
One Piece: Ace's Brother - Rex

A man reincarnated into the world of One Piece. His identity is Ace's twin brother.

Thundertroy · Others
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26 Chs

Chapter 6: A Raccoon?

"A Devil Fruit?"

Rex didn't expect that the fruit that he was about to eat transformed into a Devil Fruit. The most surprising thing was that he knew the name of the Devil Fruit in his hand.

"This is the Blast Blast Fruit?"

"Rex, what's wrong?" asked Yuwa, feeling something amiss when Rex suddenly froze in there after using the Blast Punch.

Rex turned to look at Yuwa, and showed the Devil Fruit in his hand. Both Yuwa and Rokujin were stunned when they saw the sudden appearance of a Devil Fruit.

"What? So, you have a Devil Fruit all along? Why did you steal my Devil Fruit then?" asked Yuwa, feeling confused.

"Idiot. Can you see that he is as shocked as us? It seems like he just acquired that fruit." guessed Rokujin.

"He just acquired it? Hold on. Wasn't he holding onto a normal fruit just now?" Asked Yuwa.

"Could that fruit has transformed..."

"This is Blast Blast Fruit." said Rex, revealing the name of that Devil Fruit.

"Whaat??" The two felt astonished as they heard it. Was not that the ability that Rex showed them just now?

"I think this is related to my Devil Fruit ability." said Rex.

Right now, Rex was thinking that his ability should not be a stealing ability. If it was stealing, there is no reason for that power to be suddenly lost after he used it. Moreover, there seems to be some kind of limit to his power.

After getting the power, Rex only used it for two times; the first time was when he killed the bald man, and the second time was just a moment ago. This mean, his limit is two time use, before the ability disappear.

"How did you know that that is the Blast Blast Fruit?" asked Yuwa.

"I kind of know it. I don't know how to explain it." replied Rex, feeling a little confused himself.

"Maybe, that is also related to your ability." guessed Rokujin.

Rex nodded in agreement. "So, Yuwa. I got a Devil Fruit. If I give you this as a payment, it should be enough to pay you back right?"


"Huh? Why?"

"It's dangerous for me to hold on to a Devil Fruit. Some powerful guy might try to kill me if I'm holding onto it. What I need is a cash payment." said Yuwa.

"Make sense. What about you Rokujin, do you want the fruit?" asked Rex, looking at Rokujin.

"That ability is tempting. However, I'm still wanted to enjoy the feeling of able to swim in the ocean. So, no thanks." said Rokujin, refusing the offer. "Maybe in the future, I will get such ability. Though, I prefer it to be some Logia ability."

"You wish. That is not an easy thing to acquire."

"Well, I'm just saying." said Rokujin.

Rex then fall into a deep thinking, contemplating on what he should do with the fruit. 'Should I sell it, or should I exchange it for a good ship? I guess, I'll just go exchange it for a new ship.'

"You two, follow me."


"Where to?"

"To buy a new ship."

Saying so, Rex headed out without waiting for the two. Rokujin and Yuwa looked at each other, before standing up, and following after Rex.


Some time later, the trio reached a workshop. In the place, the three could see many workers were moving around, working, chatting, and some more activities.

There were various size of ship, from a small one to a grand sized ship, a ship in progress to a completed one, all of those can be seen inside this big workshop.

"Sachiko Wooden Workshop!"

That was the name of the workshop. The signboard was made out of a wood carving, and constructed grandly for all the viewers to see.

As the three entered the area, many of the workers turned to look at them, and smiled to see a new expected customer. A worker in a formal dress hurriedly greeted the three of them. "Dear guests, welcome to Sachiko Wooden Workshop. Are you here to buy a ship or looking for a job?"

"We can apply for a job?" asked Rokujin.

"Of course. We are open for any applicants. Though, the requirements to be accepted as a worker is a bit harsh." replied the man in formal suit. "So, you three are here to apply for a job I presume?"

"No. We are here to buy a ship." said Rex.

"Ah, that's great!" said the guy, showing a bright smile. "By the way, I'm Galan, the acting guide for any job seeker, and customers that wanted to buy ship. How may I address you three sir?"

"I'm Rex, and these two are my friend, Rokujin and Yuwa." introduced Rex.

As Galan looked at the three, he suddenly found Yuwa to be a little familiar. "This girl...have we met somewhere before?"

"I don't think we have seen each other before. This is my first time coming here." replied Yuwa, looking confusedly at Galan. "Do you know me?"

"...no. Maybe just my imagination." Galan brushed away the topic. "Come, follow me. Let us talk further inside. I'm sure you want to elaborate on the kind of ship that you wanted. At the same time, I can showcase to you the best workmanship that our workshop could offer."

Galan then headed inside the workshop, followed by the three. As they are heading inside towards the office area, they saw some guy are arguing loudly about something.

"I demand compensation! I want it right now!" Yelled the guy who was looking coldly at an office girl. Behind the man, three big guy was standing silently, and also looking coldly at the girl.

"Please calm down first. In order to be clear of your transaction, we need to see the contract that you signed when you bought the ship from our workshop." replied the girl, trying to calm the situation.

"F@#k you! Who is among the pirates still holding onto the contract documents from buying their ship? When I said I buy it from here, then I'm stating the truth. Anyway, I bought a ship from your workshop but it got wrecked easily when I sailed in Grandline. What kind of ship are you guys selling? Are you trying to scam your customer with an expensive ship, but have a poor condition?"

"I'm sorry for your lost sir. However, I assure you that our workshop workmanship is guaranteed to be the best crafting, with a guaranteed good performance."

"Stop talking nonsense, and quickly pay me for the damage I received because you sold me a trash ship!" scolded the man.

"What's going on here?"

At this time, Galan and the three reached the place. Galan then hurriedly inquired the situation.

"Mr. Galan!" the girl sighed when she saw Galan walk into the office. "This sir is demanding for some compensation for his damaged ship. He said that he bought that ship from our workshop."

"Compensation? There is no such thing. Just ask them to scram."

"You are asking me to scram? How brave of you Mr. Customer Guide. Do you know who I am?" said the man coldly.

"Who are you?" asked Galan stoically. This caused the man to become incensed.

"Jackey, tell them who I'm." said the man, almost yelling when he said that. One of his subordinates took a rolled wanted poster from his pocket, and showed it out.


Dead or Alive: Van Casco

Bounty: 82 Million Berry

Galan's expression changed when he saw the wanted poster. The shown bounty speak of the notorious reputation of this man. The girl who was talking to Van Casco just now was frightened and turned pale when she saw the bounty.

"Now. I what are you going to do old man? Are you going to pay me or not?" asked Van Casco. He looked both at Galan and the girl with a cold and menacing smile.

Suddenly, a man rushed into the Sachiko Wooden Workshop. Before long, he arrived inside the office, and hurriedly approached Van Casco. "Boss! The Marines is here! We need to run!"

"What? Shit! Why are they here? Did they found out my whereabout?" Van Casco frowned. "You are lucky there old guy. Men, let's go!"

Van Casco and his subordinates then hurriedly run away, leaving the place as fast as they can.

At this time, a group of people were seen moving towards the direction of the Sachiko Wooden Workshop. These people was wearing the Marine's clothes. One of them saw some people were coming out of the workshop, and running away in a rush.

"That's Van Casco!" shouted a navy. Another guy who was holding onto a wanted poster nodded, confirming the identity of that pirate.

"Chase after him!" yelled the captain of the Marine's group.

Instantly, all of the Marines rushed forward towards the pirates group. Within a minute, the two groups left the place with one chasing and the other was escaping.

Back inside the office, Galan and the girl sighed in relief after those pirates left the place.

"I'm very sorry to the three guests." said Galan, apologizing to Rex and the two. "I didn't expect there to be a notorious pirates trying to cause trouble here."

"Don't worry about it." Rex signalled to not worry about them.

"Alright. Let's talk about the ship that you wanted to buy." said Galan. He opened a drawer, took some files, and handed it to Rex. "Here's the list of our available ship on sale. You may browse it first, and see whether you can find your favourite ship. If there is no ship that is up to your choice, then we can proceed to discuss on building your ship."

Rex nodded, and started browsing the file. Yuwa and Rokujin also came close to check on the list of ship.

"Are there any flying ship on sale?" asked Rex.

"Look at the page 57 to 70. Those are the flying ship that is available for sale right now. Well, those ship can only fly for a certain amount of time and height." replied Galan.

Rex checked the pages, and found some ship were drawn on it, with the details on the side of the pictures.

"This ship is too big to handle. I only have few crews. So, this is not suitable." said Rex, not interested in the grand sized ship.

"Few crew, huh. Rex, I forgot to ask. Other than us, do you have any other crew members?" asked Rokujin.

"Nope. There is only me before you two decide to follow me." replied Rex.

"That's mean, we are the first one to be your crews. In the future, we could be the right or left hand man of a great captain, and we can also be a captain of the first and second division of our group." said Yuwa. She was already imagining the situation of their pirate group in the future.

"Talk about it after you showed a great ability." sneered Rokujin. However, the idea of become a great man subconsciously appeared in Rokujin's mind.

"I already defeated you. That's mean, I've got the ability. So, I would be the right hand man, no. It's right hand woman." replied Yuwa.

"Huuh? You wanted to be the right hand man? Dream on. I should be the one who will be the right hand man."

"Say it after you are able to defeat me."

"You think I cannot?"

"You said it."

"Arghh! I will prove it to you. Next time, I will defeat you."

"Good luck then."

As the two were bickering on whose going to be the right hand man, Rex was busying himself browsing those list of available flying ship.

"This one looked too stylish. Not interested."

"This one is too small."

"This one, hmm...never mind. Next!"

"This one..."

After almost done browsing the pages, Rex still did not found any interesting ship in many of those shown list. As he continued opening the few last list of the flying ship, he saw a small sized flying ship.

"This one looks cute. Rex, pick this one." suggested Yuwa, pointing at that small ship. Her interest was picked as soon as she saw the cute looking ship's figurehead.

"Huh? A raccoon?"