
One Piece: Bai Ye Deputy Captain of the Straw Hats

Bai Ye, hailing from the mystical Wudang Mountains, is a skilled cultivator. He finds himself in the world of One Piece through the power of an enigmatic book. This twist of fate intertwines his path with that of the charismatic Luffy, the aspiring Pirate King. With his unique cultivation techniques, Bai Ye becomes Luffy's trusted deputy captain. Together, they embark on thrilling adventures, braving the seas to find the legendary treasure, One Piece.

PapaSmurf0700 · Anime & Comics
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185 Chs

Chapter 158 Signal to start operation

Translator: PapaSmurf0700

Hearing Pagaya's remark, Bai Ye quickly waved his hands in modesty and explained, "It's just that my abilities are a bit special. I don't usually do things the normal way." Indeed, after learning how the Waver worked, Bai Ye had used his refining technique to craft a batch of Wavers, Jet Skis, and Jet Boards within his internal space. He made them from special metals and powered them with an aura-enhanced version of spiritual stones, fortunately, the process wasn't complicated, allowing Bai Ye to complete them quickly.

Pagaya didn't probe further, but instead, he glanced over at the others and shared a reflective thought, "It took me ten years to learn how to drive a Waver, and I still fumble with it now and then." Watching Zoro and Sanji skillfully glide across the White Sea, he expressed his envy, "I never expected everyone to be so talented. These two young men have even mastered the Jet Ski."

His eyes then turned to Nami, who was adeptly maneuvering a Jet Board, performing complex tricks with ease. "As for Ms. Nami," Pagaya exclaimed, barely concealing his astonishment, "she must be a genius!"

Seeing Luffy bumbling around and being scolded by Nami made Pagaya nod in understanding, feeling somewhat reassured about his own skills, "Brother Luffy, seeing your talent makes me feel somewhat normal."

Bai Ye suppressed a chuckle upon hearing Pagaya's gentle ribbing. It struck him as odd—why was Luffy, of all people, seemingly lacking any aptitude in this area?

Pagaya then turned to Bai Ye with a curious look, "I've been wondering... Aren't you a bit too eager to learn how to use the Waver? It almost seems like you plan to use it soon."

Bai Ye smiled slightly, acknowledging the insight. "Almost," he agreed with a nod, "after all, we do have important things to tackle today."


In the bustling streets of Angel Island, a sudden call to action echoed, "Hurry up, gather everyone!!" This was quickly followed by the sound of hurried and orderly footsteps. Teams of soldiers, dressed in purple uniforms and white berets, quickly assembled on the street.

Conis, who was out shopping with Robin and the others, looked puzzled. "Did something important happen today?" she wondered aloud.

Chopper, clutching a stick of Sky Island's cotton candy, noticed Conis's concerned expression and asked, "Conis, what's going on? Who are these guys?"

Conis responded, "They are the White Berets, enforcers of the kingdom of god. They usually handle minor offenses." But her voice trailed off as she observed the unusual urgency of their assembly. "I've never seen them mobilize like this before. It's not normal for them to react this way, even if there are troublemakers in Sky Island."

At that moment, the captain of the White Berets, McKinley, took a commanding stance at the forefront of the troops and shouted, "Hasso!" He then announced, "My lord's instruction is that we must rush to the west of the town as soon as possible. An enemy is invading."

A voice from within the ranks called out, seeking clarification, "Who is the enemy, my lord? Do we need to mobilize everyone?"

McKinley sharply replied, "Shut up! This is the instruction of the Lord God!" He continued, "Listen well, the intruders are from within our own Kingdom of God — it's the previous god, Gan Fall! Now, let's move out! Hasso!"

As the troops began to advance, Merry, holding onto Robin's hand with marshmallow-sticky fingers, observed their slow progression and remarked in confusion, "Robin, if they're in such a hurry, why are they crawling forward?"

Robin simply wiped Merry's mouth, offering no comment.

Conis, watching the White Berets' unusual method of advancing, murmured to herself in surprise, "Gan Fall? Is he coming back? My lord?"


On the west side of Angel Island, Gan Fall earnestly thanked Usopp, his old face breaking into a grateful smile. "Although it feels a bit odd to say this now, I truly want to express my gratitude," he said. "Thank you very much for your help, young man."

Usopp, with his usual flair for the dramatic, couldn't resist puffing out his chest in pride. "Don't worry, leave the matter of reclaiming Upper Yard to me!" he boasted. "I'm a formidable pirate with a bounty of 30 million!" he added, thumbing his nose with a self-assured grin.

"30 million! In Belly?" Gan Fall exclaimed, his eyes widening in surprise. "Converted into Extol coins, that would be 300 billion?!" The astronomical figure visibly shocked him.

This talk of pirates reminded Gan Fall of another group of pirates he had encountered two decades ago. The captain of that crew was Roger, if he remembered correctly. "They remind me a lot of you, Roger," he mused quietly, glancing towards Upper Yard. "It's about time for their move," he thought, lost in his memories.

Meanwhile, on the beach of Angel Island, Pagaya was startled by a loud noise. Boom! He turned towards the source and saw, against all logic, a huge skull wearing a straw hat hovering in the sky. "Could that be..." Pagaya muttered, a realization dawning on him.

At that moment, Zoro, noticing the spectacle, questioned, "Is that a signal?" Sanji, lighting a cigarette, replied, "It must be. It's about time."

Bai Ye nodded in agreement, "Then, let's go." He then called out to Luffy, who was again attempting to master the Waver: "Hey, Luffy! It's time for us to leave!"

Luffy, however, stubbornly refused, his expression fierce. "No! I must learn this!" he declared, frustration evident in his voice.

Bai Ye, Zoro, and Sanji exchanged looks. "Is this guy serious?" their expressions seemed to say.

Realizing a different approach was needed, Bai Ye craftily suggested, "Well then, the three of us will have to venture into that forbidden place alone—a place filled with countless gold where absolutely no one is allowed to set foot."

"Absolutely no one! Forbidden land!" he emphasized, hoping to spark Luffy's interest in the adventure rather than his current frustration.