
One Piece: Ace The Emperor of Flames

In the tumultuous world of pirates and marines, a legend is born from the very flames that seek to consume the seas. Portgas D. Ace, son of the infamous Pirate King Gol D. Roger, is destined for greatness before he even takes his first breath. Within the protective womb of his mother, Ace’s consciousness awakens, and with it, an unparalleled talent for understanding—the ability to visualize and manifest abilities that defy the heavens. [Overpowered Ace]

NikaTheHonoredOne · Anime & Comics
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98 Chs

Chapter 28: Arriving in Alabasta

After docking the Merry, Ace and his crew set foot on the desert land of Alabasta.

"Everyone!" Vivi suddenly stopped, mustering up her courage. "Thank you very much for sending me back to Alabasta. Let's say goodbye here."

"Fool!" Nami exclaimed, looking a bit angry. "Do you want to defeat Crocodile and Baroque Studio on your own?"

"But, the original agreement was just to send me back to Alabasta..." Vivi replied, feeling a bit aggrieved.

"Why are you talking about this now? Don't you regard us as partners, Vivi?" Nami asked, her eyes full of love. "Besides, if I don't solve your problem, how can I get that generous reward?" she added with a devilish smile.

Vivi, frightened by Nami's aura, nodded repeatedly. Ace smiled and took the lead, everyone following him towards the port city of Alabasta.

After sending a letter with Karu about Crocodile's conspiracy to her father, King Kobra, they stepped into the port city. The city's enthusiasm hit them instantly.

"Amazing!" Kaya exclaimed, her pretty face filled with excitement. "Ace, look at that!" she pointed at an acrobat.

"Oh? These foods look pretty good," Ace said, eyeing various barbecues.

"We also need to buy some supplies, especially fresh water. The weather here is so hot," Nokigao noted.

"I want to see Alabasta's jewelry," Nami added excitedly.

"I wonder if Alabasta has a famous sword," Tashigi pondered silently.

"Let's buy some local clothes first, to avoid attracting the attention of the Baroque Studio," Vivi suggested, smiling at the excited crowd. Everyone agreed.

Ace noted that Crocodile would likely be aware of their arrival but did not object. He found Alabasta's clothes full of exotic style intriguing. Ace bought some windproof and sand-proof clothes and tasted the local barbecue while waiting for the girls.

"How do I look?" Nami asked, stepping out in local attire with Nokigao.

"It suits you very well, Nami," Ace praised.

Nami and Nokigao smiled, linking arms with Ace. "This is an exclusive benefit," Nokigao teased.

"But I have to pay, one hundred thousand beli," Nami demanded playfully.

"Don't I have all my money with you?" Ace asked, smiling.

"That won't work! You must give me another hundred thousand beli," Nami insisted.

"Okay, okay," Ace conceded with a helpless smile.

At that moment, Tashigi stumbled out of the store and fell into Ace's arms. "Don't be in such a hurry, take your time," Ace said gently, making Tashigi blush deeply.

"You've all changed," Vivi said, coming out in her new attire. Although a trace of disappointment flashed through her eyes, she smiled.

"As expected of a princess, it suits you very well, Vivi," Nami remarked.

Ace helped Kaya with her zipper, making her smile sweetly. "Let's go," Ace said after paying, leading the way as the girls chatted excitedly.

Vivi, feeling a bit unnatural, blushed deeply when Ace whispered to her, "It suits you very well, my princess." She quickly joined Nami and the others, trying to hide her embarrassment.

Suddenly, an explosion erupted on the street ahead. Vivi stopped a panicked man who explained that the King's Army had been looting in the name of searching for rebels. Vivi was shocked and insisted her father would never give such orders. Ace speculated that Crocodile's plans were ahead of schedule.

Ace used his power to knock out the Baroque Studio members disguised among the crowd. Vivi was amazed by Ace's abilities and felt a deep sense of safety. Ace interrogated the remaining members, extracting valuable information about Crocodile's manipulation and the escalating conflict.

Vivi, in distress, wanted to stop the rebellion by speaking to the rebel leader, her childhood friend. However, Nokigao pointed out the futility of this without first defeating Crocodile. Vivi, feeling desperate, declared she would go alone if needed. Kaya, uncharacteristically stern, rebuked Vivi for doubting Ace.

Ace, gently reminding Vivi of their support, comforted her, and she broke down in tears, apologizing. Ace, determined, rallied the crew. "Entei Pirates, let's go! Kill Crocodile as quickly as possible!" he declared, with everyone raising their hands in unison, ready for the battle ahead.

After her tears subsided, Vivi unfolded a map of Alabasta. "This is Rainbase, where Crocodile is."

Vivi pointed to the location, her expression serious.

"It's quite a distance," Ace noted, glancing at the map.

"Yes, which is why we need to get there as soon as possible," Vivi replied, her heart heavy with the urgency. "The sooner we stop Crocodile, the fewer lives will be lost."

"Don't worry about that, but we need to make some preparations first," Ace said.

"Why?" Vivi, Nami, and the other girls looked at him in surprise.

Outside the port city, in the desert, Ace revealed a large desert boat capable of carrying a dozen people. He had crafted it using his exceptional understanding after purchasing the materials.

"Let's give it another try," Ace smiled at his creation.

The girls looked at the desert boat in confusion. The next moment, a strange light emitted from Ace's hand enveloped the boat. Suddenly, a shadow moved rapidly in the sand, and a huge crab emerged, its eyes fixed on the boat.

"Is that... a moving crab?" Vivi asked in astonishment.

"Yes," Ace nodded, "It's a type of crab native to the Alabasta Desert, known for its speed. We'll use it to reach Rainbase quickly."

"How about it? Take us to Rainbase, and this boat is yours," Ace said to the crab, which nodded in agreement.

Ace secured the desert boat to the crab and helped the girls aboard. "Ready? It might be a bit bumpy," he warned with a grin.

"Why?!" the girls asked in unison.

"You'll see," Ace replied, enveloping the crab in the same strange light. The crab's eyes turned red, and it took off with incredible speed.

The girls screamed in surprise, clinging to Ace as the crab raced through the desert. "It's fast!" Vivi shouted against the wind.

Ace laughed, enjoying the ride. "We'll reach Rainbase in no time!"

At the royal palace in Alabasta, King Cobra received a letter from Vivi, brought by Karu. Cobra read it with growing concern. Vivi had detailed her encounter with Ace and revealed Crocodile's plot.

"Gather the troops!" Jaka, the captain of the guards, urged.

"No," Cobra replied, "We need to prevent war and save our people. I want to meet Koza first."

Jaka left reluctantly, and Cobra looked at Vivi's letter with a father's smile. "I trust you, Ace."

In Rainbase, inside the Rain Dinners casino, Crocodile, Mr. 1, Miss Doublefinger, Mr. 2, and other agents of Baroque Works gathered.

"Our agents have stirred the people perfectly. Now, it's our turn to create a utopia," Crocodile declared with a sinister laugh.

At that moment, Robin interrupted. "Mr. 0, the agents monitoring the Entei Pirates reported they've vanished."

Crocodile's face darkened. "Vanished? Under our noses?"

"The last we heard, they were at the port," Robin explained.

Crocodile clenched his fists. "Find them. If Princess Vivi meets the rebels, our plan is at risk."

As Crocodile fumed, the phone rang. "Boss, someone is winning all our casino's chips!" the manager reported nervously.

In the casino, the jackpot alarm flashed repeatedly as Ace kept winning. The manager approached Crocodile in a panic. "We've tried everything, but he keeps winning!"

"Bring me my money, Crocodile!" Ace shouted, his back turned to Crocodile.

Crocodile approached, his face grim. "Can we discuss this inside?" he asked, suppressing his anger.

Ace turned, revealing his identity. "Portgas D. Ace!" Crocodile spat, barely containing his rage.

Ace smirked. "Do you plan to refuse payment?"

Crocodile struggled to maintain composure. "Where are your accomplices?" he demanded.

"Who knows?" Ace replied casually.

Meanwhile, in the desert, Mr. 2 and other agents were ambushed. Mr. 4 was shot dead, and the attackers revealed themselves to be Nami and the other women of the Entei Pirates.

"This road is blocked," Nami declared, holding her weapon with a confident smile.