
One Piece: Almost Exposed That I Am Stronger Than Roger

In the first year, he did not reveal his strength, and was rewarded with Conqueror's Haki! In the second year, he did not reveal his strength, and was rewarded with a Zanpakuto! In the third year, he did not reveal his strength, and was rewarded with the Eight Gates! [Congratulations to the host for the first day of not revealing your strength, you’ll be rewarded for your great efforts!] As long as I hide deep, I won’t be discovered. Even if someone finds out that I have the strength of an Emperor, I shouldn’t reveal it, let alone the strength to conquer One Piece! Please give this novel 5 stars review and power stone ;) Read a few chapters ahead on readfanfic.com Read up to 30 chapters ahead on p atreon. https://www.p atreon.com/akiraninja99 Our community on discord: discord. gg /t66agbE

nyawdao3 · Anime & Comics
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260 Chs

Dragon Unleashes Conquerors Haki, Should I Pretend

Chapter 5: Dragon Unleashes Conquerors Haki, Should I Pretend?

Solo, who has always had no motivation, is now firmly standing in front of Dragon. There was no sign of backing down. Such a scene made Katz and the other marines feel flabbergasted.

(TL/N: Changed 'navy' into 'marines')

You know, it's Dragon!

The world's most dangerous criminals!

"As expected of Officer Solo."

Katz rolled his throat, swallowing his saliva in fear and tension. In his opinion, Solo must be sticking to his justice and duty.

"You gave us answers when we didn't know what to do. Yes, we are the marines, we will not be afraid! Even if the enemy is the Revolutionary Army Leader Dragon, we must stick to it!"

Katz mustered up all his courage and said these words aloud! And these words, like the sound of a horn, inspired every marine present.

"Yes, we must stick to this place!"

"I will follow in the footsteps of Officer Solo."

"I also—"

For a while, the marines clenched their weapons tightly and assumed a fighting posture.

Although it was Katz's words that infected them, every marine knows it in their heart. Their spiritual pillar at this time is Solo!

"What the..."

Even the Revolutionary Army Leader Dragon couldn't help being moved when he saw the scene in front of him. Although he has a different stand from the Marines, he admires such courage very much.

"Good man."

With a low voice, Dragon focused his eyes on Solo and was not stingy with his praise.


Another thunderstorm fell, and the dazzling thunderlight spread in all directions. With the help of this thunder, Solo was able to clearly see the expression of Dragon, he saw him raising the corner of his mouth.

"What's the situation…"

On the contrary, Solo was at a loss and couldn't understand the situation in front of him. What did the marines in Loguetown come up with? I don't want to fight against a guy like Dragon.

Suddenly, Solo seemed to realize something. Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced back only to find Luffy walking behind him. Although the distance is not very close, because of this, he has become a unit that stands in the way between Dragon and Luffy!

This made him feel like he was stopping Dragon from taking Luffy!

Now, this is a big misunderstanding!

"Is it still too late for me to pretend to be trembling in fear?"

Solo couldn't help complaining in his heart, but Dragon was more decisive than Solo imagined. According to Dragon's original plan, he just wanted to indirectly help Luffy go to sea.

Unexpectedly, Luffy would be knocked unconscious. Once he falls into the hands of the marines, then he'll either be sent to the World Government in advance or in Impel Down.

'Get rid of the marines here.'

Thinking of this, Dragon decisively released his Conquerors Haki!

In an instant, a faint breath burst out from Dragon.

Call out!

The breath was weak, like a gust of cold wind.

But then, everything changed in an instant, and in a blink of an eye, it became a menacing current, surging like a flood. Covering the entire street at a terrifying speed!

Conquerors Haki!

Moreover, the release and spread of this momentum only happened in an instant. Before everyone could react, a transparent half-circle of air enveloped them.

Then, there was a trembling from the depths of the soul. This force, with incomparably crazy power, squeezed every cell in these people's bodies. It has caused a severe impact on their consciousness!

For them, Dragon is a terrifying thing that completely crushes and surpasses them in terms of power. So, their hearts are all dominated by the most primitive thing, fear!

Under the influence of this fear, the protective mechanism in their bodies was activated, and their eyes turned white, turning all the images within their sight into black, then came the senses of hearing, smell, and touch. They disappeared one after another.

Their body also began to lose their balance, and they all fell to the ground. In an instant, a large number of civilians and marines fell.

Only Katz and a few elite marines were left, barely standing with a little support. They can't even comprehend what just happened. However, even people like Katz didn't last long.

The Conqueror's Haki of Dragon is stronger than that of any people with the same Conqueror's Haki. In less than two or three breaths, Katz and others also fell down one after another. Katz also looked at Solo worriedly.

Because no one knows what crazy moves Dragon will make after these marines pass out.

"This guy, sure enough, he is the most dangerous criminal..."

Katz's tone was full of unwillingness, and he completely lost consciousness.

This scene let the atmosphere become even weirder. The rain became more violent, swallowing all sound. The thunder that fell from time to time made the street even eerier.

Dragon even stopped talking, ready to take Luffy. If possible, he didn't want to release his Conqueror's Haki. But this is the safest way. However, just when Dragon was about to take action.

He suddenly noticed the marine that stood in his way in the first place and was regarded by everyone as a spiritual pillar was still standing in front of him!

He did not fall!

This unknown man withstood his overbearing haki(1)!

Dragon, who was smiling—instantly froze!


Soon, Solo also noticed the surrounding situation and found that it was either civilians or his own subordinates, they all fell onto the cold ground, letting the rain wash away.

They all passed out!

"The Conqueror's Haki of Dragon..."

Solo's brain was spinning wildly.

According to his judgment, the reason why these people became like this is obviously that they were attacked by Dragon's haki!

As the leader of the Revolutionary Army, it is not surprising that Dragon has the Conqueror's Haki. But—

"Conqueror's Haki is almost the most powerful force in "One Piece". It is an existence that can only be born one out of a million people. It can't be inherited from nature, nor can it be cultivated the day after tomorrow. It all depends on one's fate. With such a powerful force, I didn't even feel any mental coercion."

Solo shook his head unavoidably, "Now is not the time to dwell on these issues."

"The question now is, what am I going to do, do I just lie down? The key is what it feels like to be stunned by Conqueror's Haki. Would it be too deliberate to just fall down? Forget it, never mind..."

After some entanglement, Solo simply gave up. Why bother so much, just fall down.

Mr. Dragon wouldn't want to pick him up and fight him, right?

However, just when Solo made up his mind. Dragon spoke again.

"You actually withstood my haki, you—are really not easy."

Translator's Note:

Haki - Haki is a mysterious power that allows user to utilize their own spiritual energy for various purposes. It can be used to sense people's spiritual energy and predict their actions, give the user a protective coating of spiritual energy, and, for a certain group of "chosen ones", overpower the willpower of others.

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