
One Piece: Ace's Brother - Rex

A man reincarnated into the world of One Piece. His identity is Ace's twin brother.

Thundertroy · Others
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31 Chs

Chapter 21: Borrow!

Shandia Hidden Village.

"Aisa, are you sure that those priests got defeated? Is that true?" Asked Wyper, grabbing the shoulders of the little girl in shock.

"Ah, ah! It's hurt!"

"Hey Wyper! You are gripping her too hard." Reminded Laki.

Wyper got ahold of his shock, and released Aisa. However, his eyes were still on Aisa, and he continued asking, "Did you tell the truth."

"It's true." Replied Aisa, feeling a bit wronged as Wyper suddenly grabbed her just now. She wanted to curse this guy, but unable to muster her courage to do so. She could only continue to explain what she mentioned before.

"I can hear the 'voices' over there on Upper Yard. One of the Blue Sea dweller defeated four of the priests. As for the last priest, I think Enel might have punished him. Right now, Enel already approached the Blue Sea dweller."

"Are they going to fight?"

"I'm not sure." Answered Aisa, shaking her head.

"The likelihood of them going to fight is high." On the side, Kamakiri, one of Wyper close friends, spoke his thought.

"Who is this Blue Sea dweller anyway? Why did he come to this place?"

"Are they searching for treasure?"

"I... don't know." Once again, Aisa shook her head.

"...Either way, this should be a good chance for us to take back the Upper Yard." Said Wyper. "Let's go. If we move out now, we can take them down by surprise."

"What about the other Blue Sea dwellers? What do we do about them?" Asked another of Wyper's friends, Braham.

"We will deal with them after we take down the people in the Upper Yard." Replied Wyper. He then walked away to gather a group to attacks the Upper Yard. His friends also following after him.

At the back, Aisa wanted to say more, but hesitated. In the end, she decided to stay silent. Laki saw her hesitation, and asked, "Do you have something else to say?"

"... actually, there is something else."

"What is it?"

"Before the priests got defeated, I heard a group of 'voices' arrived at the Angel Beach of Angel Island. These voices already engaged with the rest of the Blue Sea dwellers who were on that beach." Explained Aisa.

"There are another strangers arriving here in this land?"

"There are many of them." Mentioned Aisa. Suddenly, her expression changed. "Just now, many of the voices from that group got weakened. I think there are around thirty of them who got weakened. Maybe they got ini conflict with those Blue Sea dwellers."



Angel Beach, Sky Island.

On top of the Holy Angel Ark, Toro and some of his closest crew members were watching the ongoing fight below the ark. Right now, the fight is almost ended, and the winner were apparent to them.

"Look like these youngsters have some abilities." Remarked Girei.

"I didn't think that they could put a fight against our people. At best, I think they could hold on for a few minutes. What a surprise." Added Wadan.

"Hmm... should I go down and fight them?"

"Eh!? Captain, you are not serious right?"

"Are you trying to wipe them down?"

"Hey, it just a little warm up. Anyway, it's been so long since the last time I fought a brave pirates." Replied Toro.

"In that case, let us go down to have some exercise too." Said the others.

"Hold on. That's overkill if you all came down. Just pick your own opponent, and do a one on one fight." Said Toro. "I'll go first. My pick is that elastic kid. You guys can pick the rest."

With that said, Toro jumped down, and headed towards Luffy.

"Sigh. Captain is already picking the strongest fighter. Huh? Girei..."

Girei also jumped down, and moved towards Zoro's location. Seeing this, Obiru and Wadan also jumped down, and headed towards Sanji and Usop, respectively. The other crews were disappointed when those strongest people in the ark already picked every opponents there.

"Well, I will go caught that reindeer then." Said a guy who have bow on his back, while already coming out of the giant ship.

Seeing this, a lady with two blades fasten on her belt, jumped down without saying anything. She followed after the man with the bow. The rest of the crews were appalled when they saw it. They looked at each others and saw the disappointment in each of their eyes.

"So, what do we do?"

"Let's just watch them fight then."

Everyone agreed. With that, they continue to look below their ark, and watched the upcoming fight.

"Gomu Gomu no, Bazooka!"

With that skill, Luffy defeated the last guy in front of him. After defeating ten of the pirates, he felt exhausted. The opponents this time were very strong, and sometimes able to predict his attacks. Their punches are also packed with strong power, that it hurt him even though he was a rubber man.

He then glanced around to check on Zoro, Sanji, and Usop. The three of the managed to hold on although they looked a bit beaten. Surprisingly, Usop also succeeded in defeating a few of the pirates. Did he use his Spring Spring ability?

Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap!

"Congratulations. You guys managed to beat these underlings of mine."

At this time, Toro clapped as he congratulated Luffy and his friends for their victory. Luffy and the three looked at the guy, and saw him walk towards Luffy. Other than that, another three guys walked to each of them.

"You guys are pretty decent. So, are you guys here because you are angry that your ship got destroyed?" Asked Toro.


"Give us back our Going Merry!"

Luffy, Zoro and Sanji stayed silent while looking coldly at the strangers. Usop on the other hand braved himself to demand from the enemies.

Toro shook his head as he said, "We are pirates. You know that, right? I admit that we destroyed your small pirate ship. But that's just how we pirates do things. I believe along the way when you guys sailed to this place, you guys also destroyed a few, if not many ship that belong to others, right?"

The reasoning caught the Straw Hat members by surprise. As they tried to remember, it was true that they did destroy or sunk many ship, whether it was pirate's ship or ship that belong to marines.

However, this reasoning still didn't convince them. After all, the Going Merry was their first ship. It was very precious to them, as the ship have accompanied them from the start of their journey as a Straw Hat Pirates.

"You destroyed our ship." Replied Luffy, a very short and simple reply, but was telling his stand on the matters.

"Well, reason aside. Let's solve this using a pirate's way." Said Toro. He then gestured for Luffy to attack. "Come. You are already a bit beaten up. I'll give you five chances to attack. I won't attack you within that chances."

"Gomu Gomu no, Bazooka!"

Luffy didn't waste any time, and directly attacked Toro. On the other side, Zoro, Sanji, and Usop also have their own opponent, and were given five chances to attack. Zoro and Sanji didn't say much, and just faced their own opponent.

"One Sword Style, Thirty Six Pound Cannon!"

Zoro directly used his flying slashes as he attacked Girei. Girei looked at the slash and smirked. "I know how to do that too.

"One Sword Style, Cutting Sky!"

Girei also slashed forward and let out a transparent flying slash. The two slashes met each other, and the Cutting Sky slashed Zoro's attack, and still moved forward towards Zoro. This surprised Zoro greatly, and forced him to jump to the side.

"Hey! You said that you won't attack for five turn. You are going back on your words!" Scolded Zoro.

Girei made a finger gesture, as he said, "No no no. I didn't go back on my words. Didn't you see that I defended myself with my sword? As for why the slash moved towards you, blame it on your skill which is weak to face my slash."

"Ngghh...fine. Let me show you my strongest sword style."

"Come then."

Zoro then used all three swords and attacked Girei, while Girei smiled happily as he faced Zoro's attacks.

On the other side, Sanji was fighting with all his strength against Obiru. However, his opponent always able to predict his movement, and all of his attacks missed his target.

"You already launched three attacks. You only got two more chances." Said Obiru, counting the total received attacks.

"Damn you! If you dare, fight like a man and stop dodging." Shouted Sanji, feeling irritated as his kick didn't touch Obiru at all.

"Alright. Come. This time, I will not dodge."

"Collier Shoot!"


The instant Obiru stopped dodging, Sanji delivered a powerful kick on his neck. However, there was no effect at all. Obiru didn't even flinch. "Is this the best you can do? Sigh! This us disappointing."

Obiru then grabbed Sanji's foot, and pulled it up. "I have lost interest fighting you. Take this.

Force Punch!"


As Obiru punched, his hand momentarily transformed into a scaled dragon claw. The claw clamped into a fist and hit Sanji squarely on his stomach. As Obiru's other hand let go of Sanji's leg, Sanji flew away and fainted before he crashed on the distance white clouds.

"What a boring fight." Sighed Obiru. He glanced at the others and they haven't finished fighting as they are going easy on each of their opponents. He then sat down and continued watching, while saying, "Hey guys. I get a weak opponent. Can anyone switch with me."

His request surprised the rest of the people.



Zoro and Luffy shouted in unison when they saw Sanji was already on the ground, unconscious.

Crack! Bang!

A lightning flashed, as Toro arrived beside Luffy. He then kicked him and sent him shooting to the side.


Luffy hurriedly stood back up. However, he felt a sharp pain coming from his head. He touched it and felt some liquids on the part that got hit. As he looked at his hand, he saw red blood on it.

"You should not look away when you are in the middle of the fight."

At this time Luffy heard Toro speak to remind him. "Now let's continue our fight. You already finished your chances to attack. So, it's my turn to attack. Although, I don't think you are worthy to see it, I still wanted to show you my Devil Fruit ability."

After saying that, Toro then undergo a transformation. From his feet to his head, he turned into a hybrid form of human and a bird with a flickering blue lightning on his body.

"Hybrid Form, Thunder Bird!"


Upper Yard.

Enel suddenly frowned and turned to look at the direction of Angel Island. Someone is also capable of wielding a lightning power? How is that possible? I thought I'm the only Logia User that control the lightning. Are there other form of lightning Logia power?

"Hey, why are you looking away? I'm talking to you." Said Rex, feeling a little irritated at Enel.

However, Enel continued to look at the other direction. Rex constricted his eyes. He then said, "You are worried about that lightning user, right?"

This time, Rex managed to make Enel look at him. Moreover, he looked at him with a shocked expression. "You know?"

"Of course I know."


Rex sighed, but didn't want to answer the guy. He instead said, "Let's forget about the people over there. How about we finish our business."

"Our business? What business? Do I know you?" Asked Enel, feeling confused with what Rex's intentions were.

"Actually, I've come here to defeat you." Admitted Rex.

As he said that, both Enel and Robin was stunned. Rex wanted to challenge a Logia power user?

"Alright. Come attack me however you like. Shoot me, fry me... however you wanted to attack. I will be here, and am not moving." Replied Enel, showing a happy smile at Rex. "I will show you a proof that I'm a God."

"Is that so? Well, I'll take you up on that offer then."

Rex then decisively run towards Enel. As he reached the arrogant 'God', he punched forward with his right fist. Seeing this, Enel only smirked and didn't seems to be bothered to dodge the punch. At the next moment, the fist turned into a palm and touched Enel.
