
One Piece: Almost Exposed That I Am Stronger Than Roger

In the first year, he did not reveal his strength, and was rewarded with Conqueror's Haki! In the second year, he did not reveal his strength, and was rewarded with a Zanpakuto! In the third year, he did not reveal his strength, and was rewarded with the Eight Gates! [Congratulations to the host for the first day of not revealing your strength, you’ll be rewarded for your great efforts!] As long as I hide deep, I won’t be discovered. Even if someone finds out that I have the strength of an Emperor, I shouldn’t reveal it, let alone the strength to conquer One Piece! Please give this novel 5 stars review and power stone ;) Read a few chapters ahead on readfanfic.com Read up to 30 chapters ahead on p atreon. https://www.p atreon.com/akiraninja99 Our community on discord: discord. gg /t66agbE

nyawdao3 · Anime & Comics
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256 Chs

Turn to Ashes, Shiki!

Chapter 166: Turn to Ashes, Shiki!

Conqueror's Haki is not just a range-based deterrent used to instantly knock miscellaneous fish, it can also be entangled in attacks like Armament Haki. It is also because of this that in the sea, only those who truly master Conqueror's Haki can be called top powerhouses, and Shiki is one of them.

Even if he disappeared for decades, and hasn't touched anyone for a long time. But how to use Conqueror's Haki to entangle with Armament Haki—for him, it is still as smooth and natural as breathing and drinking water.

After two or three breaths, Shiki compressed the Conqueror's Haki released to his two swords to counterattack Solo.


Kogarashi collided with Ryūjin Jakka, bursting outbursts of thunder. Haki swept across the clouds above the sky, as well as the surrounding air, turning the airflow instantly into a strong wind.

For a moment, the sky over the entire Loguetown became cloudy. No one would believe that it is a battle between an Ensign and Shiki the Golden Lion. The tension and shock in Shiki's heart were all wiped away at this moment. His breathing became steady, and was determined that victory was on his side.

"Conqueror's Haki wrapped in Armament Haki." 

Solo noticed the changes around him. Although before transmigrating, he knew that there was such an attack method. But after traveling to One Piece world, it was the first time for him to personally experience such a level of battle.

Solo really didn't expect that Shiki could do this to this extent. Thinking back to the story of Luffy defeating Shiki in the One Piece Film: Strong World, Solo's mood also became a little delicate. 

However, the problem still needs to be solved. The battle between him and Shiki spread to the entire Loguetown and the surrounding sea area The civilians who were evacuated all boarded the marine's warships. 

As their battle escalated, the warships swayed on the sea like leaves. There is a danger of being knocked over by the waves and thrown into the sea at any time. What's worse, a mere Loguetown is simply not enough to withstand such a terrifying impact. The battle must be resolved quickly. 

"It's just Conqueror's Haki." 

Solo took a deep breath, his eyes became serious. A majestic black aura burst out from his body, and then swept around, colliding with the aura of Shiki. The sky, which was already covered with dark clouds, escalated into a storm.

The wind kept spinning, turning into a tornado, and sucking a lot of water from the sea. All of a sudden, around Solo and Shiki, several tornadoes formed that connected heaven and earth. 

Such an astonishing scene made Shiki completely uneasy. His eyes were wide open, and his jaw almost fell to the ground in shock. He never thought that a mere Ensign possesses such a high level of Haki. From his point of view, it is not inferior to the powerhouses of their era.

'But...why? Why is he willing to join the Marines, as a little Ensign yet he has Conqueror's Haki?'

"Why, you also have Conqueror's Haki..."

However, this is not the most shocking scene. The second after Shiki said these words, Solo, like Shiki, instantly retracted Conqueror's Haki that had spread out, and entwined it around his Ryūjin Jakka.

Black lightning burst out from the blade, coupled with Solo's calmness. In the eyes of Shiki, Roger's appearance was restored again. It can't be said that they are completely similar.


The shock of this scene stopped his attacks abruptly.

"Roger?" Solo couldn't help chuckling when he heard this, "No, I'm just an ordinary marine Ensign."

The next second, Solo held the blade in both hands and stepped on the air with both feet. In the posture of Geppo, it is the same height as Shiki.


Solo swung the sword with both hands, releasing all the flames compressed into the blade without giving Shiki any time to react.


Accompanied by a loud noise, the bursting flames instantly turned into a tornado-shaped wall of flames, sealing off all Shiki's escape routes. Then, in a high-speed rotation, blast towards Shiki.

This time, Shiki not only felt the crisis. It is a feeling that has never been felt before. This is a feeling he never felt when he faced Roger, Garp, and Sengoku. The marine in front of him is far stronger than him.

"This is impossible!"

Shiki couldn't help but roar. He never dreamed that the plan he had devised for decades would be destroyed in the hands of a Marine Ensign. Shiki swung his llegs quickly, releasing sword energy again and again, trying to break through Solo's raging fire.

At the same time, he used his devil fruit ability to attract a large number of boulders from the islands in the sky. However, whether it is his own sword energy or the boulder attracted by his devil fruit ability, the final result is burned to ashes by Solo's flame.

"Why! Why would someone as strong as you be willing to be a Marine?! With your strength, you can completely challenge the position of the Four Emperors!"

Shiki shouted at Solo in the circle of fire. He really couldn't understand Solo's behavior. Obviously has such a powerful strength. Not only that, but he also has Conqueror's Haki that is not inferior to Roger.

How could such a person willingly stay in Loguetown.

"Why, why, why!"

Shiki asked Solo. The heat of the flames made him extremely uncomfortable. There are bean-sized sweat beads all over the body. But no matter howShiki tried, he couldn't rush out of the flame created by Solo.

"Why am I willing to stay in Loguetown?" Solo frowned slightly, and really thought about this question.

"There is no complicated reason, I just want to retire here with peace of mind."

After Solo finished speaking, he raised Ryūjin Jakka's power to another level. For a moment, the flame directly bit Shiki, covering his whole body without being able to breathe, burned his clothes and skin. Turning him into a burning man.

Even Shiki, who has always been crazy, couldn't bear such pain, and the screams resounded throughout the sky!


Solo felt that it's a little cruel.

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