
One Piece: A Swordsman's Path

Connor D. Rox, finds himself in One Piece World, blessed with the memories of Sword God Ryuma. TIMELINE: SEA CALENDER YEAR 1502 Unlike my other books, MC won't be invincible from the start, first 15 to 20 chapters will be his character development arc, it may seem cliché at some point but believe me it would have deeper secrets hidden.

Navy_King · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 6 Vicious Beri

South Blue.

Karate Island.

Ha... Ha...

The navy branch was surrounded by quite huge walls from all four sides. Right after entering from the first entrance, a tiled road led to the huge triple-story house, surrounded by grass, at which around 100 marines practiced.

Creak :

The door of the main entrance of the building was pushed open, and a tall figure stepped out, holding a bulging bag in his hands, two swords tied around his waist.


He was around 250 cm high, but he looked really funny as even some marines passing by couldn't help but snicker a little.

He had thin lips, a fat nose, and eyes that drooped a little, but his hair style was what completely destroyed the aura that his height gave him.

The sides were shaved, only rooster like hair could be seen at the middle, from forehead to the back, he wore a loose pink shirt, sleeveless at left arm, the other arm fully covered, under were mixed color pants, the right leg black and left red, a unique creature.

"Damn! What are you lot laughing at?!!, scram before I turn you into berries!!" Vicious Beri's hearing seem to be exceptionally good, as his ears pricked and he heard the laughter, spatting towards the group of marines who just passed by, saliva flying around.


Saying that, Beri licked his thin lips with his tongue and walked towards the exit, the swords on his waist, trembling due to movement.

"Hmm, which big fish should I catch...now that..." I have my only weakness covered. " Rubbing his chin, Beri soon walked out of the navy base as looking at the swords tied around his waist with excitement, he thought inwardly.

The swords looked eye-catching as they gave out a really unique aura. Both the swords were sheathed currently, one in a black sheath and the other in a white sheath. The sword in the black sheath, had a grey hilt, with black crescents' patterned on it, from base till the top, the other one with white sheath had a yellow hilt, with sun's patterned on it from base to top, the former gave out a dreadful aura, the latter wafted a gentle aura.

Hu. Hu…

Lost in his thoughts Beri soon disappeared from the streets, but just after he disappeared, a cloaked figure entered the navy branch in a hurry.

Damn... Wait for me... Beri! " Two minutes later, the same cloaked figure stepped out of the navy branch and ran in the direction in which Beri had disappeared, his curse resounding in the surroundings.


Rox ran fast, his speed increasing more and more, as he turned left, right and soon on the deserted streets, he spotted a lone tall figure with two swords around his waist, standing motionless in the middle, looking towards his direction.

"You are... Puch... Haha!!!" Rox soon arrived at some distance from Beri before he stopped and raised his head, intending to say something, but his laughter broke out seeing Beri's looks.

"Haha... Vicious Beri... That name doesn't suit you at all."

Rox laughed without a care, covering his stomach with his hands. His black eyes constantly trailed Beri up and down. He just looked too weird.


Beri stood stunned in the middle before he took a deep breath, his eyes suddenly turning red, his whole body shaking.

"I don't know who you are, kid, but no one has dared to laugh at me so blatantly." "It's all over for you... " "Said Beri" in a cruel voice, his hands reaching for the swords around his waist, holding the hilts.

"Oh~ are you a swordsman...?" And I take it as you are challenging me..."


Seeing Beri's actions, Rox finally stopped laughing and inquired with a somewhat serious look on his face, the cloak tumbling down, revealing Rox in his sleeveless black kimono with a red sash coiled around his waist, two somewhat broken swords tied to it.

"Swordsman? Haha... no... Today is the first time I will ever swing a sword... to deal with trash like you... I don't need to use my true abilities...


Beri said, laughing, laughing and while doing so, he pulled the swords out of the sheaths, the sword rubbing sound with the sheaths sounding, the temperature around somewhat dropping.

"Hmm, so you are not a swordsman and yet you dare to keep those fine blades with you..." unacceptable... So said Rox calmly, as he pulled the broken swords out of the cracked sheath, ready for the duel.

Just when Rox was about to have his first fight ever with Beri, at the port of the Karate Island, the ship on which Rox arrived suddenly departed a lot earlier than scheduled.

The huge merchant ship galloped across the sea, going further and further away before completely disappearing in the distance, leaving Rox behind on the island, who, currently unaware of it, was about to start his first fight.
