaped necklace.

Any onlooker's first thought was undeniable: This man exudes sheer power!

"Are...are you joking?!" Zoro's voice quivered next to Bai Ye.

"Darn it, what's he doing here?!" Fullbody blurted, panic tainting his voice. "That's the world's greatest swordsman, Dracule 'Hawk Eyes' Mihawk!!"

Fear was evident in Fullbody's demeanor. Although the Shichibukai and the navy were technically on the same side, the intricate dynamics between them were common knowledge. The Shichibukai, or Seven Warlords of the Sea, were a group of seven formidable and infamous pirates in an uneasy alliance with the World Government and the Navy. Typically, navy officers like Fullbody preferred to avoid crossing paths with the Shichibukai.

Now, the remnants of the Krieg Pirates, clinging to debris in the water, were in utter dismay.

"Why! Why follow us all the way here?" one of Krieg's men cried out to Hawkeye.

Unruffled, Hawkeye replied simply, "To pass the time..."