
one piece , a pirates journey

A journey of man in one piece finding power and peace follow ivarr in his perilous endeavours

Captain_deadpool · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

End Of Training Arc , The Big Battle And Bounties

5 Years Later


"BANG" a huge monkey fell off a tree , with a resounding thud.

"Damn , beasts !!"

While my stay in the forest did provide me a huge opportunity to get stronger.

I have been waging war for 4 years of my stay here. It all started when a group of huge ape like monkeys decided that it would be funn to attack me while I slept , chasing them down I was faced with and entire tribe of these abominations, to whom I waged war .

While it was indeed a good session for real combat , losing your sleep every day at the mid of the night for 4 fucking years does leave you a bit cranky ( a lot more). Killing more than 300 hundred of them in these pat years I have grown an insatiable hatred for any ape like beast. Fighting a overwhelming number of these beasts continuously for days at stretch had me awakening Conquerors Haki . While me Observation spanned forward as to see almost 5 seconds forward , my Armament Haki was still of dire need of improvement as it was still a gleaming dark gray , unlike a thick dark black which I was hoping for.

Sometimes I wonder whether I should be grateful to these monkeys as it helped me immensely to develop my capabilities through actual combat and even leading to me making my own 2 sword katana and saber sword style. Dual wielding was always something I wanted to learn...

Having almost 7 months to Rogers execution I started hastening my plans of the future , my plan was to settle my encounters with the so called bandit leader of this town , witness Rogers execution become a bandit or pirate as destiny saw fit.

"Well, that was Intense!" I panted after completing my daily workout regime ,which could have easily killed a average person.

"Time to get going then" As much as I wanted to get to Logue town faster . I knew I had to save the people of this town and settle matters with the Bandit Leader of Swallow Island. Making my way out of the forest I hummed " Lowlands, lowlands away...." from a popular game I used to play in my previous world , Smiling to myself.

I returned to the the small sea town which as always was bustling with merchants shouting out to there ship workers "Load the goods faster! ,Men" and peasants walked about there buisness with the occasional bounty hunter sitting in the shade and the low thug harassing the innocents as usual. " A peaceful day as always " I said noticing the vivid atmosphere of the town.

"Wonder , If it'll be so calm after I'm done with this towns bandits"

First to gather information , I remembered reviewing my plans As to why the marines or any bounty hunter didn't do the job for me , guess I'd have to find that out myself.

Going in to a shady looking bar ordering my self some drinks. I eavesdropped on the thugs in the settlement.

"I heard , that Boss John is preparing for something big tonight "

"Yes , apparently all his most trusted men were seen loitering at the docks. Theres rumours of a huge shipment of rum and sugar delivering to a Marine base nearby, bet it's what got the boss interested"

"Well , it ain't that easy lad" said a old looking more experienced bandit "It's bound to have attracted others eyes too , not to mention it'll be guarded by at least a captain "

"Thanks for the drink " I said tossing a few coins onto the counter as I left finishing my drink getting what I needed. Making my way to the sea docks , sure enough there was many a shady characters hanging around , a tension so thick you could feel it in the air.

"Now to wait " I muttered excitedly as I pulled up my hood hiding my face passing for a common passerby.

As night dawned, the civilians seemed to thin out as the night life of the town came to life . Loud drunken laughter echoed through the area , while some brawled for what petty reasons I know not of. The occasional clashing of swords followed by the startling gunshot could be heard within the distance , as I watched from a unsuspecting rooftop , while keeping a lookout on the hazy fog covered horizon. OH, How I yearned for a navigator I grumbled.

Few hours into the night . the hazy outline of 3 ships was seen on the horizon as you could make out the faint glowing lamps on the vessels . It was a Brig type cargo vessel flanked on the side my 2 smaller Brigs carrying the Marine Flag .

"BOOM" "BOOM" "BOOM" canonshots echoed as they ploughed into a side of the unaware marine ship alarm bells clanged following the attack as a much smaller but faster vessel appeared out of the hidden fog with a strong shout for battle.

Jumping down from my rooftop. "The actions only starting " I shouted as I plunged down from the docks down to the sea below , kicking the air activating Geppo and Soru as I ran across the sea onto the incoming battle.

By the time, I managed to reach the main Marine Brig the battle had already begun with the pirates boarding the ship.

"DIE , YOU FILTH" a marine sung his word at me , having no choice I jumped back drawing my pistol and firing straight through his head and the pirate fighting behind, killing them in an instant.

"Daamn, guess now that I've killed a marine , might as well kill both pirates and marines alike " I said drawing both my swords and running through both pirates and marine alike , my swords cutting through like a hot knife in butter as blood exploded covering me and screams pierced the foggy night. All these canon fodder, where are the real fighters .

Going forward , I entered the hold of the brig only to be smacked in the face sending me back on deck "Quite strong boy!" a voice challenged as I slumped and skidded through the deck knocking over crates of cargo and men. "ROOAR" I shouted as I lunged forward and hitting him in the face with Rankyaku, to which he barely blocked with his club sliding a few feet back"

"I'm William Bones and I ate the bone bone fruit , and who might you be?"

"Patrick Ivar D. Cocos , pleased to meet you !" I said light my hands on Fire.

"Crescent Firestorm !!" I yelled twirling my swords creating a swirling wall of flames.

"Bone Descent!!" he retaliated bringing his huge Haki clad bone Club over his heading jumping above .

"BOOM" a huge eruption flung both of us aside.

"Pretty Strong Boy"


"Dare you call me old" he charged swinging his club to which I blocked using both my swords as I was sent tumbling backwards. A fist implanted on my stomach just in time as I activated Tekkai . Blood spurted out my mouth and nostrils as I crashed against the mainmast .

"Veil of the Sun" a shroud of flames engulfed Bones and exploded .

He got up with a streak of red flowing freely from his forehead as it dripped down his chin. Steam sizzled off his skin as burnt flakes fell off. Shrugging he charged forward.

"Bone Spears!!" dozens of bone spike materialized from his body as they whizzed towards me impaling the wooden deck and mast as I quickly used Tekkai and Soru to jump above his head as I brought my swords down on his shoulders.

"Twin Burn!!" I roared as I felt the blades digging into his body , despite the coat of Haki and Tekkai.

I jumped back with my hands shaking from the backlash.

Kicking away some fodder pirates , Bones lunged forward smashing his club against my sword and onto my jaw as I once again was sent flying.

Looking around I noticed that 2 of the marines ships had sunk while the pirate vessel was half afloat slowly drowning while only the main brig stayed afloat.

Deciding to end this battle and escape before marine reinforcements I racked my brain for a plan as I crashed breaking through crates and finally hitting against the rail of the ship. Suddenly getting an idea .

Bones charged forward almost blurring, as I brandished my sword waiting for him.

Enraged Bones charged forward swinging his club, barely managing to parry and dodge I used his own momentum as I flipped him backward over my back onto the sea .


I too along with him fell overboard into the seas, while Bones simply drowned I being an half Fishman just lost my devil fruit abilities. Deciding to finish Bones , I grabed his neck giving it a sharp twist which responded by a crack sound I swam away onto the dark waters as Bones sank down to and final resting place...


2 Days Later

I was at an bar having my usual drink while recovering from the recent ordeal , while my injuries had been healed mostly it hurt to do too much moves and I was fine celebrating . Also the incident of Swallow Island was making a headline in the Nort Blue.

Grabbing a newspaper , I read along in silence.


Trouble In The North Blue!!!

A heavily guarded marine escort delivering goods to nearby marine base was attacked at the Swallow Island shore 2 days back . Witnesses report it was an attack planned previously by the local bandit group leader who has been identified as , Splitting Axe Bart the bandit leader who lead this attack was captured by the Captain Strong hand Jim . Captain Jim stated "it was an easy victory despite losing many cargo!!" Although this said a unknown assailant has been witnessed at the scene battling the Marine Captain William Bones and Bones is said to be gone missing and is presumed dead, a total of 300 pirates were captured and another 150 was killed in the incident not to mention marine casualties . 2 brig cessels also had been destroyed in the ensuing chaos providing cover for many pirates to escape the clutches of justice.

New bounties have been issued accordingly, to the identified individuals related to this incident.


My eyes fell on a bounty poster of a smiling purplish haired youth wielding 2 swords while his arms were covered in red flames .

Patrick Ivarr D. Cocos -

The Flaming Blade ~

Dead Or Alive - 35 Million Bellies (will add picture later , if any1 can draw it much appreciated)

"And here I was naive , enough to think I could go to Loguetown a normal man" I muttered cursing myself for my dumbness.


"System Open"

Host System Status:

Name: Patrick Ivar D. Cocos

Title/s : Unfortunate Survivor

Age : 15 years , 7 months (July)

Current Health : Healthy , Slightly Tired and Injured , Healing

Species : Fishman Human

Devil Fruit : Mera Mera No Mi

Mastery : 50/100 (Unawakened)

Skills/Abilities : Enhanced Body , Expert Cooking , Intermediate Stealth, Intermediate Swordsmanship , Intermediate Marksmanship , Beginner Tracking , Advanced Unarmed Combat , Intermediate Poison Resistance(Peak) , Night Vision , Rokushiki (Mastery 45/100) , Novice Navigation

Strength : Grand Line Pirate Lvl 9 (almost 10)

Haki : Tri Colored

Awakened : Observation Haki Novice , Awakened Armament Haki , Conquerors Haki

Inventory : Titanium Alloy Mark I Serrated Trench Knife, Titanium Navy Cutlass , M1 Carbine (modernized) , 21 grade O Wazamono ,Compass , North Blue Map , Small Boat , Bottle of whisky , Bandages, 60,000 Belli ,Notebook ,Telescope

SP : 100 (SP loans paid)


Setting my thoughts aside I left the bar quickly heading to the docks.

Having readied myself for the journey with enough provisions , I get on my little boat as I hum along sea shanty and ride on to the awaiting sea.....


How was the chapter?

I think I'm improving my writing...

What do you say?

Also, how wil patricks pirate life fare on his trip to Logue town since hes got a price on his head now!

PLease feel free to comment out new ideas and any mistakes in grammar or plot.

Thank you , Author.

Thanks for reading!!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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