
One Piece: Ace's Brother - Rex

A man reincarnated into the world of One Piece. His identity is Ace's twin brother.

Thundertroy · Others
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31 Chs

Chapter 22: Tomorrow, We Will Fight Again.

Just with a single touch, and everything changed. Enel who at the start was acting superior and being smug, now suddenly turned white in fear. The instant Rex's touched him, he lost his control over the lightning element. Obviously, he had lose his Logia power.

"Ah ahh ahhhh! My power...noooo! How, why!!??"

Enel tried to turn into a lightning. However, it was a futile attempt. He could no longer conjure any of his lightning ability, not even a spark of electric current. Moreover, he lost greatly in term ot Mantra coverage, due to losing his ability.

"What have you done!?? What did you do to my body?" Questioned Enel, looking at Rex with his pale white face.

"You mean, this ability?"


As Rex replied to Enel, he turned into a lightning man, and lightning arc crackled over his body.

"Ah ah ahh!! I'm getting electrocuted!! Help! Help...just kidding. Hehehe." Rex behaved as if he was in trouble, but in reality he was not affected at all by the lightning. This caused Enel to almost vomit blood in shock and fury.

Rex tried to familiarize himself with the power, by blitzing here and there in a split seconds. The feeling of transforming into a lightning is so weird, but that didn't give him any feeling of discomfort. Instead, it gave him a certain feeling of freedom.

"You! You have stolen my ability!" Exclaimed Enel. He was even more shocked then when he loses his ability. Adding to that, his anger skyrocketed as he saw how Rex is behaving after getting his power. How did this guy aquired his Rumble Rumble ability? Maybe...the guy have the ability to steal other's Devil Fruit powers?

"Thief! Return back my power!" Shouted Enel in anger and frustration.

"Why should I return it to you?"

"I'm God! I'm the rightful wielder of that power! Give it back to me! Return it ba..."

Crack! Bzzts!

"Noisy. You should go sleep for a bit."

Rex flicked some lightning arc and zapped the noisy guy. This attack instantly electrocuted Enel, and caused him who is immune to electricity before, directly fainted from the lightning shock. Right now, Enel was so weak that he ironically got defeated by his own ability.

"Now, time to really strip this guy from the lightning ability." Said Rex. He took out a seastone cuff, and cuffed Enel's hands. After that he used No Return to ban the ability to came back to Enel.

"Sigh. All this step are so annoying. I need to train further so that I could instantly take over any ability without ever returning it again. Otherwise, I will need to do the whole chain of step." Sighed Rex. After going through those steps to 'steal' the ability, Rex took off the cuff and released the unconscious Enel.

Robin at the side just watched curiously as Rex was cuffing and uncuffing Enel. She found it hard to believe that the man who was playing God turned into someone who is so weak. This large contrast is too unbelievable that she even started to pity the guy.

Rex saw Robin's expression and said, "Don't show that pitying face. This guy is too evil. He killed so many skypean people. If you ask the guy named Gan Fall, you will hear his story about this man's notorious deed. For the record, this Enel destroyed his homeland, the Birka Island six years ago."

"So, what do you want to do with them?"

"Well, let's see...I know. We dump them into the stream." Suggested Rex, smirking at the unconscious people. Robin sweated when she heard him. Her mind was saying - Are you a devil?

Rex then happily cut some large trees, and collected some veins. After that, he made a big raft out of those trees and veins. The creation only took him a little more than half hour to complete it.

"Yes! Look Robin, I made a good raft. This should be able to float on the moving stream. It also have enough space to carry those five men." Said Rex, smiling proudly at his masterpiece.

"You think this is good enough?"

"Of course."


Robin could only stare and sweated at the badly made up raft. Those tree trunks was even tied loosely. He must have done that intentionally, right? Right? Seeing such an obvious flaws, Robin could only look pitifully at those unconscious people, and said some silent prayer for them.

Rex then walked towards Enel and carried him like a sack of sand. He placed the guy on top of the raft. After that, he walked toward the unconscious priest, Ohm, as he said to Robin, "Hey, help me to put the other priests onto the raft."

After a few minutes, the two finished laying those unconscious people onto the raft. Rex thought for a moment, before walking away on a certain location. In that location, there was the golden staff that belong to Enel.

"Thunder Alchemy!"

In no time, the golden staff turned into a golden paddle. He took the paddle and put it beside Enel. After that, he then pushed the raft into the stream, and let it be carried away along the current.

"Have a safe trip there, oh so-called God, and priests. That paddle is my gift. I hope you like it." Said Rex waving at the moving raft. He watched as the raft got carried away by the current, until it disappeared in the distance.

"Now. Let's go to the God Shrine. We will take over that place before the night arrived."

Rex and Robin left the area, and soon the place turned quiet again.


Angel Beach.

The fight between Toro and Luffy reached its climax as Toro easily overpowered Luffy with his speed, and strength. Although he tried to give quite the resistance in the fight, Luffy still didn't manage to land any scratch on the thunder-bird guy.


With one last punch, coated with Armament Haki, Luffy was down on the ground, unconscious. Toro patted his clothes and sighed. The fight was a little too one sided when he was using Armament Haki, while the other was not aware of it.

"It's still remarkable that he manges to win against my underlings, who already started training in Haki. Should I recruit him into our group?" Toro contemplated on the matters as he got a little interested in Luffy.


Some distance away, Zoro who was fighting against Girei was enraged when he saw Luffy dropped down on the ground. In his anger, he rushed towards Toro, and attacked him.

"Three Swords Style, 108 Pound Cannon!"

The attack passed through Toro's body as his body got slashed in two part, surprising Zoro a little. He didn't think that his attack could actually kill the man in one hit. However, his expression changed the next moment, when he saw the divided body turned into lightning arc. The two divided lightning body stitched back together, and restored the body back as if nothing happens.

"He is healed back! A Logia power user!!?" Exclaimed Zoro in shock.

"Sorry man. You are wrong." Replied Toro smirking at Zoro. He added, "Logia power is strong. However, there are ability that is far stronger than the Logia power. My Mythical Zoan ability is an example of that. It's the Hito Hito no Mi: Model Thunderbird."

"Hey you, did you forget about our fight?"

A voice came to Zoro's ear, alerting him of his previous opponent. He hurriedly turned back to look at his opponent. However, Girei already moved to attack him.

"One Sword Style, Single Flash!"

Girei almost instantly appeared behind Zoro the moment he slashed out. As he sheathed his sword into it's sheath, Zoro dropped down on the ground with a bleeding wound on his body. This new wound overlapped with his old wound from back then, when he fought Dracule Mihawk.

Girei against Zoro, Girei won the battle!

Wadan at another distance easily knocked Usop down. He took Usop and walked towards Toro, before throwing the guy to the side of the unconscious Luffy. He said with a click of his tongue, "This guy is so slippery, and like to play dirty. Adding to that, his Spring Spring ability helped his movement to be a little unpredictable."

"I thought you were playing hide and seek with that guy just now." Remarked Girei.

Wadan snorted at his remark. "Hmph! Why would I do such a childish game? If not because the captain didn't say about killing them, I would have gone and end this guy's life."

As the two talked, two people appeared in the distance. They are the two people who have gone to catch Chopper and Nami. The long haired man with bow was bringing the unconscious Chopper, and a tied Nami towards the group below the ark.

Before long, the Straw Hat members were gathered in one place, all unconscious, except for the tied Nami. Nami saw his teammates and paled in fear, mixed with sadness and anger. She didn't expect that all of them were defeated and got captured by an unknown pirate group.

"So, what should we do with these youngsters?"

"Should we just left them on a drifting clouds as punishment for going against us?" Suggested Wadan.

Hearing that, Nami paled in fright. If they were to be put on a drifting clouds, she could already imagine their fate. Whether they die from hunger, or they die because the fall down, both end is a certain death.

"Let's put them inside the prison for now. I wanted to recruit them into our group." Said Toro.

The other were surprised when they heard him. Obiru was a bit sceptical as he asked, "You are interested on recruiting them? I say these people are too weak. I don't think it's worth it."

Girei glanced at Obiru and said, "That's just what you think. I know you won the fight easily. However, you should look at the other side. Remember, these youngsters manages to beat our people who is already starting to learn Haki. I think what captain wanted to do is worth a try."

The others contemplated on his words and thought that it makes some sense. They no longer have any say in what their captain have decided. At the side, Wadan kicked one of the unconscious underlings, and commanded.

"Oi loser! Get up!"

"Uh...huh? It's already dark? Are we camping here?"

"Camping you foot. Wake up the others and bring these pirates into the prison. Hurry up!"

"Okay okay. Hey you loser! Get up. We have work to do!"

The one who got woken up hurriedly kicked his friends like his superior, and urged them to complete the given task.

"Let's rest here for tonight. We will continue forward the next morning." Commanded Toro. The others just nodded in agreement, as the day is almost dark.

In the end, the camped there just like what the underling had said.


It was almost dark when Wyper and his people reached the place where the priest got beaten down. As they reached the place, they could see some broken trees, and many mark on the ground, telling them that battles had taken place here. However, they couldn't see any living people in the area, nor any dead one.

"Where are they?" Questioned Kamakiri.

"Who win the fight?"

No one can answer the question.

"So what do we do now? Should we continue towards the God Shrine, or should we retreat?" Asked Braham.

Wyper looked at the surrounding area silently as if contemplating on what was their next step. He then looked at the sky, and saw that it was already turning dark. Seeing this, he then turned around, saying, "Let's retreat back to the village. Tomorrow, we will fight again."

The other looked at each others, before also turning around and walked away. As they walked back towards their hidden village, Wyper was still thinking about the disappearance of those people who fought in the Upper Yard.

Who won the battle? Where were those people? Did Enel manage to defeat the Blue Sea dweller? Also, if what Aisa told him was true, where were those unconscious priests? Did Enel throw them down from the white clouds?

Those questions keep on ringing on Wyper's head. In the end, he decided to go back first, and ask that little girl about all those doubt.