
One Piece: Bai Ye Deputy Captain of the Straw Hats

Bai Ye, hailing from the mystical Wudang Mountains, is a skilled cultivator. He finds himself in the world of One Piece through the power of an enigmatic book. This twist of fate intertwines his path with that of the charismatic Luffy, the aspiring Pirate King. With his unique cultivation techniques, Bai Ye becomes Luffy's trusted deputy captain. Together, they embark on thrilling adventures, braving the seas to find the legendary treasure, One Piece.

PapaSmurf0700 · Anime & Comics
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174 Chs

Chapter 134 Usopp vomits blood

Author: Xiao Yifeng

Translator: PapaSmurf0700

Mock Town, despite its reputation, was compact enough that Bai Ye and his companions didn't have to search long to find the rest of their friends. Spotting Usopp and Sanji, Bai Ye called out, "Hey, Usopp, Sanji!" Usopp responded with a cheerful wave, "Chopper, Bai Ye, and Robin, you are here."

Sanji's reaction to Robin was immediate and dramatic, his eyes transforming into hearts as he leaned forward, his manner theatrical, "Ah! Robin, didn't expect you to take the initiative to look for me? Is this Robin's love for me? It's so touching." Bai Ye silently critiqued Sanji's over-the-top adoration, while Robin, accustomed to Sanji's antics, smiled and shifted the focus, "We're here because Merry wants to see everyone as soon as possible."

Sanji and Usopp followed Robin's gesture to notice a small figure standing beside Luffy, roughly Chopper's height. "Merry?" they questioned. Merry greeted them, her introduction leaving them momentarily speechless, "Sanji, Usopp, I am the ship spirit of the Golden Merry, please give me your advice in the future." The revelation made Usopp's mouth drop open in shock, and Sanji was so taken aback that his cigarette fell unnoticed from his lips. "Golden Merry?!" "Ship spirit?!" they managed to utter, their surprise evident.

Chopper, sensing the confusion, stepped in to provide a clear explanation of Merry's origins and transformation. With Chopper's help, Sanji and Usopp quickly grasped the extraordinary situation, coming to terms with the newly physical Merry's presence among them and understanding her unique relationship with the crew as their ship's spirit.

Sanji, upon understanding Merry's new role, offered her a welcoming smile, considering the implications of her presence. "This also means, do we have new crewmate?" he asked.

However, Bai Ye interjected with a gentle correction, "Well, no." As he affectionately touched Merry's small head, he clarified to Sanji, "Merry has been our crewmate for a long time, it's just now that she meets you guys." This revelation made Merry look up, a touch of pride and contentment gracing her features as she affirmed, "That's right."

Usopp, always keen on the dynamics of the crew, couldn't contain his excitement and took the opportunity to tease Sanji. With a smug look, he pointed out, "Merry became our crewmate before you, so she can be regarded as your senior in the crew, hahahahaha." The statement, while technically true, left Sanji with a look of frustration. Although he recognized the logic in Usopp's words, the idea of being junior to Merry in crew seniority was a slightly bitter pill for Sanji to swallow.

Usopp, unfazed by Sanji's visible annoyance, turned his attention to Merry, his face bright with anticipation. "I heard that the image of the ship spirit is similar to the crew," he began, rubbing his hands together excitedly. "So, when Merry first came out, did she have my long nose?" he asked, eager to see if there was a physical resemblance.

Merry, upon hearing Usopp's question, looked conflicted. "Nope," she replied, her voice small. She fidgeted uncomfortably, her tiny hands pinching the hem of her raincoat as she twisted slightly. Then, hesitantly, she added, "I think the long nose is a bit ugly." Though spoken softly, her words landed heavily, striking Usopp as though he'd been punched.

Usopp reeled from the unexpected blow, dramatically falling backward, vomiting blood from his mouth. Chopper, ever concerned for his crewmates, panicked. "Usopp!! Usopp, you're vomiting blood, get a doctor quickly! Ah! I am the doctor, Usopp, I will save you!!" he exclaimed in a rush of worry.

Merry, taken aback by the intense reaction her comment had caused, looked on in surprise. Robin, understanding the situation, reassured her by lifting her into her arms, "Don't worry, it's fine," she said with a gentle smile.

Bai Ye turned his attention to Usopp and Sanji, inquiring, "Speaking of which, have you got any useful news?" He was particularly interested because, unlike the original story where Usopp and Sanji stayed aboard the ship, they had now disembarked, potentially gathering new information.

Sanji responded with a shake of his head, "We did not get any information about Sky Island." He recounted his frustrating experience in Mock Town, "People here don't seem to believe in the existence of Sky Island. I was ridiculed by a bunch of people when I said I wanted to find Sky Island." His tone carried a hint of disappointment and irritation.

Chopper chimed in with agreement, "That's right, Robin and I also encountered such a situation." Robin added her perspective, "There is no other way. After all, Sky Island is just a legend in the eyes of people." She then expressed her annoyance at the locals' dismissive attitude, "However, this kind of people who casually laughs at other people's dreams are really annoying."

Bai Ye listened quietly, understanding the challenges Robin faced due to her unique interest in history and the difficult life it had led her to. Amid the conversation, Usopp interjected with a sudden revelation, "If anything, I met a weird guy. A guy who makes me feel like he is our enemy." Chopper's surprised reaction confirmed his own peculiar encounter, "I also met such a guy." He elaborated that while waiting outside a store for Robin, he overheard suspicious voices...


Back when Chopper was waiting, he stumbled upon a concerning scene. "Hey, why did this guy suddenly fall off his horse?" someone asked in confusion. Another person speculated, "I don't know. Judging by the expression on this person, he should be dead." The locals seemed resigned to the frequent occurrences of death, "What the hell, when will no one die in this town?"

Chopper, with his inherent medical instincts, felt compelled to investigate. He quickly located the source of the commotion and discovered a man lying on the ground, appearing to be on the brink of death. The man was dressed in a black hat and a thick suede coat, his face looking quite severe.

Upon Chopper's approach, the man weakly noticed him and reached out, pleading softly, "Can you help me up, please?" True to his nature as a healer, Chopper transformed into his beastman state and assisted the man, lifting him onto a nearby horse. "I'm a doctor, do you want me to look at it for you?" Chopper inquired, unaware that his declaration of being a doctor triggered a subtle change in the man's expression.

The man, however, quickly resumed his feeble demeanor, not addressing Chopper's offer. Instead, he rummaged through his coat and produced a basket filled with apples. "I'm really sorry, I'm born weak and sickly, I really troubled you. To show my thanks, have one," he offered.

Touched by the gesture, Chopper accepted an apple but hesitated as he noticed an unusual scent. Bringing the apple closer, he sniffed it and his expression shifted to one of alarm. The smell was unmistakably that of dynamite. Before he could react further, a withered hand shot out towards him, as if to force the apple into his mouth.