
One Piece: An Adventure That's Not an Adventure.

Harry is a normal One Piece fan. He read the manga and watched some part of the anime. But one day, he woke up and realized that something was horribly wrong. And it was not his body posture. No, it was that the room he was in was not the room he was supposed to be in. He was supposed to be in his dorm. Not his parent's house that's 100 mile away. "This must be a prank. I got exams tomorrow. This can't be happening..... Wait, is that a gate?" And that was when he looked out the window and saw a manhwa style gate floating in the sky. It also had a platform next to it and people were going in. "What the......Where am I?" and that's when his father entered the room, "You don't have to do this son, we can always go abroad and hide." 'What.........What was going on.' Confusion was all Harry felt, until he heard, "You shouldn't go in son. You won't be able to find the One Piece. Please don't enter the gate." And like it was a cutscene and he was a player words automatically came out of his mouth," I have to dad. Or other people will die instead. I'm sorry dad." Author's note: I recently read a one piece fanfic that made me so angry from reading it that I decided to write my own. It had so much potential yet, was wasted badly. Btw, I'm not saying that I would do a better ob. The author was good at writing. But still, I want to try. And I am a total amateur at writing. Every criticism is welcome. No matter how dumb it is. I would still appreciate it. Also, flattery would recharge my batteries too. After all I'm not earning anything from it. (Yet). So, thanks for reading and hope you have a great day.

LazyReaderAlways · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 6: Visiting the village and surveillance

After reaching the village, Harry's plan was simple. Surveil the situation. If anything goes wrong or is different from canon, interfere. If everything goes according to script, do nothing to the plot. 

But that did not mean that he had to do absolutely nothing. He could just simply help other people. Cause, why not? 

The villagers were not a big part of the plot. It was mainly centred around Usopp, Luffy and the gang. Let them have their moment and interfere only in case of emergencies. 

With that in mind, after reaching the beach in the island, he decided to leave the team.

"Guys, thanks for bringing me all the way here. I'll be making my own boat or I'll buy it and then I'll leave. If you need anything feel free to ask. I would love to help you guys. 

Bye bye."

"Bye bye". Luffy and the others bid him farewell. Even though Luffy did not want to let him go, after hearing that Harry has his own dreams and plans, he decided not to push it too much. If Harry wants, he'll join by himself.

Harry left the party right before Usopp arrived. So, he did not meet him, nor did he interrupt or change anything. 

That was part of the plan. To reduce his footprint in the plot as much as possible unless necessary.

Now, after going a certain amount of distance, Harry stopped inside the small forest. 

'Sigh, it's time. This is the first time I'll be doing this at such a scale.'

With that, he touched his left cheek with his right hand. 

Something peculiar happened, his body distorted randomly. Some parts of his body were liquified while some parts remained intact. Sometimes his flesh and bones could be seen, other times, he just looked normal.

When this grotesque transformation ended, his right hand was no longer touching his left cheek, it was touching his right cheek. But right across him, an identical version of him had their left hand on their left cheek.

It was like looking in a mirror. With two people staring at one another. But the second one was wearing nothing. 


Flashback to three months ago:

Harry had mastered Kami e or life return by one month. The next two months he was training his body and mastering rokushiki. 

Here's what he did: first, he exercised his body until he could not move. After that, he ate as much as he could. Then he sat down and meditated.

During meditation, he moved all the lactic acid from his muscles to his bloodstream. While that was happening, he focused on absorbing all the nutrition from his body into his bloodstream as fast as he could. 

Before the many materials in his blood could become toxic and harm him, or his liver converts all that into either fat or other materials,he quickly starts repairing his torn muscle fibres and strengthening them.

These would happen naturally but using Kami e, he managed to accelerate the process by quite a margin. 

And that is what he did for the last two months. It did pay dividends as he was no longer as weak as he used to be. He was almost as strong as Luffy was at the beginning of the journey. Which was really a lot. 

This is what he had been doing for so long. 

Today, he decided that it was finally time to focus on his devil fruit. After all, he finally had enough stamina and physical ability to use it for longer than a couple of minutes. 

He didn't really practise with his fruit before.

The reason is simple. He doesn't know how to replenish the spent stamina using his Kami e like he can with physical exertion. 

Luffy and others can recover fast. But not as fast as he can using Kami e. His previous session took only one hour. During that one hour, he managed to push his body to the limit and recover almost fully from the exertion. 

He can not recover like that when it comes to the stamina spent by using his devil fruit. 

So, today, since he has enough stamina to last at least an hour using his fruit, he is going to start using it to train.

"I am the user of Mane Mane no Mi. Which is the Clone Clone fruit. After awakening, I am a god whose domain is 'Clones'. So, I can achieve anything related to the concept of Clones."

Why be limited by copying others? He held the domain over clones. If a string controller can control people with it, and after awakening turn anything in his range into strings and practically become a god in it, then why can't he be a god of 'Clones' after awakening?

This was the sole reason he took the fruit. If there wasn't an option to awaken the fruit in the store, he would've just taken a Logia and haki. 

But, because there was an 'awakening' option in the store, he had to take this fruit. This fruit had the highest potential after awakening.

Thinking all this, he tried the first awakened ability he dreamed of and expected.

"Mane Mane no, Clones", and by touching his own face, it activated.

He made a clone of himself that he was connected to via telepathy. He saw everything the clone saw and felt everything it felt. 

"Ha ha ha...Success. Finally." x2

And so a bizarre scene can be seen. Two ugly disfigured humans (One naked too) looking at each other and laughing like maniacs. Anyone would get a fright seeing the scene.


Back to the present, 

Harry looked at his clone and took off his clothes. 'Here, take these. Take the mask too. You'll go to the village and ask around for information. Also, look for things to do to help people. That is the primary task for now.'

Harry thought to himself. Having a clone being telepathically connected is troublesome because you can easily forget or make mistakes as to who is the real you. 

There isn't a possibility for it to get as bad as it did for Twice from mha, since he can cancel the ability at any time. It can be disorienting unless he stays careful about it.

So, every time he makes a clone, he makes a mission in his brain that helps him keep track of his actions and stay focused.

It was useful while training, but he can't be sure of its effectiveness in battle. It's not great to have your head scattered while you are fighting for your life.


The clone turned into a small bird and flew to the village. 

Meanwhile, Harry started experimenting.

'Finally, the greatest zoan fruit in the series, Hito Hito no mi, model Nika. Base form. A mythical zoan. Time to try you out.'

Another great ability of the awakened clone fruit. Being able to use the devil fruit ability. Another one of the reasons Harry picked this fruit. 

Harry turned into Luffy and instantly felt the change. 

It was like using a jet engine when before you used a rusted Toyota. 

His entire body felt great. He was recovering his stamina a lot faster. It was so fast that he felt that he could keep his clone active for as long as he wanted. 

In order to test the limits, he made another clone. 

'Let's see if this cheat works.'

He ordered his clone to turn into Luffy as well.

But this time, the recovery didn't stack. However, the clone didn't need as much stamina as before either. 

'This...this'll work just fine. He he he.'

And so his vision started to come to fruition. All that time spent on theorizing the best possible fruit ability started to come to fruition.


Meanwhile, the bird clone entered the village. And it started observing both the Strawhats and the villagers. 

Observing them from afar was the first step after all.