
One Piece: Against the Gods

Born with pedigree. Deemed by the masses as gods, but caged in a hellscape that camouflages itself as a holy land. What would a person do after seeing the atrocities that humanity are capable of? Destined to be a puppet, a child struggles against his chains and vows to bring down the so-called Gods on earth who only bring suffering and torment. __ Hello everyone, I just really like One Piece's story. The GOAT Oda is simply too poweful. And I'm going to try to put a spin on it. A celestial dragon doing his own things. I will try not to rehash the original story. So do forgive me for copying the GOAT a couple of times. This will be a bit slow for some, a bit fast for others. I'd say it's a mix of both which is weird. Anyways, give this a shot. Warning: He'll have a lot of girls as there are too many good ones in One Piece. I won't waste your time if you don't like that. Though I will try my hardest to make it organic.

B00BIES_for_life · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter 9: Z

After a few days, the gorosei prepared a ship for Tyr.

It was obviously a marine ship and he was being guarded by a purple-haired man.

Black arm Zephyr. "Saint Tyr." Zephyr was surprised that he didn't wear the ridiculous hair-do of the celestial dragons.

Nor did he wear an air bubble on his head. 'His slaves are also well fed. Not to mention, they look happy as hell, what?' Zephyr was confused.

"Now, now, none of that saint crap, former admiral Zephyr." Tyr waved and Zephyr raised a brow.

"There is a good reason why you were the one that was sent here, really. I know you just want to train promising marines." Tyr had a theory.

And it was due to Topman learning of Tyr and his group learning the six powers.

Who's better to train them in it than the teacher of elite marines?

"Father sent you here to instruct us in the six powers. I hope you'll take care of us." Tyr nodded at him and Zephyr almost snorted.

'Like they can use or learn it. They're just kids. And I mastered them at the age of 28.' Zephyr doubted their capabilities.

The group noticed his doubts, but they'll just show him then.

"Let us depart, we don't have a lot of time." Tyr disappeared with the others as they used soru to board the ship.

"What the..." Zephyr blinked in disbelief as he saw them kick the ground multiple times for soru.

"Who the hell taught them that?" Zephyr suddenly became extremely interested in them.

'Are they perhaps cipher pol agents? No, he's a celestial dragon with a connection to the gorosei. It's impossible that he'll turn into a cipher pol agent.' Zephyr remembered the secret agents and assassins of the world government.

When he arrived back at the ship, Zephyr looked at them with curiosity.

"Garp taught us that by the way." Tyr explained with a shrug.

"I see, no wonder you can use that. No matter how elementary." Zephyr sighed.

He respected Garp as the most decorated marine in history. But the man sucked at teaching.

A genius that just uses the techniques on people and expects them to understand it.

Garp sent a lot of marines to the hospital and was banned from ever teaching new recruits how to use haki or the six powers.

'Then these kids are absolute beasts that can survive Garp's training.' Zephyr viewed them in a new light and nodded at them in respect.

"What do you want to learn from me then?" Zephyr asked them.

"The most difficult ones, we still can't use rankyaku and geppo. And our mastery with the others is spotty at best. We have the best mastery with tekkai which is the easiest." Hancock explained.

"Geppo, we just can't wrap our head around it. Walking on air? It's ridiculous." Marigold shrugged.

"Meanwhile, rankyaku seems to be just a lack of speed and power on our legs. Though there might be a trick to it that we do not know." Sandersonia expounded on their problems.

"Shigan, well... Our bones and fingertips aren't hard enough I guess?" Tyr thought they needed stronger fingertips.

"I see, honestly. With your age? It's only a matter of time before you learn everything." Zephyr acknowledged their talent.

"Even with haki, we can't put a scratch on Garp. The old man's a little brat, but he's the real deal alright. Though we almost had him once." Tyr sighed, remembering his childishness.

"You what?" Zephyr's shades almost dropped down from his nose upon hearing they were fighting Garp with haki.

"Yeah, haki. You know? The one where it lets you hit harder and dodge easier." Tyr replied sarcastically.

"I know what haki is... But you can use it already?" Zephyr taught haki last. It was so difficult to learn that even his elite marines sometimes takes years to even have a basic understanding of it.

"Yeah, you just clench your butt real hard to bring out armament. And feel out the intent for observation." Tyr shrugged and Zephyr sighed.

"Now I understand how you guys survived Garp's training." Zephyr thought it was a waste that he was a celestial dragon.

"Garp taught us haki first actually. Though we can already use it since everyone knows how in Amazon Lily." Hancock raised her hand.

"What little monsters." Zephyr grinned as they basically said they're better than even grown ass men in his class.

They were leagues apart from them. As only a select few can use haki. And certainly not good enough to use it in battle against someone like Garp.

"Okay, I will teach you the six powers more proficiently. We will take several weeks to reach the new world anyways." Zephyr got fired up.

With being a former admiral, the ship they were on had a sturdy training room that can handle a lot of punishment.

The battleships of the marines are huge too, so it wasn't a surprise that a training room can fit in one.

"Show me what you can do." Zephyr urged them to attack him.

He then grinned in excitement as all of them used soru to jump him at all sides.

Tyr was poised for a hammer fist and his arms were coated with haki.

Hancock aimed at his genitals with a vicious kick.

Meanwhile, Sandersonia and Marigold blocked his behind with their larger bodies and were ready to attack his sides.

"Excellent!" Zephyr kicked back Hancock's leg and he parried Tyr's hammerfist.

He then grabbed the both of them and threw them towards Sandersonia and Marigold.

"You're good too, old man. As expected of a former admiral yeah?" Tyr noticed that he didn't even use haki or any of the six powers.

"You know, it's kinda refreshing. Not getting hit by a haki infused fist or a whole tree imbued with it. Not to mention the shigans that he poked us with." Hancock winced.

Marigold and Sandersonia shuddered and Zephyr facepalmed.

'Really, Garp? A fucking tree imbued with haki? These kids are insane, volunteering to train with that guy.' Zephyr grouped them in with Garp.

"I'll train you to use geppo, shigan, and rankyaku. You are correct in assuming that you are missing durability, speed, and power." Zephyr now knew their capabilities.

"Now, see that? Start running around while carrying those." Zephyr pointed at some massive chains and spare anchors.

"Damn... Those are huge." Tyr winced as Garp hasn't trained them like that before.

"I guess we should start now." Sandersonia started pulling on a chain that was as large as Zephyr.

"No pain, no gain." Marigold shrugged and put a chain on her shoulders, struggling to move it.

"Let's carry an anchor at the same time." Tyr asked Hancock and she nodded. Happy to spend time with him while training.

"Un! Let's go!" Hancock beamed at him and Zephyr rolled his eyes.

He then helped lift it and put it on their backs. "That's for flirting, little brats." Zephyr snorted as he saw them struggle hard.

The battleship of the marines had a measly sailing speed of 6-7 knots. And the fastest it could go was 10 knots.

So they took several weeks to arrive at the research facility where the lead scientist of the world government is.

With Zephyr and Tyr in the ship, they were also able to dive in the water and hunt sea kings for their diet.

Now, after pumping iron that would make gym rats filled with gear, concerned.

Tyr can be seen in the training room, sprinting around while carrying a massive anchor on his back.

"Whew, that was a nice work out." He put it down on the ground after doing a couple of laps.

He completely shed his baby fat. His abs were like cut obsidian and the striations on his muscles rippled at every movement.

"Damn." The Boa sisters were watching him work out and Zephyr bonked them with a haki infused bat.

"Oi, you're here to train." Zephyr got annoyed at them.

"Ow, ow, yeah, yeah. What a kill joy." Hancock glared at him as she started running around while pulling gigantic chains.

"Yeah, we're just respectfully admiring Tyr's hard work." Sandersonia grumbled.

"You're too conservative, old man." Marigold also fired and Zephyr's veins almost popped.

"Want me to dunk you in the sea, huh?" Zephyr threatened and they ran away.

"Brats in puberty, great." Zephyr rubbed his temples in annoyance.

"Though that one's more dedicated. I guess his discipline is quite admirable." Zephyr nodded at Tyr.

Not really knowing he was still three years old. So technically, he didn't even have a libido yet.

"You might be troublesome brats, but I'm proud of your progress." Zephyr nodded at them and they faux saluted.

'Even my best students don't work that hard. They're like machines. Eat, sleep, then train. Every single day, they don't miss even a minute.' Zephyr thought his students can learn from them.

Their itinerary was filled to the brim. Tyr would warm up in the training room at four in the morning.

Dive in the waters to catch sea kings in order to feed the ship. If the marines on board didn't already like him for being a polite celestial dragon.

Then they would've loved him for bringing the most delectable meat, every single day.

At 5:30, Hancock and her sisters prepare it without fail. Not wanting anyone else to cook his food.

And at 7 after they gorge themselves with meat. They start exercising like madmen until lunch where they'll eat again.

1 onwards, the group then spar with Zephyr with full usage of the six powers and haki.

'With haki bloom, these brats will be complete monsters that can already sail at the new world without problems in just a few years.' Zephyr shook his head in amusement.

They were definitely abusing his privilege as a celestial dragon.

"So that's the research institute?" Tyr stood on the bow of the ship.

"Yes, the greatest mind in the world is doing his research there." Zephyr affirmed.

'The greatest mind in the world huh? Well, if you can make a super soldier serum with just a suggestion... Then that guy's definitely a genius like no other.' Tyr nodded in agreement.

And if they manage to duplicate a devil fruit's effects. Then Vegapunk's a one in a millennium genius.

"Come on then, let's go. I know you girls are anxious about this." Tyr smiled at the Boa sisters and he patted their heads.

"Y-yeah, we just can't believe it you know?" Hancock fidgeted around, thinking about getting their brands getting taken off.

"What is your goal in coming here really? If I can know." Zephyr asked in curiosity.

"Well, Tyr's going to take off the mark of the celestial dragons on our back." Sandersonia explained.

"We never thought we would get this ugly and disgusting mark off of us." Marigold added.

"That..." Zephyr couldn't believe that a celestial dragon was doing so much for a couple of slaves.

'If he cared so much, why did he brand them in the first place?' Zephyr didn't know the full story.

"You must think why they got it?" Tyr could feel his doubt with his observation haki.

"Tche, you're proficient enough in haki to feel that?" Zephyr can't believe how quick they were improving.

"I just saved them from other celestial dragons. Don't think for a second that I'm like them." Tyr glared at him, flaring his conqueror's haki.

"A conqueror!?" Zephyr sucked in a cold breath.

"What does it mean to be a good person, old man?" Tyr asked him.

"That is to help people of course." Zephyr frowned.

"No, become a good person, that's all. Everyone has the capacity to be. You just choose if you want to. Principles make a man, everything else follows." Tyr waved and they went to the island.

"Principles make a man, huh?" Zephyr looked at his back.

"I've forgotten why I joined the navy." Zephyr snorted as he lit a cigar. A little smirk on his face as he watched them go.


Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.