
One Piece: Ace's Brother - Rex

A man reincarnated into the world of One Piece. His identity is Ace's twin brother.

Thundertroy · Others
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26 Chs

Chapter 4: I Hate Marine!

Rex watched the girl snoring while sleeping like a log on the ship. After thinking for sometime, he decided to wake the girl up. He then approached the girl, and about to reach out to wake the girl up.

At this time, Rex saw a peculiar fruit near the girl. "A fruit that looked like two hands shaking each other? A Devil Fruit!"

Rex was stopped from waking the girl, and he reached out his hand to take the fruit. He observed the fruit curiously. "What kind of Devil Fruit is this? This doesn't seem to have been mentioned in the original story. Should I eat it?"

Rex took the fruit and about to chomp on it, but become hesitant. The fruit was not his, and he shouldn't go stealing it from that girl. However, he was a bit attracted to find out the ability that will be granted by that fruit. He tried to lick the fruit to see whether he could get the ability without eating it.


Right then, something hit the ship, causing it to move uncontrollably. In that instant, Rex who was licking the fruit, was forced to swallow the fruit wholly.


Rex froze on the spot. A moment later, he got enraged. "Who is the F@#KING BASTARD that attacked my ship? Come out if you dare!!"


The girl was awakened by Rex's shout, and hurriedly jumped to the side. She looked warily at Rex, who already moved towards the side of the ship to check who attacked the ship.

A crack can be seen on the side of the ship, while below the crack, a young man can be seen holding onto his injured left hand. As Rex looked carefully, he felt that the guy was looking familiar.

"It's you! The guy who sold the seashell!" Said Rex, finally recognizing the young man.

"Oh, so it's you. Are you the owner of the ship?" Asked the young man.


"Are you going to sail right now?"


"Can you bring me together with you?"


"Hey answer me?"


The young man was annoyed. "Bastard! Are you trying to play me for a fool?"

"You are the bastard! If it's not because of you, I wouldn't end up swallowing that Devil Fruit! Now, you just caused me to be unable to swim in the ocean. How are you going to compensate me for that?" Scolded back Rex.

"Haah? What Devil Fruit?" Asked the young man.

On the side, the girl frowned. She suddenly remembered that she got a Devil Fruit. As she looked around, she no longer saw that fruit. She anxiously turned to look at Rex, and asked, "Did...did you ate my Devil Fruit?"

"It was an accident. I saw it and I became curious. So, I tried to sniff on it, and well...tried to lick it. Who knows, that punk just have to hit the ship, and caused me to swallow that fruit." Explained Rex, trying to explain himself.

"Hey, that's not my fault. I got attacked and thrown away. I didn't expect that there is a ship here." Said the yount man.


Suddenly, something dropped from the sky. That something hit the beach and caused the beach to be blasted like a tide towards the surrounding area. A five meters deep hole was created from that blast.

The blast impact caused many dust and sand to cloud the area. It even caused the ship to lean to the other side.


The girl didn't expect the blast to affect the ship. It caused her to be blown away from the ship, and fall onto the beach. The young man got stuck onto the wall of the ship. As for Rex, he just clutches onto the side of the ship, and cover his eyesight, while looking at the thing that dropped from the sky.

A second later, the ship returned to the state it was before, while the young man slid down from the wall of the ship. The dust and sand eventually cleared up. Now, Rex could see the thing that have fallen from the sky.

"A man? Who is that?"

It was a tall bald man. The bald guy then turned to look at the young man who was struggling to stand up. "Yo punk. So, you are still alive, huh. Your bone really are tough."

"Your punch can only tickle me. How do you expect it to kill me." Replied the young man.

"Hah! Trying to be tough. Let's see how many of my punch can you receive."

The bald guy then rushed forward towards the young man.

"Blast Punch!"


The young man rolles to the side, and evaded the punch. The punch hit the ship, and a big hole was created by the blast from the punch.

"What the f@#k? Hey baldy! What have you done to my ship?" Scolded Rex. "If you want to fight, don't go breaking my ship!"

The bald guy seems to not hear Rex. He just rushed forward to deliver another Blast Punch onto the young man. The young man continued to evade, and another blast broke another part of the ship.

"Sigh, you really don't want to listen to my warning, do you? Alright. Go on,break the ship... ASSHOLE!! I'M SO GONNA KILL YOU!!" As soon as Rex shouted, he jumped down from the ship, and rushed towards the bald guy.

At this time, the bald man launched several Blast Punch, but all of them got evaded by the injured young man, by jumping and rolling to the side. Right then, as a Blast Punch almost hit the young man, he took out a Dial, and received the punch with the Dial.

After absorbing the blast using the Dial, the young man was about to use the Dial to release the blast back to the bald man. However, the bald guy seems to know what his opponent trying to do. He swiftly kicked on the wrist of the young man. This caused the young man to felt a pain on his wrist, and forced him to let go of the Dial.

"The same tactics will not work on me twice." Smirked the bald man. He then swiftly delivered another kick towards the head of the young man.

"Blast Kic...Buh!!"


Before the kick landed on the head of the injured young man, a kick first hit the face of the bald man. Instantly, the baldy was sent tumbling down several times, and landed on his knees a few meters away from where he was standing just now.

Fresh blood quickly flow out of the man's nose and mouth. The bald guy could feel the pain inside his mouth, as the kick broke some of his teeth. The pain caused the guy to be enraged and looked back coldly to find the culprit. "Aargh!! Who ambushed me?"

Just then, the bald guy saw another young man was standing a few feet in front of the injured young man. "You! You must be tired of life to dare to ambush me! Are you ready to face the consequences?"

"Uuuh...scary. Scary my foot! Don't talk too much nonsense. Come, let's fight. My fists are eagerly wanting to beat you up. How dare you broke my ship!"

Rex who was pissed off glared at the bald man while cracking his knuckles, ready to fight. He then put out a fighting stance, ready to go for a few rounds of fight with that bald guy.

Seeing Rex showing a fighting stance, the bald guy showed a disdainful expression, and looked coldly at Rex. Without saying anything, the bald man rushed forward and punched Rex on his chest.

"Blast Punch!"

"Too slow!"

Rex also stepped forward, and caught the wrist of that man, while at the same time delivering a counter punch on the chest of that bald guy. In that moment, something unexpected happened.

The instant that Rex caught the wrist of the bald guy, that guy suddenly felt his power disappearing from his body. At the same time, Rex felt his body to gain some kind of power, and the counter punch that he delivered gained a blast power.


A Blast Punch hit the bald guy squarely on his chest, and a hole was blasted open right through his body. The instant changes caused both Rex and the bald guy froze in great shock.

"You! You killed me..."


The man's eyes lost it's light, and he collapsed on the ground, no longer breathing.

"Huh? I...I didn't mean to..."

Rex was unable to complete his words, as he felt really shocked. Instantly, he was attacked by a guilty feeling for killing a person. Furthermore, this is the first time he killed a person. Although this is a world where killing is not rare occasions, it still caused a great turbulence inside of Rex's heart.

"You...killed him!" exclaimed the injured young man. He was shocked as he saw Rex defeated, and killed the bald man in just one attack. Suddenly, the young man remembered something, and quickly reminded."We need to run away! That guy is not alone!"

However, his reminder seems to fall onto deaf ears, as Rex was still looked distracted. At this time, the young man saw some people are heading towards their direction from far away.

"If you don't run away, you will be facing many of those Devil Fruit user." Said the young man, giving a last reminder to Rex. After that, he hurriedly escaped the place.

As Rex heard that, he looked at the far distance, and saw some group of people was heading there. Only then did he decided to get out of that place too.

Not long after the two run away, some guys arrived at that place.

"Ah hey! Look, isn't that the Baldy Noguchi?" Said one of the people.

"That is certainly him. Why is he lying down on the grou...Look! His back is bleeding!"

"No. That not just a bleeding, its a big wound."

The five men hurriedly rushed forward to check the bald man's situation. As soon as they closed the distance, they got ahocked to see that the wound was a big hole that goes through to the chest of the dead guy.

"Who did this to him?" Asked a tall man.

"Is this caused by that injured kid?"

"Hardly so. Didn't you saw how he was beaten black and blue by Noguchi?"

"Maybe the baldy looked down on that kid, and his mistake left him to this current situation?" Suggested another man.

"Or maybe, that young man belong to a group of pirates, and those pirates waited here to help him. Look, that is a pirate ship." Said the tall guy, pointing at the wrecked pirate ship.

A youth who was standing amongst the group of people showed a deep frown, and some anger on his face when he saw the dead body. If the injured young man was here, he would be able to recognize this youth as the rich guy who tried to steal the Dial.

"Find that punk! Check every places on the surrounding area." Commanded the young man.

The rest of the people in the group nodded, and dispersed away to search for the injured young man. They didn't forget to check the wrecked ship to see whether that young man is hiding inside the ship. Though, they didn't find anyone in that ship.


Inside a small restaurant, three people were sitting at the side of a window. Two of them is eating, while one of them was not having any appetite to eat those delicacies.

"Hey, come on. Relax. It just killing one big bad guy." Said one of the three, which was a girl. While saying that, she chomped on food on her plate.

"If you don't eat, I'll take your food." Said the young man, who have an injured left hand. Without letting the one with no appetite to reply, he reaches out his hand to take the foods.


"Eat your own food. Don't steal!" Rebuked the girl as he slapped the hand of the injured guy.

"Tsk. Stingy." They guy grunted, but didn't continue totake the food.

Rex just watched the two for a while, before sighing. "You two, tell me this, why did you choose to follow me here?"

The injured guy turned to Rex, and asked back, "You a pirate, right?"

"...sort of." Replied Rex. Though, he haven't really thought of what is he going to be.

"Then, I want to join you."


"I have a story with the Grandline. If you are pirate, you will certainly go to Grandline. So, let me follow you." Replied the young man.

"You know you could easily go there if you join the Marine." Advised Rex.

"I hate Marine!"

The new webnovel update keep causing some error, that I lose my writing progress. I needed to rewrite it again and again, in order to save my progress. This is really awful!

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