
One piece Alternate Universe reincarnator

sora kagestorm Is a reincarnator without memories.Who reincarnated into A alternative one piece world. His name in full English would be. sky Shadowstorm

Demonarashi · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

red marks light blue marks? shawdow star sage Evolution? sex??

and falls on the ground And the And a barrier appears around him. 

than the System says the shawdow star sage. Awakening is happening. Then he faints. 

sora Again with a coffee Set Full of coffee. , you like this better? Right?

I like them both tea and coffe i am sora white The real one this time. After electric the ambassador during my bidding for me cuz I have the time.

And I am the most dominant person in here. And I am you. I can finally tell you the truth of your eyes. Looks like the awakening starting I'm finally free. 

Then Sora sees the panel saying you are of awakening.

Then a minute later. So our right turns into someone who looks like him Except with white hair and green spots

And he says I am. The you before you lost your memories. 

I made a wish. That I would be trapped inside sora white. Because if I didn't 

sora white What have Try to trick you into getting controlled by the eyes. 

So when I needed to I would take over sora whites body bodie by force but it drains me.

Which makes it to where I can't take sora wighte over again for a while. But unfortunately it sora white Made it to where I can't say my name. 

sora Sees the system saying your Awaken the shadow star body. 

This system is updating to have a Person in the shadow star eyes. 

The system says I can do this thanks to you. Awakening to your True self 

you have Unlock the shawdow hair 

You have unlocked the ability to Turn back into your original form. 

you have Unlock the shadow star hair looks Your evolution process is done. You may forcefully leave the space. 

can we talk Outside Once I'm done with clearing everything up. 

sure I can wait. It's not going to hurt anything. than he Appears outside 

and keiko says Are you okay? and runs Towards him Crying. 

hirata Said everything is fine. But I didn't believe him. 

Well, it was Cuz in thhe Human world some species can evolve out. But they rarely evolved. They Evolve at least once in Per 5 People Small in number So they tend to hide away. 

Yeah but I didn't think the human Dimension after all We can evolve at least once in a lifetime, But I have it. 

But how can you evolve? And why do you look different?

than keiko step back And brings out a mirror. 

and what sora sees is a a man With white hair 

and than he sees a red eye and a blue eye and A super pretty face. and Lightning marks on his right hand the Yellow orange red lines with fire poping out and Shadow marks on his Chest And muscles 

than he trys to Activate his shadow star sage eyes

He's able to activate them.

and the his eyes start Too change to have. red and blue in Both eyes he gains black stars in bothe his eyes

than He realizes the shadow storm eyes must have stopped leaking out. 

than keiko Screams. Stop ignoring me. than She says you have a lot of explaining to do. 

We've been dating for 4 months. And you still haven't told me this? 

than The pissed off Keiko says look at me. 

and then he sees a girl with black eyes that look Like the abyss. with A pretty face and that pretty face and that Face has a scowl. on it

Then sora says I can't explain it here.

fine lets go to your room keiko says

than they get into his room

Then he explains all he knows about his eyes. 

than he he Suddenly remembers Some of his past.

I just remembered some of my past and it's Horrifying sora said

theres smut Beyond this point. 

keiko says Do you wanna tell me? 

 sora said sure

Then he tells keiko About her past halfway through, he starts to cry. 

she sets him on her breasts and lets him cry Well explaining 

smut Warning Beyond this point

than afterwards she Notice his dick is Stiff

And keiko says your dick is stiff

oh no

do you wanna have sex i meen weve been dateing for 4 months and we had are frisr and we even kiss each other with are tongues keiko said

can i really be honest sora said

keiko says yeah

than yes i would like to

than keiko starts takeing off her shirt

than keiko starts taking off her bra

and sora said what are you doing

and keiko says arent we going to have sex

sora starts takeing off his clothes

and than he gets done before her

and sarts to admire her body

and sora sees a big tits and a sexy body

and than sora sees a nice ass

and keiko sees his 12 inch thick pencil

than she gets up throws him onto the bed than he kisses her before she kissed him takes control of there tongues

and they kiss for 1 minnte

than keiko gets on the floor and she sucks his dick

she moves back and forth back and forth and her. boobs start to sway

and keiko continues to suck his dick. 

and after 1 minute of sucking his she takes her mouth of and grabs hers tits and puts them on his dick

and starts to move them up and down. 

and than after 1 minute keiko says you have to plasure me now

and than sora grabs her throws her onto the bed he scoots up 

and than sora says get on 

and she gets on his dick and she starts to bleed 

and sora said your a virgin

and keiko says yes

sora says we can stop now if yo want

and than keiko answers him by sticking his dick in her pussy

and than she say well move

sora starts to hop lightly 

and she starts to screem in pain

sora seeing this says we can stop right now

and keiko says no i want to give you my first. you intened marry me right

sora says yeah

keiko says than move

than sora starts to move again but a little more faster

and keiko screams the whole time well her boobs start to bounce

her boobs start to make claping sounds as he hops her

than her screams turn into plasure screams

and keiko says harder

than her boobs start to boonce even more

to the point were her tits bounse straight up and go all the way back down to her chest

sora thinks surpriseing'ly her boobs are pretty purkey her boobs stay the same no ripple

sora catinue to hump keiko

and her tits bounce

and she moans

and he climaxes she has an orgasm

Then they clean it up the cum that leaked out and get dressed. 

than sora Leaves the room and gose hirata

Like it ? Add to library!I released this chapter a little late cuz I had something to do before this. If you wanna know when I released that I released it at 11 PM.

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