
One Piece: Bai Ye Deputy Captain of the Straw Hats

Bai Ye, hailing from the mystical Wudang Mountains, is a skilled cultivator. He finds himself in the world of One Piece through the power of an enigmatic book. This twist of fate intertwines his path with that of the charismatic Luffy, the aspiring Pirate King. With his unique cultivation techniques, Bai Ye becomes Luffy's trusted deputy captain. Together, they embark on thrilling adventures, braving the seas to find the legendary treasure, One Piece.

PapaSmurf0700 · Anime & Comics
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190 Chs

Chapter 105 Storm is gathering

Author: Xiao Yifeng

Translator: PapaSmurf0700

The Straw Hat Pirates moved past the incapacitated agents, making their way towards the door. Luffy, with a sense of purpose, adjusted his straw hat and declared confidently without looking back, "Let's go!"

Zoro and Sanji promptly joined him, standing by his side with expressions of determination. Zoro tied his bandana around his head, a sign of his readiness for battle, while Sanji calmly lit a cigarette, his own way of preparing for what was to come.

Nami and Usopp positioned themselves on either side of the trio. Both of them appeared composed, gripping their respective weapons tightly, ready for action. They didn't exchange any words; their resolve was evident in their silent unity.

Together, the five of them advanced step by step towards the door of the Rain Dinners. 


Back on the Golden Merry, while they were en route to Alabasta, Bai Ye had laid out a straightforward plan to the crew. Facing the group, he had said, "The plan is actually very simple. After letting the people know the truth, just get rid of Crocodile for good."

Turning his attention to Luffy, who was visibly eager to spring into action, Bai Ye had entrusted him with a significant task. "Then, I'll leave Crocodile to you, Luffy," he had said, recognizing Luffy's capabilities and determination.

Upon hearing this, Luffy had responded with his characteristic smile, full of confidence and readiness. He had nodded and assured Bai Ye, "No problem Bai Ye, Crocodile, leave him to me."


Guided by Luffy's Haki, the Straw Hat crew pinpointed the secret room hidden beneath the casino and began to make their way towards it. Inside the room, the meeting was wrapping up. Crocodile, sitting in the main seat, outlined their final mission under the dim candlelight. "All the tasks you have to carry out are all for today," he stated. "When you finish them, Alabasta would be our dream home." His grin was sinister as he eyed the assembled agents, announcing, "This is also my final mission for you... that is destroying the Kingdom of Alabasta!"

Suddenly, the room was interrupted by an unexpected voice. "Yo! What a perfect plan, Mr.0." It was Mr. 2, rising from his seat and striking a swan dance pose. With a wink at Crocodile, he added, "However, I still have a surprise for you." Revealing a Den Den Mushi from his pocket, he disclosed it had been broadcasting the entire meeting.

Miss Merry Christmas was stunned to see the Den Den Mushi. "What!! How could he have a Den Den Mushi with him?" she exclaimed in disbelief. Crocodile, known for his extreme caution and secrecy, had always been vigilant against any form of spying. Yet, against all odds, Mr. 2 had managed to bring in the device.

Crocodile's reaction was chilling. His voice, menacing like a mafia boss, filled the room as he confronted Miss All Sunday. "Did you choose to betray me?" he demanded. He couldn't fathom her betrayal at such a critical moment. However, Robin remained unfazed. "Who knows? Maybe it's just my whim," she replied nonchalantly, a hint of a smile on her face as she recalled Mr. 2 informing her about Bai Ye's plan and the Straw Hats' commitment to helping Alabasta and befriending her.

Just as Crocodile was about to launch an attack on Robin, an unexpected interruption came from the Den Den Mushi on the table. The device transmitted a girl's voice, clear and resolute. "Crocodile! I am the princess of this country, Princess Vivi!" The voice belonged to none other than Princess Vivi herself.

Crocodile, already on edge, teetered on the brink of fury. This development was yet another blow to his plans. His thoughts raced with confusion and suspicion. 'Mr.3 clearly said that Princess Vivi has been dealt with,' he thought. 'Mr.2 also said that he completed the task of dealing with Mr.3. But why is everything turning out the other way around? So, did Mr.3 also betray me? Who else?'

His eyes, fierce and scrutinizing, swept across everyone in the secret room. Apart from Mr. 2 and Robin, he now viewed everyone else with suspicion. Meanwhile, Vivi's voice continued to resonate. Speaking from above the palace, her message wasn't just for Crocodile; it was being broadcast to all of Alabasta through the Den Den Mushi. "We know your plan now," she declared. "Alabasta will definitely not become your Utopia!!"

The revelation silenced the secret room, while across Alabasta, it stirred a wave of emotion. The people, hearing Vivi's courageous stand, erupted in cheers and roars of support. At that moment, Princess Vivi's popularity soared to new heights.

In the secret room, Crocodile's reaction took a bizarre turn. He started to laugh, a wild, unrestrained cackle that contrasted sharply with his previously menacing demeanor. "Hehe...hehehe...hahahaha!!" His laughter grew louder, more unhinged, echoing like that of a bloodthirsty fiend. It was as if an evil spirit had emerged from the depths of hell, reveling in the chaos it had unleashed.

Crocodile's menacing laughter came to an abrupt halt as he posed a chilling question, "Are you sure?" His voice, akin to that of an evil ghost, echoed through the Den Den Mushi to Vivi and everyone across Alabasta. "Do you decide about it?" he followed up, his calm yet powerful tone causing everyone to hold their breath in anticipation. The tension was palpable; it felt as though making even the slightest sound would draw Crocodile's wrath.

"What qualifications do you have?!" His third question boomed like thunder, shaking the Den Den Mushis as if they might disconnect at any moment. In front of the palace, where people had just been cheering for Vivi, some of the more timid individuals collapsed to the ground in fear.

In Yuba, Koza and Pell, who had been listening to Crocodile's ominous words, fell into a stunned silence. Across Alabasta, people were reminded of the terror instilled by the Desert King. As fear peaked, they began to desperately seek reassurance. "The navy will save us!" someone exclaimed, clinging to hope. "Yes, Crocodile is a pirate, and the navy will definitely not sit idly by." This sentiment spread like wildfire, with people rallying around the belief in the navy's intervention. "Yes, we still have a navy!" "Navy, where is the navy!!"

Vivi, hearing the crowd's cries, felt her resolve waver. Crocodile seized this moment to taunt them further: "Navy? Hahahaha!! Is your hope actually the navy? Ask your Princess Vivi, she drove away all the navy from this country!! Hahaha." His laughter, mocking and unrestrained, echoed throughout Alabasta. Facing the Den Den Mushi, he declared with a sinister confidence, "I will do whatever I want here!!"

Meanwhile, in the sky above the casino, storm clouds gathered, hinting at the brewing turmoil and the impending confrontation. The tension in Alabasta had reached a fever pitch, with Crocodile's ominous words hanging heavy in the air.