
One Piece: Ace The Emperor of Flames

In the tumultuous world of pirates and marines, a legend is born from the very flames that seek to consume the seas. Portgas D. Ace, son of the infamous Pirate King Gol D. Roger, is destined for greatness before he even takes his first breath. Within the protective womb of his mother, Ace’s consciousness awakens, and with it, an unparalleled talent for understanding—the ability to visualize and manifest abilities that defy the heavens. [Overpowered Ace]

NikaTheHonoredOne · Anime & Comics
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98 Chs

Chapter 39: How does Haki Feel...Enel?

The sacred site of Apayado, actually half of Jaya Island thrust into the White Sea by upwelling currents, was the scene of a fierce battle.

"Kill them! This time, we must light the Lantern of Sandora!" Wyper roared, leading the Shandians, equipped with pulley devices and armed with cannons, guns, and swords, against the divine soldiers wielding Impact Shells and Slash Shells. The Shandians' wild roars filled the air as they clashed violently with the divine soldiers, but their crude weaponry soon led to heavy casualties.

Amid the chaos, strange orbs landed on the battlefield, exploding violently and taking out Shandian and divine soldiers alike. "Who!" Mantis, a tall man with a mohawk and flaming sword, shouted as he faced Shadeli, the priest of the Ball Trial.

"This is the 'Ball Trial' with a 10% survival rate," Shadeli cackled, prompting Mantis to charge at him with his flaming sword.

Nearby, Jie Bao, another Shandian warrior, confronted Gedaz, the priest of the Swamp Trial. "This is the swamp trial with a 50% survival rate!" Gedaz announced, tossing a swamp cloud towards the Shandians. Jie Bao, undeterred, led his warriors into battle.

Further along, Braham, armed with twin flash guns, faced Ohm, the priest of the Iron Trial. "This is my hunting ground, the Iron Trial with a 100% survival rate," Ohm declared, wielding a cloud sword. Braham responded by firing his flash gun, determined not to be outdone.

Meanwhile, Wyper and his team pushed towards the giant vines leading to Enel. A sudden stream of flames from above forced Wyper to dodge, though two Shandians were less fortunate. "Hmph, you dodge quickly, War Demon Wyper," Shura taunted from his mount, a bird equipped with a flame shell. "This is the 'Rope Trial' with a 3% survival rate!"

Wyper faced Shura, who controlled his movements with invisible ropes. With a fierce roar, Wyper launched a volley attack, the force of which knocked Shura unconscious.

However Wyper regretted attacking those Blue Sea people earlier and getting punched by ace as his body was now too injured to use another volley attack.

As Wyper mused, Suddenly Enel appeared, sitting casually on a tree, his presence daunting.

"You killed Shura, so I'll give you a little reward: 3 minutes to attack me," Enel smirked. Wyper's attacks passed through Enel harmlessly no matter what he did. "I am Thunder Itself Incarnated in the flesh, Fear itself Is God," Enel happily laughed.

Laki and Aisha arrived just in time to see Wyper get Charred by Enel's lightning. "Elsa, go quickly!" Wyper managed to say before losing the Thunder Engulfed him. Aisha screamed in anguish, while Enel continued to mock their efforts as The other priests arrived, each bringing defeated Shandian warriors.

Laki despaired, realizing the futility of their rebellion.

How can humans fight against such people?

At the same time, she was also angry at Wyper's recklessness.

Before this, they had no idea that Enel was the incarnation of thunder itself.

The reckless launch of this war completely ruined Shandia.

As Enel prepared to finish them off, Laki shielded Aisha with her body, hoping to protect her from the lethal strike.

"Twenty million volts, discharge!" Enel's lightning crackled ominously, and in that moment, Laki hugged Aisha tightly, trying to offer what little protection she could.

As Laki awaited her demise, a terrifying pillar of flame appeared out of thin air, obliterating the thunderbolt aimed at her.

"Who?!" Enel's pupils shrank in surprise.

Hearing footsteps, Laki's eyelashes trembled as she slowly opened her eyes. Before her stood a handsome man engulfed in flames, walking out of the jungle accompanied by several beautiful women.

"Hey, Enel, how does it feel to have Haki in the temple?" Ace's mouth quirked up in a slight smile.

"It's you!" Enel stared at Ace, his expression darkening. The Blue Sea man who uses black and purple lightning! Haki? Is that the name of that power? Anger boiled within Enel—not only had Ace injured him, but he also didn't understand what Haki was. The self-proclaimed omniscient god faced a knowledge gap because of a mere Blue Sea man.

Seeing the flames burning all over Ace's body, Enel's face became even uglier. "Logia! Fire, you are the God of Fire!"

Fire and thunder have been feared by humans since ancient times, often seen as powers belonging only to gods. Now, this Blue Sea man possessed the power of fire.

"The incarnation of fire...." Laki murmured, reflecting the fiery red light in her pupils.

"Are you able to hear many sounds without control?" Ace asked Aisha and Laki, squatting down and smiling gently.

"Um." Aisha, still reeling from the chaos, nodded subconsciously.

"A naturally powerful Observation Haki is really rare," Ace said, his smile widening. Observation Haki of this caliber is rare, even in the entire ocean.

"Let me help you control it. Of course, I will need to use my Heaven-Defying Understaing to Analyzle Your Natural Talent First," Ace said, extending his right hand, which flashed with a mysterious light.

"How disrespectful to God, Blue Sea people!" Ohm and Shadley yelled, leaping up and attacking Ace.

Enel watched calmly, uninterested in stopping his subordinates. They were expendable, and this was a good opportunity to see what Ace had up his sleeve.

Before Laki and Aisha's disbelieving eyes, two beautiful figures soared into the sky.

"Armament Haki!" Kaya's eyes focused sharply, and dark energy enveloped her index finger. "Finger Pistol!" Kaya's attack pierced Shadley's heart, leaving her in disbelief as she couldn't even react.

"Armament Haki!" Tashigi's sword became jet black as she swung it sharply. "Idiot! I am the indestructible Iron Cloud!" Ohm shouted, but his Cloud Sword was severed, and blood spurted out of his Chest. Ohm's pupils shrank as he fell down.

Gedaz, rolling his eyes and biting his lip, couldn't understand the battle's quick and decisive outcome. A violent sandstorm formed into a silhouette beside him. "Sand Storm." Vivi raised her hand, and Gedaz was swept into the sky by a Massive sandstorm that Swept him across the island , his fate left uncertain.

"Do mere subordinates of this caliber also want to fight against our captain, Enel?" Under Enel's furious gaze, Kaya, Tashigi, and Vivi smiled brightly.

Enel stared at the lifeless bodies of Shadley, Ohm, and Gedaz with a dark, furious expression.

"What a bunch of trash! They didn't even touch the Blue Sea Captain," he muttered.

His gaze shifted to Vivi, who stood not far away. Enel's face grew even darker. "Is that her? Another Logia. Two Logia, and both as powerful as me," he thought, his frustration mounting.

Not only did these Blue Sea people have two Logia, but they also seemed to possess the same abilities he wielded with his Heart Network. Enel prided himself on being an omniscient and omnipotent god, thanks to his Thunder Fruit and the Heart Network. The amplification of his Observation Haki by the Thunder Fruit allowed him to monitor all of Angel Island. Nothing could escape his notice, and any transgression could be met with a instant and devastating retribution.

But now, this group of Blue Sea people had not only two Logia's, but almost all of them could use what they called "Haki." Enel's Heart Network had failed to detect their arrival, rendering his supposed omnipotence useless against them.

His power as a god, ineffective. Again and again, this Blue Sea man thwarted him.

Enel's fury reached its peak, but Ace paid no heed to his anger. He focused on Aisha, strange fluctuations enveloping her.

"The realm of understanding!" A few ripples flashed across Ace's eyes as he analyzed Aisha's innate Observation Haki talent. "Your understanding is heaven-defying. Your Observation Haki talent has been raised to the heaven-defying level!"

Ace's eyes flickered with a flash of red light. "The strength of your Observation Haki has reached a critical point and broken through! You can 'see' part of the future!"

"Kagero," Ace called out, raising his hand slightly. A terrifying pillar of flame turned into a red light, rushing near Vivi. Vivi looked at the pillar of flames that suddenly appeared before her, surprised. The next moment, Enel transformed into lightning and collided with the pillar of flames.


Enel teleported in front of the pillar of flames, veins popping on his forehead. "Thirty million volts, Thunderbirds!" Enel smacked his Tomoe drums with theatrical fury. A bolt of lightning screamed like a bird, hitting the flaming pillar.


The collision of fire and thunder produced a violent explosion, swallowing everything within the explosion's scope. Vivi's silhouette appeared amidst a gust of wind and sand. Enel, holding his golden stick, danced violently, dispersing the smoke and reappearing, looking extremely ugly.

"Why?!" Enel shouted, glaring at Ace, who still squatted in front of Aisha. Enel had hoped to use Thunder Fruit's speed to kill a Logia, but the flames of this Blue Sea native had arrived first.

"Heart Network! Is this the power of the Heart Network?" Enel's face twitched, his eyes bloodshot. His Heart Network, which predicted the enemy's next move at the moment of action, failed him. The flames arrived before he moved, as if predicting his future actions.

"How ridiculous!" Enel looked extremely ugly. He didn't believe it! How could a power more omniscient than his Heart Network exist in the Blue Sea?

Laki's beautiful eyes stared blankly at everything unfolding. The Shandian warriors, the invincible priests, all defeated by three girls of their age in an instant. Enel, the embodiment of thunder, embarrassed by this handsome man. Was this man the embodiment of fire? Laki bit her red lips, her eyes reflecting a hint of admiration as she looked at Ace.

"Oh yeah!" Aisha's exclamation brought Laki back to reality. Laki hurriedly looked at Aisha, still enveloped in Ace's understanding field. "What's wrong, Aisha?" Laki asked, nervous.

"I can control the sounds I hear!" Aisha said excitedly. Since birth, Aisha had the power to hear sounds others couldn't, but she couldn't control it. Every time Shandia attacked Apayado, she endured the tragic sounds of death, causing great trauma. Now, this power could be controlled.

"Really? Aisha?" Laki looked at Aisha in disbelief. This power had only brought Aisha endless pain. Every tragic sound represented someone's hand, every disappearing sound someone's death. Aisha endured this cruel reality, and now she could control it?

Laki raised her face, tears filling her eyes as she looked at Ace. "Thank you, I really don't know how to thank you." Laki's heart felt like it had ascended from hell to heaven. She had accepted her impending death, but this handsome man saved her and Aisha. He also helped Aisha control the power that brought her infinite pain. The sudden appearance of Ace felt like light in the abyss.

"Thank you, thank you," Aisha said fearfully, biting her lip.

"Conis," Ace called, patting Laki's hand comfortingly. Conis walked over obediently. "Play a song to relax their mood," Ace said, looking at Laki and Aisha, still in a daze from the emotional rollercoaster.

"Um." Conis nodded, strumming her harp. The beautiful notes seemed to have a physical presence, calming Aisha and Laki. Laki, recovering from her trance, blushed as she realized she had placed her hand in Ace's palm.

Laki's pretty face turned red as she lowered her head, embarrassed. "My name is Portgas D. Ace, from the Blue Sea," Ace introduced himself, smiling.

"My name is Laki, and she is Aisha," Laki replied, her face still blushing as she looked at Ace's gentle smile.

Ace was about to speak when his eyes suddenly focused. "Bah!" Enel transformed into a thunderous form and appeared before Ace. "Don't be so complacent! People from the Blue Sea!" Enel's eyes were bloodshot with rage. He, the incarnation of thunder, the omniscient and omnipotent god, was still here!

But what was this bastard doing? Letting an ant from Angel Island play the harp and listen to music?! Insult! This was an insult to his godly status!

"Thirty million volts, thunder…"

"Boom!" Before Enel could shout, numerous gunshots rang out. Enel's Heart Network sensed danger, and his head turned into lightning, dodging slightly. "Bah!" The jet-black bullet grazed Enel's face, splattering blood.

"Shave!" Kaya's delicate body disappeared and reappeared before Enel. "Armed!" Jet-black energy surged into Kaya's right leg, and she kicked Enel with a whip-like motion. "Boom!" Enel, caught off guard, was kicked away by Kaya.

"Bah!" Enel, emitting lightning, made a deep mark on the ground. Using Thunder Fruit's power, he stopped before hitting a tree.

"It's so rude. Didn't you see our captain was talking?" Nojiko, holding a smoking gun, smirked. Laki watched in disbelief. Enel, the incarnation of thunder, kicked away by a little girl? What were Ace and his crew?

Blood dripped from Enel's mouth. He raised his head, looking at Kaya and Nojiko with incredulity. "Why can they hurt me?" Enel's eyes were bloodshot and ferocious. He was the incarnation of thunder! Physical attacks should be useless! But Kaya and Nojiko's attacks had made him suffer. Enel's pride and belief in his godly status were shattered.

Ace let go of Laki's hand, standing up slowly. Kaya and Nojiko backed away obediently. Despite catching Enel off guard, they knew Thunder Fruit's power was formidable. Their Haki wasn't enough to compete head-on. Kaya, Nami, Nojiko, Tashigi, and Vivi retreated behind Ace, their lips slightly raised. In moments like this, their captain was reliable. Robin's eyes twinkled, while Conis and Laki watched Ace with admiration.

"I bet you're confused as to why their attacks can hurt you," Ace said, stepping forward. Enel roared, his body turning into dazzling thunder. He wouldn't be careless anymore! He would bury these rebels in violent thunder!

"Buzz!" A strange red light flashed in Ace's pupils. He saw the future! The next moment, Ace and Enel disappeared simultaneously. "Boom!" Ace's jet-black left palm caught Enel's shoulder, preventing him from becoming elemental. Enel stared in disbelief. Ace, a human, had caught thunder?!

"Let me show you," Ace said, a rich purple-black color flashing in his eyes. The terrifying lightning roared in the atmosphere, darkening the sky and cracking the earth. "You… you!" Enel's eyes filled with fear. This power had injured him before. Ace's previous sarcastic words echoed in his mind, "How does Haki taste?" This power was Haki?! Enel, shocked and angry, tried to escape.

Ace's palm flashed black and purple, preventing Enel's elemental transformation. Ace slowly raised his right fist, violent black and purple lightning wrapping around it. The atmosphere shattered around his fist, demonstrating its terrifying energy. "Conqueror's Haki-Infusion!" Ace declared. "Let me show you, frog in the well, only with Haki can you reign supreme!!" Ace punched with immense force.


"Pfft!" Enel's eyes turned white, and accompanied by a harsh sound of bones cracking, blood spurted out from Enel's Mouth and nose uncontrollably. Under the impact, Enel's body became an afterimage, smashing through trees and rocks. A Jagged ravine appeared in the dense forest as Enel hit a huge rock and fell down.